Andy and Freida have lived in Lester in the same house for 35 years, the former Bunte home.
They have three children Randy, Russ (twins) and Jay.
John Mogler, the oldest son of August and Mary Mogler, was born in 1892, on a farm his parents homesteaded. It is one mile west of the Apostolic Cemetery, or the Elizabeth Riebeling farm today.
He was married to Edna Friedinger in January 1916. Edna’s grandfather emmigrated to America from Alsace-Lorraine, France. His daughter married Chris Freidinger and to this union four children were born, Edna being the youngest. Her mother died when she was only two years old; a short time later her father died. Life was hard for many in those early days of the century but for an orphan child it was harder.
Edna and John Mogler farmed in the Lester area and later moved to Morris, Minnesota. In 1932 they came back to the Lester area and lived in Alvord. Later they moved to Lester and spent many fine years living close to some of their children and relatives. It was here that John passed away in 1961. Edna later entered a care center in West Bend where she passed away in 1984.
Their children were: August, Ervin, Leah, Rachel, Nathan, Martha (deceased), Lorene, and Andy.