Editorial Review



This, one of the principal houses of Maquoketa, was established in 1863 by Mr. Field, and owing to the untiring energy and perseverance characteristic of the canny Scotchman, they have achieved a prominent position among our influential business men. They are proprietors of a first-class bakery and restaurant on Main street, and Centennial Hall above, erected by them in 1876. The Hall is admirably arranged for performances of any kind, has a stage 25x40, 145 raised seats, two dressing rooms, and seating capacity for over 500 people. They are well entitled to the respect of all who know them, as one of the solid and substantial firms of the prosperous city of Maquoketa.


Are proprietors of the Eagle Woolen Mills and manufacturers of cassimeres, flannels, satinets, jeans and yarns. They employ about fifteen hands, have 2 set of cards, 480 spindles and manufacture annually goods to the value of about $ 60,000. As an evidence of the worth and popularity of their woolen wares, it is only necessary to allude to the fact that wherever exhibited, have taken first premium for blankets, flannels, and the best general display of woolen goods, and we cannot speak too highly of the enterprising and business qualities of this firm .


The above gentlemen, established in 1863, are one of the leading firms in the dry goods line in Maquoketa. They occupy a large spacious store room on Main street, employ several clerks, and their stock embraces the choicest and most elegant assortment of staple and fancy dry goods, ladies and children's shoes, gents' furnishing goods, etc. Personally these gentlemen stand high with the trade, and others with whom they have dealings. Ever courteous and genial, acquaintances formed with them are remembered with pleasure. As business men of honor and integrity they enjoy the respect of their fellow citizens, and the good will of dwellers in other cities. Their business dealings have ever been marked with fairness and a liberal policy throughout ; and followed to its legitimate conclusion, there remains the assurance of many prosperous years, an increase of wealth, and the continued confidence of their business associates.


Mr. Hamley, the subject of this sketch, is a gentleman who by his honorable conduct and fair dealing has earned a welldeserved popularity. His store, located at No. 4 Exchange Block, is one of the largest in the city, and he does an exclusively Grocery and Crockery trade. He has lately inaugurated a new system of credit with customers which meets with general favor. His long practical experience in the business, having served twelve years as a clerk in one store and been established over four years, qualifies him thoroughly to take advantage of all the changes and fluctuations of trade and give his customers the benefit of " Small Profits and Quick Returns. "


This gentleman came to Maquoketa in the year 1857. Was established in business in 1865 as a junior partner of the firm of Willey, Murphy & Stephens. In 1868 Mr. Stephens assumed entire control of the house, and it has been conducted successfully since until it has reached its present large proportions. In the Spring of 1876, Mr. S. was elected to the honorable position of Mayor of Maquoketa, and has served two terms to the satisfaction of the general public. He is also a member of the School Board. He is owner of Stephens' Stone Block, southwest corner Main and Platt streets, which is one of the most substantial structures in the city, built entirely of stone at a cost of about six thousand dollars. In 1873 Mr. Stephens laid out an addition to the city lying on the south side of the city near the railroad.


In the line of Boots and Shoes no house in the county wields more influence in this branch of business than that of Mr. Cannell, whose stock is the largest and of the best quality situated on the east side of Main street. Mr. Cannell is essentially a self-made man and an honored member of the community. His business has been established for twenty-eight years. He is President of the Jackson County Agricultural Society.


This house was established in 1867 by Mr. Wilson Barnes, who conducted the business until 1870, when Mr. Jos. Barnes became associated with him . Being both practical and energetic men, their business in spite of the hard times has gradually increased, until now it ranks with the leading manufacturing establishments of the State. Their fine Machine Works, Warerooms and Foundry, a view of which we present in this work, were erected at a cost of about $9,000, and are fitted out with machinery of the latest and most approved design.


Mr. Sanborn, the subject of this sketch, is a living exponent of what energy and perseverance, when rightly directed, will accomplish. His store is the best finished and handsomest room in this section of the country, with two fronts, one on Main street of 24 by 80 feet deep, and the other on Pleasant street of 22 feet. He is fair dealing and straight-forward in all his transactions, and we think all who may favor him with their patronage will be satisfied.


One of the oldest and most honored of the citizens of Maquoketa is Dr. Martin, who has been a resident of the county in the practice of medicine since 1848. In 1864 he opened a drug store in Maquoketa and engaged in the manufacture of some standard medicinal preparations, one of which has secured a national reputation. We allude to " Dr. Martin's Tonic and Blood Purifier. " He also manufactures other proprietary articles of known worth and excellence, such as " Dr. Martin's Cough Cure, " " Dr. Martin's Compound Cathartic Pills, " and "Dr. Martin's Hog Medicine. "


Among the most respected citizens of Maquoketa is Mr. H. B. French, of the above firm, who with his son are engaged in the sale of Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments generally. Their elegant warerooms are located in the Opera House. They are special agents for the Mathushek Piano. Have been established over five years, and many of our households are gladdened with the strains of sweet music produced from the beautiful instruments purchased from this popular house.


In 1871 Mr. Hurst, who had for many years been engaged in the manufacture of Lime, visited Maquoketa, and becoming convinced that the stone here found was of the very best description for his purpose, established the Sand Ridge Draw Kilns, situated about one and three-fourth miles north of the city, where he has since been engaged in the manufacture of a very superior article of Pure White Lime. Mr. Hurst is one of those active, go-ahead men who are sure to succeed in whatever enterprise they undertake. He has built a splendid road to Maquoketa, and intends loading cars direct at his kilns. He also owns 240 acres of land of excellent quality adjoining his kilns. The lime which Mr. Hurst manufactures has become celebrated for its admitted excellence of quality, and we advise those who intend to build and others to consult the endorsement exhibited in his advertisement in this work.


The above named gentleman is a wholesale dealer in Butter, Eggs, Poultry and General Produce, which he ships east in large quantities. Farmers speak highly of him for his liberal and prompt dealings with them.


This house was first established by Mr. Trout in 1859. In 1863 Mr. Munger became a partner, and the business has been conducted successfully under the above style since that time. They are located on Main street, near the corner of Platt, in a brick building erected by themselves in 1872-3, with a frontage on Main street of 14 feet and 90 feet deep to an L extending to Platt street 43 feet, with a front of 24 feet. The basement is used as a store room for extra stock, which embraces a general assortment of stoves, tin, and shelf hardware.


In the year 1850, when Maquoketa had but two small stores, Mr. S. Williams came here and has been a resident ever since, was engaged in mercantile business for many years, and is proprietor of the Oakland Mills. His reputation as a business man stands high wherever known, and fair dealing and strict integrity has marked all his intercourse with his fellow- citizens. Mr. Williams' Flour and Feed Store on Main street is one of the largest in the city.


Are proprietors of No. 13 Excelsior Block, and dealers in Groceries and Provisions, also manufacturers of all kinds of Fur Goods. Mr. Sears, Sr., is one of the earliest settlers in Maquoketa, opened his present establishment in 1863, and 1st of January, 1877, took Mr. Sendol Sears, his son, into partnership.


Mr. John Dostol erected his Brewery in 1865, and has since made continual improvements and appliances for the manufacture of Lager Beer. His partner, Mr. Hoffman, was admitted into the business in 1866, and they now have a very large trade, manufacturing annually over sixteen hundred barrels.


Over twelve years past Mr. Young started in business as a Carriage Manufacturer, and is noted for the fine and substantial work he turns out. He employs five hands, all practical mechanics, and to all who require anything in his line we especially recommend them to consult his advertisement in this work and give him a call.


The New York Store on Main street opened by Mr. Rice in 1874, is one of the handsomest arranged establishments in the west with a very large and well selected stock of dry goods, ladies furnishing goods and millinery. Mr. Rice's estimable lady, Mrs. Rice, superintends the millinery department, and with an efficient corps of assistants will always be found on hand to show customers the new and desirable fabrics constantly arriving at this mammoth Fashion Emporium.


Mr. Fellows is the pioneer of the drug business in this section of country, having been established as early as 1853. His store, on the west side of Main street, midway between Platt and Pleasant, will be found to contain a choice assortment of drugs, medicines, paints, oils, toilet and fancy articles, lamps and chimneys, as well as school books, stationery and Yankee notions.


In 1866 Mr. Steear opened a small store for the manufacture and sale of boots and shoes . His invariable rule has been to make the best goods possible at the lowest rates consistent with a living profit. He carries on an exclusive boot and shoe business, and by constant attention to his trade has secured a well earned popularity. He has carried off first premium at the Jackson County Fair for boots and shoes of his own manufacture.


The above gentleman carries on the oldest established clothing house in Maquoketa and has one of the largest stocks in the county. Mr. C. is a practical tailor and cutter of experience, and customers who prefer having their garments made to order, can always rely on having them made in the most fashionable manner.


To produce the " counterfeit presentment of the human face divine” in an artistic manner is only to be executed by the true artist. Mr. Nott has the finest photograph gallery in Maquoketa, situated south of Pleasant on Main street, with all the latest appliances for taking pictures in the best manner. Several of the views in this work are engraved from photographs taken by Mr. Nott.


In 1857, the above gentlemen purchased from Stinson & Wilson their entire interest at Pin Oak, one and one-half miles west of Maquoketa. In 1867 they erected a large woolen mill, which has a capacity of manufacturing about 150 yds. per day. They are also proprietors of a grist mill which has two run of stone. For some years they ran a saw mill, but have lately changed it to a broom-handle factory. During 1876 ' they commenced quarrying stone to be manufactured into lime, which being of a superior quality has become widely known. All the lime required in the construction of the monster depot at Council Bluffs came from this firm .


The science of dentistry has made wonderful strides during the last few years. One of the most accomplished gentlemen in that profession is the above, whose dental parlors located at the north-east corner of Main and Platt streets, are supplied with all improvements for use in operations, and for the preservation of the teeth.


Are proprietors of the City Book Store in Centennial Block on Main street, and are dealers in variety goods of all kinds, books, stationery, periodicals, newspapers, fancy goods, toys, musical instruments, guns, revolvers, pianos, organs. They have been established in business since 1866, and have secured the confidence and patronage of the public generally.


Are proprietors of a meat market on West Platt street, and have the custom and patronage of the leading citizens, as they keep nothing but the very best quality of beef. We understand these gentlemen have lately bought a lot on Main street between Platt and Pleasant, and intend erecting a large shop for their use. We wish them success in their new departure. They have been in business seven years.


The Pennsylvania House on West Platt street is a good comfortable house, and is extensively patronized by the farmers of the surrounding country. He sets a good table and does everything to promote the wants and comfort of his numerous patrons. He has a good stable and large yard in connection with his house.


Fine chronometers and watches require great care and skillful work in repairing. Mr. Blair was for several years in an establishment where none but the most skillful employees were retained, and thus acquired that practical knowledge which enables him to attend to intricate movements and repair generally work which cannot be done elsewhere. He also makes a specialty of executing fine stone cameo portraits, and is located at A. Fellows & Co.'s drug store on Main street.

There are many other mercantile houses which deserve mention for the character and variety of their wares, but space forbids but a short notice.

G. W. BARRETT who has lately opened on the east side of Main street with a full line of watches, jewelry, clocks , etc.

MOTT WATSON, Esq. , an honored and respected citizen of twenty years residence in this city.

D. P. SMITH the genial and popular proprietor of the Decker House.

DR. H. B. GRIFFIN a well known physician and surgeon of long standing and extensive practice.

DALZELL & CALVERWELL wholesale and retail coal and lime dealers are among the most extensive business houses.

G. F. BRADLEY, one of the principal lumber dealers.

Among the more prominent and thoroughly reliable legal gentlemen practicing in this city may be mentioned D. A. Fletcher ; Amos & Fuller ; C. M. Dunbar ; A. J. House, late County Auditor ; S. D. Lyman & Son ; Levi Keck ; J. T. Wilbur and F. W. Fort, City Solicitor.

P. N. KIMBALL has just opened and entirely refurnished and refitted the old Miller House, and re-christened it the Kimball House.