Albert Wulf was born on August 13, 1890, to Henry and Catherine Thode Wulf on a farm Northeast of Lester, Iowa, in Allison Township. He was the oldest of a family of eleven children. Albert spent his entire life on a farm.
At a young age, he worked as a farm hand for Jake Scholerman and then for August Maurer. He attended Allison #4 public school. He finished the fourth reader.
He married Maria Knobloch on February 14, 1914. Maria was the ninth child born to Wilhelm and Friedrike Knobloch and their first child born in America, on their farm in Cleveland township. She attended school in Cleveland and Logan townships until about the fourth grade. She did house work for her sisters and other people when she wasn’t helping her folks at home.
Albert and his brother Emil rented a farm from the Haegele’s West of Lester, Iowa, in Logan Township. Albert and Maria lived there for three years. Their sons Emil and Wilhelm were born on this place. Then they bought a quarter section of land North of Lester in Larchwood Township. Here they put up a set of farm buildings, except the house and old horse barn. Emma, Jacob, Karoline, Amelia, and Mildred were born to the family on this place. They lived there until in 1926, when Albert decided he needed more land, as the boys were growing up, and they had out grown this farm.
He made a deal on a farm with August Maurer; which was a half section two miles Northwest of the home place, and moved the family there on March 1, 1926. This is the present Lawrence Wulf farm. Leonard, Leah, Lawrence and Marilyn were born on the Maurer farm.
Albert served as school director for their rural school for many years. He also served on different elevator boards, and on Farmer’s Union Livestock Board. He retired from farming in 1955.
Albert suffered with heart trouble a number of years before his sudden death in the clinic at Canton, South Dakota, on July 8, 1960. Maria passed away at Sioux Valley Hospital, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, after a short illness. Albert and Maria are buried at the Apostolic Christian Church Cemetery, near Lester, Iowa.