The Edward Bouwman Post
Following W.W. II a group of returning servicemen and W.W. I vets, currently members of other Legion Posts, held a social evening at the Magnolia Steak House. It was agreed on that Lester could and should form a chartered Legion Post at Lester.
On the 25th of February, 1946 the organizational meeting was held in Lester to apply for a charter. Should the family agree, it was to be named the Edward Bouwman Post in honor of Edward Bouwman who gave his life in W.W. II.
On the 11th of March, 1946 the first meeting was held. Charter members total for the year of 1946 was 43 members.
In April of 1946, the members of the Legion decided to ask for permission to organize the Auxiliary. Permission was granted and the Ninth District president from Sheldon, Iowa helped with organization. The new Post purchased their flags which cost $143.09. The post sent Eugene Schnepf as the first representative to Boy’s State.
In keeping with the purpose of community survey, the Post agreed to support construction of a lighted ball diamond. Some of the members assisted in coaching the young boys.
The Post purchased guns and ammunition, along with their flags in preparation for the first Memorial Day service which was held in 1946. Memorial Day services have been held every year since. Each year there were refinements in the services, the most recent is the avenue of flags.
When the charter arrived in November the Reverend Grote was asked to print the names, as he was an excellent calligrapher.
The project for December of 1946 was to purchase a Christmas tree for the main street and decorate with lights.
Edward Bouwman Post members are proud of their organization and its accomplishments through the years.
Fred L. Rank Ernest Knobloch Melvin R. Grotewold Russel Fredrickson Melvin L. Carlson William Lauck Louis W. Moser Frederick C. Wenzel Richard E. Den Hartog Nick Van Ipern Charles M. Gage Jr. Albert Knobloch Ervin E. Graham Donald Dell Don E. Graham Eli B. Metzger Loren W. Graham James Martins Lawrence Van Berkum Jacob Wulf Clarence Rippentrop Leslie Hollenbeck Walter Rippentrop Joe Doorneweerd Adolph Moser Fred Huber J.D. Chamberlain Jacob Meisner Ralph Selken Wilhelm Meyer Harley Selken Gilbert Elbers Jr. Thomas Bouwman Alvin Leuthold Chris Boom Jr. Melvin Claussen Floyd Cunningham Marvin Smith Jr. Hazel Rank Carl Campbell Hugo Denker Carl Knobloch George Marnette