Adolph Schacht, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Schacht, was born August 14, 1884 on a farm near Wilton Junction, Iowa. The family came to Lyon County in 1901 and farmed for several years. In January, 1908, they moved to Lester. Mr. John Schacht was a janitor in the Lester school for a few years. On March 10, 1915, Adolph Schacht and Ada Brucken were married. They were parents of six children. Adolph Schacht worked as a section laborer on the Great Northern Railroad. He retired in August, 1952. He passed away on July 28, 1957. Mrs. Schacht is still a Lester resident. In fact, she, at 90 years of age, is Lester’s oldest citizen.
Their children, Leora, Mrs. John Mitchell, lives in Sioux Falls; Eugene is deceased; Evelyn Mae, Mrs. Doan King, lives in Garden Grove, California; Alyce, Mrs. Don Welby, lives on a farm near Yankton; Corrine, Mrs. William Van Fossen, lives in Garden Grove, California; and Gerald Schacht lives in Rapid City, South Dakota.