Listed by
year, then by surname.
The best way to search for a particular name is to click your
keyboard keys CTRL F at the same time. a box will open for you to type in the name.
Ambrosy, Peter |
Applegate, Charles |
Bartels, Edward |
Black, Edwin |
Bowman, Earl |
Bradley, Harry |
Bramer, August |
Brinker, Adela |
Brinker, William |
Brooks, Maude |
Brown, George |
Buck, Louis |
Burkey, Orville |
Busch, John |
Camp, Ira |
Cerney, Theresa |
Clark, Olive |
Cleary, Edward |
Conley, Ray |
Cook, Kenneth |
Cornelius, Maggie J. |
Dagitz, Minnie |
Dague, Tom |
Danks, Mildred S |
Decook, Thomas |
Deppe, William |
Dodds, John |
Dohlin, Harry |
or retired railroad workers |
Dutton, Lucy |
Eaton, Clarence |
Ebersole, Frank |
Efferding, Rebecca |
Eganhouse, Albert |
Elsner, Louis |
Engel, Arthur |
Felderman, Sarah |
Freeman, Robert |
or retired railroad workers |
Fulscher, Earl |
Grager, Katheryn |
Graves, Harold |
Griebel, Floyd |
Griebel, Henry |
Hart, Elizabeth |
Heath, Lawrence |
Hermes, Paul |
Herrig, Anton |
Hertensen, Pete |
Hinke, Floyd |
Houselog, John |
Hovey, Walter |
Hute, Roy |
Jacobs, Carl |
Jacobsen, Jean |
Johnson, Ernest |
Joiner, Mary |
Keister, Arthur |
Kilburg, John |
Kilburg, Nick |
Koos, Peter |
Kuhl, Mary |
Kuhl, Meta |
Laffey, Mae |
Lange, Carl |
Littell, Myron |
Lowder, Dollie |
Luett, Emil |
Majerus, Elizabeth |
Manderscheid, Alma |
Markwell, Anna |
Marousis, Mary |
McDermott, Howard |
McDougall, Arthur |
McKinney, George |
McLaughlin, Clarence |
Meier, John |
Meyers, Herman |
Miller, George |
Miller, George |
Miller, Harry |
Miller, Nellie |
Miller, William |
Miller, William |
Mohr, Arthur |
Mohr, Ella |
Niblock, Earl |
Papke, Lester |
Parkhouse, Ralph |
Paup, Hattie |
Pell, Cora |
Petesch, Edwin |
Powers, Mae |
Prusia, Lena |
Ralston, Margaret |
Ranzenberger, Ida C. |
Remakel, Anthony |
Rieck, Raymond |
Robinson, Helen |
Ross, Ferdinand |
Ryan, J. |
Sadler, Hattie |
Sagers, Marie |
Sanner, H. |
Schekel, Philip |
Schipper, Anna |
Schmidt, John |
Schmidt, Milton |
Schroeder, Emma |
Schroeder, Marion |
Schumann, Anold |
Schwirtz, Helen |
Selzer, Louise |
Sheehy, Oliver |
Sherwood, Aaron |
Snyder, Carrie |
Steines, Edward |
Steines, Peter |
Stowers, Irma |
Strane, Loretta B. |
Streets, Emma |
Streets, Hattie |
Streets, Webster |
Streff, Frank |
Sullivan, Francis |
Taplin, George |
Tebben, Arthur |
Tillis, Elsie |
Veit, Leota |
Vohringer, Chris |
Wagoner, Millicent |
Walker, Edwin |
Weets, Charles |
Weets, Louisa |
Welch, Herman |
Wells, Claude |
Winter, Bernard |
Womachka, Edwin |
Woods, Gertrude |
Wurster, Albert |
Yarolem, Stanley |
Zengle, Delbert |
1972 | ||||
Agnitsch, Margaret |
Asmussen, Otto |
Bahr, Fred |
Bartels, Will |
Bartlett, Gilbert |
Batcheller, Lillian |
Bees, Edward |
Beidler, Will |
Bloore, Mabel |
Blunt, Arthur |
Bodenhofer, Roy |
Brady, John |
Brady, Joseph |
Brandfas, Emmett |
Brinker, Howard |
Broderius, John |
Brown, Josephine |
Busch, Henry |
Carty, Glenn |
Cassaday, Simon |
Clapp, Magdalena |
Clark, Charles |
or retired railroad workers |
Collister, Edward |
Cornelius, Fred |
Cramer, Avery |
Crawford, Nellie |
Davison, Harry |
Dempewolf, Frank |
Dietz, Anna |
Dolphin, Dora |
Dolphin, George |
Dyas, Harold |
Edwards, Elmer |
Ehlers, Hans |
Elkins, Mabel M |
Farnsworth, Leroy |
Felderman, Benjamin |
Fey, Harry |
Fischer, Willie |
Fleming, Mary |
Florence, Walter |
Francois, George |
Francois, Sylvester |
Gabel, Lula |
Gartman, Doris |
Gaylor, Elmer |
Geronzin, Marshall |
Gieseman, Marie |
Gisel, Helen |
Gockel, Celestine |
Goffinet, Theodore |
Grossman, George |
Hachmann, John |
Hansen, Agnes |
Hansen, John |
Hawkins, Alfred |
Hayes, Julia |
Heagele, Lydia |
Heide, Lloyd |
Heister, Charles |
Hendricks, Harry |
Herrig, Lena |
Hickson, Frank |
Hintgen, Mike |
Holst, Fred |
Holtz, William |
Homan, Catherine |
Horan, Daniel F |
Householder, Will |
Hoyer, Albert |
Hueneke, Dietrich |
Jargo, Harry |
Jensen, Elizabeth |
Johnson, Angeline |
Katsaros, Chris |
Kauffman, Roy |
Kettman, John |
Kilburg, Rose |
Klemme, Harry |
Koch, Dwight |
Kokemuller, Louie |
Kolker, Lavita |
Koontz, Sylvia |
Koppes, Clarence |
Koos, Leroy |
Kremer, Vincent |
Kubert, Mayme |
Kueter, Herman |
Lampe, William |
Logan, Elmer |
Lund, Arlo |
Mangold, Louis |
Mann, Mildred |
Malone, Daniel |
Mayberry, Howard |
McCard, Wylie |
McDermott, Louisa |
Merrick, Alma |
Monner, Wilfred |
Morehead, Clarence |
Morehead, Frances |
Morehead, Ray |
Mussman, John |
Nemmers, Theresa |
Nieland, Anna |
Ohlsen, Bertha M |
Olson, Mary |
Penrose, Ida |
Peterman, Walter |
Plamveck, Fred |
Pogeman, Laura |
Reeg, Elda |
Regenwether, Sylvester |
Reiss, Reinhart |
Reyner, Jennie |
Richman, George |
Rickertsen, Arlo |
Roseland, Ruby |
Royer, Frank |
Rutenbeck, Albert |
Schaefer, Cynthia |
Schmadeke, Fred |
Schmink, George |
Schnoor, Daisy |
Schnoor, Martha |
Scholtes, Frank |
Schroeder, August |
Schurbon, Herman |
Smith, Ruthie |
Staags, Marjorie |
Stickney, Herschel |
Streuser, Clara |
Taylor, Meta |
Tebbe, Joseph |
Teramae, Ito |
Till, Hilda |
Tomlinson, Emma |
Trenkamp, Henry |
Ultsch, Henry |
Ward, Gabriel |
Weber, Pauline |
Wellendorf, Edward |
Westphal, Arthur |
Wirth, Raymond |
Wright, John |
Wulff, Helen |
Yarolem, Charles |
Zismer, Jessie | 13 May 1885 | Sep 1972 | Maquoketa | Iowa |