The August and Martha Feucht Family
August (Gus) was born December 11. 1910 to Carl and Pauline Feucht of rural Lester. He attended Logan Township District #6 school and graduated from the eighth grade in 1924. After completing school, Gus worked at home and on area farms.
In 1929 he worked for Traub’s in West Bend, Iowa. He then moved back to Lester and continued his farming ambition earning $120 for 6 months plus room and board and he also worked six months of the year at the Sioux Falls Stockyards.
In 1932 there was a short crop around Lester, so Gus went to Kansas to pick corn. He picked 5.000 bushels by hand and scooped it into the crib for 1½ cents per bushel.
Gus’ hard-earned money was soon spent on a three month trip with Chuck Moser and John Dietrich to the West. They watched the Rose Parade in California. but did not attend the Rose Bowl because it was much to expensive.
In 1936 Gus farmed with his brother, Ben and after getting no corn crop, he called farming quits and moved to Peoria, Illinois, to work for Caterpillar.
He married Martha Schaer in 1941 at Washington, Illinois. Martha was born March 31, 1921 in Groveland, Illinois.
Their first daughter, Sharon, was born eight months before Gus was called to serve his country on July 28, 1943. He was discharged from the Army on December 19, 1945.
At that time Gus, Martha and family farmed two years in Illinois and then in the spring of 1948 they moved to the farm they purchased southwest of Lester, Iowa.
They farmed there until December 1974, when Gus and Martha moved to Lester. Retirement finds Gus and Martha helping out where they can and traveling together to visit family and friends.