The town of Lester was platted by William Thomas and his wife, Mary, on November 8, 1889. It was located on the Southwest quarter of Section 36, township 100, range 47. The Burlington, Cedar Rapids are Northern Railroad, now the Rock Island Railroad, was built through the territory of Lester in 1887, and the Sioux City and Northern Railroad, now the Great Northern, was built in 1889.
It was evident from the time that these two roads crossed at Lester that this would make a good town and shipping point in connection with the splendid farming country surrounding this railroad junction. In 1889, J.A. Hastings erected a building on the South side of the track and opened a store with hardware supplies, drugs, and sundries. Hastings was appointed postmaster and part of his store was used as the post office. After this, the town was known by the name of Hastings for several years.