Thursday, August 13, 1925
Local News
Grandma Herstifle left Sunday for Rockwell City.
H.A. Wick was at Sioux Falls on business Monday.
Mrs John Bull and children spent Tuesday at Alvord.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Schultz spent Sunday at Garreston, S.D.
Rose Maurer and Christina Moser were at Rock Rapids Friday
Mrs R. W. Vasey, Robert and Frank spent Friday at Sioux Falls.
The Cemetery Society met at the B. B. Webber home last Thursday.
Mrs. Wm. Bunte and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gisholf spent Friday at Sioux Falls.
Laura Olsen, of Steen, Minn., spent Sunday in the August Maurer home.
Mr. Cantine, of Cherokee, spent Wednesday at the August Maurer home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Priester and family attended the circus at Sioux Falls Friday.
Mrs. Chas. Vickermon and son Floyd were Rock Rapids visitors Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. DeMon and children took in the circus Friday at Sioux Falls.
Paul Nester, Lou Messner and John Messner spent the week end at Winthrop, Minn.
Herman Plahn and Elsie Brant, of Everly, spent Sunday in the Chris Dickman home.
Barbara and Marjorie Hewlett have returned from a week’s visit with relatives at Hull.
Charles and Leslie Young, of Doon, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Young.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hollenbeck returned Tuesday from a months trip in the Black Hills.
Miss Beth Webber returned Saturday from a week's visit with friends at Grettinger, Ia.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weise, of Steen, were Sunday visitors in the Hugo Denker home.
F. Penfold and son Ray, of Adam county, arrived Friday for a visit in the W. L. Bennett home.
Joseph Brucken and daughter, Mrs. Claud Vickerman, and baby were county seat visitors Monday.
C. Gossman arrived Monday from Sioux City.
Mrs. R. Vasey spent Saturday at Sioux Falls.
Mrs. Waldo Bull was a Rock Rapids visitor Wednesday.
John Bruzer transacted business in Rock Rapids Wednesday.
Mrs. Chas. Vickerman and children were Alvord visitors Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wick were Rock Rapids visitors Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hansen were Rock Rapids visitors Wednesday.
Miss Emma Wulf and Mrs. Henry Wulf were Alvord visitors Sunday.
Mrs. Hugo Denker and children were shopping at Rock Rapids Wednesday.
Lydia Mogler, who has been staying at Morris, Minn., arrived home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Chamberlain spent Sunday in the Frank Dell home at Alvord.
Mrs. B C. Hewlett and Mrs. Fred Haegele were county seat visitors Wednesday.
A son was born Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. John Moser, at their home north of Lester.
Fred Johnson, of Elgin, Ill., arrived Saturday for a few days to visit with old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dell, of Alvord, spent Monday in the J. D. Chamberlain home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bull and children spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives at Alvord.
Miss Marie Graham and Mitchell Oebrich, of Hull, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Bull.
Herman Laackman returned home Wednesday from Goodwin, S. D., where he had been visiting.
Sam La Dou, of Beaver Creek, arrived Tuesday for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. LaDou.
Mrs. Earl Gossman received word Tuesday that her father, who lives at Arlington, S. D., was very ill.
Miss Gertie Cunningham left for Worthington, Minn., Saturday for a visit with Miss Viola Grotjohn.
William Tietjen, of Brookings, S. D., spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tietjen.
Mrs. H. Bornholdt and Lena, of Alvord, arrived Monday for a few days visit In the Henry Bornheldt house.