The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Donald Samuel                 Cable                       m 1943 2011 67  JT     Dixie Lee                Hilderbrand               1964 Sam                          Cable            Marie                       Bauer
Samuel Sylvester              Cable                       m 1907 1976 69  x      Marie                    Bauer                     1927 Norman                       Cable            Millie
Samuel Sylvester              Cable                       m 1907 1976 69  x      Violet                   Thurman                   1968 Norman                       Cable            Millie
Effie C                       Cabler                      f 1886 1975 89  x      Jesse                    Craven                    1907 Charles                      Craven           Lois Ann                    Stansbury
George Patrick                Cadden                      m 1969 2014 45  x      Judy                     Thomae                    2002 Raymond                      Cadden           Margaret                    Fuerst
Laura                         Cadwallader                 f 1844 1923 79  x      Josephus                 Crenshaw                  1862
Laura                         Cadwallader                 f 1844 1923 79  x      James W                  Frank                     1890
Fidella                       Caferty                     f 1881 1881 0   x                                                         0    John                         Cafferty         Martha                      Martha
Mary Catena                   Caffarelli                  f 1924 2000 75  x      George                   Grothman                  1954 James                        Caffarelli       Catena                      unknown           born in Italy
David N                       Cafferty                    m 1841 1911 70  x
Fidella                       Cafferty                    f      1881 inf x                                                         0    John S                       Cafferty         Martha J
Hannah                        Cafferty                    f 1843 1919 76  x      Robert                   Lockard                   1859 John                         Searles (foster)
Hannah                        Cafferty                    f 1843 1919 76  x      Lorenz                   Misbach                   1865 John                         Searles (foster)
Luna Irene                    Cafferty                    f 1871 1939 67  x                                                         0    David                        Cafferty
Merritt Burdett               Cafferty                    m 1877 1967 89  x      Mary Jane                Anthony                   1913 John                         Cafferty         Martha
Milo F                        Cafferty                    m 1861 1945 84  x      Mary Elizabeth           Beilstein                 1885 John S                       Cafferty         Martha J
Candice E                     Cagwin                      f 1838 1909 70  x      John                     Marcellus                 1877
Daniel J 'Dan'                Cahill                      m 1866 1937 71  x      Nellie                   Hogan                     1905 Morris                       Cahill           Mary                        Flaherty
Edward P                      Cahill                      m 1892 1972 80  x      Mary Alice "Mae'         Enright                   1914 James                        Cahill           Mary                        McGrory
Helen                         Cahill                      f 1915 1979 64  x      John                     DeSutter                  1941 Edward P                     Cahill           Mary Alice "Mae'            Enright
James                         Cahill                      m 1860 1954 94  x      Mary                     McGrory                   1886
John Joseph                   Cahill                      m 1902 1983 81  x      Hazel M                  Wentland                  1944 James                        Cahill           Mary                        McGrory
Margaret Jean                 Cahill                      f 1916 1994 77  x      Francis M                Hood                      1942 Edward P                     Cahill           Mary Alice "Mae'            Enright
Mary Catherine 'Kay'          Cahill                      f      2002 81  x      Edgar                    Kersenbrock               ??   Edward P                     Cahill           Mary Alice "Mae'            Enright
Raymond Francis               Cahill                      m 1940 1941 9m  x                                                         0    William A                    Cahill           Wilma                       Jones
William A                     Cahill                      m 1904 1954 49  x      Wilma                    Jones                     1934 James                        Cahill           Mary                        McGrory
William David 'Tuck'          Cahill                      m 1935 2007 71  x      Peg                      McNertney                 1957 William A                    Cahill           Wilma                       Jones
(infant twin son)             Cain                        m 1892 1893 6m  x                                                         0    John                         Cain
Anna R                        Cain                        f 1893 1988 95         John                     Weldon                    1921 John B                       Cain             Margaret                    Doyle
Francis Leonard               Cain                        m 1904 1924 24  x                                                         0    Francis H                    Cain             Ellen J                     Delaney
John Francis                  Cain                        m 1901 1970 69  x                                                         0    Francis                      Cain             Ella                        Delaney
Joseph Donald                 Cain                        m 1906 1984 77  x                                                         0    Francis                      Cain             Ella                        Delaney
Leo William                   Cain                        m 1903 1964 60  x      Thalia                   Clark                     1942 John B                       Cain             Margaret                    Doyle
Leona                         Cain                        f 1908 1986 78  x      Dick                     Ammon                          John B                       Cain             Margaret                    Doyle
Mary                          Cain                        f 1905 1990 85  x      John P.                  Hogan                     1927 John B.                      Cain             Margaret                    Doyle

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Mary Edwin Sister             Cain                        f 1892 1978 85  x                                                         0    John                         Cain             Margareta                   Doyle
Sidney                        Cain/Kain                   f      1890 29  x      John Richard             Hazard                    1887
Damon T                       Caldwell                    m 1910 1991 81  x      Elizabeth D              Simmons                   1951 Posey                        Caldwell         Mary                        Goff
Harold                        Caldwell                    m 1915 1978 62         Pauline M                Husted                    1942
Gertrude                      Calef                       f 1881 1898 88  x      John William 'Bill'      Harris                    1935 James P.                     Calef            American                    Blake
Gertrude                      Calef                       f 1881 1898 88  x      Robert H                 Reed                      1898 James P.                     Calef            American                    Blake
James                         Calef                       m 1823 1917 93  x      America                  Blake                     1875
Barbara Marie                 Calhoon                     f 1941 2014 72  x      Donald                   Toryney                   1963 Ezra Smith                   Calhoon          Besse Lorena                Beard
Ezra Smith 'Cal'              Calhoun                     m               x
Robert H                      Calihan                     m 1915 1990 74  x      Marie                    Weinmann                  1941 Harry                        Calihan          Elizabeth                   Grondona
David G                       Callahan                    m 1864 1915 50  x                                                              Patrick                      Callahan         Margaret
Ellen Catherine 'Nell'        Callahan                    f 1860 1964 86  x                                                         0    Patrick                      Callahan         Margaret
Frances Louise 'Bobo'         Callahan                    f 1916 1993 77  x                               Bogle                     ??   William                      Callahan         Julia May                   Preston
James Michel                  Callahan                    m 1903 1976 72  x      Gertrude M               Kempf                     1930 John                         Callahan         Emma                        Neidinger
John                          Callahan                    m 1856 1935 79  x                                                         0    Patrick                      Callahan         Margaret
Mary                          Callahan                    f 1872 1948 76  x                                                         0    Patrick                      Callahan         Margaret
William F                     Callahan                    m 1867 1934 67  x      Emma                     Delaney                   1896 Patrick                      Callahan         Margaret
Anna                          Callan                      f 1880 1962 80  x      James                    McNulty                   ??   Michael                      Callan           Anne                        Barry
Dennis                        Callan                      m 1826 1891 64  x                                                         0
Dennis L                      Callan                      m 1887 1967 80  x      Ann                      Murrin                    1911 Michael                      Callan           Ann                         Barry
Dennis L                      Callan                      m 1887 1967 80  x      Caroline                 Hofer                     1917 Michael                      Callan           Ann                         Barry
Kathryn B                     Callan                      f 1885 1969 84  x      George                   Lower                     1912 Michael                      Callan           Anna                        Berry
M Dorothy                     Callan                      f 1915 1989 73  x                               Cash                           Joseph Patrick               Callan           Margaret                    Hinck
Martie                        Callan                      m      1896 2   x                                                         0    M                            Callan
Mayme                         Callan                      f      1971 79  x      Orlo L                   Creswell                       Michael                      Callan           Mary Ann                    Tiernan
Michael, Sr                   Callan                      m 1833 1907 73  x      Catherine                Shannahan                 1858                                                                                             Catherine died in 1877
Michael, Sr                   Callan                      m 1833 1907 73  x      Anna                     McBride                   1878
Michael James                 Callan                      m 1887 1950 63  x      Betty M                                            ??   Michael J.                   Callan           Mary Ann                    Tiernan
Marie Louise                  Caluwart                    f 1880 1969     x      Camiel                   DeHooge                        Caluwart                     Palegea
Dorothy Louise                Calvert                     f 1918 1991 72  x                                                         0    Harry Ellsworth              Calvert          Anna L                      Dietze
Frank J 'Tom'                 Calvert                     m 1893 1983 90  x      Iva                      Wyant                     1916 Oliver                       Calvert          Lillian                     Adams
Fred James                    Calvert                     m 1902 1984 82  x                                                         0    Oliver                       Calvert          Lillian                     Adams
George W                      Calvert                     m 1904 1982 78  x                                                         0    Oliver                       Calvert          Lillian                     Adams
Harold Owen                   Calvert                     m 1917 1990 73  x      Ava                      Seaton                    1941 Frank 'Tom'                  Calvert          Iva                         Wyant
Harry Elsworth                Calvert                     m 1892 1977 84  x      Anna Lena                Dietz                     1917 Oliver                       Calvert          Lillian                     Adams
Leslie Wyant                  Calvert                     m 1922 1996 74  x      Margaret                 Seaton                    1944 Frank 'Tom'                  Calvert          Iva                         Wyant
Lillie Belle                  Calvert                     f 1908 1980 72  x                               Ebel                      1927 Oliver Dudley                Calvert          Lillian Fanny               Adams
Lillie Belle                  Calvert                     f 1908 1980 72  x      Louis Charles            Ebel                      1928 Oliver Dudley                Calvert          Lillian Fanny               Adams
Marvin R                      Calvert                     m 1925 1988 62  x                                                              Robert H                     Calvert          Amelia A
Mary Orpha                    Calvert                     f 1901 1977 76  x      Edward August            Dietrich                  1920 Oliver                       Calvert          Lillian                     Adams
Nellie Margaret               Calvert                     f 1886 1968 82  x      Elmor Ellsworth          Miller                    1908 John Wesley                  Calvert          Rebecca
Oliver John                   Calvert                     m 1922 2000 78  x      Helen R                  Secor                     1947 Robert Hy                    Calvert          Almelia Anna                Neiestaedt
Robert Henry                  Calvert                     m 1895 1964 69  x      Amelia A                 Niestedt                  1928 Oliver D                     Calvert          Lillian                     Adams
Theodore R                    Calvert                     m 1905 1990 84  x      Lorine
Virginia G                    Calvert                     f 1915 2002 87  x      Wayne C                  Calvert
Charles Burton                Calvin                      m 1884 1966 82  x      Mary Agnes               Faas                      1909 John W                       Calvin           Rebecca                     Yoss
Ella Jane                     Calvin                      f 1858 1931 73  x      Eugene                   Doughty                   1880
Harold F                      Calvin                      m 1920 2007 87  x      Gertrude                 Fishel                    1938 Frank                        Calvin           Eva Mae                     Frye
John Franklin 'Frank'         Calvin                      m 1880 1967 87  x      Eva                      Fry                       1902 John Wesley                  Calvin           Rebecca                     Yoss
John Franklin 'Frank'         Calvin                      m 1880 1967 87  x      Mattie                   Lutton                    1925 John Wesley                  Calvin           Rebecca                     Yoss

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
John Wesley                   Calvin                      m 1858 1938 80  x      Rebecca Ann              Yoss                      1878 Hiram                        Calvin           Marguerite                  Dia
Laurence L 'Larry'            Calvin                      m 1924 1996 72  x      Kathleen JoAnne          Gardner                   1957 Charles Burton               Calvin           Mary Agnes                  Faas
Myrna                         Calvin                      f 1913 1994 81  x      John                     McHale                    1947 Charles Burton               Calvin           Mary Agnes                  Faas
Ruth Irene                    Calvin                      f 1904 1991 87  x      John Josiah              Maule                     1923 Frank                        Calvin           Eva                         Fry
Ruth Irene                    Calvin                      f 1904 1991 87  x      Lakin G 'Lake'           Edens                     1947 Frank                        Calvin           Eva                         Fry
Wayne F                       Calvin                      m 1906 1994 88  x      Dorothy Dean             Morrison                  1925 J.F.                         Calvin           Eva Mae                     Fry
Francis 'Frank' Edward, Rev   Camann                      m 1932 2005 73  x      Doris                    Schmidt                   ??   Albert A. O.                 Camann           Emma Mathilda               Baars
Ann Jane                      Cameron                     f 1868 1944 75  x      Hugh                     McIlrath                  1905                                                                                             born in Ireland
Daisy Grace                   Cameron                     f 2002 2006 4   x                                                         0    Larry                        Cameron          Stacie                      Sanders
Kenneth Jr                    Cameron                     m 1945 2006 61  x      Patricia                 White                     1964 Kenneth L                    Cameron          Mary                        Silvers
William                       Cameron                     m 1826 1910 84  x                                                                                                                                                          born in Scotland
(infant son)                  Campbell                    m 1892 1893 1   x                                                         0    William H
Alexander                     Campbell                    m      1872     x
Avis C.                       Campbell                    f 1904 1976 71  x      Leonard L.               Hinkle                    1924 William                      Campbell
Cameron Kenneth               Campbell                    m 1956 2013 57  x      Katy                                               ??   Lloyd Kenneth                Campbell         Mary Jane                   Graham
Claude Brenton                Campbell                    m 1905 1965 59  x                                                         0    A J                          Campbell         Cordellia
Daniel                        Campbell                    m      1897            Jean                     McAdams
Elias C                       Campbell                    m 1844 1922 77  x      Addie                    Benningham                1888
Joseph                        Campbell                    m 1825 1907 82  x      Matilda                  Ireland
Keith Eugene                  Campbell                    m 1958 1998 40  x                                                         0    Lloyd Kenneth                Campbell         Mary Jane                   Graham
Lloyd Kenneth                 Campbell                    m 1916 1996 80  x      Mary Jane                Graham                    1955 Lloyd Orval                  Campbell         Iva                         Pope
Lloyd Orval                   Campbell                    m 1892 1973 80  x      Iva Lorene               Pope                      1914 Andrew Jackson               Campbell         Cordelia                    King
Lois Marie                    Campbell                    f 1924 2010 85  x      Wayne Rumple 'John'      DeDecker                  1946 Jesse Barrett                Campbell         Maude Marie                 Doughty
Mabel Cecilia                 Campbell                    f 1907 1976 69  x      Arthur Raymond           Fleming                   1927 John                         Campbell         Anne                        McKiethan
Mary Elizabeth                Campbell                    f 1850 1905 55  x      John Marcellus           Hawkins                   1868
Mitchell Franklin             Campbell                    m 1929 2013 84  x      Emma Mae                 Sturtz                    1957 James E                      Campbell         Alta                        Baker
Myra                          Campbell                    f 1869 1944 74  x      George A.                Humphreys                 1887
Nan                           Campbell                    f 1875 1924 48  x      Bentley B                Brown                     1896 Joseph                       Campbell
Nathan James                  Campbell                    m 1986 1986 3d  x                                                         0    Dale Wayne                   Campbell
Nora                          Campbell                    f 1904 1979 75  x                                                         0    Charles Lester               Campbell         Ruth                        Young
Phyllis Elaine                Campbell                    f 1918 2009 90  x      Ashby Bright             Livesay                   1937 Lloyd                        Campbell         Iva
Roger D                       Campbell                    m 1958 2015 56  x      Ellen                    Gray                      ??   Keith                        Campbell         Janice                      Blomme
Samuel                        Campbell                    m 1849 1888 38  x      Lydia
Vaughn                        Campbell                    m 1903 1971 68  x      Minnie                   Van Voorst                1928 Andrew                       Campbell         Delise
Velma Louise                  Campbell                    f 1924 2015 90  x      Leonard William          Hubbell                   1943 William                      Campbell         Hannah                      Jones
Wanda                         Campbell                    f      1970     x      Leonard                  Clymer
William M                     Campbell                    m 1875 1961 85  x      Essa Jane                Schauf                    1897
William M                     Campbell                    m 1875 1961 85  x      Hannah                   Jones                     1916
John Fletcher                 Cannon                      m 1874 1950     x      Alma                     Johnson                   1910 John W                       Cannon           Nancy Ann                   Schultz
John A                        Canott                      m 1895 1978 82  x      Pearl M                  McClelland                1920 Jerry                        Canott           Jane                        Walker
Leo F                         Cantrill                    m 1906 1975 68  x      Gretchen                 Plagmann                  1946
Charles C                     Capper                      m 1917 2004 87  x      Bessie                   Kleinschmidt              1938 Thomas                       Capper           Margaret                    Semler
Carl R                        Caraway                     m 1967 2010 43  x      Marlys                   Robinson                  ??   Richard                      Caraway          Gloria                      Brown
Renee Sue                     Card                        f 1857 1998 40  x                               Cagley                         Floyd S Jr                   Card             Alma F                      Buckridge
Alfred                        Carder                      m 1905 1969 63  x      Lauretta                 Ginther                   1927 William Henry                Carder           Ada Luella                  Breeden
Alfred                        Carder                      m 1905 1969 63  x      Mildred                  Dietrich                  1938 William Henry                Carder           Ada Luella                  Breeden
Billy Eugene                  Carder                      m 1928 2012 83  jt     Patricia Ann             Brennan                   1950 Wilfred                      Carder           Louise Christine            Winegarden        divorced
Elizabeth                     Carder                      f      1876            John                     Foubert                   1876
Gilma May                     Carder                      f 1920 2015 94  x      Curtis William           Mahannah                  1943 William Henry                Carder           Ada Luella                  Breeden
Gordon C 'Tim'                Carder                      m 1933 2001 68  x      Patricia                 Orton                     1955 Alfred                       Carder           Lauretta                    Ginther

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Iva                           Carder                      f 1901 1932 30  x                                                         0    William Henry                Carder           Ada Luella                  Breeden
Myrtle Melissa                Carder                      f 1879 1959 79  x      Royal Til                Coxe                      1900 Peter                        Carder           Elizabeth                   Miller
Onel William                  Carder                      m 1895 1987 91  x      Alice A                  Williams                  1923 William Henry                Carder           Ada Luella                  Breeden
Orville Henry                 Carder                      m 1897 1950 53  x                                                         0    William Henry                Carder           Ada Luella                  Breeden
Martha A                      Cardwell                    f 1835 1910 75  x      James Allison            Hunter                    1852
Caroline                      Carey                       f 1853 1925 71  x      Havil                    Hart                      1875 Marshall                     Carey
Cecil A                       Carey                       m 1905 1997 91  x                                                         0    Martin                       Carey            Mary Elizabeth              Delaney
Charles J                     Carey                       m 1908 2003 94  x                                                         0    Martin                       Carey            Mary Elizabeth              Delaney
Charles S                     Carey                       m 1860 1923 62  x      Elizabeth E 'Libbie'     Smith                     1880
Claude S                      Carey                       m 1888 1929 40  x      Blanche                  Dubishar                  1912 Charles                      Carey            Elizabeth E 'Libbie'        Smith
Frank                         Carey                       m 1885 1905 20  x                                                         0    Charles                      Carey            Elizabeth E 'Libbie'        Smith
Harry Martin                  Carey                       m 1893 1913 19  x                                                         0    Charles                      Carey            Elizabeth E 'Libbie'        Smith
Marshall M                    Carey                       m 1819 1903 84  x
Ora F                         Carey                       m 1898 1956 56  x      Alma                     Risdon                    1919 Charles                      Carey            Elizabeth E 'Libbie'        Smith
T. Adolphus                   Carey                       m 1856 1931 74  x      Martha                   McKusker                  1881
Viola Evalena                 Carey                       f 1880 1902 22  x      Walter Orlando           Henry                     1896 Marshall                     Carey            Florida
Ellen                         Cargo                       f      1887 81  x      Edward Sr.               Boland                    1856
Lester                        Carkuff                     m 1938 2003 64  x      Virginia                 Butz                      1978 Valentine                    Carkuff          Henrietta
Alvie                         Carl                        m 1899 1979 79  x      Jennie A                 Haskins                   1920 John Frederick               Carl             Sopha                       Schrader
Elsie M.                      Carl                        f 1895 1958 62  x      Frank                    Fullmer                   1914 William                      Carl             Anna
Hazel F.                      Carl                        f 1898 1983 85  x      Joseph Jacob             Fullmer                   1918 William                      Carl             Anna                        Mohr
William Otto Alfred           Carl                        m 1870 1949 79  x      Anna K                   Mohr                      1893 Frederick                    Carl             Sophia                      Fischer
John W                        Carlsen                     m 1905 1970 60  x      Betty M                                            ??   Louis Peter Eilar            Carlsen          Theresa Adelia              Will
Verna Elizabeth               Carlsen                     f 1910 2006 95  x      Edward :ep               Bejpimel                  1936 Carl                         Carlsen          Lizzie                      Wylie
Edwin Dean                    Carlson                     m 1928 2004 75  x      Helen Anna               Meeks                     1955 Gustave Emil 'Folke'         Carlson          Lillian Ruth                Shedenhelm
Elsie M                       Carlson                     f      2008 85  x      Charles                  Helms                                                       Carlson                                      unknown
Florine                       Carlson                     f 1934 2010 75  JT     Marvin                   Muhlenbruck               1955 Joseph                       Carlson          Grace                       unknown
Folke                         Carlson                     m 1898 1975 77  x      Ruth                     Shedenhelm                1920 Alfred                       Carlson          Gustav                      Kromstrand
Folke                         Carlson                     m 1898 1975 77  x      Clara                    Rauch                     1945 Alfred                       Carlson          Gustav                      Kromstrand
Harold William Alfred         Carlson                     m 1926 2003 76  x      Darlene                  Noe                       1970 Gustave Emil 'Folke'         Carlson          Ruth                        Shedenhelm
Marilyn R                     Carlson                     f 1934 1987 53  x      George L                 McCammon                  1954 Gustave Emil 'Folke'         Carlson          Ruth                        Shedenhelm
Vellie Diane                  Carlson                     f 1949 2013 63  x      Larry                    Goodman                   1973 Edd                          Carlson          Elizabeth                   Lekin
Wayne Reverend                Carlson                     m      1990 73  x      Virginia
David                         Carlton                     m 1916 1985 69  x      Helen                    Schultz                   1939 Irwin                        Carlton          May Fern                    Sedgwick
Effa May                      Carmichael                  f 1887 1970 82  x      Benjamin Hugh            Butler                         Albert Perry                 Carmichael       Mary Leiutitia              Peck
Harry                         Carmichael                  m 1874 1931     x      Mina                     Ogden                     1904 John W                       Carmichael       Ellen
Richard                       Carmichael                  m 1890 1981 90  x      Ruth M                   Plank                     1914 Albert Perry                 Carmichael       Mary L                      Peck
Vincent A                     Carmichael                  m 1914 1980 66  x      Marcia                   Marner                         Homer                        Carmichael
Inez Boyd                     Carnahan                    f 1891 1990 98  x      Frank L                  Johnson                   1921 Harry                        Carnahan         Mary Ellen Boyd             Carnahan
Clifford C                    Carnes                      m 1891 1973 81  x      Irene                    Losey                     1913 Nathan                       Carnes           Edith                       McClure
Ann                           Carney                      f 1835 1906 71  x      Thomas                   Boyle                     1856                              Carney
Ann L                         Carney                      f 1884 1965 81  x                                                         0    Thomas                       Carney           Roseanne                    Gillin
Anna Gertrude 'Sister Mary ImeCarney                      f 1896 1982 86  x                                                         0    Anthony E                    Carney           Josephine Mary              Boyle             Sister Mary Imelda
Anthony J                     Carney                      m 1870 1938 69  x                                                         0    Thomas                       Carney           Roseanna 'Rose'             Gillin
Anthony John                  Carney                      m 1905 1977 71  x      Ethelyne M               Fisher                    1939 Anthony E                    Carney           Josephine Mary              Boyle
Ashley 'twin daughter'        Carney                      f 1995 1995 0   x                                                         0    Michael                      Carney           Sharon
Bridget Mary 'Bridgie'        Carney                      f 1903 1985 81  x      Norman A, Sr             Kuddes                    1933 Anthony E                    Carney           Josephine Mary              Boyle
Bridgie                       Carney                      f 1891 1979 87  x      George                   Cheney                    1912 John                         Carney           Mary                        O'Toole
Catherine M                   Carney                      f 1892 1983 90  x                                                         0
Charles R                     Carney                      m 1871 1902 30  x                                                         0    Thomas                       Carney           Roseanna 'Rose'             Gillin

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Daniel                        Carney                      m 1958 1958 0   x                                                         0    Marvin                       Carney           Patricia                    Wilson
Edward                        Carney                      m 1820 1902 82  x      Margaret                 Carne                     1852
Edward M                      Carney                      m 1874 1944 70  x      Margaret F               Newkirk                   1912 Thomas                       Carney           Roseanna 'Rose'             Gillin
Gerald Thomas                 Carney                      m 1914 1998 84  x      Lois P                   Hinder                    1954 Edward                       Carney           Margaret                    Newkirk
Isabel                        Carney                      m 1902 1903 4m  x                                                         0    Thomas J                     Carney           Sarah                       Gray/Grey
James                         Carney                      m      1947 6   x                                                         0    Patrick Leo 'Pat'            Carney           Verla Luree                 Septer
James C                       Carney                      m 1887 1982 95  x                                                         0    John                         Carney           Mary                        O'Toole
James V                       Carney                      m 1913 1973 60  x      Henrietta                Wille                     1938 Anthony E                    Carney           Josephine Mary              Boyle
Jessie Marie                  Carney                      f 1918 1998 79  x      DeWayne                  Langlas                   1941 George                       Carney           Bridget                     Carney
John J                        Carney                      m 1895 1962 66  x      Lucy                     Taylor                    ??   John 'Jack'                  Carney           Mary Catherine              O'Toole
Joseph A.                     Carney                      m 1950 2009 58  jt                                                             Joseph                       Carney           Verna                       Wiedemeier
Joseph P                      Carney                      m 1911 1977 66  x      Verna Mary               Wiedemeier                1942 Anthony J                    Carney           Josephine                   Boyle
Julia                         Carney                      f      1916 72  JT     Bart                     Hanley                                                      Carney                                       unknown           born in Ireland
Kathleen                      Carney                      f 1939 1996 57  x      Harold J                 Kelly                     1967 Jim                          Carney           Henrietta                   Wille
Kathryn Lucille 'Kitty'       Carney                      f 1899 1988 88  JT     James Wilson             Healey                    1919 John                         Carney           Mary                        O'Toole
Leo J                         Carney                      m 1896 1986 89  x      Leone                    Gibson                    1921
Leonard Luverne               Carney                      m 1935 1989 53  x      Janice                   Starks                    1960 Patrick Leo 'Pat'            Carney           Verla Luree                 Septer
Louis B                       Carney                      m 1901 1963 62  x      Jennie Louse             Dhondt                    1935 John                         Carney           Mary
Margaret                      Carney                      f 1897 1992 93         Edward                   Bushman                   1926 John                         Carney           Mary                        O'Toole
Margaret                      Carney                      f 1831 1912 80  x      Edward                   Carney                    1852                                                                                             born in Ireland
Margaret Cecilia              Carney                      f 1894 1909 14  x                                                         0    A E                          Carney
Mary                          Carney                      f 1893 1908 15  x                                                         0
Maurice J                     Carney                      m 1897 1980 83  x      Amanda C                 Kuddes                    1966 Anthony E                    Carney           Josephine Mary              Boyle
Mayme J                       Carney                      f 1885 1960 74  x      Louis                    Dubisher                       John                         Carney           Mary                        O'Toole
Michael Richard 'Mick'        Carney                      m 1948 2013 66  x      Liz                                                ??   Patrick Leo                  Carney           Verla Luree                 Septer
Patrick (twin son)            Carney                      m 1995 1995 0   x                                                              Michael                      Carney           Sharon
Patrick Leo                   Carney                      m 1893 1988 95  x      Verla Luree              Septer                    1930 John                         Carney           Mary                        O'Toole
Pearl                         Carney                      f 1900 1983 82  x      Herman Robert            Kobusch                        Thomas J                     Carney           Sarah Jane                  Gray or Grey
Sadie M                       Carney                      f 1898 1998 99  x      Harold James             Frederick                 1934 Thomas J                     Carney           Sarah Jane                  Gray
Thomas F                      Carney                      m 1901 1993 91  x      Mayme A                  Wagmer                    1931 Anthony J                    Carney           Josephine                   Boyle
Thomas J                      Carney                      m 1865 1920 55  x      Sarah Jane               Grey or Gray              1889
Thomas L                      Carney                      m 1882 1961 79  x                                                         0    Thomas, Sr                   Carney           Rose Ann                    Gillin
Thomas Sr                     Carney                      m 1840 1898 58  x      Rosa Ann                 Gillan                    1866
Vincent Edward                Carney                      m 1895 1918 22  x                                                         0    Thomas J                     Carney           Sarah Jane Grey
Jane Maria                    Carpenter                   f 1831 1916 85  x      Henry A                  Morse                     1850 Jason                        Carpenter
Mary E                        Carper                      f 1904 2005 101 x      Alfred M                 Duesler                        Eugene G                     Carper           Maude Spears                Carpenter
I Eugene                      Carrier                     m 1906 1973 66  x      Caroline                 Kurth
Mabel                         Carrier                     f 1887 1973 86  x                                                         0    A E                          Carrier          Frances Clara               Joslin
William "Bud"                 Carringer                   m 1909 1982 72  x      Arline                   Glider                    1939
Catherine, Sister Mary Rita   Carroll                     f 1880 1956 76  x                                                         0    Edward                       Carroll          Hanorah                     Hogan
Edward                        Carroll                     m 1847 1938 93  x      Hanore                   Hogan                     1873
Edward J.                     Carroll                     m 1883 1950 66  jt     Margaret                 Murphy                    1905 Edward                       Carroll          Hanorah                     Hogan
George David                  Carroll                     m 1895 1968 73  x      Lucille                  Conner                    1940 John                         Carroll          Josephine                   Hudnutt
Gerald                        Carroll                     m 1908 1961 52  x      Katharine                Lindsay                        Martin                       Carroll          Anna                        Curry
Kate                          Carroll                     f               x      William                  Dolphin                   1883
Malachi or Malachy            Carroll                     m 1813 1906 93  mdem   Mary                     McAvoy
Margaret                      Carroll                     f 1872 1921 49  x      Philip                   Dunn                      1900 Ed                           Carroll
Martha Ann                    Carroll                     f 1835 1903 68  x      Sylvester                McGuire                   1861
Martin H                      Carroll                     m 1876 1962 85  x      Anna T                   Curry                     1903 Edward                       Carroll          Hanore                      Hogan
Mary                          Carroll                     f 1821 1910 90  x      Malachi or  Malachy      Carroll                                                                                                                    born in Ireland

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Mary                          Carroll                     f 1891 1921 30  x                                                         0    Ed                           Carroll                                                        Sister Mary of the Angels
Maxine                        Carroll                     f 1923 2011 88  x      unknown                  Voss                           Robert                       Carroll          Winifred                                      adoptive parents
Paul Reverend                 Carroll                     m           50  x                                                         0    Edward                       Carroll          Margaret                    Murphy
Rose E                        Carroll                     f 1882 1961 79  x      James P                  Lekin                     ??   Edward                       Carroll          Hanorah
W E Reverend                  Carroll                     m 1876      76  x                                                         0    John                         Carroll          Alicia                      Hienan
Andrew C.                     Carson                      m 1845 1924 79  ne     Charlotte R.             Gardner                   1866
Clarence Henry                Carson                      m 1860 1924 64  x      Caroline Amanda 'Carrie' McKinley                  1889 William T                    Carson           Abbie E                     Coleord
Elizabeth                     Carson                      f 1939 1923 84  f      William                  Welsh                     1868 Unknown                      Carson
Isabella                      Carson                      f 1831 1920 89  x      James Dr                 Carson                    1853
James Dr                      Carson                      m 1830 1906 76  x      Isabella                 Carson                    1853
Lillian                       Carson                      f 1943 1998 55  x      Ronald O                 Edwards                   1977 W.T.                         Carson           Florence                    Bedwell
Lucy J                        Carson                      f 1846 1931 85  x                                                         0
Matthew Adrian                Carson                      m 1846 1924 77  x      Carrie                   Rosser                    1875
Samuel                        Carson                      m 1805 1899 93  x      Prudence                 Cross                     1830
Timothy Joe                   Carson                      m 1953 1989 35  x      Nancy                    Pogge                     1974 Leo                          Carson           Helen                       Soukup
Wilbur C.                     Carson                      m 1867 1951 83  jt     Jessie                   Herring                   1884 Andrew                       Carson           Charlotte                   Gardner
Wilbur C.                     Carson                      m 1867 1951 83  jt     Belle                    Husted                    1924 Andrew                       Carson           Charlotte                   Gardner
William E                     Carson                      m 1884 1955 70  x      Catherine C                                        ??   Andrew                       Carson           Charlotte                   Gardner
Anna                          Carter                      f 1875 1918 43  x      Samuel                   West                      1896 David                        Carter           Cynthia                     Palmer
Arthur B                      Carter                      m 1918 1999 80  x      Mary Alice               Harber                    1941 John                         Carter           Elena                       Berry
Carl Martin                   Carter                      m 1895 1959 64  x      Florence                                           ??   John Thomas Jefferson        Carter           Lorinda Belle               Davis
Charles                       Carter                      m 1902 1983 81  x      Edith                    Miller                    1921 Steve                        Carter           Mary                        Doolin
Charles Clifford              Carter                      m 1892 1953 61  x      Elsie Ann                Sprague                   1917 Willism S                    Carter           Iowa                        Powers
Charles Ray                   Carter                      m 1890 1930 40  x      Ethel C                  Wright Bigbee             1920 John Thomas Jefferson        Carter           Lorinda Belle               Davis
Charles Stephen               Carter                      m 1876 1964 87  x      Mary A                   Doolin                    1901 Edgar                        Carter           Arthusa                     Thorman
Chester                       Carter                      m 1922 1992 70  x      Monna                    Ross                      1941 John                         Carter           Elena                       Berry
Clarence W                    Carter                      m 1896 1972 76  x      Jessie M                 Hardy                     1919 William                      Carter           Iowa                        Powers
Donald O                      Carter                      m 1925 1987 62  x      Lois                     Kelley                    1948 Clarence W                   Carter           Jessie                      Hardy
Edwin Lewis                   Carter                      m 1836 1921 85  x      Sarah Francis            Carter                    1857                                                                                             Sarah died in 1872
Edwin Lewis                   Carter                      m 1836 1921 85  x      Elizabeth A              Norris                    1873
Emma G                        Carter                      m 1903 1903 7w  x                                                         0    A J                          Carter           E
Esther 'Deanie'               Carter                      f 1925 1982 57  x      Will J Jr                Thomas                    1946 Charles                      Carter           Elsie                       Sprague
Esther Mariam                 Carter                      f 1862 1950 87  x      William Wallace          Moore                     1881
Ethel M                       Carter                      f 1897 1977 80  x      John A                   Lindsey                   1920 Francis Marian               Carter           Hannah Charlotte 'Lottie'   DeVoe
Eugene Arthur                 Carter                      m 1919 2000 80  x      Lilly                    Teggatz                   1946 Wallace M                    Carter           Katie                       Hardy
Eva Catherine                 Carter                      f 1825 1911 86  x      John A                   Lacher                    1849                                                                                             born in Germany
Everett Hiram                 Carter                      m 1915 2008 92  x      Edna                     Shaull                    1947 John                         Carter           Josephine                   Hartz
Gladys L                      Carter                      f 1929 1986 57  x      George Harvey            Irmscher                  1951 John                         Carter           Lena                        Berry
Harley M 'Pat'                Carter                      m 1913 1996 82  x      Arlene                   Hall                      1932 Herbert Benton               Carter           Lila                        Hardy
Ida V 'Mickey'                Carter                      f 1911 2001 90  NE     Ralph H                  Ballard                   1932 Herbert                      Carter           Lila                        Hardy
James W 'Bud'                 Carter                      m 1921 1990 68  x      Jean F                   Brubaker                  1946 Charles                      Carter           Elsie E                     Sprague
John                          Carter                      m 1886 1937 51  x      Lena                     Berry                     1911
John                          Carter                      m      1881 81  x      Hannah                   Harby                     1821
John Thomas Jefferson         Carter                      m 1853 1918 64  x      Lorinda Belle            Davis                     1887 John T                       Carter           Rebecca
Laurabelle Dorothy            Carter                      f 1901 1946 45  x      Alfred Alfonzo           Fontinel                  1920 John                         Carter           Julia
Luella Jane                   Carter                      f 1915 2000 85  x      Carroll Leroy            Marine                    1936 John                         Carter           Elena                       Berry
Marion                        Carter                      m      1985 73  x      Gertrude                 King
Merl Francis                  Carter                      m 1888 1936 67  x      Ethel                    Robinson                  1954 John Thomas Jefferspm        Carter           Lorinda Belle               Davis
Milton Arthur                 Carter                      m 1888 1918 29  x      Goldie May               Pickenpaugh               1917                              Carter                                       unknown
Milton R                      Carter                      m 1916 2003 86  x      Velma                    Goodman                   1939 Wallace                      Carter           Katie                       Hardy

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Nancy                         Carter                      f 1826 1901 75  x      Micheal                  Beckler                   1846
Oscar L                       Carter                      m 1841 1897 55  x      Charlotte                Elitha                    ??
Randy Allen                   Carter                      m 1953 2011 58  jt                                                             Eugene Arthur                Carter           Lilly                       Teggatz
Rella V                       Carter                      f 1887 1981 93  x      John Henry               Arnold                         Asa Joseph                   Carter           Laura Marie                 Wertz
Robert Charles 'Bob'          Carter                      m 1926 1978 52  x                                                         ??   Charles Clifford             Carter           Elsie Ann                   Sprague
Roger Dean                    Carter                      m 1939 1965 25  x                                                         0    Harley                       Carter
Rosa Belle                    Carter                      f 1859 1930 71  x      Arthur Benton            Claypool                  1890 Steven                       Carter           Charlotte                   Sears
Rosemary Irene                Carter                      f 1922 2003 80  x      Wayne L                  Craven                    1941 Wayne                        Carter           Edith                       Miller
Ross L                        Carter                      m 1886 1964 78  x                                                         0    Allan                        Carter           Clemmie                     Bowman
Teddie G                      Carter                      m 1941 2014 73  x      Mary Ann                 Thompson                  1964 Lloyd                        Carter           Armita                      Blye
Wallace J                     Carter                      m 1927 1996 68  x      Laurene                  Beckler                   1968 Wallace Melvin               Carter           Katie M                     Hardy
Wallace Melvin                Carter                      m 1891 1975 84  x      Katie Marvel             Hardy                     1912 Asa Joseph                   Carter           Laura Marie                 Wertz
Wayne Charles                 Carter                      m 1902 1983 81  x      Edith I                  Miller                    1921 Steve                        Carter           Mary                        Doolin
William Smith                 Carter                      m      1931 63         Iowa                     Powers                    1887
Wilma I                       Carter                      f 1908 2008 100 x      Frank                    Borst                          Warren                       Carter           Ressie
Wilma I                       Carter                      f 1908 2008 100 x      Edward                   Harford                        Warren                       Carter           Ressie
Joseph                        Carvat                      m 1901 1956 55  x                                                         0    James                        Carvat           Barbara
Darwin 'Dean'                 Cartwright                  m 1931 2012 81  jt     Judith                   Chadwick                  1961 Paul                         Cartwright       Vera                        Arbuckle
Emily                         Cartwright                  f 1857 1934 76  x      William                  McVey                     1911 Charles                      Cartwright       Nancy                       Till
Mary Etta                     Cartwright                  f 1855 1952 96  x      John R., Dr.             Coxe                      1876 Charles                      Cartwright       Nancy                       Till
Leo D                         Carufel                     m 1913 1965 51         Mildred M                Simmons
James Edward                  Carville                    m 1927 2012 84  CR     Mary Lucille             Ritchie                   1953 Thomas                       Carville         Zela                        Turner
John                          Carville                    m 1833 1914 81  x
Thomas J                      Carville                    m 1889 1956 66  x      Zella                    Turner
David                         Cary                        m      1878     x
Rebecca Lynne                 Casady                      f 1946 2011 65  JT     Russell                  Stanley                        Walter                       Casady           Ida Marie                   Wymore            divorced?
Walter W                      Casady                      m 1910 1973 62  x      Ida Marie                Wymore                    1931 Andrew                       Casady           Margaret                    Foster
Della                         Cascaden                    f 1875 1937 62  x                                                         0    John                         Cascaden         Mary
Bertha                        Case                        f 1899 1983 84  x      Carl Otto                Maschmann                 1920 Charles                      Case             Mary                        McMillian
Charles Clarance              Case                        m 1873 1957 83  x      Mary Elizabeth           McMillin                  1897 D D                          Case             Mary
De Forest Doby                Case                        m 1847 1929 81  x      Mary                     Finster                   1872
Elmer L                       Case                        m 1908 1985 76  x      Ethel Ora                Soedt                     1908
Russell D                     Case                        m 1907 1974 67  x      Ruth Lucille             Hervey                    1927 Charles C                    Case             Mary                        McMillen
Alderica                      Caselli                     f 1920 2006 85  x      Charles H                Newsom                    1972 Antonio                      Caselli          Julia
Edith                         Caselli                     f 1905 1985 79  x      Ettore 'Ben'             Colicchio                 ??   Anthony                      Caselli          Julia                       Grippo            born in Italy
Ernestine                     Caselli                     f 1915 1994 78  x      Dominic                  Frontera                  1937 Antonio                      Caselli          Julie                       Grippo
Evelyn                        Caselli                     f 1910 2001 91  x      A.D. 'Bob'               Akerman                   1932 Anthony                      Caselli          Julia                       Gruippo
Frank                         Casey                       m 1884 1948 64  x      Maude                    Smith                     1910 Edward                       Casey            Emogene
Lawrence Ray 'Larry'          Casey                       m 1920 1988 67  x      Betty                    Waid Gordon               1982 Frank                        Casey            Maude                       Smith
Lloyd R Sr                    Casey                       m      1993 78  x      Verna                    Hubbell
Margaret                      Casey                       f 1914 2002 88  x      Lloyd Lester             McBride                   1945 Leo                          Casey            Minnie                      Schroeder
Ella                          Casey or Carsey             f 1870 1914 43  x      Albert C                 Mumby                     1888 Patrick                      Casey/Carsey     Susanna
Helena                        Cash                        f 1904 1962 58  JT                                                        0    John                         Cash             Ella                        Hannon
Ivan James 'Jim"              Cash                        m 1930 2006 76  x      Marilyn                                            1955 William                      Cash             Mary                        Lillis
Ivan James 'Jim"              Cash                        m 1930 2006 76  x      Lucille                                            ??   William James                Cash             Mary Ellen                  Lillis
James D                       Cash                        m 1898 1969 71  x                                                         0    John                         Cash             Ellen                       Hannon
Johanna                       Cash                        f 1843 1912 69  x      Thomas                   Hannon                    1866                              Cash                                         unknown           born in Ireland
Johanna                       Cash                        f 1871 1950 79  x      Gerald F                 Gallagher                      John                         Cash             Bridget Mary                Balton
John                          Cash                        m 1827 1906 80  x      Bridget Mary             Balton                    1850                                                                                             born in Ireland
John M, Rev                   Cash                        m 1893 1953 59  x                                                         0    Michael                      Cash             Mary                        Hannon

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Leo R                         Cash                        m 1893 1980 86  x                                                         0    John                         Cash             Ella                        Hannon
Margaret                      Cash                        f 1899 1980 80  x                                                         0    William A                    Cash             Alice                       Cooney
Margaret                      Cash                        f 1875 1931 56  x                                                         0    John Sr                      Cash             Bridget Mary                Balton
Mary                          Cash                        f 1908 1980 82  x                                                         0    William A                    Cash             Alice                       Cooney
Michael                       Cash                        m 1857 1944 86  JT     Mary                     Hannon                    1891 John                         Cash             Bridget Mary                Balton
Patrick                       Cash                        m 1852 1884 31  x      Margaret                 Murphy                    ??   John                         Cash             Bridget Mary                Balton
Rosalie                       Cash                        f      1984 86  x                                                         0    Mike                         Cash             Mark                        Hannon
Rose Anna                     Cash                        f 1868 1942 83  x      John                     Donohue                   1890 Thomas                       Cash             Catherine
Thomas                        Cash                        m 1834 1891 54  jt     Catherine                Sheridan                  1861                                                                                             born in Ireland
William J                     Cash                        m 1903 1974 70  x      Mary Ellen               Lillis                    1928 William A                    Cash             Alice                       Cooney
William, Sr.                  Cash                        m 1870 1936 66  x      Alice                    Cooney                    1893 John                         Cash             Bridget Mary                Balton
Althol Alonzo                 Cashman                     m 1884 1963 78  x      Margaret                 Smith                          James A                      Cashman
Bertha Eveline                Cashman                     f 1883 1970 87  x      Christian                Kelting                   1909 James A                      Cashman          Emeranda                    Ferguson
Chester Floyd MD              Cashman                     m 1881 1963 81  x      Kathryn Mae              Fuller                    1917
Donald                        Cashman                     m 1927 2014 86  x      Margaret                 Kelley                    1947 Edgar                        Cashman          Rebecca                     Roberts
Edgar                         Cashman                     m      1940 43  x      Rebecca                  Roberts                   1922
Elizabeth Esther              Cashman                     f 1859 1929 79  x      Edgar                    Masters                   1869 Isaac F                      Cashman          Sarah                       Clark
Ethel                         Cashman                     f      1884     x
James A                       Cashman                     m 1851 1931 79  x      Emeranda                 Ferguson                  1879 Isaac F                      Cashman          Sara                        Clark
Jessie 'Aura'                 Cashman                     f      1968 81  x      Charles W                Correll                   1915
Johanna                       Cashman                     f      1895 47  x      Peter                    Morrin                    1873 Bartholomew                  Cashman          Mary                        Forest
Lela                          Cashman                     f 1888 1968 79  x      Gustav 'Gus'             Eggert                    1909 James A                      Cashman          Emeranda                    Ferguson
Letha Anna                    Cashman                     f 1890 1979 89  x      Ernest H                 Eggert                    1912 James A                      Cashman          Emeranda                    Ferguson
Lillian Cecil                 Cashman                     f 1894 1994 100 x      Earl S.                  Bahr                      1918 James A                      Cashman          Emeranda                    Ferguson
Lydia Trinville               Cashman                     f 1858 1932 74  x      George Washington        McCallister               1894 Isaac                        Cashman          Nancy
Melvina Jane 'Jennie'         Cashman                     f 1855 1924 69  x      Cyrus G                  DeQuasie                  1877 Isaac F                      Cashman          Sarah
Rachel Elaine                 Cashman                     f 1924 2007 82         Erwin                    Fennern                   1952 Edgar                        Cashman          Rebecca                     Roberts
Rose Ann                      Cashman                     f 1868 1942 83  x      John                     Donohoe                   1890 Thomas                       Cashman          Catherine
Russell Robert                Cashman                     m 1923 1994 71  x      Irene                    Conklin                        Edgar                        Cashman          Rebecca                     Roberts
Earl                          Caskey                      m 1902 1975 73  x                                                         0    Noah                         Caskey           Lulu                        Runyan
Larry Allen                   Caskey                      m 1948 2003 54  x      Sherry                   Keller                    1979 Norman                       Caskey           Phyllis                     Mumm
Norman Lewis 'Hoppy'          Caskey                      m 1926 2006 80  x      Phyllis                  Mumm                      1947 Roy                          Caskey           Mabel Elvira                Sears
Roy 'Peck'                    Caskey                      m 1882 1965 83  x      Mabel Elivira            Sears                     1908 Lewis                        Caskey           Sarah                       Reasoner
Russell Floyd                 Caskey                      m 1915 1980 64  x      Marie                    Dillon                    1941 Lewis Leroy                  Caskey           Mabel Elvira                Sears
Velma                         Caskey                      f      1953            Marvin Wesley            Cranston                  1938
Louis D                       Caspers                     m 1931 1984 53  x      Elsie Helen              Moser                     1964 Clifford                     Caspers          Dorothy                     Holcomb
Mary Abigail                  Cassell                     f 1848 1946 98  x      Thaddeus Robert 'Thad'   Perrin                    1870 Michael D                    Cassell          Mary A                      Gladwin
Loretta                       Cassidy                     f 1927 2006 78  x      Gaylen H                 Ritchie                   1949 Jess                         Cassidy          Maude                       Metzger
Dorothy Frances               Casteel                     f 1923 2003 80  x      Harry Stewart            Foster                    1946 John R.                      Casteel          Ruby E.                     Rosenbalm
George                        Casteel                     m 1896 1975 79  x      Eunice Mary              McClellan                 1920 Joseph Allen                 Casteel          Ellen                       Grimm
Robert Kent                   Casteel                     m 1924 2009 85  jt     Ethel                    Morse                     1950 George Kenton                Casteel          Eunice Mary                 McClellan
Aldrich                       Castek                      m 1895 1978 83  x      Sylvia                   Cuhel                     1919 Joseph                       Castek           Frances                     Veverka
Matthew William               Caster                      m 1979 2011 31  JT                                                             Samuel                       Caster           Jane                        Kendall
Charles Harrison              Castner                     m 1861 1934 73  x      Susan                    Kramer                    1902
Elmira                        Castor                      f 1855 1936 81         Jerden S                 Craft                     1873 James                        Castor           Hannah
Marie                         Catalina                    f 1903 1946 42                                                            0
Catharine                     Cauder                      f      1875            Christian J              Hartman                   1857
Mildred M 'Mim'               Cavanaugh                   f 1912 2008 95  x      Charles J                Claeys                    1934 John                         Cavanaugh        Eva                         Klinkner
Ralph E                       Cavanaugh                   m 1927 1985 57  x      Ruby                     Hohenshell                1946 Clifton                      Cavanaugh        Nellie                      Relf
Romuald 'Jerry'               Cavanaugh                   m 1908 1988 79  x      Marie Alma               Dusterhoft                1939 Thomas                       Cavanaugh        Louise                      Lawler

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Tana Lee                      Cavanaugh                   f 1944 1982 38  x      Howard D                 Losey                     1964 Ralph                        Cavanaugh        Ruby                        Hohenshell
Darvin                        Cave                        m 1907 1993 86  x      Pansy                    Garrett                   1927 Clarence                     Cave             Edith                       Kurtz             Pansy died in 1974
Darvin                        Cave                        m 1907 1993 86  x      Grace                    Danuser Garrett           1975 Clarence                     Cave             Edith                       Kurtz
Irene Elizabeth               Cavin                       f 1921 2005 84  x      James Loraina            Flanegan                  1941 Jess Green                   Cavin            Lillian Susan               Smith
Shirley Arlene                Cavin                       f 1936 2013 77  x      Walter 'Bucky'           Murray                    1967 Frank                        Cavin            Bessie                      McClain
Reba C                        Caylor                      f 1900 1991 91  x      Gaylord George           Bellamy                   1925 Elmer A                      Caylor           Mary Alice
Fern C                        Cellman                     f 1907 1984 76         Tommy                    Doolin
Edward Alexander+B13498       Cerny                       m 1916 1974 57  x      Dorothy Bennett          Schumacher                1963
Vivian Jean                   Cerveny                     f 1934 2008 74  x      Reynold                  Moessner                  1953 Frank                        Cerveny          Lydia                       Dubishar
Lydia                         Ceynar                      f 1874 1956 61  x      Frank                    Lenoch                    1895 Vincent                      Ceynar           Albia                       Fisher
Victoria M.                   Chalk                       f 1916 1991 74  pr     Philip G.                Keil
William 'Bill or Doc' Edward  Chalmers                    m 1926 2010 83  JT     Julia                    Grace                     1949 unknkown                     Chalmers         Dora                        unknown
Beulah 'Maxine'               Chambers                    f 1919 2001 82  x      Dallas C                 Kitzman                   1941 Francis L                    Chambers         Dora                        Lalaker
Alfred                        Chandler                    m 1911 1980 68  x      Marguerite               Owens                     1941 Henry                        Bean             Ethel                       Bean
Charles T                     Chandler                    m 1863 1912 49  x                                                         0    James                        Chandler         Liveria W                   Knight
Earl F                        Chandler                    m 1867 1941 74  x      Jennie Iola              Walker                    1895 James                        Chandler         Liveria W                   Knight
Gurdon C 'Duff'               Chandler                    m 1912 1958 46  x      Margaret Alice           Troutner                  1930 Oscar Troy                   Chandler         Vera Merl                   Raymond
Henry James                   Chandler                    m 1864 1941 76  x      Ethel Mae                Bean                      1902 James                        Chandler         Liveria W                   Knight
James                         Chandler                    m 1834 1909 74  x      Liveria K                Bickford                  1861 Uri                          Chandler         Mary Ann                    Rogers
John B                        Chandler                    m 1906 1982 75  x                                                         0    Henry James                  Chandler         Ethel Mae                   Bean
Margaret 'Peggy' M            Chandler                    f 1942 2010 67  JT     Mike                     Griffis                   1969 Duff                         Chandler         Margaret
Martha                        Chandler                    f 1904 1969 65  x      William K                Chantry                   0    Henry James                  Chandler         Ethel Mae                   Bean
Mervin Henry                  Chandler                    m 1953 2014 60  x                                                              Alfred                       Chandler         Marguerite
Oscar 'Tom' Troy              Chandler                    m 1887 1944 57  x      Vera Merl                Raymond                   yes  Timonthy                     Chandler         Laura Belle                 Curry
Patricia Anne                 Chandler                    f 1931 2011 79  x      Carl D                   Evans                     1950 Gurdon Curry                 Chandler         Margaret Alice              Troutner
Gladyce B                     Chantland                   f 1921 2013 91  x      John E 'Jack'            Strellner                 1946 Sam                          Chantland        Dena                        Olson
William Kline                 Chantry                     m 1901 1969 68  x      Jessie May               McKee                     1923 Alfred L                     Chantry          Kate Olivia
Anna                          Chapin                      f 1876 1942 65  x      Newton                   Yingling                  1904 James                        Chapin           Abbie
Anna                          Chapin                      f 1876 1942 65  x      M.O. Michael             Rumple                    1917 James                        Chapin           Abbie
Clifford Darrell              Chapman                     m 1911 1960 49  x      Ada B                    Robison                   1933 Joseph                       Chapman          Mary                        Owen
Della                         Chapman                     f 1860 1949 89  x      Joseph                   Johnson                   1879 Stephan                      Chapman
Fredrick John                 Chapman                     m 1873 1912 38  jt     Moselle                  Dansdill                  1894
Gladys Mary                   Chapman                     f 1898 1994 95  x      William C                Dicks                          William                      Chapman          Olive                       Smart
John Charles                  Chapman                     m 1887 1957 70  x      Hazel                    Pope                      1911
Marvin Clarence 'Pete'        Chapman                     m 1908 1965 56  x      Zeuelda Relief           Aldrich                   1934 Frederick John               Chapman          Mosella C                   Dansdill
Nona                          Chapman                     f 1882 1967 75  x      unknown                  Hipple
Norman C                      Chapman                     m 1871 1956 84  x      Louise R                 Paulson                   1911 Charles Henry                Chapman          Alice Jane                  Breeden           Louise died in 1949
Norman C                      Chapman                     m 1871 1956 84  x      Rosa Anna                Summers                   1956 Charles Henry                Chapman          Alice Jane                  Breeden
Pearl Sena                    Chapman                     f 1880 1971 90  x      Henry                    Darling                   ??   Fredrick Obediah             Chapman          Ardelia Eliza               Miller
Pearl Sena                    Chapman                     f 1880 1971 90  x      Dan                      McCune                    ??   Fredrick Obediah             Chapman          Ardelia Eliza               Miller
Pearl Sena                    Chapman                     f 1880 1971 90  x      Bert Lewis               Conklin                   1898 Fredrick Obediah             Chapman          Ardelia Eliza               Miller
Robert Giles                  Chapman                     m 1887 1942     x      Ruth D                   Schimelfenia              ??   Jabez W                      Chapman          Laura S                     Jamison
Rosa M                        Chapman                     f 1885 1982 96  x      Claude E                 Lockridge                 1908 Charles Henry                Chapman          Alice                       Bredon
Roy E                         Chapman                     m 1904 1967 63  x      Iola O                   Morris                    1928 Frederick John 'Fred'        Chapman          Mazelle                     Dansiel
Russell Dean                  Chapman                     m 1949 2003 54  x      Jean                     Klostermann               1993 Clifford                     Chapman          Ada                         Robinson
William Edward                Chapman                     m 1870 1965 95  x      Olive May                Smart                     1891 Benjamin Salmons             Chapman          Samantha Marie              Britton
William Edward                Chapman                     m 1870 1965 95  x      Leona                    Phelps                    1950 Benjamin Salmons             Chapman          Samantha Marie              Britton
Phoebe Jane                   Chappell                    f 1864 1957 92  x      Charles G                Durr                      1883 William                      Chappell
Robert                        Charles                     m      1863 28  x
Barbara Ann                   Charvat                     f      1928 22  x                                                         0    James                        Charvat

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Blanche                       Charvat                     f      1923 10  x                                                              James                        Charvat
Joe                           Charvat                     m 1901 1956 55  x                                                         0    James                        Charvat          Barbara                     Kacerova
Lydia                         Charvat                     f 1898 1984 86  x      William                  Benda                     1920 James                        Charvat          Barbara                     Kacer
Ellen                         Chase                       f 1891 1956 65  x                                                         0    William C                    Chase            Mary I                      Seymour
Howard                        Chase                       m 1895 1958 63  x      Inez                     Wilson                    1919 William C                    Chase            Mary I                      Seymour
Manora                        Chase                       f 1842 1938 95  x      Robert                   Magee                     1867 Steven                       Chase            Oliva
Ralph C                       Chase                       m 1893 1958 65  x                                                         0    William C                    Chase            Mary I                      Seymour
William Charles               Chase                       m 1858 1946 87  x      Mary Isabel              Seymour                   1889 Charles Green                Chase
Zelma                         Chase                       f 1921 2005 84  x      Milton John              Hudepohl                  1947 Sumner                       Chase            Olga                        Kirstein
Elena                         Chavez                      f      1988            Harold R Sr              Cram
Marvin                        Cheadle                     m 1909 1995 85  x      Mary Ann                 Walsh                     1943
Blanche Alma                  Cheers                      f 1913 1995 82  x      Everett E                Black                     1932 Robert                       Cheers           Maude                       Culver
Eda Blanche                   Chehak                      f 1883 1884 8m  x                                                         0    Joseph                       Chehack          Mary L                      Bontty
Floyd Everett                 Chehak                      m 1900 1964 63  x      Christine                Eichorn                   1923 Joseph C                     Chekah           Mary                        Bunty
Joseph                        Chehak                      m 1849 1906 56  x      Mary L                   Bontty                    1874                                                                                             native of Austria-Hungaria
Joseph Christian              Chehak                      m 1931 1984 52  x      Carmel Eileen            Libhart                   1952 Floyd                        Chehak           Christine                   Eichhorn
RaeJean                       Chehak                      f 1927 1995 67  x      Lloyd Robert             Klever                    1952 Floyd                        Chehak           Christine                   Eichhorn
Agnes Ollie                   Chekal                      f 1907 1997 90  x      Mervin E                 Fetzer                    1926 Joseph                       Chekal           Mary                        Kratoska
John Henry                    Chekal                      m 1933 1999 66  x                                                         ??   Joseph F                     Chekal           Elsie Mae                   Simpson
Louis Albert                  Chekal                      m 1905 1985 79  x      Hilda Louise             Buelow                    1927 Frank                        Chekal           Mary                        Peske
Raymond Joseph                Chekal                      m 1925 1945 19  x                                                         0    Joseph                       Chekal
Raymond Joseph 'Jody'         Chekal                      m 1966 2007 41  x      Christina 'Tina'         Greenlee                       John H                       Chekal           Irene                       Werden
Adda                          Cheney                      f 1890 1928 38  x      Earl                     Dill                      1907 Martin                       Cheney
Alta Alice                    Cheney                      f 1882 1964 82  x      William Jacob            Fisch                     1901
Amasa                         Cheney                      f 1839 1914 75  jt     Lucinda                  Scott                     1865
Amasa                         Cheney                      m 1839 1914 75  jt     Margaret                 Scott                     1875
Amasa H                       Cheney                      m 1861 1946 85  x      Mary Ann                 Tinkle                    1885 Melvine                      Cheney           Ithmar
Arthur A                      Cheney                      m 1920 1975 54  x                                                         0    Orville                      Cheney           Mary Rebecca
Arthur George                 Cheney                      m 1914 2001 86  x      Edna Emilie              Wiedemeier                1938 George Albert                Cheney           Bridgie Agnes               Carney
Benjamin Perry                Cheney                      m 1879 1963 84  x      Cora R                   Woods                     1907 James M                                       Clara Mitsinger
Benjamin Perry                Cheney                      m 1879 1963 84  x      Mary                     Strausser                      James M                                       Clara Mitsinger
Charles Wesley                Cheney                      m 1875 1966 80  x      Sarah E                  Humphreys                 1897 Amasa                        Cheney           Margaret                    Scott
Crystal Linn                  Cheney                      f 1962 1980 18  x                                                         0    Kenneth, Jr 'Bud'            Cheney           Melanie Jean 'Judy'         Hamilton
DeWayne E                     Cheney                      m 1954 1985 30  x      Jacqueline               Gayle                     ??   LaVaughn                     Cheney           Lydia                       Bauer
Dolores L                     Cheney                      f 1915 1997 81         Joseph Adolph            Petrzelka                 1939 George                       Cheney           Bridget                     Carney
Don                           Cheney                      m 1930 1989 59  x                                                              Howard                       Cheney           Esther                      Morrison
Emery Addison                 Cheney                      m 1869 1960 90  x      Clara                    Tinkle                    1894 Emery A                      Cheney
Eulalia                       Cheney                      f 1893 1993 99  x      Harrison                 Chapman                   1914 Amasa                        Cheney           Mary Ann                    Tinkle
Eva M                         Cheney                      f 1908 1998 90  x      James P                  McDowell                  ??   Burton A                     Cheney           Nellie                      Strausser
Eva M                         Cheney                      f 1908 1998 90  x      Bert                     Simonsen                  ??   Burton A                     Cheney           Nellie                      Strausser
Eva M                         Cheney                      f 1908 1998 90  x      Forrest K                Taschner                  1929 Burton A                     Cheney           Nellie                      Strausser         Forrest died in 1963
Floyd L                       Cheney                      m 1886 1965 79  x      DeLila Ethel             Geiger                    1908 William Henry                Cheney           Alice                       Smith
Harold Raymond                Cheney                      m 1900 1983 83  x                                                         ??   Willis Herman                Cheney           Rose Christena              Fisch
Homer Alpha                   Cheney                      m 1870 1961 91  x      Nina Ann                 Pettit                    1910 James Martin                 Cheney           Clarissa                    Metzinger
Iva Delores                   Cheney                      f 1897 1959 62  x      Robert Russell           McWilliams                1917 Emery Addison                Cheney           Clara Alice                 Tinkle
James Martin                  Cheney                      m 1846 1923 77  x      Clarissa L               Metzinger                 1869 Aaron                        Cheney           Mahtilda
James Russell                 Cheney                      m 1939 2001 62  x      Arva                     Schultz                   1959 Kenneth Clayton 'Mike'       Cheney           Evelyn Diane                Pierce
Jessie Reathel                Cheney                      f 1904 2000 95  x      Clarence                 Hahn                      1924 Benjamin                     Cheney           Mary                        Strausser
Kenneth Clayton 'Mike'        Cheney                      m 1904 1990 86  x      Evelyn Diane             Pierce                    ??   Willis Herman                Cheney           Rose Christena              Fisch
Larry Leroy                   Cheney                      m 1932 2003 71  x      Rose Louise              Hubbell                   1966 Richard Leroy                Cheney           Neva E                      Fisch

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
LaVaughn Martin               Cheney                      m 1924 1999 74  x                                                              Benjaman 'Ben'               Cheney           Cora M                      Rodgers
Lee Roy                       Cheney                      m 1944 2001 57  x      Linda                    Jack                      1969 Kenneth Clayton 'Mike'       Cheney           Evelyn Diane                Pierce
Letha                         Cheney                      f 1885 1981 95  x      Clayton                  King                      1979 Amiey                        Cheney           Margaret                    Scott
Letha May                     Cheney                      f 1883 1975 79         Henry                    Riess                     1901 Martin                       Cheney           Clarissa
Mary Viola                    Cheney                      f 1886 1956 70         Millard F.               Claypool                  1906 Martin                       Cheney           Clarissa
Menzo Amasa                   Cheney                      m 1910 1989 79  x      Arva Hope                Bair                      1933 Amasa                        Cheney           Mary Ann                    Tinkle
Myrle F                       Cheney                      m 1899 1960 60  x      Earnestina                                         ??   Frank                        Cheney           Maggie                      King
Ralph                         Cheney                      m 1897 1965 67  x      Dot E                    Bingham                   1946 Amasa H                      Cheney           Mary                        Tinkle
Richard LeRoy                 Cheney                      m 1912 1984 72  x      Neva Edna                Fisch                     1931 Benjamin                     Cheney           Cora                        Rodgers
Trent William                 Cheney                      m      1986 6   x                                                         0    Lee Roy                      Cheney           Linda                       Jack
Verla Lavonne                 Cheney                      f 1911 2001 90  x      Merlin Andrew            Faas                      1933 Floyd                        Cheney           Delila                      Geiger
Walter B 'Dustry'             Cheney                      m 1914 1984 69  x      LaVera                   Fry                       1936 Benjamin P                   Cheney           Cora                        Rodgers
Wilbur                        Cheney                      m 1902 1967 65  x      Lola Helen               Back                      1926 Charles W                    Cheney           Sarah                       Humphreys
Willis Herman                 Cheney                      m 1877 1961 83  x      Rose Christena           Fisch                     1899 Amasa                        Cheney           Margaret                    Scott
Catherine                     Chenoweth                   f 1816 1888 82  x      David                    Betz                      ??
Isaac                         Chenoweth                   m      1872 80  x
Bernice Irene                 Chesnut                     f 1919 2002 82  x      Russell                  Lortz                     1941 Samuel Edward                Chesnut          Daisy Bell                  Gilbert
Donald R                      Childers                    m 1946 1987 41  x      Patricia                 Goltz                     1966 Lowell                       Childers         Wilma                       Mayfield
George Thomas                 Childress                   m 1844 1923 79  x      Margaret Ann             Rush                      1866 A W                          Childress
Nancy Irene                   Childress                   f      1882 23  x      Harrison                 Reynolds                  ??   A W                          Childress        Ann E
Ora Della                     Childress                   f 1880 1931 51  x      Clayton Brown            Frederickson              1910 Thomas                       Childress
Roy W                         Childress                   m 1889 1943 54  x      Marie                    Roerig                    1912 George Thomas                Childress        Margaret Ann                Rush
Roy W                         Childress                   m 1889 1943 54  jt     Anna                     Schwiebert                1908 George Thomas                Childress        Margaret Ann                Rush              Anna died in 1910
Bacilios p 'Bill'             Chimpanis                   m 1896 1953 57  x                                                         0    Stamo                        Chimpanis                                                      born in Greece
Stelios p 'Steve'             Chimpanis                   m 1893 1954 61  x                                                         0    Stamo                        Chimpanis                                                      born in Greece
Gary Lee                      Chipman                     m 1942 2001 58  x      Dorothy                  Kabela                    1964 Carroll                      Chipman          Daisy                       Grout
Ferne M                       Chittenden                  f 1897 1980 82  x      Ralph H, Sr              Matheson                  1920 Harry W                      Chittenden       Carrie                      Brown
Harold E                      Chittenden                  m 1923 1990 67  x      Dorothy                  Gray                      1953 Wright R                     Chittenden       Carrie P                    Henry
Harry                         Chittenden                  m 1873 1958 85  x      Carey Isabel             Brown                     1895 Henry                        Chittenden       Amanda
Joyce                         Chittenden                  f 1921 1995 74  x      Charles Edward           DeDecker                  1946 Wright                       Chittenden       Carey                       Henry
Marilyn Gail                  Chittenden                  f 1928 2006 77         Frank                    Murphy                         Wright                       Chittenden       Carrie 'Pearl'              Henry
Wright R                      Chittenden                  m 1896 1972 76  x      Carrie Pearl             Henry                     1921 Harry W                      Chittenden       Carrey
Edith Pauline                 Chittick                    f 1912 1997 84  x      Harry Frank              Erue                      1931 Frank                        Chittick         Golda                       Stahl
Everett E                     Chittick                    m 1914 1997 83  x      Ellen L                  Wade                      1937 Frank S                      Chittick         Golda                       Stahl
Florence Myrtle               Chittick                    f 1882 1931 48  ne     Edward                   Foubert                        William                      Chittick         Rosetta                     Darnell
Frank                         Chittick                    m 1888 1968 80  x      Golda                    Stahl                     1910 William                      Chittick         Rosetta                     Darnell
Gary E                        Chittick                    m 1944 1998 53  x      Maxine                   Frazier                   1968 Everett E                    Chittick         Ellen L                     Wade
Kenneth 'Bill'                Chittick                    m 1928 1995 67  x      Rose                                                    Frank S                      Chittick         Golda                       Stahl
Larry E                       Chittick                    m 1952 1998 45  x      Michele                  Spading                        Woodrow                      Chittick         Phyllis                     McMains
Lester LeRoy                  Chittick                    m 1922 2000 78  x      H. Jean                  Evans                     1942 Frank S                      Chittick         Golda                       Stahl
Ronald D                      Chittick                    m 1946 1998 52  x      Lisa                     Fair                      1983 Everett E                    Chittick         Ellen L                     Wade
William                       Chittick                    m 1852 1923 70  x      Rosetta                  Darnell                   1882
Erlene Catherine              Chrisman                    f 1937 2001 73  x      Harold Joseph            Lehn                      1959 Orville 'Bud'                Chrisman         Evelyn Elizabeth            Wehner
Harvey                        Chrisman                    m 1902 1967 65  x      Cledyth                  Davis                     1927 George                       Chrisman         Rachel                      Cupp
Isaac                         Chrisman                    m 1835 1920 85  x                                                         ??
James L                       Chrisman                    m 1882 1976 93  x      Margaret                 Hayes                     1900 George                       Chrisman         Rachel
Jennie Orpha                  Chrisman                    f 1888 1970 81  x      Alfred Lee               Brainard                  1906 John                         Chrisman         Jane
John M                        Chrisman                    m 1913 1971 57  x                                                         0    James L                      Chrisman         Margaret                    Hayes
Orville 'Bud'                 Chrisman                    m 1910 1989 78  x      Evelyn                   Werner                    1937 John                         Chrisman         Minnie                      Fox
Carl F                        Christen                    m 1907 1968 60  x      Elizabeth                Rohbacker                 1957 Aaron                        Christen         Caroline

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Fred                          Christen                    m      1947 80         Elizabeth                Roemig                    1890
Fred William                  Christen                    m 1892 1971 79  x      Evelyn Helen             Lutkins                   1920 Fred                         Christen         Elizabeth                   Roemig
Henry                         Christen                    m      1954            Marie Louise             Salzbrenner               1935
Howard Ralph                  Christen                    m 1925 1993 68  x                                                         0    Fred William                 Christen         Evelyn Helen                Lutkins
Johann Friedrich S            Christen                    m 1867 1947 80  x      Elizabeth                Roemig                    1890
Wallace Charles               Christen                    m 1935 2013 78  x      Joyce                    Tuma                      1968 Heini                        Christen         Marie                       Salzbrenner
William                       Christen                    m 1894 1969 74  x      Marie M                  Buhl                      1904 Fred                         Christen         Elizabeth                   Rormig
Fred 'Whitey"                 Christensen                 m 1954 2010 56  JT                                                             John                         Christensen      Geri                        Merritt
H M                           Christensen                 m      1959 64  x      Beth                     Gortner
Camiel I 'Chris'              Christian                   m 1927 2002 74  x                                                              Louis J                      Christian        Selma                       Van Doorenveldt
Elsie                         Christian                   f 1940 2011 70  x      Charles                  Hasley                         Peter                        Christian        Margaret                    Verdeck           Hasley was 2nd spouse
Elsie                         Christian                   f 1940 2011 70  x      unknown                  unknown                        Peter                        Christian        Margaret                    Verdeck           unknown was 1st spouse
Frances Coraline              Christian                   f 1923 2014 91  x      Glen E                   Gerard                    1946 William                      Christian        Gertrude                    Mariman
Louis Joseph                  Christian                   m 1894 1948 54  x      Selma                    VanDoorneveldt            1921 Camiel                       Christian        Cora                        DeBates
Marie Louise                  Christian                   f 1923 2012 88  JT     Ralph Jr.                Albert                    1945 Louis                        Christian        Selma                       Van Doorneveldt
Mell                          Christian                   m 1864 1936 72  x      Cora                     DeBates                   1893
Nettie                        Christians                  f 1922 2014 91  x      Harold Lee               Assink                    1942 Nick                         Christians       Nellie                      Beninga
Helen C                       Christiansen                f 1902 1989 87  x      Allyn Grieves            Evans                     1925 John                         Christiansen     Margaret                    Rothhouse
Clarence Jasper               Christianson                m      2002 94  x      Viola
Ellen Dorothy                 Christianson                f 1919 2012 93  x      Sidney                   Stein                     1940 Andrew                       Christianson     Eloisa                      Heller
William 'Big William'         Christman                   m      1887 78  x                                                                                                                                                          "Big William"
Alan Gerard 'Chris'           Christoffersen              m 1931 1998 66  x      Glenda May               Mayer                     1951 Alfred G                     Christoffersen   Esther                      Hartman
Debra Kay                     Christoffersen              f 1960 2014 54  x      Keith                    Hudepohl                  1980 Alan 'Chris'                 Christoffersen   Glenna                      Mayer
James                         Christy                     m 1861 1935 74  x      Mary Rebecca             Stuller                   1884 James                        Christy          Elizabeth                   Bolen
Silas                         Christy                     m 1885 1952 67  x                                                         0    James                        Christy          Mary Rebecca                Stuller
Ethel May                     Churchill                   f 1903 1997 93  x      Virgil E.                Grimm                     1924 Will                         Churchill        Jessie
Keith W                       Churchill                   m 1906 1990 84  x      Mildred                  Hein                      1939 William                      Churchill        Jessie                      Baird
Lowell B                      Churchill                   m 1901 1995 94  x      Henrietta                Whitmore                  1924 William                      Churchill        Jessie                      Baird
Margaret                      Churchill                   f 1898 1982 84  NER    H J                      Harvey                    1925 James                        Churchill        Ora                         Harding
William Loren 'Will'          Churchill                   m 1872 1950 77  x      Jessie May               Baird                     1894 C. P. (Charles)              Churchill        Mary Adell                  Connelly
 - multiple spellings -       Churkey                         -  see  also -     Tchirgi, Tchirkey,       Tchurkey, Tchuskey                                                                                                         see multiple spellings
Baird/Beard                   Churkey                     m 1825 1906 81  x      Mary                     Inhalder/Inhelder         1857                                                                                             see multiple spellings
Catherine 'Kit'               Churkey                     f 1872 1961 89  x      William D                Roberts                   1895 Baird/Beard                  Churkey          Mary                                          see multiple spellings
Mary                          Churkey                     f 1865 1953 87  x      John                     Powell                    1892                                                                                             see multiple spellings
Mary                          Churkey                     f 1865 1953 87  x      Fred                     Gerdts                    1906                                                                                             see multiple spellings
Matilda                       Churkey                     f 1876 1952 75  x      Marion E                 Furney                    1892 Baird/Beard                  Churkey          Mary                                          see multiple spellings
Rosa                          Churkey                     f 1868 1956 87  x      Edward                   Kearney                   1889 Beard                        Churkey
Arnold                        Chute                       m 1922 1937 14  x                                                         0    Cloyd                        Chute
Dorothy Ann                   Chute                       f 1921 2013 92  x      Harold S                 Dillon                    1942 Cloyd Clarence               Chute            Jessie                      Mather
Leona Elizabeth               Chute                       f 1918 1995 76  x      Elmer                    Glanz                     1946 Cloyd                        Chute            Jessie                      Mather
Russell V                     Chute                       m 1906 1987 81  x      Laura                    Rampenthal                1931
Adolph Leonard                Chvala                      m 1912 1982 70  x      Helen                    Novak                     1943 Frank                        Chvala           Anna                        Tesar
Minnie Marie                  Chvala                      f 1904 1993 89  x      Loren                    Block                     1925 Frank                        Chvala           Anna                        Tesar
David Roger                   Cisna                       m 1938 2012 74  x      Linda                    Flack Fulmer              2008 Roger D                      Cisna            Vera C                      Borchers
August                        Claeys                      m 1894 1945 51  x                                                         0    Charles                      Claeys           Leona                       DeVilder
August                        Claeys                      m 1892 1969 77         Erma                     Van Hamme                 1918
August R                      Claeys                      m 1920 2001 80  x      Dorothy M                Wauters                   1945 August                       Claeys           Irma                        Van Hamme
Bruno Lawrence                Claeys                      m 1895 1992 96         Mildred                  Nace                      1930 Clarles                      Claeys           Leona                       DeVilder
Charles J                     Claeys                      m 1907 1985 78  x      Mildred M 'Mim'          Cavanaugh                 1934 Charles                      Claeys           Leonie                      DeVilder
Frank Thomas                  Claeys                      m 1912 2011 99  x      Lorine Esther            Schwertfeger              1940 Charles 'Chase'              Claeys           Leona                       unknown

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Gemma Irene                   Claeys                      f 1919 2000 81  x      Ray                      Beran                     1940 August                       Claeys           Emma                        VanHamme
Ricky Lee                     Claeys                      m 1967 2014 47  x      Carole                   Husmann                   1994 August                       Claeys           Dorothy                     Wauters
William C                     Claeys                      m 1935 1995 59  x      Patricia                 Robey                     1960 Charles                      Claeys           Mildred                     Cavanaugh
Omar                          Clanin                      m      1947 64  x
Charles T                     Clapper                     m 1865 1923 55  x
Harold E 'Pat'                Clarahan                    m 1915 1975 60  x                                                         0    Edward                       Clarahan         Susan                       Allen
Alice Elizabeth               Clark                       f 1863 1943 79  x      Mason K, Dr              Ingraham                  1887 William                      Clark            Almina
Alva John                     Clark                       m 1854 1931 77  x      Ida                      Kime                      1877 John                         Clark            Eliza
Alva John                     Clark                       m 1854 1931 77  x      Mell                     Dougherty                 1917 John                         Clark            Eliza
Anna                          Clark                       f 1884 1917 33                                                            0
Charles William               Clark                       m 1913 1969 56  x
Cora                          Clark                       f 1876 1936 60  x      B F 'Ben'                Jones                     1895
Cora                          Clark                       f 1876 1936 60  x      D L                      Albert                    1931
Dale                          Clark                       m      1972            Ellen B                  Roth                      1943                              Clark                                        unknown
Dorothy Mae                   Clark                       f 1920 2014 93  x      Otis 'Cricket'           Schultz                   1937 LeRoy                        Clark            Orpha Dell                  Spurgon
Electa Jane                   Clark                       f 1845 1932 87  x      Samuel Allen             Jordan                    1862
Electra                       Clark                       f 1845 1932 87  x      Samuel Allen             Jordan                    1862                              Clark
Elizabeth I                   Clark                       f 1898 1985 86  x      Peter                    Clubb                     1921 Andrew                       Clark            Sarah                       Hicklin
Florence Lorean               Clark                       f 1915 1966 51  x      Ralph Eugene             Miles                     1934 Otto 'Burl'                  Clark            Ethel                       Lofgren
Fred                          Clark                       m 1867 1937 69  x      Myrna Belle              Barnes?                   1899
Infant                        Clark                       m 1924 1924     x                                                              Andrian                      Clark
Infant                        Clark                       m 1930 1930`6m  x                                                              Andrian                      Clark
James Franklin                Clark                       m 1962 1962 9m  x                                                         0    William F                    Clark            Arlene                      Harris
John                          Clark                       m      1892 81  x
John C                        Clark                       m 1947 1991 43  x                                                         0    Raymond                      Clark            Alice                       Carter
Lewis                         Clark                       m 1845 1891 45  x      Sarah Jane               Harrier                   1877
Melissa Marie                 Clark                       f      2004 23  x                                                         0
Ruth Lucille                  Clark                       f 1917 1982 64  x      William F                Anderson                  1945 John W                       Clark            Molly M                     Pryor
Thomas D Dr                   Clark                       m 1902 1987 84  x      Ella Mae                 Ryan                      1926
Thomas V                      Clark                       m      1907 76  x      Enfield Elizabeth        Nichols                   1853
William                       Clark                       m 1832 1909 77  x      Wilhelmina               Lyman                     1869
William                       Clark                       m 1807 1886 79  x      Alma A
William Adrian                Clark                       m 1903 1977 74  x      Pearl                    Hartman                   1923 Frederick J                  Clark            Myra                        Breece
H A, Rev                      Clarke                      m      1873 35  x
Katherine                     Clay                        f 1920 1998 78  x      Leo W                    Dodd                      1939
Katherine 'Kay'               Claybaugh                   f 1920 2013 92  x      Arthur Chapin            Corbett                   1948 Oliver                       Claybaugh        Florence                    Ogle
Margaret Ann                  Clary                       f 1855 1931 76  x      Francis Marion           Carmichal                 1873
Amy C.                        Claypool                    f 1923 2009 86  jt     Elroy William            Hervey                    1941 Roy N.                       Claypool         Maude R.                    Foster
Arthur Benton                 Claypool                    m 1862 1932 70         Rosa Belle               Carter                    1890
Bert H                        Claypool                    m 1881 1970 89         Minnie E                 Lindsey                   1900 William H                    Claypool         Ina                         McKinstry
Bertha Irene                  Claypool                    f 1900 1977 76  x      John D.                  Garringer                 1918 A. B.                        Claypool         Rosa Belle                  Carter
Betty Lou                     Claypool                    f 1929 1989 59  x      Donald                   Andrew                    1948 Carl                         Claypool         Blanche
Cecil Dean                    Claypool                    m 1905 1996 90  x      Thelma                   Cobb                      1964 Verner                       Claypool         Minnie                      Smart
Charles Milo                  Claypool                    m 1919 1994 74  x      Cordelle                 Brown                     1939 Otis                         Claypool         Pearl                       Polton
Clifford Owen                 Claypool                    m 1901 1991 89  x      Thelma L.                King                      1928 Bert H                       Claypool         Minnie E                    Lindsey
Clifford Owen                 Claypool                    m 1901 1991 89  x      Maud M                   Huxford                   1972 Bert H                       Claypool         Minnie E                    Lindsey
Dessie                        Claypool                    f 1895 1937 41  x      Roy                      Masteller                 ??
Don Francis                   Claypool                    m 1925 2013 87  x      Patricia                 Street                    1976 Harry                        Claypool         Carol Henrietta             Burns
Elna M                        Claypool                    f      1989 60  x      Joseph Paul              DeJordy                        Roy                          Claypool         Gail
Ernest Virgil                 Claypool                    m 1878 1955 77  x      Jessie                   Ballard                   1898 William G                    Claypool         Mary                        Wallace

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Ernest Virgil                 Claypool                    m 1878 1955 77  x      Rinda E                  McAndrews                      William G                    Claypool         Mary                        Wallace
Ethel June                    Claypool                    f 1932 2013 81  x      Fredrick                 Renner                    1953 Clifford                     Claypool         Thelma Loretta              King
Evelyn C                      Claypool                    f 1929 1979 50         Daniel J                 Osweiler                  1947 Kenneth                      Claypool         Cora                        Holderness
Flossie I                     Claypool                    f 1906 1970 63  x      Wynter                   West                           Millard                      Claypool         Mary                        Cheney
Gary Don 'Pool"               Claypool                    m 1954 2012 57  jt     Marsha                   Wade                           Don                          Claypool         Ruth                        Moffitt
Grace                         Claypool                    f 1886 1911 24  x                                                         0    J F                          Claypool
Harold B                      Claypool                    m 1901 1977 75         Marguerite               Benda                     1927 Ernest V                     Claypool         Jessie                      Ballard
Harold L                      Claypool                    m 1927 1998 70  x      Betty                    Utterback                 1953 Layton                       Claypool         Gertrude                    Singleton
Harry Joe                     Claypool                    m 1890 1976 85  x      Carol Henrietta          Burns                     1917 Verner                       Claypool         Minnie                      Smart
Howard Norman                 Claypool                    m 1932 2000 68  x                                                         0    Kenneth                      Claypool         Cora                        Holderness
John L 'Jontie'               Claypool                    m 1891 1953 61         Viola Jane               DeLozier                  1942
Jonathan C                    Claypool                    m      1919     x      Ann Marie                Henkle                    1859
Jontie L                      Claypool                    m      1953            Viola Jane               DeLozier                  1942
Kenneth                       Claypool                    m 1903 1990 86  x      Margaret Cora            Holderness                1924 Bert                         Claypool         Minnie                      Lindsay
Lanny Lee                     Claypool                    m 1956 2013 57  x      Mandy                    Lin                       2006 Charles Milo                 Claypool         Cordelle Evelyn             Brown
Laurence O                    Claypool                    m 1901 1981 79  x                                                         0    John                         Claypool         Cordellia                   Pettibone
Layton E 'Happy'              Claypool                    m 1901 1991 90         Gertrude                 Singleton                 1925 Verner H                     Claypool         Minnie                      Smart
Lewis Benton Dr               Claypool                    m 1916 1978 62  x      Vivian                                                  John                         Claypool         Elsie                       Dayton
Luella 'Lu'                   Claypool                    f 1918 2003 85  NE     W. D. 'Duly'             Bailey                         Jonathan Leroy               Claypool         Elsie Mae                   Dayton
M Leroy                       Claypool                    m 1918 1975 56  x      Reva                     Gilchrist                 1940 Carl                         Claypool         Blanche                     Dersch
Marian Enid                   Claypool                    f               x                                                         0    Roy Orville                  Claypool         Essie Gail                  Butler
Mary Lillian                  Claypool                    f 1918 1982 64  x      Henry 'Hank' Jr          Williams                  1938 Millard Filmore              Claypool         Mary Viola 'Molly'          Cheney
Mary Lillian                  Claypool                    f 1918 1982 64  x      Fred                     Emrath                    1975 Millard Filmore              Claypool         Mary Viola 'Molly'          Cheney
Mary Lillian                  Claypool                    f 1918 1982 64  x      Theodore M               Wolfe                     1978 Millard Filmore              Claypool         Mary Viola 'Molly'          Cheney
Mary Louise                   Claypool                    f 1896 1967 71  x      John William             Long                      1917 Arthur Benton                Claypool         Rosa Belle                  Carter
Maude                         Claypool                    f 1884 1983 98  x      Charles                  Moore                     1905 John T                       Claypool         Della                       Pettibone
Millard F.                    Claypool                    m 1885 1959 74         Mary Viola               Cheney                    1906 Wallace                      Claypool
Otis Henry                    Claypool                    m 1894 1981 87  x      Pearl                    Polton                    1915 Arthur B                     Claypool         Rosa B                      Carter
Otis Henry                    Claypool                    m 1894 1981 87  x      Adah                     Marshall                  1965 Arthur B                     Claypool         Rosa B                      Carter
Pauline Delores               Claypool                    f 1931 2013 82  x      Victo                    Huedepohl                 1948 Clifford                     Claypool         Thelma                      King
Ray N                         Claypool                    m 1897 1961 64         Maude Mary               Foster                    1920 Verner H                     Claypool         Minnie                      Smart
Robert Louis                  Claypool                    m 1928 1992 63  x      Helenka                  Bartunck                  1952 Harold B                     Claypool         Marguerite                  Benda
Roy Orville                   Claypool                    m 1893 1985 92         Esssie Gail              Butler                    1919 Verner H                     Claypool         Minnie                      Smart
Sally Ann                     Claypool                    f 1950 1992 41  x                               Dhondt?                        Marvin Leroy                 Claypool         Reva                        Gilchrist         divorced?
Sally Ann                     Claypool                    f 1950 1992 41  x                               Hulbert?                       Marvin Leroy                 Claypool         Reva                        Gilchrist
Verner H                      Claypool                    m 1867 1926 58  x      Minnie                   Smart                     1889 Jonathan                     Claypool
William W                     Claypool                    m      1985 58  x      LaVerta                  Moore                     1959 Kenneth                      Claypool         Cora                        Holderness
William Wallace               Claypool                    m 1859 1935 76  x      Ina Belle                McKinstry                 1880 William                      Claypool         Mary
Marcia L                      Clayton                     f 1880 1970 89  x      Elmer Kenneth            Core                      1906
William Clair                 Clayton                     m 1936 1994 57  x      Mary Ellen               Felton                    1958 Walter                       Clayton          Hazel M                     Hall
Billie                        Clear                       f 1926 2011 84  x      Vernon                   Brogla                    1936 William                      Clear            Mamie                       Jones
Ellen Theresa                 Clear                       f 1890 1982 92  x      John Michael             Curry                     1926 Michael                      Clear            Bridget                     Kennedy
Frank                         Clear                       m      1940 53  x      Stella                   McGillicuddy              1911 Michael                      Clear            Bridget                     Kennedy
James Michael                 Clear                       m 1894 1984 89  x                                                         0    Michael                      Clear            Bridget                     Kennedy
John J                        Clear                       m 1921 1988 66  x      Alice                    Dicken                    1941 William                      Clear            Mayme                       Jones
Mary                          Clear                       f 1913 1976 62  x      Don                      Hunter                    1936 William                      Clear            Mary                        Jones
Matthew                       Clear                       m 1896 1939 43  x                                                         0    Mike                         Clear
William Henry 'Willy'         Clear                       m 1888 1962 74  x      Mayme                    Jones                     1912 Michael                      Clear            Bridget                     Kennedy
John Joseph                   Cleary                      m 1928 1997 69  x      Shirley Ann              Carlson                   1959 Dennis                       Cleary           Mary Agnes                  Finn
Lorene Louise Sophie          Clefisch                    f 1919 2014 95  x      Irvin G                  Niehaus                   1939 William                      Clefisch         Leona                       Lewin

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Adam                          Clemens                     m 1879 1978 96  x      Marie                    Heintz                    1903 Frank                        Clemens          Carolina                    Hirn
Caroline                      Clemens                     f 1893 1975 82  x      Fred                     Leichsenring              1916 Jacob                        Clemens          Wilhelmina                  Goerler
Louis A, Dr.                  Clemens                     m 1910 1987 77  x      Lina                     Shoup                     1939 Adam                         Clemens          Marie                       Heinze
Louis A, Dr.                  Clemens                     m 1910 1987 77  x      Esther                   Payerleitner              1978 Adam                         Clemens          Marie                       Heinze
Magdalena                     Clemens                     f 1902 1977 1922x      John J                   Leichsenring              1922 Jacob                        Clemens          Wilhelmine                  Goerler
Wilhelmina 'Minnie'           Clemens                     f 1890 1977 86  x      Henry                    Fritsche                  1914 Jacob                        Clemens          Wilhelmine                  Goerler
Jane                          Clement                     f 1917 2008 91  x      David Burton             Evans                     1940 Lester                       Clement          Nina                        Blossom
Alberta M 'Betty'             Clements                    f 1890 1981 90  x                                                         0    Charles C                    Clements         Anna                        Merritt-Price
George G                      Clements                    m 1878 1963 84  x      Katherine Henrietta      Raney                     1902
Irvin W                       Clements                    m      1944 74  x      Mildred                  Quackenbush
Jeanette Maurice              Clements                    f 1923 2007 84  x      Lyle Harrison            Hartz                     1943 Judson                       Clements         Ophelia                     Irvine
Mary                          Clements                    f 1867 1960 93  x                                                         0    Joseph                       Clements         Grace
Mary                          Clements                    f 1828 1908 79  x      William                  McCauley                                                    Clements                                     unknown
Ralph                         Clements                    m 1892 1893 1   x                                                              W J                          Clements
Raymond R L                   Clemson                     m               x      Evelyn Mae               Radeke
Edward Amiel                  Cleppe                      m 1920 2002 82  x      Idella Christena         Dutoit                    1950 Amiel Edmond                 Cleppe           Della Eva                   Remery
Sarah L                       Cleveland                   f 1840 1931 91  x      Samuel E                 Gates                     1861
Beatrice E                    Clevenger                   f 1913 2013 99  x      Elmer R                  McDonald                  1933 Willmer F                    Clevenger        Maud                        Close
Ethel B.                      Clevenger                   f 1888 1967 79  x      Guy                      Harris                    1906 Thomas                       Clevenger        Effie                       Hall
Tally M                       Clevenger                   m      1945     x      Sadie                    Mahannah
Welma Frances                 Clevenger                   f 1918 2014 95  x      Donald E                 Dietrich                  1942 Wilmer                       Clevenger        Adella                      Randolph
Willmer F 'Pete'              Clevenger                   m 1880 1959 78  x      Maud                     Close                     1906
Willmer F 'Pete'              Clevenger                   m 1880 1959 78  x      Adella                   Randolph                  1917
Willmer F 'Pete'              Clevenger                   m 1880 1959 78  x      Jessie D                 Shields                   1948
Leonard Frederick             Cline                       m 1925 2012 86  jt     Doris Lucille            Neitzel                   1950 George Andrew                Cline            Margaret Theresa            Kriegel
Samuel                        Cline                       m 1830 1898 68  x      Harriet                  Finley                    1850
Allen Charles                 Clinton                     m 1941 2013 71  jt     Iva                      Meyer                     1969 Erwin                        Clinton          Ruth                        Sadler
Catherine                     Clipp                       f 1815 1895 79  MR     Hans Frederick           Bahr                      1841
Aldria Alvina                 Close                       f 1893 1953 60  x      Isaac E 'Ike'            Fiser                     1910 Jacob                        Close            Elizabeth
Bertha                        Close                       f 1881 1930 50  x      Edward F                 Lane                      1900 Jacob                        Close            Elizabeth
Jennie                        Close                       f 1879 1928 49  x      John                     Lane                      1906 Jacob                        Close            Elizabeth 'Lizzie'
Maud                          Close                       f 1885 1916 30  x      Willmer F 'Pete'         Clevenger                 1906 Jacob                        Close            Elizabeth
Neva                          Clotheir                    f      1970            Charles Sr               Cox
Joel Dr                       Cloud                       m      1873 45  x
Martha                        Cloud                       f 1824 1880 56  pr     Jose Woodward            Hollowell                                                   Cloud
Mary Jacquelyn                Clowser                     f 1918 2012 94  jt     Clifford                 Hansel                         Johon Elmer                  Clowser          Golden Emma                 Hurst
Joan Maxine                   Clubb                       f 1933 2010 77  jt     Lavern R 'Bud'           Grimm                     1950 Peter                        Clubb            Elizabeth Isabel            Clark
Laura                         Clubb                       f      1990 30  x                                                         0    Mildred                      Clubb            Verle
Peter                         Clubb                       m 1899 1981 82  x      Elizabeth I              Clark                     1921 Charles                      Clubb            Henrietta                   Iosbaker
Rodney C                      Clubb                       m 1923 1995 71  x      Orpha                    Grimm                     1948 Peter                        Clubb            Elizabeth                   Clark
Violet                        Clubb                       f      2004 36  x                               Wagner                         Rodney C                     Clubb            Orpha
Agnes Alfretta                Clyde                       f 1861 1934 73  x      Clark                    Maudlin                   1882 John                         Clyde            Nancy
Della C                       Clyde                       f 1891 1981 90  x      George V                 Fiser                     1909 William                      Clyde            Catharine                   Stoner
James                         Clyde                       m 1798 1877 79  x
Stella Gertrude               Clyde                       f 1887 1967 80  x      Sylvester F III          Sherman                   1911 William                      Clyde            Catherine                   Stoner
Mary                          Coackley                    f 1871 1959 88  x                               Carney                         Timothy                      Coackley         Ann                         Noonan
(infant)                      Coakley                     m 1902 1902 4m                                                            0    Jerry                        Coakley          Bridget                     DeLaney
Jerry                         Coakley                     m 1867 1902 35  x      Bridget                  DeLaney                   1894 Timothy                      Coakley          Ann
John 'Harry'                  Coakley                     m      1976     x                                                              Jeremiah                     Coakley          Bridget                     DeLaney
Timothy P                     Coakley                     m      1967     x      Ruth W                   Wagner                    1916

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Belle                         Coates                      f 1896 1986 89  x                                                         0    Louis                        Coates           Isabella                    Huston
Ethel Marie                   Coates                      f 1899 1982 82  x      Glen A                   Martin                    1917 Jess                         Coates           Gay                         Moffitt
Abigail                       Coats                       f 1843 1882 39  x      Eli                      Cronbaugh                 1862 Mark                         Coats            Catherine                   Wyland
Amy                           Coats                       f 1894 1991 97                                                                 James                        Coats            Rebecca                     Noaker
Blaine                        Coats                       m      1971     x      Lottie                   Border
Charles Harrison              Coats                       m 1888 1960 71  x      Clara                    Tobin                     1911 David                        Coats            Sarah                       Noaker
Daniel L                      Coats                       m 1853 1883 29  x      Mrs M E                  Pattengale                1878 Mark                         Coats
David R                       Coats                       m 1847 1916 68  x      Sarah                    Noaker                    1873 John                         Coats            Fanny                       Rudy
Eli Inmann                    Coats                       m 1843 1918 74  x      Hanna R                  Jordan                    1867 John                         Coats            Fanny                       Rudy
Elizabeth A                   Coats                       f 1839 1920 80  x      Wright                   Elliott                   1855
Fannie E                      Coats                       f 1850 1933 83  x      George Washington        Cronbaugh                 1868
HerbertMarshall               Coats                       m 1878 1952 73  x      Elsie M                  Rosenberger               1902 David R                      Coats            Sarah                       Noaker
James Harley                  Coats                       m 1889 1937 48  x                                                         0    James J                      Coats            Rebecca                     Noaker
James J Captain               Coats                       m 1846 1917 70  x      Emma                     Lupher                    1871 John                         Coats            Fanny                       Rudy
James J Captain               Coats                       m 1846 1917 70  x      Rebecca                  Noaker                    1888 John                         Coats            Fanny                       Rudy
James J Captain               Coats                       m 1846 1917 70  x      Ella                     Mumby                     1903 John                         Coats            Fanny                       Rudy
Jeanette A                    Coats                       f      2000 85         Truman                   Schrader                       Willard                      Coats            Alta                        Farrell
Jennie R                      Coats                       f 1882 1928 46  x      Ralph                    Maudlin                   1901 David                        Coats            Sarah                       Noaker            divorced
Jennie R                      Coats                       f 1882 1928 46  x      Chester Alfred           Davis                     1906 David M                      Coats            Sarah                       Noaker
John                          Coats                       m 1816 1888 73  x
Lake L                        Coats                       m 1879 1903 24  x                                                              James J                      Coats            Emma                        Lupher
Luella E                      Coats                       f 1869 1885 16  x                                                         0    Eli                          Coats
Mark                          Coats                       m               x
Mary Mae                      Coats                       f 1874 1929 55  x      Charles E                York                      1894 James                        Coats            Emma
Minda                         Coats                       f 1893 1954 61  x      John                     Heller                    1912 David Rudy                   Coats            Sarah                       Noaker
Nan Jeanette                  Coats                       f 1933 1972 38  x      Stanley                  Jack                      1952 Noel                         Coats            Verna                       Sheridan
Noel                          Coats                       m 1898 1990 91  x      Verna                    Sheridan                  1918 Willard                      Coats            Alta                        Farrell
R Bruce                       Coats                       m 1904 1974 69         Margaret                 Schrader                  1934 Willard                      Coats            Alta                        Farrell
Rex                           Coats                       m 1902 1959 57  x      Thelma                   Atkinson                  1924 Willard                      Coats            Alta                        Farrell
Rex                           Coats                       m 1902 1959 57  x      Dorothy                  Wilson                         Willard                      Coats            Alta                        Farrell
Robert L                      Coats                       m 1924 1998 73  x      Joyce                    Ostrom                    1947 Noel                         Coats            Verna                       Sheridan
Ronald Bruce                  Coats                       m 1904 1974 69  x      Mary Margaret            Schrader                  1934
Sarah Mabel                   Coats                       f 1911 2005 93  x                                                         0    Charles H                    Coats            Clara C                     Tobin
Vernon Roy                    Coats                       m 1918 1993 75  x                                                              Charles                      Coats            Clara                       Tobin
Willard E                     Coats                       m 1875 1958 83  x      Alta B                   Farrell                   1897 David                        Coats            Sarah                       Noaker
Daisy Marie                   Cobb                        f 1909 2006 97  x      Carl Joseph              Johnston                  1930 Joseph A                     Cobb             Ida M                       Ballard
Edgar Raymond 'Ty'            Cobb                        m 1905 1992 87  x      Lillie E                 Hall                      1931 Samuel                       Cobb             Nona                        Petty
Joseph Andrew                 Cobb                        m 1882 1963 80  x      Ida M                    Ballard                   1908 Rufus                        Cobb             Rachel
Laurie Ann                    Cobb                        f 1966 1966 6d  x                                                         0    Gene L                       Cobb             Martha
Margaret LaDean               Cobb                        f 1928 1990 62  x                                                         0    Joseph A.                    Cobb             Ida M                       Ballard
Raymond Lloyd                 Cobb                        m 1917 2008 91  x      Dorothy Vree             Snare                     1939 Samuel                       Cobb             Nona                        Petty
Robert J Pfc                  Cobb                        m 1947 1968 20  x                                                         0    Glenn                        Cobb
Shirley Ann                   Cobb                        f 1935 2014 78  x      Glenn                    Fetzer                    1955 Edgar                        Cobb             Lillie                      Hall
Thelma                        Cobb                        f 1911 1987 75  x      Myron C                  Lown                      1938 Joseph Andew                 Cobb             Ida M                       Ballard
Thelma                        Cobb                        f 1911 1987 75  x      Cecil Dean               Claypool                  1964 Joseph Andrew                Cobb             Ida M.                      Ballard
Barbara                       Coberly                     f 1956 1995 38  x      Loys                     Baethke                   1976 Jack                         Coberly          Jeanne                      Groth
Laymon                        Coble                       m               x      Marjorie                 Baughman
Charley Wilmer                Cochran                     m 1902 1981 78  x      Mabel A                  Rickman                   1951 Lambert                      Cochran          Agusta                      Ochs
Ed                            Cochran                     m 1907 1976 68  x      Roma                     Mercer                    1926 Charles                      Cochran          Mattie                      Shanks
Otis F                        Cochran                     m 1895 1946 50  x      Loretta                  Murphy                    1923 John                         Cochran          Mary

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Rachel Estella                Cochran                     f 1934 1934 6w  x                                                         0    Fred                         Cochran
David Dr                      Cockrill                    m 1919 1985 66  x      Mary Besse               Monroe                    1940 Lowell Ercell                Cockrill         Anne Josephine              Lillard
William 'Bill' Joseph         Coen                        m 1914 2002 87  x      Gertrude J               Shea                      1936 William J                    Coen             Mary                        Mungovan
William J                     Coen                        m 1887 1931 44  x      Mary                     Mungovan                  1915
Christy J                     Coffey                      m 1889 1953 64  x      Alice Rose               Schneider                 1917
Andrew Thomas                 Coffman                     m 1980 1988 8   x                                                         0    Thomas L                     Coffman          Sheryl A
Beatrice Ella                 Coffman                     f 1898 1969 71  x      Harley I                 Grove                     1918 William H                    Coffman          Nellie                      Blaylock
Benjamin David                Coffman                     m 1979 2011 32  JT                                                        0    David Joe                    Coffman          Dawn Lynette                Tandy
Charles W                     Coffman                     m 1903 1980 76  x      Cleo B                   Ruth                      1924 W. W.                        Coffman          Clema                       Grove
Curt Ray                      Coffman                     m 1960 1980 19  x                                                         0    Ray A                        Coffman          Barbara                     Osmundson
Don Robert                    Coffman                     m 1934 2005 70  x      Connie                                                  John W                       Coffman          Eva                         Lemon
Donald Thomas                 Coffman                     m 1909 1979 70  x      Mildred L                Blair                     1930 William                      Coffman          Bertha                      Greenlee
Evert G                       Coffman                     m 1898 1991 93  x      Beulah C                 Shelly                    1923 David F                      Coffman          Cora                        Reed
Joel Wayne                    Coffman                     m 1907 1980 73  x      Elsie                    Peterson                  1938 William Smock                Coffman          Bertha Elvina               Greenlee
Leland George                 Coffman                     m 1938 1975 37  x      Phyllis Jean             Kerr                      1957 Evert                        Coffman          Beulah                      Shelly
Lois                          Coffman                     f 1935 2013 77  x                                                         0    Harry                        Coffman          Eva
Marie Eileen                  Coffman                     f 1925 1998 72  x                                                         0    Evert G                      Coffman          Beulah Shelly
Paul A                        Coffman                     m 1901 1978 76  x      Evalyne                  Almstrom                  1940 William                      Coffman          Bertha                      Greenlee
Randall J                     Coffman                     m 1956 1990 33  x                                                         0    Wayne                        Coffman          Phyllis                     Sorensen
Vola m                        Coffman                     f 1895 1983 87  x      Ray A                    Miller                    1917 W. H.                        Coffman          Martha                      Blaylock
William J                     Coffman                     m 1918 1973 55  x      Jeannette                Owen                      1938 William S                    Coffman          Bertha                      Greenlee
William Smock 'Bill'          Coffman                     m 1875 1965 90  x      Bertha                   Greenlee                  1898 Joseph W                     Coffman          Margaret                    Wilson
Charles E Rev                 Coggeshall                  m 1867 1955 88  x      Laura Alexandria         Jelley                    1895 Chris W                      Coggeshall       Leah                        Jelly
Ethel                         Coghlan                     f 1897 1992 94  x      Elmer Clay               Fitzwater                 1914 Dan                          Coghlan          Amanda                      Shaw
Ethel                         Coghlan                     f 1897 1992 94  NIC    Isaac S                  Bair                      1920 Dan                          Coghlan          Amanda                      Shaw
Michael Ray 'Mike'            Cohrt                       m 1956 2014 58  x      Kathy                    Walton                    1997 Edward Herman                Cohrt            Martha Ida                  Furler
Alexiauna Lura Ann            Coker                       f 2007 2007 43d x                                                         0    Aaron                        Green            Kristin                     Coker
George Thomas Jr              Coker                       m 1930 1979 48  x      F Ramona                 Smith                     1951 George Thomas, Sr            Coker            Mabel                       Van Sise
Omer                          Colaert                     m 1894 1975 81  x      Emma                     Mandevie                  1920 Cyriel                       Colaert          Leonatiena
Omer                          Colaert                     m 1894 1975 81  x      Emma Mathilda            Walters                   1950 Cyriel                       Colaert          Leonatiena
Everett W 'Pete'              Colbert                     m 1912 1966 54  x      Doris Jane               Thompson                  1934 Frank                        Colbert          Rena                        Baughman
Thomas Robert                 Colbert                     m 1898 1959 61  x      Mabel Mary               Wadle                     1921 Thomas                       Colbert          Ellen
Doris Elaine                  Colbornson                  f 1925 1990 64  x      Warren C                 Johnson                   1952 Leslie M                     Colbornson       Aileen                      Laird
Eva Idelia                    Colbornson                  f 1898 1976 78  x      Eugene Irving            Lawton                    1920 Carl Oscar                   Colbornson       Anna Elizabeth
Aaron Townsend                Cole                        m 1911 1941 29  x      Gertrude Louise          Booth                          Samuel Elisha Rev            Cole             Ida Annettie                Drake
LeRoy                         Cole                        m 1889 1957 68  x      Lula                     Darden                    1810 William                      Cole             Lizzie                      Schultz
Naomi                         Cole                        f 1907 1994 86  x      Eugene V                 Gay                       1907
Pauline                       Cole                        f 1917 1976 59  x      Clell                    Coulson                        Melvin L                     Cole             Daisie B                    Beers
Rita Ann                      Cole                        f 1929 2003 74  x      Leonard J                Fuhrmeister               1953 Edmond                       Cole             Celia                       Dvorsky
Rose                          Cole                        f 1903 1974 70  x      Maurice H                Hannon                    ?                                 Cole                                         unknown
Samuel Elisha Rev             Cole                        m 1873 1953 79  x      Ida Annettie             Drake                     1897 Robert Bruce                 Cole             Susanah Ann Easter          Bain
Wesley Young                  Cole                        m 1909 1940 30  x      Gladys Evelyn            Swope                     1935 Samuel Elisha Rev            Cole             Ida Annettie                Drake
Charles F                     Coleman                     m 1928 2011 82  x      Betty                    Adams                     1953 James                        Coleman          Loretta                     Duggan
Henry                         Coleman                     m 1878 1966 87  x      Eva                      Woodle                    1908 Petrus                       Coleman          Clemence
Louis                         Coleman                     m      1990            Emma Lucille             Wall
Raymond Floyd                 Coleman                     m 1913 1978 64  x      Velma Lorraine           Hoffman                   1940 Henry                        Coleman          Eva                         Woodle
Alice                         Colgan                      f 1911 1974 63  x      Thomas William           Elwood                    1945 Charles                      Colgan           Alice
Ben                           Colicchio                   m      1971            Edith                    Caselli
Beverly J.                    Collentine                  f 1914 2008 93  CR     Roy A.                   Kies                      1935 Thomas                       Collentine       Gertrude                    Wood
Raymond                       Collett                     m 1902 1989 86  x      Sarah Lemira             Jameson                   1939                                               Kattie

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Carro                         Collingwood                 f 1899 1982 82  x      Charles                  Edwards                   1921 Daniel                       Collingwood      Cynthia                     Wanamaker
Cecil                         Collingwood                 m 1919 1999 80  x      Laverne                  Iburg                     1941 Harry                        Collingwood      Caroline                    Faas
Dan                           Collingwood                 m      1922     x      Cynthia                  Wanamaker                 1884
Daniel                        Collingwood                 m      1864 41  x      Alzina C                 Snow                      1848
Ethel LaVerne                 Collingwood                 f 1942 2015 72  x      David John               Voigt                     1962 La Verne                     Collingwood      Cecil
Gerald                        Collingwood                 m 1913 1985 71  x      Doris                    Bickford                  1936 Roy                          Collingwood      Emily                       Faas
Gerald                        Collingwood                 m 1913 1985 71  x      Jeannette Emmaline       Barber                    1965 Roy                          Collingwood      Emily                       Faas
Gladys E                      Collingwood                 f 1924 1995 70  x      Orville W                Kempfert                  1946 Leroy                        Collingwood      Emily                       Faas
Harold E                      Collingwood                 m 1917 1987 70  x      Erna Marie               Walter                    1939 Harry R                      Collingwood      Caroline A                  Faas
Harry D                       Collingwood                 m 1885 1970 85  x      Ilah Mae                 Kearney                   1943 Daniel                       Collingwood      Cynthia                     Wanamaker
Harry R                       Collingwood                 m 1885 1970 85  x      Caroline A               Faas                      1908 Daniel                       Collingwood      Cynthia                     Wanamaker
Harry R                       Collingwood                 m 1885 1970 85  x      Ilah Mae                 Kearney                   1943 Daniel                       Collingwood      Cynthia                     Wanamaker
James P                       Collingwood                 m 1895 1975 80  x      Ruth Mae                 Smith                     1920 Daniel E                     Collingwood      Cynthia                     Wanamaker
Larry Dr                      Collingwood                 m 1945 1975 60  x      Marce                    Vogt                      1966 Gerald                       Collingwood      Doris                       Bickford
Lester A.                     Collingwood                 m 1940 2009 69  jt     Connie L.                Cobb                      1968 Orlo K.                      Collingwood      Pauline S.                  Teggatz
Lorena Gail                   Collingwood                 f 1911 2013 102 x      Orville H.E.             Teggetz                   1933 Harry                        Collingwood      Caroline                    Faas
Lydia A                       Collingwood                 f 1855 1932 77  x      Frank                    Kimball                   ??   Daniel                       Collingwood      Alvira
Maxine Karen                  Collingwood                 f 1944 1965 21  x      Marlyn A.                Doty                           Mervin                       Collingwood      Ruth                        Messer
Mervin L                      Collingwood                 m 1909 1973 64  x      Ruth                     Messer                    1933 Harry                        Collingwood      Caroline                    Faas
Minnie May                    Collingwood                 f 1884 1960 75  x      Albert A 'Bert'          Yearian                   1907 Seth                         Collingwood      Mary
Orlo K                        Collingwood                 m 1913 1992 79  x      Pauline Sophie           Teggatz                   1936 Harry R                      Collingwood      Caroline A                  Faas
Orlo K                        Collingwood                 m 1913 1992 79  x      Minnie                   Werner                    1989 Harry R                      Collingwood      Caroline A                  Faas
Roy                           Collingwood                 m 1887 1932 45  x      Emily Marie              Faas                      1912 Dan                          Collingwood
Russell E                     Collingwood                 m 1921 1997 75  x      Jean J                   Kozior                    1945 James P                      Collingwood      Ruth                        Smith
Seth Snow                     Collingwood                 m      1926 74  x      Mary A                   Edwards                   1882
Treb Alan                     Collingwood                 m 1968 1975 7   x                                                         0    Larry Dr                     Collingwood      Marce                       Vogt
Velma                         Collingwood                 f 1916 2013 96  x      Harold                   Hofmaster                 1936 Roy                          Collingwood      Emily                       Faas
Alice Geraldine               Collins                     f 1905 1996 90  x                                                         0    Thomas J                     Collins          Mary                        Cox               Sr Mary Anna Catharine
Anna Pearl                    Collins                     f 1875 1957 81  x      Alfred James             Denney                    1895 William                      Collins          Rachel                      Bunker
C Donald                      Collins                     m 1912 2002 90  x      Mary Jeanne              Berry                     1937 John                         Collins          Anne                        Garvey
Charles F                     Collins                     m 1887 1954 67  x      Leitha J                 Scholl                    1919 John J                       Collins          Catherine                   Hanson
Charles F Jr                  Collins                     m 1920 2000 79  x      Margery                  Deunk                     1946 Charles F                    Collins          Letha                       Scholl
Charles F Jr                  Collins                     m 1920 2000 79  x      Jeanette                 Addis                     1977 Charles F                    Collins          Letha                       Scholl
Cornelius                     Collins                     m 1868 1898 30  x
Ellen T                       Collins                     f 1900 1990 89  x                                                         0    John                         Collins          Anne                        Garvey
Francis Rev                   Collins                     m 1902 1972 70  x                                                         0    John                         Collins          Anne                        Garvey
Geraldine E                   Collins                     f 1916 2000 83  x      Eldon E                  Yearian                   1938 Dean                         Collins          Zula                        Vanek
Henry 'Hank'                  Collins                     m      1887     x      Elizabeth
James C                       Collins                     m 1927 1995 68  x      Zelda                    Middlekauff               1950 Osa Leroy                    Collins          Doris Gail                  Churchill
John                          Collins                     m      1893 82         Bridget                  Driscoll                  1849
John                          Collins                     m 1860          x      Catherine                Hanson                    1886 Michael                      Collins
John F                        Collins                     m 1896 1971 75  x                                                         0    Thomas                       Collins          Mary                        Cox
John H                        Collins                     m 1898 1985 86  x      Charlotte M              Burke                     1924 John                         Collins          Anne                        Garvey
John Henry                    Collins                     m 1850 1928 77  x      Annie                    Garvey                    1895 John                         Collins          Bridget
John J                        Collins                     m 1860 1931 70  x      Catherine                Hanson                    1886 Michael                      Collins
John Robert                   Collins                     m 1939 1939 1w  x                                                         0    Leonard                      Collins
Joseph P                      Collins                     m 1908 1985 76  x      Geneva                   Rogers                    1934 Thomas J                     Collins          Mary                        Cox
Leonard                       Collins                     m 1912 1994 81  x      Bernice                  Rogers                    1938 Thomas J                     Collins          Mary                        Cox
Lizzie                        Collins                     f 1876 1896 19  x                                                         0    Cornelius                    Collins
Luke L                        Collins                     m 1903 1979 76  x                                                         0    Thomas J                     Collins          Mary                        Cox

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Mary A                        Collins                     f 1867 1961 93  x      John                     Hogan                     1887                              Collins
Mary Jane                     Collins                     f 1896 1943 47  x      Lambert A                Berry                     1927
Mary Kathryn                  Collins                     f 1828 1976 47  x      Noah W                   Mosdell                   1955 Charles F                    Collins          Letha                       Scholl
Osa Leroy                     Collins                     m 1900 1986 86  x      Doris Gail               Churchill                 1925 Charles H                    Collins          Sadie                       McNeal
Patricia Ann                  Collins                     f 1940 1976 35  x      Terrance Patrick 'Terry' Finnegan                  1960 Leonard                      Collins          Bernice                     Rogers
Raymond                       Collins                     m      1971 62  x
Robert J 'Bob'                Collins                     m 1966 2013 47  x                                                         0                                                  Joan                        Boothby (Gryp)    stepfather David Gryp
Rosalie M                     Collins                     f 1894 1964 70  x                                                         0    John J                       Collins          Catherine                   Hanson
Rose Marie                    Collins                     f 1899 1966 66  x                                                         0
Thomas J                      Collins                     m 1865 1953 88  x      Mary                     Cox                       1894 John                         Collins          Mary
Vincent A                     Collins                     m 1898 1966 67  x      Honora                   Bradley                   1929 Tom                          Collins          Minnie
William J                     Collins                     m 1948 2002 54  x                                                         0    Leonard J                    Collins          Bernice G                   Rogers
Mike C                        Collis                      m 1943 1972 29  x                                                              Dean                         Collis                                                         divorced?
Dynise A 'Bud'                Collum                      m 1906 1972 85  x      Amanda Irene             Ferrel                    1948 Hugh                         Collum           Emma                        O'Brien
Dynise A, Jr                  Collum                      m 1950 2014 64  x                                                         ??   Dynise A 'Bud'               Collum           Amanda Irene                Ferrel
Joseph Patrick                Collum                      m 1901 1987 86  x      Mary                     Snook                     1930 Hugh                         Collum           Emma                        O'Brien
Margaret                      Collum                      f 1900 1984 83  x                                                         0    Hugh                         Collum           Emma                        O'Brien
(infant son)                  Colson                      m 1873 1875 14m x                                                         0    Joseph Harrison              Colson           Rosalia 'Rosa'              Beardshear
Clara                         Colson                      f 1879 1938 58  x      Park P                   Butterfield                    Joseph Harrison              Colson           Rosalia 'Rosa'              Beardshear
Frank Banks                   Colson                      m 1867 1921 54  x      Mary Ellen               O'Sullivan                1892 Joseph Harrison              Colson           Rosalia 'Rosa'              Beardshear
Freddie                       Colson                      m 1882 1882 3m  x                                                         0    Joseph Harrison              Colson           Rosalia 'Rosa'              Beardshear
George Everett                Colson                      m 1899 1920 21  x                                                              Frank                        Colson           Mary                        unknown
Grace Evelyn                  Colson                      f 1893 1893 5m  x                                                         0    F B                          Colson
Hazel                         Colson                      f 1892 1982 89  x      Percy                    Edwards                   1910 Joseph Harrison              Colson           Rosalia 'Rosa'              Beardshear
Janet Rose                    Colson                      f 1931 2013 81  x      Leo                      Brachtenbach              1958 Louis M                      Colson           Frances M                   Hogan             divorced in 1985
Joseph Harrison               Colson                      m 1841 1906 64  x      Rosalia 'Rosa'           Beardshear                1866
Louis M                       Colson                      m 1901 1972 70  x      Frances M                Hogan                     1926 Frank                        Colson           Mollie                      Sullivan
Orin Edgar 'Bub'              Colson                      m 1896 1974 77  x                                                              Frank                        Colson           Mary Ellen                  O'Sullivan
Mary Elizabeth                Comerford                   f 1898 1964 65  x      William Felix            McGrory                   1925 Ed                           Comerford        Margaret
Charles B                     Comstock                    m 1862 1888     x                                                         0    Charles                      Comstock         Mary                        Gwin
Lyman B                       Comstock                    m 1860 1921 61  x      Pauline                  Miner                     1896
Martha Eliza                  Conant                      f 1843 1930 87  x      Grundson                 Jeffers                   1890 George Washington            Conant           Mary
Bruce Joe                     Conard                      m 1943 2013 70  x      Sharon                                             ??
Jennie                        Conaway                     f           13  x                                                         0    Charles D                    Julia
James                         Condon                      m      1893     x
Rose Ann                      Condon                      f 1899 1961 62  x      Irvin J                  Ebright                   1931 John                         Condon
Edith M                       Conklin                     f 1900 1964 64  x      Edwin                    McCune                    1926                              Conklin          Pearl                       Chapman
Minnie Louise                 Conklin                     f 1902 1984 82  x      Alexander W              Herring                   1925 William D                    Conklin          Birthe                      Marolf
Verletta                      Conklin                     f      1960            Fulton 'Doc"             Donahue                   1921
Daniel B                      Conley                      m 1871 1945 73  x      Frances                  Roushar                   1929 Owen                                          Mary                        Conley
Daniel Francis                Conley                      m      1978 82  x      Agnes
Ellen                         Conley                      f 1864 1938 74  x      John A                   Fitzgerald                1884 Owen                         Conley           Mary
Eugene Patrick                Conley                      m 1869 1947 78  x      Margaret Catherine       Doud                      1903 Owen                                          Mary                        Conley
Jane                          Conley                      f 1818 1898 79  x      Adrion                   Carson
John P                        Conley                      m 1898 1976 79  x      Florence Margaret        Clouse                    1926
Margaret E                    Conley                      f 1886 1926 59  x                                                         0    Owen                         Conley           Mary
Owen                          Conley                      m 1832 1912 79  x      Mary                     Heaphy                    1857
Peter Michael                 Conley                      m 1861 1911 49  x      Julie                    Elwood                    1888 Owen                                          Mary                        Conley
John J 'Jack'                 Conlon                      m 1925 2007 81  x      Bernice                  Crowley Martin            1981 Frances R                    Conlon                                       unknown
Edith M                       Conn                        f 1880 1965 85  x      Elwyn Elias              Matteson                  1897 James                        Conn             Etta

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Elizabeth Ann                 Conn                        f 1838 1918 79  x      John                     May                       1855 Robert                       Conn             Mary                                          born ion Ireland
R Russell                     Conn                        m 1908 1993 84  x      Opal L                   McCallister               1938 Robert T                     Conn             Mary                        Boland
R Russell                     Conn                        m 1909 1992 82  x      Opal L                   McCallister               1938 Robert T                     Conn             Mary                        Boland
Rex B                         Conn                        m 1900 1975 74  x      Helena                   Schoenfelder              1924 Robert T                     Conn             Mary                        Boland
Robert Sr                     Conn                        m 1792 1885 92  x
Robert T                      Conn                        m 1886 1951 84  x                                                              Thomas                       Conn             Elizabeth                   Taylor
Hannah                        Connell                     f      1913 73  x
Ross                          Connell                     m 1904 1990 86  x      Gloria Blanche           McLeod                    1927 Quinter                      Connell          Rebecca                     Niswander
Ross                          Connell                     m 1904 1990 86  x      Virginia Evelyn          Rohrer                    1966 Quinter                      Connell          Rebecca                     Niswander
David B                       Connelly                    m 1824 1910 86  x      Mary R                   Patten                    1866
Gifford R 'Ford'              Connelly                    m 1868 1940 72  x      Jessie                   Rossman                   1900 David B                      Connelly
Mary Adel                     Connelly                    f 1846 1926 79  x      C P                      Churchill                 1870
Nan B                         Connelly                    f 1870 1945 75  x      William                  Williams                  1892 David B                      Connelly         Rachel                      Patten
Gerald Paul                   Connor                      m 1917 1947 30  x      Mary                     Quass                     1942 Pat                          Connor
John Vincent                  Connor                      f 1948 2009 61  jt     Mary K.                  Murphy                    1979 Vincent 'Pat'                Connor           Helen                       Bishop
Ray                           Connor                      m      1930            Ora Inex                 Lemonn                    1900
Robert J                      Connor                      m 1915 1988 72  x      Wilma                    Koppert                   1943 Patrick                      Connor           Sarah Ellen                 McCune
Vincent James 'Pat'           Connor                      m 1910 1974 63  x      Helen                    Bishop                    1941 Patrick                      Connor           Sarah Ellen                 McCune
Harriet                       Conott                      f               x      Arthur W                 Enfield                   1898
Anthony Luke Rev              Conrad                      m 1924 2004 79  x                                                              John                         Conrad           Mary                        Schneider
Catherine                     Conrad                      f 1846 1907 61  x      John                     Maier                     1872                                                                                             born in Germany
Charles C                     Conrad                      m 1889 1977 87  x      Grace                    Mitchell                  1914 Fred                         Conrad           Emma                        Slaymaker
Charlotte C.                  Conrad                      f 1877 1920 43  pr     Friedrick Carl           Hocker                    1898 Christian                    Conrad           Mary                        Gahring
Christian                     Conrad                      m 1848 1913 65  x      Mary                     Gahring                   1874
Christian Sr                  Conrad                      m      1884     x
Elizabeth Caroline            Conrad                      f 1885 1911 25  x                                                         0    Fred                         Conrad
Emma I                        Conrad                      f 1886 1984 98  pr     Cloyde                   Hillman                   1918 Fred                         Conrad           Emma                        Slaymaker
Fred                          Conrad                      m 1861 1916 54  x      Emma J                   Slaymaker                 1884
Fred                          Conrad                      m 1861 1916 54  x      Mary C                   Hutchison Rumple          1897
Harold Steven                 Conrad                      m 1929 2015 86  x      Bette Jeanne             Lapham                    1951 Joseph Anthony               Conrad           Elenor Mary                 Pollmiller
Irma                          Conrad                      f 1909 1992 83  x      Harold                   Wiedemier                 1933 John                         Conrad           Emma                        Bollenbacker
J P                           Conrad                      m 1819 1889 69  x      Etta S                   Higgins                   ??
James Wesley                  Conrad                      m 1937 2011 73  JT     Shirley Ilene            Gingerich                 1959 Daniel                       Conrad           Luetta                      Kaufman
John C                        Conrad                      m 1879 1955 76  x      Emma                     Bollenbacher              1904 Christian                    Conrad           Mary                        Gahring
Joseph Anthony                Conrad                      m 1899 1990 90  x      Eleanor                  Pollmiller                1926 Anthony L                    Conrad           Catherine                   Greiner
Laura Fredericka              Conrad                      f 1887 1960 73  x      Frank William            Heitmann                  1910 Christian                    Conrad           Mary                        Gahring
Louise                        Conrad                      f      1964 92  x      Karl                     Kaufmann
Maria Elizabeth               Conrad                      f 1858 1905 47  x      John                     Gahring                   1881 Christian                    Conrad Sr
Marie K                       Conrad                      f 1906 1994 87  x      Bryan R                  Finley                    1929 John                         Conrad           Emma                        Bollenbacher
Mary Christina                Conrad                      f 1891 1988 96  x      Henry J                  Flanders                  1912 Anton                        Conrad           Catherine                   Greiner
Mildred                       Conrad                      f 1923 2013 89  x      Harley L                 Fuller                    1952 John                         Conrad           Emma                        Bollenbacher
Nelle Malinda                 Conrad                      f 1895 1949 54  x      Harry                    Langlas                   1916 Fred                         Conrad           Emma                        Slaymaker
Ray                           Conrad                      m 1879 1880 10m x                                                         0    J Henry                      Conrad           Sarah J
Rosa K                        Conrad                      f 1889 1958 68  x      George M                 Heitmann                  1909 Christian                    Conrad           Mary                        Gahring
Salena E                      Conrad                      f      1882 51  x
Selma C                       Conrad                      f 1913 2004 91  x      Edwin Henry              Kuhnle                    1933 John C.                      Conrad           Emma L.                     Bollenbacher
Wayne Dean                    Conrad                      m 1927 2008 80  x      Mary Ann                 Wauters                   1950 Charles                      Conrad           Grace                       Mitchell
Celeste Marie                 Conroy                      f 1877 1911 34  x      George                   Acree                          James                        Conroy           Ellen                       Sullivan
Edward M Dr                   Conroy                      m 1857 1926 68  x      Bertha                   Hassett                   1892 James                        Conroy           Ellen                       Sullivan
Eugene H                      Conroy                      m      1987     x      Erna                     Jeck                      1964

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Frank                         Conroy                      m 1867 1944 76  x                                                              James                        Conroy           Ellen                       Sullivan
James                         Conroy                      m 1829 1913 84  x      Ellen                    Sullivan
James S                       Conroy                      m 1865          x      Mina                     Gunther                   1899
John                          Conroy                      m 1869 1941     x                                                         0
Katie                         Conroy                      f      1888     x                                                         0    James                        Conroy
Lucien                        Conroy                      m 1872          x                                                              James                        Conroy
Mary L                        Conroy                      f 1861 1906 45  x                                                         0    James                        Conroy
Sarah                         Conroy                      f      1896 37  x                                                         0    James                        Conroy
Michael F                     Convey                      m 1844 1914 70  x      Ellen C                  Fay                       1870 John                         Convey
James H                       Conway                      m      1935 82  x      Honora                   Murphy                    1883
James L                       Conway                      m      2005 83  x      Darlene
James L                       Conway                      m      2005 83  x      Evelyn
Patrick                       Conway                      m 1874 1957 82  x      Johanna                  Kunselman                 1917
Winifred                      Conwell                     f      1980     x      James E                  Gatens
Albert C                      Cook                        m 1905 1959 54  x      Lois Eleanor             Swale                     1934
Benjamin R                    Cook                        m 1938 1888 50  x      Mary A                   Roberts                   1860
Charles C                     Cook                        m 1879 1950 71  jt     Eleanor J                Jones                     1901 Albert Alonzo                Cook             Mary                        Tootle
Charles M                     Cook                        m 1902 1979 76  x      Jessie                   Vargison                  1923 Charles                      Cook             Eleanor                     Jones
Clara E                       Cook                        f 1859 1936 77  x                                                         0    Henry A                      Cook             Mary P
Clay C                        Cook                        m 1861 1882 21  x                                                         0    George                       Cook
Esther                        Cook                        f 1900 1979 79  x                               Lloyd                     ??   George Edward                Cook             Lillian H
Gustave                       Cook                        m 1873 1950 76  x      Anna Marie               Stensrud                  1915 Clause                       Cook             Margaret
Harriet                       Cook                        f      1904     x                               McFerren                  ??
James E Dr                    Cook                        m 1919 2008 88  x                                                         0    Charles                      Cook             Eleanor                     Jones
Mabel                         Cook                        f      1924     x      Laurence Daniel 'L.D.'   Lonergan                  1911 Judge                        Cook
Marjori                       Cook                        f 1896 1922 25  x                                                              E B                          Cook             Mary E                      unknown
Mary Frances                  Cook                        f 1884 1916 66  x      Robert H                 Edwards                   1907 Benjamin                     Cook             Mary A                      Roberts
Ray J                         Cook                        m 1883 1956 72  x                                                              George                       Cook             Anna                        Smith
Robert E                      Cook                        m 1911 1995 84  x
Stella V.                     Cook                        f 1887 1976 88  x      Stephan Bernard          Hanson                    1912 Henry Allen                  Cook             Sarah Jane                  Black
William Louis                 Cook                        m 1856 1923 67  x                                                         0
Frank Elmer                   Cooke                       m      1872 18m x                                                         0    N W                          Cooke
Darol Earl                    Cooling                     m 1930 1995 64  x      Joyce Marie              Kuhnle                    1956 Eldon                        Cooling          Julia                       Borton
W Larry                       Coolman                     m 1940 2006 66  x      Mildred 'Midge'          Foubert                   1967 W Kenneth                    Coolman          Dorothy                     Colbert
Lucille Margaret              Coon                        f 1939 2011 93  x      J Ernest                 Wagner                    1939 Ira Allen                    Coon             Artie Mae                   Drake             divorced
Marjorie Louise 'Mudge'       Coon                        f 1924 2013 88  x                                                         0    Ira Allen                    Coon             Artie Mae                   Drake
Mildred I.                    Coon                        f 1911 1996 84  x      Glen Arthur 'Casey'      Grove                     1934 George                       Coon             Cora                        Cox
Agnes                         Cooney                      f 1897 1972 74  x      Joseph Clair             Humphreys                 1921 James                        Cooney           Catherine                   Kennedy
Alice                         Cooney                      f 1871 1951 79  x      William Sr.              Cash                      1893                                                                                             born in Canada
Harold C                      Cooney                      m 1934 2013 79  x      Myrna Sue                Lenoch Mason              1968 Harry                        Cooney           Irene                       Tatro
James                         Cooney                      m 1864 1941 77  x      Catherine                Kennedy                   1888
James R                       Cooney                      m 1932 2010 78  JT     Iris                     unknown                                                     Cooney                                       unknown           divorced
John William                  Cooney                      m 1926 1996 70  x      Catherine                Doran                     1949 William                      Raymond          Mona                        Bell
Joseph Leo                    Cooney                      m 1922 2011 89  jt     Lois Mae                 Hoyle                     1941 William                      Cooney           Mona                        Bell
Margaret                      Cooney                      f 1892 1975 83  x                               Buemer                         James                        Cooney           Catherine                   Kennedy
Martha A                      Cooney                      f 1888 1978 90  x      John J                   McCabe                    1907 Robert                       Cooney           Margaret                    Duffy
Mary Jane                     Cooney                      f 1857 1938 81  x      Richard                  Duffy                     1879
Rita                          Cooney                      f 1906 1910 3   x                                                         0    S J                          Cooney
Robert                        Cooney                      m 1853 1928 75  x      Margaret Jane            Duffy                     1882 Michael                      Cooney
Robert M                      Cooney                      m 1894 1983 89  x      Carrie                   Johnson                        Robert                       Cooney           Margaret Jane               Duffy

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Thomas                        Cooney                      m 1899 1991 92  x      Elma                     Humphreys                 1934 Robert                       Cooney           Margaret                    Duffy
William                       Cooney                      m      1956 65  x                                                              James                        Cooney           Catherine                   Kennedy
William R                     Cooney                      m 1885 1969 74  x      Mona B                   Bell                      1921 Stephen                      Cooney           Catherine                   Carry
(young child)                 Cooper                      m      1885
Anna E                        Cooper                      f      1878     x      Charles P                Burr
Conard Troy 'Chuck'           Cooper                      m 1929 2011 81  JT     Ruth Mary                Erickson                       Granville William            Cooper           Harriet Irene               Cook
Conard Troy 'Chuck'           Cooper                      m 1929 2011 81  JT     Lucille                  Houdeshell                     Granville William            Cooper           Harriet Irene               Cook
Jeanette                      Cooper                      f 1942 1985 42  x      Loren E                  Dietze                         Walter E                     Cooper           Dorothy                     Wilson
Albert LeRoy                  Cooperider                  m 1863 1936 73  x      Ellen                    Harrier                   1885 George                       Cooperider
Belle                         Cooperider                  f 1898 1975 76         Harold F                 Dunlap                         William J                    Cooperider       Mary Buena Vista            Slaymaker
Bert Ray                      Cooperider                  m      1945            Velma Pearl              Davis                     1915                              Cooperider                                   unknown
David                         Cooperider                  m 1894 1970 76  x      Lola                     Hoyt                      1920 William                      Cooperider       Mary                        Slaymaker
Dorothy Marie                 Cooperider                  f 1916 2003 87  x      Adolph                   Zuber                     1940 Bert                         Cooperider       Velma Pearl                 Davis
Duane Harold                  Cooperider                  m 1929 1999 69  x                                                              David                        Cooperider       Lola                        Hoyt
George William                Cooperider                  m 1891 1892 4m  x                                                              William J                    Cooperider       Mary B                      Cooperider
Helen Winifred                Cooperider                  f 1921 2013 92  x      Carroll l                Niner                     1965 David                        Cooperider       Lola E                      Hoyt
Iris C                        Cooperider                  f 1910 1979 69  x      Harold H                 Meyer                     1940 Meredith Eldon               Cooperider       Sarah Alice                 Thompson
Lawrence Albert               Cooperider                  m 1918 2006 87  x      Margret 'Peggy'          Newton                    1940 Bert                         Cooperider       Velma                       Davis
Leta I                        Cooperider                  f 1911 1990 79  x      Arlo John                Cronbaugh                 1929 William                      Cooperider       Buena Vista                 Slaymaker
M E                           Cooperider                  m 1871 1938 67  x      Sarah Alice              Thompson                  1891
Margaret C                    Cooperider                  f 1837 1890 52  x                                                         0    George                       Cooperider       Polly C
Nola                          Cooperider                  f 1902 1970 68  x      Charles Francis          Misel                     1919 William Jasper               Cooperider       Mary Buena Vista            Slaymaker
Pearl                         Cooperider                  f 1907 1962 55  x      Wilhelm or William Henry Gorsch                    1928 William Jasper               Cooperider       Mary Buena Vista            Slaymaker
Ralph                         Cooperider                  m 1904 1965 61  x      Louise                   Zuber                     1924 William Jasper               Cooperider       Mary Buena Vista            Slaymaker
Vera Jean                     Cooperider                  f 1898 1961     x      John Milo 'Jack'         McKusker                  1918 Meredith Eldon               Cooperider       Sarah Alice                 Thompson
Wanda Evelyn                  Cooperider                  f 1919 2008 88  x      Robert E                 Sims                      1940 Bert                         Cooperider       Pearl                       Davis             Robert died in 1976
Wanda Evelyn                  Cooperider                  f 1919 2008 88  x      Gordon Arnold            McCaw                     1977 Bert                         Cooperider       Pearl                       Davis
William Jasper                Cooperider                  m 1865 1946 81  x      Mary B                   Slaymaker                 1889 George S                     Cooperider       Elisa Jane
Amos W                        Coover                      m 1894 1969 75  x
Anne M.                       Coover                      f 1903 1971 68  x                                                         0    Samuel                       Coover           Margaret                    McEvilly
Arthur                        Coover                      m 1910 1971 61  x      Maxine                   Estridge                  1941
Bruce                         Coover                      m 1921 1984 63  x      Doris                    Corwin                    1947 Samuel                       Coover           Lillie                      Japhet
C L                           Coover                      m 1859 1937 77  x      Mary                     Shurtz                    1879 George                       Coover           Mary
Carrie Ellen                  Coover                      f 1894      79  x      William Francis          Donohoe                   1921 Samuel                       Coover           Margaret                    McEuily
David Phineas                 Coover                      m 1850 1942 91  jt     Mary                     Rider                     1872
Donna Kay                     Coover                      f 1938 1981 43         Dale                     Ranfeld                   1957 Karl                         Coover           Larene                      Hadenfeldt
George                        Coover                      m 1824 1907 83  x      Mary Eve                 Hinkle                    1853                              Coover                                       unknown
George                        Coover                      m 1824 1907 83  x      Mariah                   Page                                                        Coover                                       unknown
George                        Coover                      m 1824 1907 83  x      Panzy                    Stapffer                                                    Coover                                       unknown
George                        Coover                      m 1824 1907 83  x      Mary A.                  Young                                                       Coover                                       unknown
George "Dutch"                Coover                      m 1890 1958 68  x      Margaret                 Meier                     1913 David                        Coover           Mary                        Rider
Karl S                        Coover                      m 1914 1974 59  x      Larene                   Hadenfeldt                1937 George "Dutch"               Coover           Rose                        Meier
Lawrence Daniel               Coover                      m 1901 1961 59  x      Erma                     Mitchell                  1927 Thomas                       Coover           Mary                        Myers
Lowene Virginia               Coover                      f 1933 1933 3m  x                                                         0    Lawrence                     Coover                                       Mitchell
Mark Le (Roy)                 Coover                      m      1960 71  x      Florence                 Streeby
Merylyn Edith                 Coover                      f 1917 2013 95  x      Everett 'Pete'           Peters                    1950 William                      Coover           Rosa                        Sparrowgrove
Robert D                      Coover                      m 1917 1992 74  x      Lila                     Schlatter                 1947 Amos                         Coover           Elizabeth                   Johnson
Samuel M                      Coover                      m 1859 1940 81  x      Margaret                 McEvily                   1889 George                       Coover           Mary                        Hinkle
Thomas                        Coover                      m 1891 1969 77  x      Mary                     Gray                      1918 Samuel                       Coover           Margaret                    McEvily
Thomas E                      Coover                      m 1863 1947 84  x      Mary                     Seward

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Thomas E                      Coover                      m 1863 1947 84  x      Millie                   Wheeler
Viola M                       Coover                      f 1900 1988 88  x      Stephen Joseph 'Joe'     Berry                     1925 Sam                          Coover           Margaret                    McEldelly
William Henry                 Coover                      m 1877 1950 73  x      Rosa Deliah              Sparrowgrove              1902 David                        Coover           Ella                        Rider
William Lee                   Coover                      m      1957 12  x                                                         0    Bruce                        Coover
Sue                           Copeland                    f      2001 51  x
John                          Corbett                     m      1946 66  x
Bernard                       Corbin                      m 1900 1986 85  x                                                         0    Jerome                       Corbin           Emma
Harold                        Corbin                      m           83  x
Bruno                         Cordes                      m               x      Anna Marlene                                       1845
Bruno                         Cordes                      m 1855 1934 79  x      Anna                     Brandt                    1879
Carl George                   Cordes                      m 1891 1958 67  x      Louise Sophie            Nobbe                     1919 Dieterich                    Cordes           Maria
D J                           Cordes                      m                      Clara M                  Mohr                      1905
Darrel William                Cordes                      m 1921 2003 82  x      Carolyn                  Strong                    1945 William Henry                Cordess          Freda                       Jahlas
Floyd L                       Cordes                      m 1928 2009 80  x      Merna                    Rose                      1956 Theodore                     Cordes           Alice Ida                   Neitzel
Hilda                         Cordes                      f 1898 1993 95         Joe                      Prashak                   1924 Bruno                        Cordes           Anna                        Brandt
Hope Marie                    Cordes                      f 1958 2008 49  x                                                         0    Darrel                       Cordes           Carolyn
John or Johann                Cordes                      m 1891 1904 12  x                                                         0
Louis Theodore                Cordes                      m 1892 1952 59  x      Alice                    Neitzel                   1923 Dieterich                    Cordes           Maria
Margaret M                    Cordes                      f 1926 1993 67  x                               Hartman                                                     Cordes                                       unknown
Oscar                         Cordes                      m 1926 1991 65  x      Nadine                                                  Carl George                  Cordes           Louise                      Nobbe
Vera Louise                   Cordes                      f 1921 2009 87  x      Edwin H                  Niebuhr                   1944 Carl                         Cordes           Louise                      Nobbe
Virtus John                   Cordes                      m 1929 2001 72  x                                                         0    Carl George                  Cordes           Louise                      Nobbe
William Henry                 Cordes                      m 1881 1964 83  x      Freda                    Jahlas                    1911 Bruno                        Cordes           Anna
Betty Jean                    Core                        f 1925 1988 63  x      Alonzo 'Al'              Garringer                 1942 Elmer K                      Core             Marcy                       Clayton
Dean R                        Core                        m 1917 1978 61  x                                                              Kenneth                      Cordes           Maria                       Clayton
Elmer Kenneth                 Core                        m 1882 1950 67  x      Marcia L                 Clayton                   1906 J C                          Core
Madeline                      Core                        f 1919 1920 10 mJT                                                             Kenneth                      Core
Merle 'Bud' Eugene            Core                        m 1921 1982 61  x      Arlene Meerians          Deason                    1957
Albert Dr                     Cornish                     m 1926 1979 52  x      Bonnie                   Starbuck                  1951 Albert Harry                 Cornish          Angelina Bartina Mary       Donnelson
Cynthia Sue                   Cornish                     f 1949 2013 64  x                               McBride                   ??   Douglas                      Cornish          Ruby                        Buchheister
Charles W                     Correll                     m 1884 1977 93  x      Jessie 'Aura'            Cashman                   1915 Erwin Franklin               Correll          Minerva                     Young
Hannah Ann                    Corridan                    f 1885 1977 91  x                                                         0    Michael                      Corridan         Hannah                      McCann
Helen Maxine                  Cortum                      f 1917 2012 95  jt     Edgar Burton             Hamberg                   1945 Benjamin Franklin            Cortum           Alice Grace                 Campbell
Vera Maxine                   Corwin                      f 1921 2005 83  x      James 'Pete'             Adams                     1941 Elmer E                      Corwin           Muriel C                    Jaquis
Alice                         Costello                    f      1903 7   x                                                         0    Anthony                      Costello
Bridget 'Birdie' Agnes        Costello                    f 1874 1946 72  x                                                         0    Patrick                      Costello         Mary                        Flanagan
Catherine                     Costello                    f 1876 1963 86  x      James                    McCune                    1902 Patrick                      Costello         Mary                        Flanagan
Catherine                     Costello                    f 1853 1883 30  x      John M                   Flanagan
Coleman                       Costello                    m      1929     x
James Vincent                 Costello                    m               x
Joseph                        Costello                    m 1887 1919 32  x                                                         0
Leo M                         Costello                    m 1900 1955 54  x      Margaret                 Agnew                     1932 Michael                      Costello         Winifred                    McMenomy
Leona 'Onie'                  Costello                    f 1926 2004 77  x      Robert W                 Murtha                    1948 Myles                        Costello         Blanche                     Roggentine
Leonard A                     Costello                    m 1908 1973 65  x      Mary Elizabeth
Mary Agatha 'Minnie'          Costello                    f 1894 1988 93  x                                                         0    Michael                      Costello         Winifred                    McMenomy
Michael L                     Costello                    m 1950 1995 45  x      Donna                    Kaufman                        Leo                          Costello         Margaret                    Agnew
Minnie J                      Costello                    f 1876 1964 90  x                                                         0    Patrick                      Costello         Mary                        Flanagan
Myles Francis                 Costello                    m 1905 1965 59  x      Blanche M                Roggentine                1925 Michael                      Costello         Winifred                    McManama
Patrick                       Costello                    m 1840 1880 40         Mary                     Flannigan                                                   Costello                                     unknown
Tom                           Costello                    m 1869 1941 72  x                                                         0

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
William Patrick 'Bill'        Costello                    m 1869 1934 65  x      Annie                    Rock                      1894 Patrick                      Costello         Mary                        Flannigan
Elizabeth                     Cotant                      f 1873 1936 37         Fred Christian           Newkirk                   1892 Jasper                       Cotant
J O                           Cotant                      m 1899 1975 76  x      Dora                                                    L W                          Cotant           Eva                         Gould
J T                           Cotant                      m 1870 1937 66  x      Eva A                    Gould                     1890 Jasper                       Cotant           Matilda
George                        Cotter                      m 1856 1950 94  x      Katherine                Jones                     1880 Thomas                       Cotter           Lucy                        Park
George                        Cotter                      m 1856 1950 94  x      Zelma                    Ford                      1893 Thomas                       Cotter           Lucy                        Park
                              Cotton                      f 1916 1949 32  x      Wayne                    Burgan                    1945 Ben                          Cotton
Ethel                         Couch                       f 1895 1919 23  x                                                         0                                                  Winifred
Lillian                       Couch                       f               x      L Charles Dr             Dewey
Robert F Rev                  Couch                       m 1931 1978 46  x                                                         0    James C                      Couch            Elizabeth M                 Dohney
Grace C                       Couchman                    f 1893 1980 86  x      William Ray or Roy       Gibbs                     1916 Thomas B Reverend            Couchman         Elizabeth                   French
Charles                       Coufal                      m      1966 84  x
Frances m                     Coufal                      f 1907 1992 84  x      John                     Meyer                     1926 John                         Coufal           Anna                        Langer
Merle L                       Coufal                      m 1938 2000 62  x
Wilma Evelyn                  Coufal                      f 1912 1992 79  x      Cyril Vincent            Fader                     1964 Charles                      Coufal           Fannie                      Dusil
Wilma Evelyn                  Coufal                      f 1912 1992 79  x      Milo                     Bartachek                      Charles                      Coufal           Fannie                      Dusil
Claude                        Coulder                     m      1936 32  x
Donald                        Coulon                      m 1938 2011 73  JT     Twila Belle              Gerard Fredrickson        1978 George                       Coulon           Peggy                       Zemlo
Donald                        Coulon                      m 1938 2011 73  JT     Peggy                    Ryan                           George                       Coulon           Peggy                       Zemlo             divorced in 1978
Charles Doyle                 Coulson                     m 1951 2007 55  x      Martha 'Peggy'           Bohrn                     1975 Clell David                  Coulson          Pauline                     Cole
David                         Coulson                     m      2013 66  x      Stephanie Sue            Meyer                     1975 Clell David                  Coulson          Pauline                     Cole
Robert J                      Coulter                     m      1995            Alta Lucille                                       1945
Bert Wesley                   Courtney                    m 1925 2010 85  JT                                                             Charles W                    Courtney         Aurora                      Smith
Catherine                     Courtney                    f 1864 1930 65  x                                                         0    James                        Courtney         Catherine                   Courtney
Clark Vernon 'Mike'           Courtney                    m 1895 1960 64  x      Sarah Madeline           Hootman                   1916 Jacob                        Courtney         Mary
Dale V                        Courtney                    m 1918 1980 61  x      Betty W                  Wahl                      1939 C V                          Courtney         S Madaline                  Hootman
Terry Lynn                    Cousins                     m 1941 2004 62  x      Michele Kathleen                                   1982 Ralph Lesley                 Cousins          Charlotte                   Green
Aaron                         Cover                       m 1833 1916 83  x      Mahala J                 Huff                      1856                                                                                             Mahala died in 1894
Aaron                         Cover                       m 1833 1916 83  x      Mary A                   Bryant                    1895                                                                                             Mahala died in 1894
Harley Albert                 Cover                       m 1924 2009 85  x      Evelyn                   Schaffner                 1943 Harley G                                      Sylvia                      Jordan
Helen Aileen                  Cover                       f 1913 2003 90  x      Leslie C.                Grimm                     1933 Harley                       Cover            Sylvia                      Jordan
Kenneth King                  Cover                       m 1926 2010 84  x      Lois LaVonne             Evans                     1946 Leon D                       Cover            Hazel                       King
Mattie Ellen                  Cover                       f 1880 1976 87  x      Virgil M                 Bell                      1906 David                        Cover            Mary Ellen                  Ryder
Vira Elleb                    Cover                       f 1898 1970 72  x      Edward J                 Morse                     1918 Horace                       Cover            Masalla                     McCallister
Allie                         Coverale                    f      1879 7   x                                                         0    Thomas                       Coverdale
Cora Beulah                   Covey                       f 1899 1988 89  x      Kenneth Waldo            Hotchkiss                 1922 Andrew John                  Covey            Mary                        Harvey
Lillian M                     Covington                   f      1998 68  x      Carl                     Lindsey                   ??   William                      Covington        Beulah                      Longer
Charles L 'Beany'             Cox                         m 1920 1976 56  x      Esther A                 Malley                    1942 Bernard                      Coxe             Ethel                       Greenlee
Charles Sr                    Cox                         m 1910 1993 93  x      Lydia                    Moore                     1989 William                      Cox              Mary
Charles Sr                    Cox                         m 1910 1993 93  x      Neva                     Clotheir                       William                      Cox              Mary
Christopher                   Cox                         m      1934 64  x                                                         0
Clarence L 'Pudge'            Cox                         m 1894 1987 93  x      Hazel M                  Haney                     1917 John Henry                   Cox              Rebecca                     King
Clifford                      Cox                         m 1904 1978 73  x      Mildred                  Voss                      1931 Arthur                       Cox              Sarah                       Humphrey
Clifford Theodore 'Ted'       Cox                         m 1947 1994 47  x      Leigh Anne               Henry                     1972 Clifford Raymond             Cox              Mildred
Debra Ann 'Shy'               Cox                         f 1929 2014 84  x      Rich                     Mikels                    ??
Edward Ellsworth              Cox                         m 1921 2008 86  x      Linda                    Ahlman                    1944 Jacob                        Cox              Esther                      Gorvin
Emmett Leroy                  Cox                         m 1933 1990 56  x      Janet                                                   John Jr                      Cox              Cleo                        Leathers
Jacob E                       Cox                         m 1863 1938 74  x      Ann                      Reynolds                  1889
Jacob Ellsworth 'Ez'          Cox                         m 1899 1996 97  x      Esther                   Gavin                     1920 Jacob                        Cox              Anna                        Reynolds
Jacob Ellsworth 'Ez'          Cox                         m 1899 1996 97  x      Josephine                Donohoe                   1927 Jacob                        Cox              Anna                        Reynolds

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
James D                       Cox                         m           60  x      Catherine                Berry                     1914 Jacob E                      Cox
Jennifer Ann                  Cox                         f 1981 1982 5m  x                                                         0    Theodore Clifford            Cox              Leighann
John Jr                       Cox                         m 1911 1982 71  x      Cleo D                   Leathers                  1932 John                         Cox              Rebecca                     King
John Marvin Jr                Cox                         m 1937 2001 63  x      Barbara Dorothy                                    1958 Marvin                       Cox              Myrtle
Johnny R                      Cox                         m 1962 1998 36  x      Kim                      Gillaspie                 1984 John M                       Cox              Barbara Dorothy
Kathryn 'Katie'               Cox                         f 1923 1997 74  x      Frank                    Maschmann                 ??   Walter                       Cox              Viva                        Cook
Larry Lee                     Cox                         m 1939 1965 25  x                                                         0    John Jr                      Cox              Cleo                        Leathers
Leonard Joseph                Cox                         m 1915 2002 87  x                                                         0    John Andrew                  Cox              Loretta M                   Lekin
Margaret Ann                  Cox                         f 1920 2013 93  x      Bernard                  Schulte                   1940 James Davis                  Cox              Catherine Bernadette 'Dolly'Barry             Bernard died in 1978
Margaret Ann                  Cox                         f 1920 2013 93  x      Francis                  Schott                    1978 James Davis                  Cox              Catherine Bernadette 'Dolly'Barry
Mary Joan 'JoAnn'             Cox                         f 1926 2012 85  jt     Howard                   Rice                      1944 Leo                          Cox              Dorothy                     Kahoe
Mary Joan 'JoAnn'             Cox                         f 1926 2012 85  jt     Cecil                    Johnson                   1972 Leo                          Cox              Dorothy                     Kahoe
Raymond J                     Cox                         m 1923 1997 74         Mary A                   Crawford                  1944 Jacob Elsworth               Cox              Esther                      Garwin
Robert Burton                 Cox                         m 1913 1991 77  x      Marilyn                  Meyer                     1946 Walter E                     Cox              Sarah                       Burton
William Eugene 'Bill'         Cox                         m 1933 2005 71  x      Marna                    Wade                      1953 Clifford                     Cox              Mildred
Albert J                      Coxe                        m      1907 28  x                                                              J Dr                         Coxe
Albert M 'Bertie'             Coxe                        m 1909 1973 64  x      Jean                                                    Jay                          Coxe             Ona
Ardith Ralston                Coxe                        m 1910 1981 72  x      Opal Lucille             Harris                    1931 Roy Til                      Coxe             Myrtle                      Carder
Donald J                      Coxe                        m 1916 1983 67  x                                                              Bernard                      Coxe             Ethel                       Greenlee
John R Dr                     Coxe                        m      1936 83  x      Etta Cartwright                                    1876
Royal Til                     Coxe                        m 1879 1964 85         Myrtle Melissa           Carder                    1900 Dr. J. R.                    Coxe             M. Etta
Leota                         Coxsworth                   f 1902 1981 78  x      Joe M.                   Hogan                     1928 William                      Coxsworth        Sarah
Millard 'Dick'                Coy                         m 1915 1987 72  x      Lavona                   Barritt                   1937 James Dwight                 Coy              Lela                        Carter
Ruby                          Coy                         f 1918 1989 70  x      Art                      Byram                     1937 James D                      Coy              Lela                        Carter
Bernard                       Coyne                       m      1883 57  x      Catharine                Hanson
C                             Craft                       m               x
Charles 'Les'                 Craft                       m 1902 1986 83  x      Ilene                    Sullivan                  1961 Leonard                      Craft            Lenna                       Mercer
Dale                          Craft                       m 1911 1912 4m  x                                                              F L                          Craft
Edith Gertrude                Craft                       f 1893 1948 54  x      Melborne K., Sgt.        Ballowe                   1921 Oliver H                     Craft            Minnie B
Elizabeth                     Craft                       f 1825 1901 76  x
Eva May                       Craft                       f 1886          x                                                              J S                          Craft            Elmira                      Castor
Frank                         Craft                       m      1960 67  x                                                              Dave                         Craft            Millie                      Wandling
James Leonard                 Craft                       m 1874 1928 54  x      Lennie                   Mercer                    1900 Jordan                       Craft            Elmira
Jerden S                      Craft                       m 1851 1934 82  x      Elmira                   Castor                    1873
Stephen                       Craft                       m      1863            Ellen                    Teegarden                 1847
Vera                          Craft                       f      1982 88  x
Harold B                      Craig                       m 1915 2003 87  x      Helen                    Denzler                   1940 Wilbur                       Craig            Sabra
Sybil Irene                   Craigie                     f 1916 2009 93  jt                                                             William                      Craigie          Eva                         Scott
Lewis Franklyn Dr             Crain                       m 1873 1957 83  x      Martha M 'Mattie'        McClune                   1900 William                      Crain            Mary                        Spence
Adelbert 'Bert'               Cram                        m 1875 1960 85  x      Ennes                    Miner                     1897 Heeman                       Cram             Frances                     Shook
David William                 Cram                        m 1952 2012 60  jt     Joan                     Lind                           William M.                   Cram             Elaine                      Faas
Donald                        Cram                        m 1901 1987 85  x                                                              Adelbert 'Bert'              Cram             Ennes
Harold R Sr                   Cram                        m 1909 1996 86  x      Elena                    Chavez                         Adelbert 'Bert'              Cram             Ennes
Harold R Sr                   Cram                        m 1909 1996 86  x      Susan                    Smale                          Adelbert 'Bert'              Cram             Ennes
Katherine J                   Cram                        f 1929 1995 66  x      Mark                     Grier                     1952 Clarence                     Cram             Oma                         Shaull
Lois J                        Cram                        f 1927 2002 74  x      Kenneth                  Thompson                  1946 Clarence                     Cram             Oma                         Shaull
Lonene Ann                    Cram                        f      2001            Vincent J                Novak                     1957                              Cram                                         unknown
Phyllis Irene                 Cram                        f 1925 2013 88  x      Leo E                    Jordan                    1943 William Minor                Cram             Eidith Pearl                Taylor
William Marion                Cram                        m 1927 2013 86  x      Elaine Marjorie          Faas                      1947 William Minor                Cram             Edith Pearl                 Taylor
William Miner                 Cram                        m 1903 1999 95  x      Edith Pearl              Taylor                    1922 Adelbert 'Bert'              Cram             Ennes

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
William Miner                 Cram                        m 1903 1999 95  x      Leona H                  Adams                     1964 Adelbert 'Bert'              Cram             Ennes
Beryl                         Cramblit                    m               x      Gladys E                 Swift
Donald                        Cramlet                     m      1973 56  x
Ella Wood                     Crane                       f 1848 1993 34  x      E. N.                    Leib                      1876
John F                        Crane                       m      1951 71  x
Josephine P                   Crane                       f 1897 1973 76  x      Frank E                  Ehrenberger                    Michael                      Crane
Lance Lyle                    Crane                       m 1954 2009 54  jt     Candace                  DeDecker                  1977 Ralph                        Crane            Kathleen                    Hartwig
Mary                          Crane                       f 1893 1910 17  x                                                         0    Thomas                       Crane            Mary                        Gray
Mat                           Crane                       m      1893 27  x                                                              Michael Sr                   Crane
Michael Sr                    Crane                       m      1900 81  x      Margaret 'Bridget'       Ryan
Thomas                        Crane                       m 1863 1908 45  x
Cecil C                       Cranston                    m 1910 2002 92  x      Lula                                                    James C                      Cranston         Lydia A                     Doonan
Cloyd                         Cranston                    m      1968 90  x      Kathryn
Marvin Wesley                 Cranston                    m 1905 1984 79  x      Velma                    Caskey                    1938 Clint                        Cranston         Carrie                      Haag
Marvin Wesley                 Cranston                    m 1905 1984 79  x      Mary Elizabeth 'Betty'   Wiedow                         Clint                        Cranston         Carrie                      Haag
R Deane                       Cranston                    m 1915 2004 88  x      Naomi E                  Mohr                      1938 James                        Cranston         Lydia                       Doonan
Wesley                        Cranston                    m 1926 1995 68  x      Betty Jeanne             Heitman                   1947 Glen W                       Cranston         Besse                       Bean
Hannah V                      Craven                      f 1845 1890 45  x                                                         0
Linda                         Craven                      f 1947 2013 66  x                                                         0    Wayne Lowell                 Craven           Rosemary Irene              Carter
Annette C                     Crawford                    f 1916 1987 70  x      Earl                     Frey                      1941 Robert                       Crawford         Carolyn                     Schaub
Bonnie Lou                    Crawford                    f 1956 2008 51  x      James                    Krogman                   1983
Connie Sue                    Crawford                    f 1956 2007 50  x      Douglas                  Bringer                   1975 Lyle                         Crawford         Frances                     Amlong
Dolores T                     Crawford                    f 1923 2001 77  x      Frank Dean               Knipfer                   1943 Warren W                     Crawford         Lena S                      Schwab
Eliza Ann                     Crawford                    f 1869 1898 29  x      William S                Brown                     1888                              Crawford
Jennie Lenore                 Crawford                    f 1918 2013 94  x      Charles Don              Herdliska                 1937 Robert W                     Crawford         Carolyn                     Schwab
Jennie Lenore                 Crawford                    f 1918 2013 94  x      Grimm                    Raymond                   1974 Robert W                     Crawford         Carolyn                     Schwab
Lucille Dorothy               Crawford                    f 1913 1991 78  x      Max Wallace              Markwell                  1937 Robert W                     Crawford         Carolyn                     Schwab
Mary A                        Crawford                    f 1926 1996 70  x      Raymond J                Cox                       1944 Robert                       Crawford         Carolyn                     Schwab
Robert W                      Crawford                    m 1895 1957 62         Caroline S               Schwab                    1913 James E                      Crawford         Mary Ann                    Hewitt
Sarah Jane 'Tillie'           Crawford                    f 1875 1974 98  x      Henry Chase, Rev.        Millice                   1911 John                         Crawford         Darah                       McCreary
Shirley M                     Crawford                    f 1929 2014 85  x      Ronald Gene              Herdlicka                 1947 Warren Wesley 'Bob'          Crawford         Caroline                    Schwab
W A                           Crawford                    m               x      Lucinda                  Brown                     1891
Jon Charles 'Chuck'           Crawley                     m 1910 2006 95  x      Fern W                   Warner                    1929 Samuel                       Crawley          Edith                       Baker
Jon Charles 'Chuck'           Crawley                     m 1910 2006 95  x      Jean                     Sweat                     1992 Samuel                       Crawley          Edith                       Baker
Dorothy M                     Cray                        f 1927 2007 79  x      Eugene                   Blount                         Wilbur                       Cray             Neva                        Kolsick
Wilbur                        Cray                        m 1903 1978 75  x                                                              John                         Cray             Ida Mae                     Simmons
John                          Crayne                      m      1903     x
Mary E                        Crayne                      f 1862 1934 72  x      Joseph W                 Butler                    1894
William                       Creech                      m               x
Jewell Mae                    Creek                       f 1926 1975 49  x      Lawrence C, Sr           Baugh                     1946 Mark                         Creek            Evea Marie                  Gentery
John                          Creighton                   m 1872      85  x
Mary                          Creighton                   f 1875 1961 85  x      Thomas Michael           Hoy                       1910 George                       Creighton        Mary                        Burk              funeral card only
B F 'Frank'                   Crenshaw                    m 1867 1929 62  x      Grace E                  McClimans                 1914 Josephus                     Crenshaw         Laura                       Frank
Benjamin F                    Crenshaw                    m               x      Myrtle Mae               Sweezy
Catherine                     Crenshaw                    f 1863 1934 71  x                                                         0    Josephus                     Crenshaw         Laura
Harriet                       Crenshaw                    f 1864 1937     x                               MacLafferty               ??   B. F.                        Crenshaw         Harriet
Hattie L                      Crenshaw                    f 1877      65  x                                                         0
Helen M                       Crenshaw                    f 1901 1988 87  x      Albert                   Lazan                     ??   Benjamin F.                  Chenshaw         Myrtle                      Sweezey
Josephus                      Crenshaw                    m      1883            Laura                    Cadwallader               1862
Mabel                         Crenshaw                    f 1865 1876 11  x                                                         0    Josephus                     Crenshaw         Laura

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
William D                     Crenshaw                    m 1803 1875 71  x
William H                     Crenshaw                    m 1840 1932 92  x      Rachel Donovan           Longstreth                1864
Clovis                        Creps                       f 1921 2008 86  x      Ralph C                  Smith                     1940 Clarence                     Creps            Luella                      Davidson
Hazel                         Creps                       f 1917 2012 95  x      George                   Williams                  1937 Cecil                        Creps            Helen                       Davidson
L V                           Creswell                    m 1859 1931 71  JT
Orlo L                        Creswell                    m 1888 1976 88  x      Mayme                    Callan
Joe                           Crew                        m               x      Leona Magil              Schulz
William Michael               Crew                        m 1877 1961 83  x      Mary                     Pelzer                    1906 John                         Crew             Bridget                     Cavanaugh
Edna                          Crider                      f 1910 1984 74  x      Lester                   King                      1932 Godfrey                      Crider           Nettie                      Nussbaum
Lois Wilma                    Crider                      f 1913 1954 41  x      Edward "Ted" Francis     Reitzler                  1937
Mary                          Crighton                    f 1825 1892 67  x      John                     Dolmage                   1849
Hilda Marie                   Crigler                     f 1925 2002 76  x      Alferd                   Leichsenring              1945 Boyd                         Crigler          Eva                         Lambert
Daniel                        Cripe                       m 1819 1894 74  x      Mary                     Rush                      1841
Irene May                     Criss                       f      1994     0      Lockwood                 Adams                     1931
Brian David                   Criswell                    m 1953 2009 55  jt     Cynthia Anne             Gagel                     1975 William Roy                  Criswell         Dorothy Lareen              Dickenson
Cora Phelina                  Criswell                    f 1867 1946 79  x      William                  Morgan                    1889 William H. H.                Criswell         Mary
Patrick Ryan                  Criswell                    m 1980 1997 17  x                                                         0    Brian Dale                   Criswell         Cynthia Anne                Gagel
Donald M                      Critchfield                 m 1920 1988 68  x      Wilma                    Seckel                    1939 Pearl                        Critchfield      Margie                      McManus
Pearl                         Critchfield                 m      1929            Margie L                 McManus                   1903
Archie Hershel                Crocker                     m 1878 1888 9   x                                                         0    Joseph                       Crocker          Elizabeth
Carson B                      Crocker                     m 1863 1888 24  x                                                              Joseph                       Crocker          Elizabeth
Mary Lavina                   Crocker                     f 1867 1888 20  x                                                         0    Joseph                       Crocker          Elizabeth
Joseph Jean                   Croco                       m 1917 2012 95  jt     Agnes Kathryn 'Kay'      Collins                   1950 Arthur C.                    Croco            Hallie                      White
Joseph Jean                   Croco                       m 1917 2012 95  jt     Agnes                    Korkow Wotoway            1980 Arthur C.                    Croco            Hallie                      White
Joseph Jean                   Croco                       m 1917 2012 95  jt     Anna Josephine           Burns                          Arthur C.                    Croco            Hallie                      White
Arthur                        Croft                       m      1962     x
Arthur W                      Croft                       m 1911 1993 82  x      Sonora                   Holle                     1942
Cliffie Theo                  Croft                       f 1891 1981 90  x      Jay                      Eastman                   1917 John M                       Croft            Esther                      Ingraham
Gladys Esther                 Croft                       f 1894 1975 81  x      Henry                    Noyes                     1919 John M                       Croft            Esther                      Ingraham
Helen Esther                  Croft                       f 1900 2001 100 x      Herman Gustav            Gadow                     1917 JohnM                        Croft            Esther                      Ingraham
John M                        Croft                       m 1864 1922 58  x      Esther Maria             Ingraham                  1887 John                         Croft            Penelope                    Guinn
John Sr                       Croft                       m 1830 1911 81  x      Penelope J               Guinn                     1861
Lyle William                  Croft                       m 1929 2001 71  x      Audrey                   McMann                    1962 Ray                          Croft            Ruth                        Close
Rush                          Croft                       m 1897 1910 13  x                                                              John                         Croft
Scott Jr                      Croft                       m 1925 1997 71  x      Joan Helen               Popelka                   1953 Scott Sr.                    Croft            Bessie                      Wall
Scott Sr                      Croft                       m 1899 1976 75  x
W D                           Croft                       m               x      Etta Jane                Cronbaugh
William D 'Will'              Croft                       m 1863 1943 80  x      Marie Etta               Cronbaugh                 1891 John                         Croft            Penelope Jane               Guinn
(infant)                      Cronbaugh                   m 1896 1897     x
Archie C                      Cronbaugh                   m 1896 1957 61  x      Frances Marie            York                      1921 Wiley                        Cronbaugh        Libbie                      Nicholson
Arlo John                     Cronbaugh                   m 1909 1993 83  x      Leta I                   Cooperider                1929 Mardie                       Cronbaugh        Coila                       Brown
Bert                          Cronbaugh                   m 1881 1956 75  x      Jennie                   Schroder                  1901 Christopher                  Cronbaugh        Mary                        Norton
Caleb Lee                     Cronbaugh                   m 1989 2009 19  jt                                                             Curtis                       Cronbaugh        Brenda
Carroll Ray                   Cronbaugh                   m 1917 1994 77  x      Margie Jane              Paulson                   1941 Ray                          Cronbaugh        Helen                       Slaymaker
Cecil Clifford                Cronbaugh                   m 1913 1994 80  x      Maxine Anne              Stowell                   1936 Clifford Cleveland           Cronbaugh        Margery Minette             Hay
Celaine Cecil                 Cronbaugh                   m 1945 2004 59  x      Cindy                    Peltier                   1970 Cecil Clifford               Cronbaugh        Maxine                      Stowell
Christopher Columbus 'Tip'    Cronbaugh                   m 1845 1930 84  x      Mary C                   Norton                    1877 John                         Cronbaugh        Sarah                       Noaker
Clifford C                    Cronbaugh                   m 1884 1969 84  x      Margery                  Hay                       1910 Christopher Columbus 'Tip'   Cronbaugh        Mary                        Norton
David                         Cronbaugh                   m 1841 1888 46  x      Elizabeth 'Libby'        Headley                   1871 John                         Cronbaugh        Sarah
David Ray                     Cronbaugh                   m 1881 1950 69  x      Helen                    Slaymaker                 1910 David                        Cronbaugh        Elizabeth 'Libby'           Headley

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Dena                          Cronbaugh                   f 1911 1987 75  x      Everette Wayne           Denzler                   1934 Mardie                       Cronbaugh        Coila                       Brown
Doris                         Cronbaugh                   f 1916 2007 91  x      Frank George             Danskin                   1938 Clifford Cleveland           Cronbaugh        Margery Minette             Hay
Eli                           Cronbaugh                   m 1835 1916 81  x      Abilgail                 Coats                     1862 John                         Cronbaugh        Sarah A                     Noaker
Ella Jane                     Cronbaugh                   f 1878 1882 4   x                                                         0    David                        Cronbaugh        Elizabeth A
Etta Jane                     Cronbaugh                   f 1868 1939 71         W D                      Croft                          Eli                          Cronbaugh        Abigail
Eugene Forest                 Cronbaugh                   m 1932 2014 81  x      Joan                     Benishek                  1955 Laurence Leo                 Cronbaugh        Wilma M                     Gorsh
Evelyn C                      Cronbaugh                   f 1921 1989 67  x      Arthur Francis           Schmidt                   1944 Clifford Cleveland           Cronbaugh        Margery Minette             Hay
Frances J.                    Cronbaugh                   f 1893 1978 84  x      George T                 Kibler                    1920 John T.                      Cronbaugh        Frances Jame                Hollopeter
Gayle Marie                   Cronbaugh                   f 1917 2013 96  x      Clifford                 Snavely                   ??   Harvey                       Cronbaugh        Florence                    Wright
George Brown                  Cronbaugh                   m 1907 1954 46  x      Cledyth E                Bigbee                    1926 George Arthur                Cronbaugh        Delpha                      Brown
George Brown                  Cronbaugh                   m 1907 1954 46  x      Rachel Joan              Heller                    1941 George Arthur                Cronbaugh        Delpha                      Brown
George Warren                 Cronbaugh                   m 1872 1953 80  x      Susanna                  Arter                     1901 David                        Cronbaugh        Elizabeth 'Libby'           Headley
George Washington             Cronbaugh                   m 1843 1914 70  x      Fannie E                 Coats                     1868
Goldie                        Cronbaugh                   f 1884 1956 71  x                                                         0    Martin V                     Cronbaugh        Susanna                     Coats
Guy                           Cronbaugh                   m      1922 46  x
Harley C                      Cronbaugh                   m 1912 1982 70  x      Edith Mae                Slaymaker                 1937 Bert                         Cronbaugh        Jennie                      Schroder
Harvey                        Cronbaugh                   m 1890 1949 58  x      Florence                 Wright                    1910 Marion                       Cronbaugh        Millie                      Furnas
Jackie Mae                    Cronbaugh                   f 1933 2007 74  x      Gould K Sr               Miller                    1950 John Francis                 Cronbaugh        Lydia Fern                  Kollman           divorced
Jackie Mae                    Cronbaugh                   f 1933 2007 74  x      Donald P                 Duffy                     1955 John Francis                 Cronbaugh        Lydia Fern                  Kollman           divorced
Jackie Mae                    Cronbaugh                   f 1933 2007 74  x      Ray                      Thompson                  1990 John Francis                 Cronbaugh        Lydia Fern                  Kollman
John                          Cronbaugh                   m      1877 72  x
Lanie Mabel                   Cronbaugh                   f 1879 1969 89  x      Charles R                Bean                      1906 Christopher                  Cronbaugh        Mary                        Norton
Lanie Mabel                   Cronbaugh                   f 1879 1969 89  x      James Marimon            Kiger                     1926 Christopher                  Cronbaugh        Mary                        Norton
Larry                         Cronbaugh                   m 1934 2006 71  x      Helen                    Mareda                    1954 Laurence                     Cronbaugh        Wilma
Laurence Leo                  Cronbaugh                   m 1907 1983 76  x      Wilma M                  Gorsch                    1930 Mardie L                     Cronbaugh        Coila                       Brown
Margery 'Margie' Sue          Cronbaugh                   f 1944 1944 3m  x                                                         0    Cecil Clifford               Cronbaugh        Maxine Anne                 Stowell
Martin Van Buren              Cronbaugh                   m 1839 1907 67  x
Marvin Dale                   Cronbaugh                   m 1916 1954 38  x      Alice                    Wauters                        Bert                         Cronbaugh
Max William                   Cronbaugh                   m 1925 1996 71  x      Ella                     Agee                      1945 Ray                          Cronbaugh        Helen                       Slaymaker
Melvin W                      Cronbaugh                   m               x      Maxine Kathryn           Hepler
Merle H                       Cronbaugh                   m 1923 1990 67  x      Arlene                   Eiben                     1947 Clifford                     Cronbaugh        Margery                     Hay
Mildred                       Cronbaugh                   f 1887 1963 76  PR     Herbert                  Heller                         Van                          Cronbaugh        unknown                     unknown
Milton S.                     Cronbaugh                   m 1920 2011 91  jt     Bernice Nadine           Veit                      1947 Albert                       Cronbaugh        Jennie                      Schroeder
Minnie                        Cronbaugh                   f      1886 19  x                                                         0
Nadine                        Cronbaugh                   f 1905 1989 83  x      Gerald                   Bigbee                    1925 Mardie                       Cronbaugh        Coila Mae                   Brown
Naomi F                       Cronbaugh                   f 1885 1947 61  x      Lester                   DeBaker                   1913 George Washington            Cronbaugh        Fannie E                    Coats
Neta Winona                   Cronbaugh                   f 1903 1990 86  x      Vernon                   Young                     1927 Warnie                       Cronbaugh        Susanna                     Arter
Perry Franklin                Cronbaugh                   m 1863 1937 73  x      Jennie Lee               Moore                     1890 Eli                          Cronbaugh        Abigail                     Coats
R Bryan                       Cronbaugh                   m 1898 1984 86  x      Lois                     Wilson                    1921
Ray                           Cronbaugh                   m 1881 1950 69  x      Helen                    Slaymaker                 1910 David                        Cronbaugh        Elizabeth                   Headley
Raymond Arter                 Cronbaugh                   m 1913 1971 58  x      Laura Alice              Radeke                    1934 George Warren                                 Suzanne
Richard 'Dean'                Cronbaugh                   m 1918 1989 70  x      Leota                    Liston                    1941 Bert                         Cronbaugh        Jenny                       Schroeder
Ruth E.                       Cronbaugh                   f 1892 1978 86  x      Donald Confare           Griffith                  1916 John T.                      Cronbaugh        Frances Jane                Hollopeter
Scott B                       Cronbaugh                   m 1961 1986 25  x      Connie                   Fee                       1978 Larry                        Cronbaugh        Helen                       Mareda
Violet Adria                  Cronbaugh                   f 1913 2011 98  x      Kenneth Harry            Hinkle                    1935 Roy                          Cronbaugh        Helen                       Slaymaker
Willie H                      Cronbaugh                   m 1879 1903 23  x                                                         0    David                        Cronbaugh        Elizabeth
Willis A                      Cronbaugh                   m 1907 1987 79  x      Violet R                 Vandiver                  1934 Warnie                       Cronbaugh        Susie
Wilma                         Cronbaugh                   f 1914 2003 89  x      Max N.                   Dolmage                   1935 Albert                       Cronbaugh        Jennie                      Schroder
Edward P                      Cronin                      m 1891 1965 74  x      Helen Claire             Palmer                    1921 Patrick                      Cronin           Ann                         Flannigan
Frances                       Cronin                      f      1976     x                               Irelan                         Patrick                      Cronin           Ann

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
John F                        Cronin                      m 1884 1920 36  x                                                              P J                          Cronin
Julia Ann                     Cronin                      f      1971 82  x                                                         0
Margaret                      Cronin                      f 1858 2926 68  x      Michael                  McCann                    1866                                                                                             born in Ireland
Mary                          Cronin                      f               x      E J                      Dale
James J                       Crosby                      m 1912 1989 76  x      Annabelle                Wheelock                  1936 John Harold                  Crosby           Leona                       Kopel
Mandania                      Crosby                      f 1823 1888 64  x      Benajah                  Mason                     ??   Ebenezer                     Crosby           Rachel                      Chapman
Thomas Leo                    Crosby                      m 1939 2014 74  x      Ellen Anita              Giles                     1962 James Harold                 Crosby           Anna Belle                  Wheelock
Boston Newton                 Cross                       m 1822 1902 80  x      Margaret                 Longstreth                1849
J J                           Cross                       m 1852 1925 73  x      Mary M 'Tillie'          Longstreth                1872
John                          Cross                       m 1817 1887 70  x      Caroline                 Watson                    1879
Prudence                      Cross                       f 1807 1896 89  x      Samuel                   Carson                    1830
W F 'Bill'                    Crouch                      m      1968     x
Evelyn                        Croulek                     f      1934 30  x                                                         0    Anton                        Croulek
Frank                         Crouse                      m      1976            Shirley Ann              Novak                     1954
Francis William               Crow                        m 1914 1985 71  x      Mary                     Rowland                   1939 Alfred                       Crow             Elizabeth                   Walker
Mary Elizabeth 'Maribeth'     Crow                        f 1941 2010 69  JT     Richard                  DeNeve                    1962 Francis                      Crow             Mary                        Rowland
Robert Eugene                 Crow                        m 1943 2014 70  x      Linda                    Hackmann                  1965 Robert T                     Crow             Bettie                      Davis
Grace V                       Cruikshank                  f 1876 1974 97  x      Eli Clement              Jacoby                    1896 James                        Cruikshank       Mary                        McLachlan
(infant daughter)             Cruise                      f               x                                                         0    Maurice Dr                   Cruise
Joseph R                      Cruzan                      m 1904 1975 71  x      Vera                     Quinn                     1936
Eliza Ann                     Culiton                     f 1859 1934 75  x      James Davis              Butler                    1880
Glenn Milton                  Cullum                      m 1903 1978 74  x      Cora Edith               Dodd                      1929 James Walter                                  Emma Mary
Ella Mae                      Cummings                    f 1927 1997 70  x      Donald                   Griffith                       John Scott                   Cummings         Irma Mae                    Marvin
Ellen May                     Cummings                    f 1903 1971 68  x      Ralph                    Anderson                  1925 William                      Cummings         Nettie
Fred                          Cummings                    m      1951            Ina                      Garnet
Harvey                        Cummings                    m      1906     x
Ivan                          Cummings                    m      1957 59  x                                                              William                      Cummings
John Earl                     Cummings                    m 1895 1972 76  x      Maude M                  Weigle                    1917 William                      Cummings         Nettie                      Lindsey
Mark A                        Cummings                    m      1988 18  x
Edna                          Cummins                     f 1896 1991 94  x      Joseph                   Smith                     1926                              Cummins
(infant daughter)             Cunningham                  f 1975 1975     x                                                         0    John                         Cunningham
Bridget                       Cunningham                  f      1905     0      Edward                   Barry                     1856
James                         Cunningham                  m 1876 1946 70  x
Jennie                        Cunningham                  f 1866 1952 85  x
John                          Cunningham                  m      1992 86  x      Catherine T              Greene
John M                        Cunningham                  m 1869 1905 35  x      Mary                     Greaney                        Michael                      Cunningham       Sarah
Kate                          Cunningham                  f      1914 50  x                                                         0
Lee                           Cunningham                  m 1885 1963 77  x                                                              Joseph                       Cunningham       Josephine
Margaret                      Cunningham                  f 1908 1990 82  x      Wayne                    Fancher                   1936 Patrick                      Cunningham       Agnes                       Weldon
Michael                       Cunningham                  m 1831 1909 84  x      Sarah                    Fitzgerald                ??                                                                                               born in Ireland
Raymond Augustus              Cunningham                  m 1908 1966 57  x                                                              James                        Cunningham       Jennie                      Weldon
Joshua Aaron                  Cuno                        m 1982 2015 32  x                                                         0    Jessie                       Cuno             Pamela
Rose Marie                    Cupp                        f 1931 2014 83  x      Vernon F 'Bud'           Adam                      1951 Glenn E                      Cupp             Gayle Alice                 Ginther
Hugh                          Curfman                     m 1887 1975 88  x      Helen                    Snavely                   1957 William H                    Curfman          Frances C                   York
Ray                           Curfman                     m 1892 1983 91  x      Muriel                   Gates                     1920 William H                    Curfman          Frances C                   York
Floyd D                       Curl                        m      1975 75  x
Roger DeLay                   Curl                        m 1943 2007 64  x      Janice                   Von Ahsen                 1966 Floyd                        Curl             Dellrose                    MacMaster
Daniel B                      Curley                      m      1974 63  x      Frieda                   Punke                     1940 Daniel                       Curley           Myrtie                      Rushman
Margaret Jean 'Maggie'        Curran                      f 1927 2002 74  x      Harry Franklin           Lee                       1963 Francis                      Curran           Dorothy
Anna T                        Curry                       f 1882 1958 75  x      Martin H                 Carroll                   1903 Michael                      Curry            Margaret                    Kelly

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Cletus Joseph 'Jake'          Curry                       m 1924 2001 76  x      Aileen                   Castillo                       John                         Curry            Sarah                       Duffy
David John                    Curry                       m 1943 2003 59  x      Mrailyn E                Brockshus                 1961 Leonard                      Curry            Arietta                     Trenty
Ella                          Curry                       f      1955 72  x      Patrick J.               Giblin
George                        Curry                       m 1873 1894 21  x
John Michael                  Curry                       m 1891 1950 59  x      Ellen Theresa            Clear                     1926
Leonard Leo                   Curry                       m 1916 1990 73  x      Arietta 'Granny'         Trent                     1940 John                         Curry            Sarah                       Duffy
Margaret Ellen                Curry                       f 1927 2014 86  x      John James               Welsh                     1953 John Michael                 Curry            Ellen Theresa               Clear
Mary                          Curry                       f 1856 1925 69  x      Michael                  Kellaney                  1877 Patrick                      Curry
Mary Beth                     Curry                       f 1888 1951 63  x      Joseph J 'Joe'           McGiverin                 1908 Michael                      Curry            Margaret                    Kelly
Michael                       Curry                       m 1857 1895 37  x      Margaret                 Kelly                     1881
Dean Orval                    Curtis                      m 1965 1995 29  x                                                         0    Dean G                       Curtis           Margaret M                  Marcoe
Leonard                       Curtis                      m      1993            Wilma M 'Pat'            McCleary                                                                                                                   Sr Marie Clemente
Mary Dolores                  Cusack                      f 1901 1974 72  x                                                         0    Lawrence                     Cusack           Ellen                       Connors
William                       Cushen                      m 1844 1888 43  x
Paul Joseph                   Custer                      m 1923 2004 80  x      Byrna Rae                Meyer                     1945 Charles                      Custer           Carolyn                     Buescher
Richard 'Dick'                Custer                      m 1933 2004 70  x      Joanne                   Knock                     1961 W Howard                     Custer           Caroline Agusta             Lanam
William F.                    Cuttill                     m 1889 1952 63  x      Eva Edith                Goodner                   1917 William                      Cuttill          Margaret                    Lyons
Albert L                      Daenzer                     m 1903 1988 84  x      Ada                      Zuber                     1927 George                       Daenzer          Kunigunde                   Keinath
Luke Christian                Dahlke                      m 1896 2003 16  x                                                              James Rev                    Dahlke           Claudia                     Koller
Michael                       Dailey/Daley                m 1873 1906 33  x      Hannah                   O'Rourke                  1895 Thomas                       Daley
Hiram D                       Daily                       m 1856 1940 84  x      Georgette                Miller                    1881
Dorothy L                     Dain                        f 1920 1983 62  x      Robert C                 Thompson                  1940 Joe                          Dain             Jessie                      Agee
Andrew LaVern 'Andy'          Dains                       m 1952 2004 52  x      Betty                                                   Vern                         Dains            Janet                       Wickwire
Andrew LaVerne                Dains                       m 1911 1941 30  x      Maxine Susan             Lloyd                     1928 Seth                         Dains                                                          "Slug"
Charles Orville LaVern        Dains                       m 1932 2000 68  x      Janet                    Wickwire                  1951 Andrew                       Dains            Maxine S                    Harden
Daryl Dean                    Dains                       m 1953 1991 37  x      Sandy                    Wood                      1978 Vern                         Dains            Janet                       Wickwire
David Duane 'Toad'            Dains                       m 1957 2003 45  x      Kim                      Hamilton                  1977 Vern                         Dains            Janet                       Wickwire
Allen Reverend                Dale                        m      1973     x
Marion David 'Jim'            Dale                        m 1917 1991 73  x      Marjorie                 Farland                   1942 Orville                      Daley            Elsie                       Hasselbrink
Marion David 'Jim'            Dale                        m 1917 1991 73  x      Anne                     Marten                         Orville                      Daley            Elsie                       Hasselbrink
Thomas E                      Dale                        m 1936 1952 15  x                                                                                                            Mrs. Hilbert                Schwarting
William                       Dale                        m 1916 1993 77  x      Evalena M                McIlrath                  1937 William Sr                   Dale             Fannie                      Sheldon
Katie                         Daley                       f               x      Francis Vincent          Mullin
Margaret                      Daley                       f 1880 1951 71  x      James                    Grimes                    1910 Thomas                       Daley            Catherine                   Kellaney
Patrick                       Daley                       m      1936     x                                                              Thomas                       Daley
Thomas J                      Daley                       m 1875 1911 35  x      Mollie                   Eagleton                  1907
Florence L                    Dall                        f 1892 1965 73  x      Glenn                    Welsh                     1924 Harry Anton                  Dall             Mary                        Wilburth
James J                       Dalton                      m 1901 1967 66  x      Dorothy                  Sponar                    1924 James                        Dalton           Margaret                    Murray
Mary Ellen                    Dalton                      f 1888 1962 73  x      Daniel Leo               Driscoll                  1915 James                        Dalton           Margaret
Mary Boyde                    Dalzell                     f 1869 1934 65  x      Thomas A                 Lane                      1895 Mathene A                    Dalzell          Maria                       Owens
Charles J                     Damisch                     m      1999 79  x      Elsie                    Votrobeck
Mark Daniel                   Damisch                     m 1966 2003 37  x                                                         0    Charles Jr                                    Betty
Charles E                     Dane                        m 1872 1890 17  x                                                              Charles F                    Dane
Charles F                     Dane                        m 1829 1897 67  x      Maria                    Evans                     1849
Charles Kenneth               Dane                        m 1917 1983 66  x      Vena                     Myers                     1948 Clarence                     Dane             Gwennie                     Williams
Clarence Charles              Dane                        m 1891 1984 93  x      Gwennie                  Williams                  1916 George                       Dane             Sadie                       Walton
Dorothy Eunice                Dane                        f 1920 2001 80  x      Curtis G                 Landa                     1944 George L                     Dane             Eva L                       Smith
Ella Marie                    Dane                        f 1865 1903 38  JT     Charles                  Hastings                  1884 Charles                      Dane                                         unknown
George Lewis                  Dane                        m 1885 1964 78  x      Eva Lucille              Smith                     1908 Myron                        Dane             Veronica                    Gertin
Jeffery                       Dane                        m      1987 30  x                                                              Robert Dr                    Dane             Wilma                       McDonald          divorced

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Kevin Charles                 Dane                        m 1952 2011 59  JT     Launi                    Wessendorf                1980 Charles Kenneth              Dane             Vena L                      Myers
Marilyn Dawn                  Dane                        f 1929 2000 71  x      William Roland           Dubishar                  1953 George L                     Dane             Eva Lucille                 Smith
Myron                         Dane                        m 1855 1901 46  x      Veronica                 Gerton                    1853 Charles                      Dane
(child)                       Daniels                     m 1908 1909 1   x                                                              A J                          Daniels
Adelaide 'Addie' Elizabeth    Daniels                     f 1869 1946 77  x      Rufus W                  McKnight                  1886 Anderson A                   Daniels          Addie L                     Thompson
Almon Judson 'Allie'          Daniels                     m 1869 1960 91  x      Minnie                   Burgy                     1900 Judson Almon                 Daniels          Adelaide                    Thompson
Clement Harrison              Daniels                     m 1905 1966 61  x      Margaret Neola           Shaull                    1932 Almon                        Daniels          Minnie                      Burgy
Harrison B M                  Daniels                     m      1927            Hanna Elizabeth          Listenberger              1874
Jacob                         Daniels                     m 1810 1889 79  x      Maria                    Rider                     1833
Jacob                         Daniels                     m 1889 1968 79  x      Mary Dorothy             Rusbult
John Henry                    Daniels                     m 1913 2006 93  x      Ireta Kathryn            Rinehart                  1945 Almon J                      Daniels          Minnie                      Burgy
Judson A                      Daniels                     m      1873 37  x
Judson Burgy                  Daniels                     m 1901 1989 87  x      Leota Marjorie           Walter                    1930 Almon Judson 'Allie'         Daniels          Minnie                      Burgy
Judson Burgy                  Daniels                     m 1901 1989 87  x      Grace                    Van Antwerp (Schulte)     1975 Almon Judson 'Allie'         Daniels          Minnie                      Burgy
Marie Elizabeth               Daniels                     f 1877 1961 83  x      Frank, Dr                Moore                     1921 Harrison Benjamin Mervin     Daniels          Elizabeth                   Listenberger
Mary Luella                   Daniels                     f 1882 1959 77  x                                                         0    H B M                        Daniels          Elizabeth
Pamela Jean                   Daniels                     f 1970 1970 8d  x                                                         0    William                      Daniels          Peggy Lynn                  Hadley
Ralph E                       Daniels                     m 1910 1970 60  x      Dorothy May              Basemann                  1947 Almon                        Daniels          Minnie                      Burgy
Warren                        Daniels                     m 1920 1993 72  x      Miriam Hall              March                     1944 Almon Judson 'Allie'         Daniels          Minnie                      Burgy
Helen E                       Dannette                    f 1889 1978 88  x      Frank E                  Conover                   1911 W L                          Dannette         Jessie                      Smith
Alfred 'Fritz'                Danovski                    m 1921 1996 74  x                                                              Fred                         Danovski         Augusta                     Gudzun
Augusta                       Danovski                    f 1867 1944 76  x      John                     Meyer                     1900 Michael                      Danovski         Louise
Frank                         Danovski                    m 1896 1977 80  x      Anna Mae                 Schafbuch                 1931 John                         Danovski         Augusta                     Gudzun
Fred M                        Danovski                    m 1875 1957 81  x      Augusta M                Gudzun                    1899 Michael                      Danovski         Louise                      Erbut
George                        Danovski                    m 1931 1966 35  x      Helen                    Burns                     1950 William                      Danovski         Georgia                                       divorce
Harry O                       Danovski                    m      1944 38  x                                                              Fritz                        Danovski
Walter George Henry           Danovski                    m 1907 1974 66  x                                                              Fred                         Danovski         Augusta                     Gudzun
William Ernest Fred           Danovski                    m 1900 1964 63  x      Georgia M                Smith                     1925 Fred                         Danovski         Augusta                     Gutzun
A J                           Dansdill                    m               x      Catharine                Printz
George Michael                Dansdill                    m 1874 1947 72  x      Alice                    Shanks                    1895 Wallace                      Dansdill         Bridget                     Dwyer
Helen Janette                 Dansdill                    f 1926 2006 80         Albert Dean              Fosdick                   1955 Milo Rex                     Dansdill         Reathel O                   Seaton
James Gerald                  Dansdill                    m      1984 68  x      Ellen Marie              Stearns                        Russell Edward               Dansdill         Rebecca J                   Miller
Jean Meredith                 Dansdill                    f 1921 1994 73  x      David L                  Mullin                    1940 Milo Rex                     Dansdill         Reathel Olive               Seaton
Milo 'Mick'                   Dansdill                    m 1898 1968 69  x      Reathel                  Seaton                    1919 George                       Dansdill         Alice                       Shanks
Russell Edward                Dansdill                    m 1891 1978 87  x      Rebecca                  Miller                    1911 Wallace                      Dansdill         Bridget                     Dwyer
Alexander                     Danskin                     m 1816 1911 95  x      Ann                      Preston
Carl A                        Danskin                     m 1898 1966 68  x      Marie W                  Huff                      1921 George W                     Danskin          Edith                       Biggar
Clyde Milton                  Danskin                     m 1918 1993 74  x      Joyce                    Burm                      1941 Ralph                        Danskin          Freida                      Schumann
Frank George                  Danskin                     m 1913 2003 90  x      Doris                    Cronbaugh                 1938 Harry Gilmore                Danskin          Emma                        McKusker
George W                      Danskin                     m 1851 1928 77  x      Edith Louise             Bigger                    1883 Gilmour                      Danskin
Gilmore/Gilmour               Danskin                     m      1898 79         Janet                    Barr                      1847
Harry 'Eugene'                Danskin                     m 1918 2011 92  JT     Arlene Marie             Madison                   1941 Harry G                      Danskin          Emma V                      McKusker
Harry Gilmore                 Danskin                     m 1887 1918 30  x
Helen Edith                   Danskin                     f 1915 2002 86  x      Elmer Wayne              Messer                    1940 Harry G                      Danskin          Emma V                      McKusker
Ralph                         Danskin                     m 1893 1970 76  x      Frieda                   Schumann                  1916 George                       Danskin          Edith                       Biggar
Robert                        Danskin                     m 1900 1963 62  x                                                         0    George                       Danskin          Edith                       Biggar
Charles 'Jack'                Darby                       m 1898 1975 77  x                                                         0    Thomas                       Darby            Mary                        Christy
James                         Darby                       m 1857 1945 88  x      Lavina Marie             Thomas                    1881 Matthew                      Darby            Kathleen
Laura                         Darby                       f      1973     x                                                         0
Mary Ann                      Darby                       f 1862 1936 73  x      James R.                 Hoskins

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Morley C                      Darby                       m 1897 1968 70  x      Fern R                   Guenther                  1917 James                        Darby            Lavina
Walter C                      Darby                       m 1918 2001 83  x                                                         0    Morley C                     Darby            Fern R                      Guenther
Lula                          Darden                      f 1890 1985 94  x      LeRoy                    Cole                      1810 Woodford                     Darden           Belle
Lula                          Darden                      f 1890 1985 94  x      Leland                   Blain                     1960 Woodford                     Darden           Belle
Wayne W                       Darland                     m 1916 1989 73  x      Pauline                  Gillam                    1938 Glenn                        Darland          Elma                        McWilliams
Henry                         Darling                     m      1932     x
Jason Lee                     Darling                     m 1989 1994 4   x                                                         0    Gary                         McNabb           Nancy                       Darling
Nancy Jane                    Darling                     f 1828 1918 90  x      Benjaman                 Hotchkiss                 1847
Philip                        Darner                      m 1804 1879 75  x
Bertha F                      Darr                        f 1877 1888 10  x                                                         0    D B Dr                       Darr             E H Mrs
Alice                         Darragh                     f 1884 1957 72  x      Charles                  Colgan                    1907
James D                       Darrah                      m      2005 53  x      Diana 'Dinny'            Brady                          Jim                          Darrah           Amy
                              Darst                       m               x      Anna                     Miller
Eva                           Darting                     f 1905 1993 88  x      John H.                  Hill
George W.                     Daugherty                   m      1995            Ethel Mae                Lewis                     1936
John Lu Roy                   Daugherty                   m 1939 1986 46  x      Blanche A Bradley        Young                     1970 George                       Daugherty        Ethel                       Lewis
Robert LaVerne                Daugherty                   m 1937 1955 18  x                                                              George                       Daugherty        Ethel                       Lewis
John T                        Daughtery                   m      1914                                                                                                 Daugherty                                    unknown
Horace                        Davenport                   m      1893 59  x
Ralph                         Davenport                   m               x      Mary Jane                Martins                                                                                                                    divorced
Harold                        Davidson                    m 1902 1960 57  x      Myrtle M                 Denzler                   1927 Tom J                        Davidson
L T                           Davidson                    m      1934     x
Linn Earl                     Davidson                    m 1898 1962 63  x      Anna C                   Hogan                     1929 Tom                          Davidson         Charlotte                   Childress
Margaret A.                   Davidson                    f 1918 2009 91  jt     Carlton Frink            Davis                     1948 Robert Leroy                 Davidson         Myrtle Ann                  McIntire
Terry Shannon                 Davidson                    m 1937 1937 9d  x                                                              Lloyd                        Davidson
Thomas J.                     Davidson                    m 1876 1964 87  x                                                              John                         Davidson
David John                    Davies                      m 1923 2008 84  x      Erna Ida Rose            Iburg                     1948 Will                         Davies           Gertrude Sarah              Thomas
David T (Rev)                 Davies                      m 1869 1944 75  shpr   Elizabeth                Ashton                    1920 James                        Davies           Mary Ann
David T (Rev)                 Davies                      m 1869 1944 75  shpr   Hannah                   Davis                     1905 James                        Davies           Mary Ann
Evan                          Davies                      m 1836 1900 64  x      Eleanor                  Jones                     1878                                                                                             born in North Wales
Everette                      Davies                      m 1907 1973 66         Violet A                 Fisher                    1939 David I                      Davies           Marianna                    Jones
Idris L 'Ed'                  Davies                      m 1927 2014 87  x      Esther                   Madeorin Martinson        1953 David Thomas, Rev            Davies           Elizabeth                   Ashton
Mair                          Davies                      f 1914 1998 84  x      Newton E                 Jones                     1947 John R                       Davies           Grace                       Jones
Sarah Jean                    Davies                      f 1959 2009 49  x      Warren P                 Meyer                     1997 David                        Davies           Erna                        Iburg
Virginia                      Davies                      f 1931 2007 76  x      Melvin Cledith           Grimm                     1949 Will                         Davies           Gertrude                    Thomas
Will                          Davies                      m 1892 1967 74  x      Gertrude                 Thomas                    1921 David                        Davies           Mary                        Evans
Adelia E                      Davis                       f 1835 1897 61  JT     M A                      Hall                      1861                              Davis                                        unknown
Allen Russell                 Davis                       m 1952 1984 31  x      Linda                    Gardner                   1978 Donald                       Davis            Betty Jane                  Hohensee
Alta                          Davis                       f 1898 1977 78  x      Dale M                   Bricker                   1923 Oliver                       Davis            Ida                         Shaull
Andrea                        Davis                       f 1989 1989 2w  x                                                         0    Paul                         Davis            Becky
Andrew                        Davis                       m 1820 1891 70  x      Catharine                Tittsworth                1842
Anna 'Annie'                  Davis                       f 1854 1915 61  x      John George              Lortz                     1882 Roland                       Davis            Ann
Anna M                        Davis                       f 1869 1929 60  x      Ernest M                 Long                      1889 David                        Davis                                                          born in South Wales
Annette                       Davis                       f 1832 1923 90  x      Evan J Reverend          Evans                     1849
Arthur L                      Davis                       m 1869 1947 77  x      Mollie Jane              Bell                      1893 Henry                        Davis            Anna
Basil Leonard                 Davis                       m 1893 1985 89  x      Mildred R                Risdon                    1917 Arthur L                     Davis            Mary Jane                   Bell
Calvin Delano                 Davis                       m 1933 2004 71  x      Beverly                  Shaull                    1953 Ralph                        Davis            Emma
Calvin Delano                 Davis                       m 1933 2004 71  x      Louise                   Ballard                   1980 Ralph                        Davis            Emma
Cassondra                     Davis                       f 1989 1989 3w  x                                                         0    Paul                         Davis            Becky
Catherine                     Davis                       f 1852 1924 72  x      Robert                   Powell                    1869 Rowland                      Davis            Ann                         Owens

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Cecil C                       Davis                       m 1896 1966 70  x      Nellie                   Fetzer                    1917 Enoch                        Davis            Katherine
Chester Alfred                Davis                       m 1881 1950 68  x      Jennie R                 Coats                     1906 Henry                        Davis            Anna                        Robinson
Chester Alfred                Davis                       m 1881 1950 68  x      Mary Jane                White                     1936 Henry                        Davis            Anna                        Robinson
Clarence Arthur               Davis                       m 1905 2005 99  x      Grace L                  Wagner                    1932 Arthur L                     Davis            Mary Jane                   Bell
Cledyth                       Davis                       f 1906 1990 83  x      Harvey                   Chrisman                  1927 Chester                      Davis            Jenny                       Coats
Cora Alice                    Davis                       f 1866 1954 88  x      Jesse R.                 Worrall                   1888 Henry                        Davis            Anna                        Robinson
Cora Alice                    Davis                       f 1866 1954 88  x      Enoch                    Enochson                  1924 Henry                        Davis            Anna                        Robinson
David M                       Davis                       m 1851 1896 44  x
David T                       Davis                       m 1872 1943 71  shpr   Jennie                   Williams                  1893 Thomas J                     Davis            Elizabeth                   Luke
David T                       Davis                       m 1872 1943 71  shpr   Mary                     Williams                  1897 Thomas J                     Davis            Elizabeth                   Luke
Dennis                        Davis                       m 1953 2006 52  x      Janet                    Beyer                     1982 Marvin                       Davis            Kathryn                     Shull
Donald Russell                Davis                       m 1926 1984 58  x      Betty Jane               Hohensee                  1948 Russell M                    Davis            Lizzie                      Birch
Doris E                       Davis                       f 1927 2005 77  x      Charles Stanley          Hartwig                   1944 Lloyd                        Davis            Gleda                       Dooley
Dorothy L                     Davis                       f 1937 2011 73  JT                                                             Menzo                        Davis            Agnes                       Pawlak
Earl E                        Davis                       m 1893 1987 94  x      Mae A                    Scandridge                1917 John                         Davis            Elizabeth                   Shaull
Eliza                         Davis                       f 1837 1917 79  x      John                     Denson                    1869
Elizabeth                     Davis                       f 1828 1911 83  x      Joseph                   Freeman                   1849
Elizabeth                     Davis                       f 1834 1897 72  x      Richard                  Richards                  1850 Daniel                       Davis            Elizabeth
Elizabeth                     Davis                       f 1849 1932 82  x      William H                Jones                     1872                                                                                             born in South Wales
Eloene                        Davis                       f 1912 2007 95  x      Elwood 'Boots'           Harwell                   1932 Orville                      Davis            Lucille                     Logan
Enoch H                       Davis                       m 1866 1945 78  x      Kate E                   Jordon                    1894 Thomas                       Davis            Mary
Erma Madella                  Davis                       f 1906 1937 30  x                                                         0    James Willis                 Davis            Etta A
Etta Elizabeth                Davis                       f      1952 35  x                               Young                     ??   Floyd Orval                  Davis            Edna Blanch                 Miller
Floyd O                       Davis                       m 1892 1985 93  x      Edna                     Miller                    1916 Joseph                       Davis            Anna                        Rowe
Gail M                        Davis                       f 1885 1959 74  x                                                         0    Henry                        Davis            Amelia
George W                      Davis                       m 1874 1945 71  x      Anna Belle               Scandridge                1903 Henry                        Davis            Anna
George W                      Davis                       m 1874 1945 71  x      Mary                     Yearian                   1922 Henry                        Davis            Anna
Gordon Ray                    Davis                       m 1911 1967 56  x      Dorothy                  Schlesselman              1954
Hannah                        Davis                       f 1858 1932 74  JT     Edward                   Blythen                   1899 Rowland                      Davis            Ann                         Owens
Hannah                        Davis                       f      1913     x      Rev David T              Davies                    1905
Harold Elton                  Davis                       m 1924 2009 84  x      LaVenia S                Furkin                    1944 Craig Larkin                 Davis            Pansy                       Hathaway
Harold L                      Davis                       m 1928 1984 56  x      Carma Lea                Long                      1953 Chester A                    Davis            Dorothy                     Kenning
Henry                         Davis                       m      1868            Mary                                               1842
Henry T                       Davis                       m      1879 24  x                                                         0
J Newton                      Davis                       m               x      Anna                     Evans
James Willis                  Davis                       m 1878 1963 83  x      Etta Almeda              Fuller                    1904 Henry                        Davis            Annie                       Robinson          divorced
Joan Kay                      Davis                       f 1935 2000 65  x      Kenneth D                Nace                      1954 Lester H 'Bob'               Davis            Kathryn                     Keegan            born in New South Wales
John                          Davis                       m 1826 1903 76  JT     Gwen 'Gwennie'           Unknown  Jones            1858                              Davis                                        unknown
John A Dr                     Davis                       m      1935 79  x                                                              Henry T                      Davis
John Everett                  Davis                       m 1894 1935 41  x                                                         0    John R                       Davis            Jennie C
Jowayne L 'Joe'               Davis                       m 1933 1982 49  x      Mary L                   McGurk                    1953 Verlyn W                     Davis            Iva                         Thomas
Lavern                        Davis                       m 1930 2008 77  x      Viola                    Zuber                     1956 Ralph                        Davis            Emma                        Dietrich
Leola E.                      Davis                       f 1895 1987 91  x      James Charles            Hotka                     1916 Charles                      Davis            Louise                      Schnare
Leslie B                      Davis                       m      1994 100 x      Helen G                  Goodell                        Isaac                                         Minnie                      Burton
Lester H 'Bob'                Davis                       m 1906 1978 71  x      Kathryn                  Keegan                    1935 Oliver E                     Davis            Ida                         Shaull
Lewis Haas                    Davis                       m 1900 1977 76  x                                                         0    Ralph                        Davis            Katie                       Haas              divorced
Lizzie                        Davis                       f 1864 1941 76  x      El                       Clark                          Thomas                       Davis            Mary
Lucille I.                    Davis                       f 1900 1983 82  NIC    Bernhard G.              Hulseberg                 1921 Charles                      Davis            Elizabeth                   Conache
Lulu E                        Davis                       f 1895 1974 78  x      Arthur                   Fahlen                         Ralph Samuel                 Davis            Kathryn                     Haas
Mae E                         Davis                       f 1894 1995 100 x                                                         0    John                         Davis            Susan                       Shaull

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Margaret Jeanne               Davis                       f 1922 2012 90  x      Keith                    Norton                    1941 Rodney                       Davis            Florence                    Gesling
Margaret Jeanne               Davis                       f 1922 2012 90  x      Robert                   Wallace                   1964 Rodney                       Davis            Florence                    Gesling
Marvin R.                     Davis                       m 1927 2011 84  jt     Kathryn                  Shull                     1953 Ralph                        Davis            Emma                        Dietrich
Mary Alice                    Davis                       f 1919 2006 87  x      Joseph Arnold            Dubishar                  1943 Leslie B                     Davis            Helen                       Goodell
Mary Elizabeth                Davis                       f 1866 1950 84  x      John                     Margreiter                1884 William H                    Davis            Anna Mariah                 Hartz
Mary Ellen                    Davis                       f 1854 1932 78  x      Will R                   Evans                     1881 Roland J                     Davis            Anne
Menzo M                       Davis                       m 1895 1989 93  x      Agnes Henriette          Pawlak                    1929 Hanry                        Davis            Amelia                      Funk
Oliver E                      Davis                       m 1871 1934 63  x      Ida Ann                  Shaull                    1895 Henry                        Davis            Anna
Penny Lea                     Davis                       f 1964 1999 35  x      John                     Conner                    1984 Harold L                     Davis            Carma                       Long
Peryl                         Davis                       f 1883 1965 81         Robert Milton            Betz                      1906 Henry                        Davis            Anna                        Robinson
R Dale                        Davis                       m 1934 1985 50  x      Jane                     Kiefer                    1856 Wallace                      Davis            Ellen                       Wagner
Ralph W                       Davis                       m 1891 1966 75  x      Emma                     Dietrich                  1926 Henry                        Davis            Amelia
Robert C                      Davis                       m 1932 2013 81  x      Genevieve                McGarry                   1952 Thomas                       Davis            Mabel                       Hocker
Ronald                        Davis                       m      1934     x
Roscoe O'Boots'               Davis                       m 1896 1966 69  x      Mabel Julia              Jaeger                    1929 O.E.                         Davis            Ida
Rowland                       Davis                       m 1828 1890 62  x      Ann                      Owens                     1851
Roy W                         Davis                       m 1928 1992 64  x      Theresa                  Cook                      1946 Fay W                        Davis            Harriet A                   Olson
Ruby Luella                   Davis                       f 1922 2012 90  jt     Dean Paul                Humphrey                  1941 Floyd                        Davis            Edna                        Miller
Russel M                      Davis                       m 1895 1989 93  x      Lizzie Ellen             Birch                     1919 Arthur L                     Davis            Mary Jane                   Bell
Thomas J                      Davis                       m 1844 1895     x      Elizabeth
Thomas Lon                    Davis                       m 1907 1971 63  x      Mabel                    Hocker                    1928 Enoch                        Davis            Kate                        Jordan
Thomas W                      Davis                       m 1850 1891 40  x      Alice B                  Evans                     1878
Tom                           Davis                       m      1932     x      Minnie                   Raynor                         David                        Davis
Veda Arlene                   Davis                       f 1909 1994 85  CR     Ervin                    Hofmaster                 1930 Chester                      Davis            Jennie                      Coats
Velma Pearl                   Davis                       f 1895 1971 75  x      Bert Ray                 Cooperider                1915 Albert                       Davis            Laura                       unknown
Velma Pearl                   Davis                       f 1895 1971 75  x      Frank K                  Jacobi                    1951 Albert                       Davis            Laura                       unknown
Verlyn Willis                 Davis                       m 1913 1964 50  x      Iva                      Thomas                    1933 Willis                       Davis            Erma
Virginia Jolene               Davis                       f 1922 2013 90  x      Roger W                  Johnston                  1949 Hefmon                       Davis            Lydia Mae                   Schrader
Vivian Arlene                 Davis                       f 1920 2013 92  x      E Burdette               Lortz                     1940 Earl                         Davis            Mae
Wallace C                     Davis                       m 1910 1976 65  x      Mary Ellen 'Ellen'       Wagner                    1932 Chester                      Davis            Jenny                       Coats
Wendell 'Bing'                Davis                       m               x      Doris Irene              Edmundson                 1936
William Eldon                 Davis                       m 1953 1994 41  x      Linda L                  Williamson Bringmann      1987 Vernon Harold                Davis            Erma Lou                    Binegar
William Henry                 Davis                       m 1856 1937 80  x      Amelia                   Funk                      1881 Thomas                       Davis
Winnie F                      Davis                       f 1892 1984 91  x                                                         0    Henry                        Davis            Amelia                      Funk
Robert William                Davisson                    m 1921 1989 68  x      Freda M                  Sayner                    1945 Robert                       Davis            Gail                        Chapman
William J                     Davisson                    m 1926 1997 71  x      Patricia
Theodore E.                   Davolt                      m 1903 1958 54  jt     Iva                      Joseph                    1932 Dane                         Davolt
Ida A                         Dawson                      f 1890 1968 78  x      Marvin                   Matthes                   1913 Joseph                       Dawson           Mary                        Love
John Paul                     Dawson                      m 1907 1985 78  x      Mary Helen               Agnew                     1930 Thomas                       Dawson           Mary                        Greene
Malinda Catherine             Dawson                      f 1893 1967 73  x      Clyde                    Henson                    1916 Alex                         Dawson           Nellie                      unknown
Nelle                         Dawson                      f 1894 1997 102 x      John Joseph              Kelly                     1928 John                         Dawson           Mary Ann                    Dunn
Oscar                         Dawson                      m      1966 78  x      Myrtle                   Henson
Paul Leroy 'Lee'              Dawson                      m 1935 2000 65  x                                                         0    John Paul                    Dawson           Mary Helen                  Agnew
William Lee 'Billy'           Dawson                      m 1969 1974 5   x                                                         0    LaVerne                      Dawson           Nina
(infant son)                  Day                         m 1901 1903 1.5yx                                                              Jesse                        Day
James R                       Day                         m      1957 66  x
Jesse L                       Day                         m      1942 79  x      Sarah                    Griffin                   1883 Enos                         Day              Margaret                    Lindsay
Patrick R                     Day                         m      1972            Gail                     Primley                   1941
Robert Pershing               Day                         m 1919 2001 81  x      Dorothy Elizabeth        Durling                   1953 George                       Day              Maggie                      Smith
Shirley Louise                Day                         f 1891 1949 57  x      John                     McSweeny                  1915 Edward Everett               Day              Alice                       Smith

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Thomas Jefferson 'T.J.'       Day                         m 1869 1923 53  x                                                         ??
Alex R                        Daylong                     m 1998 1998 0   x                                                                                                            Belinda                     Daylong
Irma m                        Dayton                      f 1908 1974 66  x      Hugh J                   Long                      1923 Arthur                       Dayton           Glathrey                    Lohr
Leonard                       De Kesel                    m 1911 1977 66  x                                                         0    Leopold                      De Kesel         Maria                       Antheunis
Dennis William                Deal                        m 1943 1987 43  x                                                              Floyd                        Deal             Dorothy                     Wintermeyer
Floyd E                       Deal                        m 1914 1983 69  x      Dorothy I                Wintermeyer               1935 Guy                          Deal             Lou Meta                    Monger
Daniel W                      Dean                        m      1882 68  x
Doria Ann                     Dean                        f 1930 2001 70  x      Eugene                   DeCoster                  1951 Irvin                        Dean             Lita
Harry C                       Dean                        m      1948     x
Herman H                      Dean                        m      1871 63  x
J.M 'Mac'                     Dean                        m 1846 1926 79  x      Mary                     Voss                      1893 Daniel                       Dean
J.M 'Mac'                     Dean                        m 1846 1926 79  x      Mary                     Elliott                        Daniel                       Dean
Rae L                         Dean                        m      1962 82  x      Cora                     Wiggins
Bernard                       Deatsch                     m 1909 2005 96  x      Mary                     Thompson                  1936 George                       Deatsch          Josephine                   Bierer
Cora                          DeBates                     f 1872 1944 72  x      Mell                     Christian                 1893 John                         DeBates          Sophia
Jennie                        DeBates                     f 1882 1976 93  x      Leo                      DeCoster                  1901 John                         DeBates          Sophia
Mary                          DeBates                     f      1938            Frank                    Dont                      1899
Elizabeth June 'Betty'        DeBont                      f 1923 2006 82  x                               Johnston                  ??   Robert                       DeBont           Pauline                     Gillam            divorced?
Kenneth J                     DeBont                      m 1920 2000 80  x      Norma                    Smith                     1941 Tunis                        DeBont           Edith                       Jordan
Arthur                        DeBrower                    m 1912 1988 76  x      Evalena                  Van Gampleare             1935 Julius                       DeBrower         Urbanie                     Cornelius
David Eugene                  DeBrower                    m 1946 1978 32  x      Karron                   Turner                    1967 Arthur A                     DeBrower         Evalena                     Van Gampleare
Frank Alfonse                 DeBrower                    m 1936 1993 56  x      Elizabeth 'Betty'        DeMeuluenaere             1961 Arthur A                     DeBrower         Evalena                     Van Gampleare
Joyce Irene                   DeBrower                    f 1939 2010 71  x                                                              Arthur A                     DeBrower         Evalena                     Van Gampleare
Martha Madeline               DeBrower                    f 1913 2002 89  x      George J                 Meyer                     1936 Julius                       DeBrower         Urbanie                     Cornelius
Thomas E                      DeBrower                    m 1943 1989 45  x      Betsy                    Hartgrave                 1969 Arthur A                     DeBrower         Evalena                     Van Gampleare
Eugenia                       DeBruycker                  f 1863 1948 85  x      Charles                  DeMeulenaere              1885 Jacob                        DeBruycker       Theresa
Rene                          DeCaluwe                    m 1895 1977 81  x      Elodie                   DeVrient Gussels          1927 Henry                        DeCaluwe         Rosalie                     DeBacker
Charles J                     DeCamp                      m      1982 59  x      JoAnn
Angela Jean                   Decker                      f 1961 2013 51  x      Daniel                   Glandon                        Leroy David                  Decker           Sharon Kay                  Toney             div
Dennis Everett                Decker                      m 1958 1979 20  x                                                              Harold R                     Decker           Ladeana Ann                 Grimm
Webster                       Decker                      m      1962            Myrtle Ellen             Skates                    1902
Eugene                        DeCoster                    m               x      Doria Ann                Dean                      1951
Francis                       DeCoster                    m 1910 1984 74  x      Mystle                   Grier                     1933 Leo                          DeCoster         Jennie                      DeBates
Ida Louise                    DeCoster                    f 1907 1980 73  x                                                         0    Leo                          DeCoster         Jennie                      DeBates
James Louis                   DeCoster                    m 1951 1984 32  x      Jeanie                   Van DeWalle               1970 Eugene                       DeCoster         Doris                       Dean
John                          DeCoster                    m 1904 1998 93  x      Bertha                   Bazyn                     1926 Leo                          DeCoster         Jenny                       DeBates
Leo                           DeCoster                    m      1941            Jennie                   DeBates                   1901
Louis                         DeCoster                    m 1902 1992 89  x      Ruth                     DeShepper                 1927 Leo                          DeCoster         Jenny                       DeBates
Marie Sophia                  DeCoster                    f 1916 2005 89  BC     Rene                     Bazyn                     1937 Leo                          DeCoster         Jenny                       DeBates
Charles Edward                DeDecker                    m 1921 1988 67  x      Joyce                    Chittenden                1946 Emil                         DeDecker         Verda                       Rumple
Clarence J                    DeDecker                    m 1908 1936 91  x      Georgia Gayle            Hannah                    1936 Peter J                      DeDecker         Pauline                     Dierckx
Emil J                        DeDecker                    m 1897 1943 47  x      Verda                    Rumple                    1924 Peter J                      DeDecker         Pauline                     Dierckx
Francis                       DeDecker                    m      1993 76  x      Esther                   Blythe
Fred J                        DeDecker                    m 1903 1991 87  x      Gladys                   Roberts                   1926 Peter                        DeDecker         Paulina                     Dierickx
Grace Elizabeth               DeDecker                    f 1899 2001 102 x      John Martin              Dusterhoft                1931 Peter                        DeDecker         Pauline
James F.                      DeDecker                    m 1925 2012 86  jt     Marjorie J.              Bruggeman                 1948 John                         DeDecker         Elvira                      Staelens
John                          DeDecker                    m 1918 1988 70  x      Dorothy                  Haynes                    1939 John                         DeDecker         Vera                        Staelens
John August                   DeDecker                    m 1890 1976 86  x      Elvira                   Staelens                  1913 Peter                        DeDecker         Pauline                     Dierick
John August                   DeDecker                    m 1890 1976 86  x      Laura                    Kennedy                   1945 Peter                        DeDecker         Pauline                     Dierick
Louise A                      DeDecker                    f 1893 1988 95  x      Emil                     DeSmet                    1917 Peter                        DeDecker         Pauline                     Dierickx

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Rick W                        DeDecker                    m 1950 2006 55  x      Debra Kay                Davis                          John Wayne                   DeDecker         Lois Marie                  Campbell
Wayne Rumple 'John'           DeDecker                    m 1923 1984 61  x      Lois                     Campbell                  1946 Emil                         DeDecker         Verda Mae                   Rumple
(infant son)                  Dedmore                     m      1843 1   x                                                              Thomas                       Dedmore
Frank E                       Dee                         m 1897 1966 68  x      Ivah                     Weavers                   1907 Edward                       Dee              Elmira                      Lighter
Hiram                         Dee                         m               x      Iva Jane                 Williams                  1923
Leonard Franklin              Dee                         m 1913 1989 75  x      Violet A                 Bope                      1935 Frank                        Dee              Ivah                        Weaver
Mary Elizabeth                Dee                         f 1886 1972 85         Ernest Howard            Weaver                    1910 Edward                       Dee              Elmira                      Lyter
Georgiana                     Deen                        f      1860 6   x                                                         0    D W                          Deen             Elizabeth
Ruth M                        Deen                        f 1900 1986 86  x      Ralph Clay               Eddy                      1938 George Bert                  Deen             Bertha                      Dawson
Ruth M                        Deen                        f 1900 1986 86  x                               Freel                          George Bert                  Deen             Bertha                      Dawson
William Harry                 Deffinbough                 m 1860 1891 31  x
Wilson                        DeGarmo                     m 1833 1888 54  x      Louisa J                 McNeal                    1858
Maurice A                     DeGeeter                    m 1917 1997 80  x      Clare                    Cleppe                    1941 Kamiel                       DeGeeter         Clemonse                    DeCraene
Albert F                      DeGood                      m 1911 1975 63  x      Maxine                   Austin                    1941 Lester F                     DeGood           Nora                        Gould
Cletus William                DeGood                      m 1926 1999 72  x      Dorothy Caroline         Rohrbacher                1948 John                         DeGood           Lena                        Kahler
Edith Alberta                 DeGood                      f 1907 2006 98  x      Adolph G                 Iberg                     1927 Lester                       DeGood           Nora                        Gould
Jack                          DeGood                      m      1946     x
Jennie                        DeGood                      f               x      James W                  Gould                          Alex                         DeGood           Mary                        Maston
Lester                        DeGood                      m 1880 1969 88  x      Nora                     Gould                     1905 Alec                         DeGood           Mary                        Maston
Ralph J                       DeGood                      m 1917 2001 83  x      Dorothy                  Reihman                   1941 John                         DeGood           Lena                        Kahler
Stella M                      DeGood                      f 1891 1971 79  x      Louis Andrew             Kahler                    1914 Albert                       DeGood           Mary                        Masten
Margaret                      DeGraff                     f 1917 1976 58  x                                                         0    Burt                         DeGraff          Estelle                     Berthelore
Marie E                       DeGraff                     f 1914 1996 82  x      LeRoy G                  Fry                       1935 William Burton               DeGraff          Estelle Irene               Berthelote
Jeremy                        DeGreeter                   m 1971 2015 43  x                                                         0    Richard                      DeGreeter        Diane                       Gray
Florence Clara                Dehne                       f 1910 2003 92  x      Donald Frank, Dr.        Miller                    1936 William H                    Dehne            Emma                        Koehntopp
James Donald                  Deimerly                    m 1921 2000 78  x      Marjorie                 Schmid                    1947 Peter                        Deimerly         Agnes A                     Pauly
Robert                        Deimerly                    m 1928 2003 75  x                                                              Peter                        Deimerly         Agnes A                     Pauly
Edith                         Deitrich                    f 1890 1974 83         George H                 Bendschneider             1920 John                         Dietrich         Wilamena
Leonard                       DeKesel                     m 1911 1977 66  x                                                              Leopold                      DeKesel          Marie                       Antheunis
Margaret Teresa 'Marge'       DeKesel                     f 1924 2014 89  x      Richard Tompkins         Haughenbury               1942 Leopold                      DeKesel          Marie                       Anthony
Sybil H                       Delane                      f 1844 1920 75  x      Herbert A                Brown                     1865
Bridget                       DeLaney                     f 1871 1906 34  x      Jerry                    Coakley                   1894
Ellen J 'Ella'                DeLaney                     f 1869 1965 95  x      Francis Henry            Cain                      1895 John                         Delaney          Mary                        Denenny
James                         Delaney                     m 1840 1912 71  x      Catherine                O'Shaughnessy             1869                                                                                             born in Ireland
John                          Delaney                     m 1836 1892     x      Mary                     Denneny                   1864
John J                        Delaney                     m           68  x
John Jr                       Delaney                     m      1899 3   x                                                              John                         Delaney          Mary
John Sr                       Delaney                     m      1897     x                                                              John                         Delaney          Mary
Lucy M                        Delaney                     f 1876 1969 92  x      Henry J                  Murphy                    1898 James                        Delaney          Catherine                   O'Shaunnesy
Margaret Ellen                Delaney                     f 1878 1958 80  x      Edward F                 Farrell                   1911
Nicholas P                    Delaney                     m 1880 1938 58  x      Honora                   Duffy                          John                         Delaney          Mary
Patrick                       Delaney                     m 1835 1915 80  x      Bridget                  Maher                     1857
Peter                         Delaney                     m 1867 1892 23  x                                                              John                         Delaney          Mary                        Denneny
Roger Alan                    Delaney                     m      1993            Miriam Lucile            Thomas                    1953
Winifred                      Delaney                     f 1878 1960 82  x      William F.               Hogan                     1904 James                        Delaney          Catherine
Richard Orrin                 Delano                      m      1877 3   x                                                              J H                          Delano
Duty                          Deline                      f      1960     0      John                     Axmear
Jack C                        Delk                        m 1914 1992 78  x      Zella B                  Haines                    1936 Joe                          Delk             Mary                        Ipok
Jack C                        Delk                        m 1914 1992 78  x      Lola                                                    Joe                          Delk             Mary                        Ipok
Wilhelmina K H                Delker                      f 1830 1900 69  x      Herman Dietrich          Wiebold                   1870 Ludwig                       Delker                                                         K. H. (Karolina Helene)

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Wilhelmina K H                Delker                      f 1830 1900 69  x      Christian Heinrich Carl  Folkman                        Ludwig                       Delker
August                        Dellamuth                   m 1871 1944 72  x      Elizabeth W              Wichman                   1908 Adam                         Dellamuth        Dorothea
Ervin                         Dellamuth                   m 1923 1991 67  x      Thelma                   Krueger                   1948 William                      Dellamuth        Maude                       Willenbrock
Lyle                          Dellamuth                   m      1982            Dahlene Phyllis          Kimm
Mervin Ernest                 Dellamuth                   m 1902 1979 76  x      Elsie Johanna            Rotter                    1928 August                       Dellamuth        Elizabeth                   Wichmann          adopted father Dellamuth
Mervin Ernest                 Dellamuth/Roggentine        m 1902 1979 76  x      Elsie Johanna            Rotter                    1928 Karl/Carl                    Roggentine       Elizabeth                   Wichmann
Cora B                        Dellinger                   f 1878 1960 82  x      Alva Thomas A T          Akerman                   1903 Asburg                       Dellinger        Eliza                       Fryer
Sue Marie                     Dellinger                   f 1943 2002 69  x                                                         0
Joseph                        DeLong                      m      1913 24  x      Rowena                   Bean                      1880
Dorothy Elizabeth             DeLoof                      f 1925 1997 72  x      Camiel Raymond           Kochuyt                   1951 Ernest                       DeLoof           Augusta                     DeVilder
Marian                        DeLoof                      f 1919 2008 89  x      Cecil R                  Macksey                   1946 Ernest C                     DeLoof           Augusta                     DeVilder
Coy C                         Delozier                    m 1898 1974 76  x      Mildred                                                 James Edward                 Delozier         Verlina
James E                       DeLozier                    m      1936 74  x
Viola Jane                    DeLozier                    f 1895 1983 87         Wess O                   Tippie                    1913 James E                      DeLozier         Verlenia                    Chastine
Viola Jane                    DeLozier                    f 1895 1983 87         John L 'Jontie'          Claypool                  1942 James E                      DeLozier         Verlenia                    Chastine
Charles                       DeLung                      m 1913 1976 62  x      Thelma Opal              Popham                    1935 William H                    DeLung           Matilda                     Clifton
Howard                        DeLung                      m      1983            Beatrice Mae             Hawkins                   1946
David Palmer                  Delzell                     m 1846 1934 87  x      Mary M                   Beckler                   1874 John                         Delzell          Catherine
William H                     Delzell                     m 1845 1933 88  x                                                              John                         Delzell          Catherine
Kenney F                      DeMar                       m 1946 2001 55  x      Mary Ellen 'Ellen'       Goodman                   1975 Francis                      DeMar            Norma                       Rhoades
August                        DeMeulenaere                m 1892 1984 91  x      Katherine Emma           Michalek                  1917 Charles                      DeMeulenaere     Eugenia                     DeBruycker
Bernard 'Bud'                 DeMeulenaere                m 1926 2005 79  x      Marie                    McDonald                  1949 August                       DeMeulenaere     Katherine                   Michalek
Charles                       DeMeulenaere                m 1858 1921 62  x      Eugenia                  DeBruycker                1885
Charles Edward                DeMeulenaere                m 1911 1974 63  x      Margaret Mary            Thys                      1935 Peter J                      DeMeulenaere     Emma                        VanHyfte
Darlene                       DeMeulenaere                f           21  x                                                         0
Emil J                        DeMeulenaere                m 1898 1964 66  x      Agnes                    Michalek                  1922 Charles                      DeMeulenaere     Eugenia                     DeBruycker
Evelyn A                      DeMeulenaere                f 1924 2001 77  x      Keith Edward             Edelen                    1946 August                       DeMeulenaere     Katherine                   Michalek
Francis Augustine             DeMeulenaere                m 1919 1996 76  x      Marita                   Roth                      1947 August                       DeMeulenaere     Katherine                   Michalek
Gregory Paul                  DeMeulenaere                m 1957 1983 26  x                                                              Bernard                      DeMeulenaere     Marie                       McDonald
Henry                         DeMeulenaere                m 1893 1993 99  x      Evaleen                  McGarry                   1925 Charles                      DeMeulenaere     Eugenia                     DeBruycker
Irene, Sister OLVM            DeMeulenaere                f 1923 2013 90  x                                                         0    August                       DeMeulenaere     Katherine                   Michalek
James F                       DeMeulenaere                m 1918 1991 73  x      Lorraine                 DeRycke                   1946 Peter J                      DeMeulenaere     Emma                        VanHyfte
Lawrence 'L A'                DeMeulenaere                m 1914 1997 82  x      Mary L                   Martin                    1939 Peter J                      DeMeulenaere     Emma                        VanHyfte
Leroy                         DeMeulenaere                m 1932 2014 81  x      RaVae                    Autheunis                 1955 Albert                       DeMeulenaere     Anna                        Saelens
Lorie Anne                    DeMeulenaere                f 1967 2007 40  x      John                     Chekal                    1989 Roger                        DeMeulenaere     Kathy                       Frese
Lorraine                      DeMeulenaere                f 1923 1977 54  x      Andrew j                 Kurovske                  1946 Emil                         DeMeulenaere     Agnes                       Michalek
Mary A                        DeMeulenaere                f 1890 1986 90  x      Peter A                  Martens                   1916 Charles                      DeMeulenaere     Eugenia                     DeBruycker
Philomena 'Minnie'            DeMeulenaere                f 1894 1958 64  x      Clarence Joseph          Beran                     1918 Charles                      DeMeulenaere     Eugenia                     DeBruycker
Peter J                       DeMeulenaere                m 1886 1965 78  x      Emma                     Van Hyfte                 1910 Charles                      DeMeulenaere     Eugenia                     DeBruycker
Robert C                      DeMeulenaere                m 1925 2013 87  x      Regina Ellen             Keating                   1951 Emil                         DeMeulenaere     Agnes                       Michalek
Theresa Sister                DeMeulenaere                f 1918 2002 84  x                                                         0    August                       DeMeulenaere     Katherine
Vincent Charles               DeMeulenaere                m 1921 2008 87  x      Kathryn C                Low                       1952 August                       DeMeulenaere     Katherine                   Michalek
Jerome                        DeMeyer                     m 1909 1971 61  x      Flavia                   Boudonck                  1930 Alfonse                      DeMeyer          Maria
Marion 'Faye'                 DeMeyer                     f 1940 2014 73  x      Richard                  Brezina                   1961 Fred                         DeMeyer          Marie                       VanOtegham
Cecil W                       Demmel                      m 1914 1988 74  x      Adella M                 Meyer                     1939 Charles                      Demmel           Emma                        Boehmke
Dean Allen                    Demmel                      m 1949 1994 44  x                                                              Cecil                        Demmel           Adella                      Meyer
James Cecil                   Demmel                      m 1943 1997 53  x                                                              Cecil                        Demmel           Adella                      Meyer             born in Germany
Donald Lewis                  DeMonbrun                   m 1932 2012 80  jt     Shirley                  Marshall                  1951 Lewis F.                     DeMonbrun        Beulah                      Mitchell
Frederika                     Demong                      f 1832 1909 76  x      Henry                    Roggentien                1857
Catharine Ann                 Demory                      f 1824 1902 77  JT     Jesse                    Harbert                   1845                              Demory                                       unknown

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Mabel May                     Demory                      f 1888 1981 93  x      Edward N                 Martin                    1907
Lanny                         DeNeve                      m 1965 2009 44  jt     Robin                    Emanuel                   1998 Eugene                       DeNeve           Becky                       Kimmich           wife 1st marr Payton
Russell Charles               DeNeve                      m 1965 2013 47  jt     Carol                    Neighbor                  1997 Charles                      Andrews          Beverly                     Novotny
Eva Katrina                   Dengler                     f 1831 1909 77  x      Michael                  Fetzer                    1853                                                                                             born in Germany
Earl                          DeNio                       m      1995            Margaret                 Swain
David G                       Denison                     m 1948 2006 48  x      Denise                   Croy                      1986 George S 'Bud'               Denison          Lucille S                   Kelley
Earl                          Denison                     m 1906 1969 62  x      Maude Laura              Hall                      1926 George McDowell              Denison          Ella Emma                   Rowe
Everet                        Denison                     m 1903 1968 64  x      Hazel                    Harris                    1923 George McDowell              Denison          Ella Emma                   Rowe
George S 'Bud'                Denison                     m      2002 81  x      Lucille                  Seaton                    1945 George W                     Denison          Bessie M                    Aggson
George Wiley                  Denison                     m 1892 1974 82  x      Bessie L                 Aggson                    1916 George McDowell              Denison          Ella Emma                   Rowe
Gerald                        Denison                     m 1924 2015 90  x      Harriett Arva            Edmundson                 1945 Wayne                        Denison          Gladys                      Hall
Helen Marie                   Denison                     f 1928 1991 62  x                                                         0    George W                     Denison          Bessie M                    Aggson
Henry Everet                  Denison                     m 1903 1968 64  x      Hazel E                  Harris                    1923 George McDowell              Denison          Ella Emma                   Rowe
Karen Key                     Denison                     f 1946 2002 55  x      Michael                  Blank                     1966 Bud                          Denison          Lucille
Martha Ella                   Denison                     f 1918 2010 92  JT     Wayne W                  Moffit                    1938 George W                     Denison          Bessie                      Aggson
Otto W                        Denison                     m 1897 1983 85  x      Celesta                  Hradek                    1917 George McDowell              Denison          Ella Emma                   Rowe
Ross D                        Denison                     m 1923 1993 69  x      Phyllis                  Hediger                   1960 George                       Denison          Bessie                      Aggson
Russell Eugene                Denison                     m 1948 2013 64  x      Kathryn                  Warren                    1969 Russell                      Denison          Bety                        Trotter
Wilford E                     Denison                     m 1926 2002 75  x      Betty May                Lane                      1951 Earl                         Denison          Maude                       Hall
Mary                          Denneny                     f 1841 1902 60  x      John                     Delaney                   1864
Alfred James                  Denney                      m      1926            Anna Pearl               Collins                   1895
Albert D 'Bud'                Dennis                      m 1925 2002 76  x      Catherine J              Truesdell                 1953 William                      Dennis           Della                       Bonnater
Charles H 'Dike'              Dennis                      m 1874 1960 85  x      Margaret Delaine         Richardson
Charles W                     Dennis                      m 1906 1985 79  x      Leora                    Smith                     1927 Fred                         Dennis           Essie
Ethel                         Dennis                      f 1898 1991 93  x      Ben                      Gracey                         Charles                      Dennis           Margaret                    Richardson
Ethel                         Dennis                      f 1898 1991 93  x      John                     McGurk                         Charles                      Dennis           Margaret                    Richardson
Harry Elroy                   Dennis                      m 1918 1987 69  x      Catherine                Wagner                    1942 William E                    Dennis           Della                       Bonnater
Hilda Jean                    Dennis                      f 1921 1995 73  NE     Ernest H.                Bahndorf                  1953 William E.                   Dennis           Della                       Bonnator
Lavon M                       Dennis                      m 1907 1982 74  x      Vera L                   Kinkead                   1931
Maude Rilla                   Dennis                      f 1878 1933 54  x      Allen                    Mullanix                  1896 James Giddjon                Dennis           Nancy                       Felena
Maude Rilla                   Dennis                      f 1878 1933 54  x      George Albert            Hanchett                  1907 James Giddjon                Dennis           Nancy                       Felena
Melvin C.                     Dennis                      m 1936 2012 76  CR     Burnita A.               Hearn                     1985 Charles                      Dennis           Leora                       Smith
Viola Mae                     Dennis                      f 1909 2013 104 x      Kenneth Chester          Roth                      1928 Everett                      Dennis           Ellen Clarissa              Gloyd
Larry G                       Dennler                     m 1956 1973 17  x                                                              Glenn                        Dennler          Raema Jean
R Glenn                       Dennler                     m 1928 1994 66  x      Barbara                                                 Ben                          Dennler          Louise                      Muehlenthaler
Dan                           Denslow                     m 1936 1980 44  x      Joyce                    Miller                    1962 Cornelius                    Denslow          Christine
Catherine Frances             Denson                      f 1925 2008 83  x      Billy Jack               Leonard                   ??   Robert R                     Denson           Edna E                      Reid
Eleanor Mae                   Denson                      f 1911 2002 90  x      Elmer                    Heitshusen                1933 John                         Denson           Bessie                      Swaney
John F                        Denson                      m 1874 1962 88  x      Maude                    Sweeny                                                                                                                     divorce
John 'Richard'                Denson                      m 1917 2003 85  x      Dolores                  Uthoff                    1947 Robert R                     Denson           Edna E                      Reid
John 'Richard'                Denson                      m 1917 2003 85  x      Maxine                   Krummenoehl               1976 Robert R                     Denson           Edna E                      Reid
Neil Vette                    Denson                      m 1953 1974 20  x      Jutta W                  Otte                      1974 Richard                      Denson           Dolores                     Uthoff
Thomas J                      Dentel                      m 1959 2008 49  x      Rebecca                  Hauser                    1989 Robert                       Dentel           Verlyn                      Weber
Gale                          Denton                      m      1959            Anita                    Doyle                     1937
George Bion Dr                Denton                      m 1884 1963 79  x      Fern                     Billingsley               1916 Bion                         Denton           Mary                        Welles
Mary D                        Denton                      f 1918 1997 79  x      Melvin                   Miller                    1943 William R                    Denton           Mary R                      Monaghan          Melvin died in 1979
Mary D                        Denton                      f 1918 1997 79  x      Merritt                  Smith                     1991 William R                    Denton           Mary R                      Monaghan
William Joseph                Denton                      m 1901 1985 84  x      Florence M               Waters                    1929 William                      Denton           Mary                        Monaghan
Kenneth F Captain             Denzin                      m 1920 1995 75  x      Lesley May               Graham                    1979 Louis                        Denzin           Frieda                      Foroehlich
Boyd                          Denzler                     m 1919 1989 69  x      Lois                                                    John                         Denzler          Lucile                      Swezey

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Charles I                     Denzler                     m 1883 1960 76  x      Nelsa                    Mills                     1911 Henry J                      Denzler          Elizabeth
Christena P                   Denzler                     f 1889 1969 80  x      Francis Monroe           McGuire                   ??   Henry                        Denzler          Elizabeth                   Stephen
Christena P                   Denzler                     f 1889 1969 80  x      Clarence                 Slaymaker                 1912 Henry                        Denzler          Elizabeth                   Stephen           Clarence died in 1934
Evelyn Marie                  Denzler                     f 1896 1997 101 x                                                         0    Jacob                        Denzler          Katherine                   Stephan
Everette Wayne                Denzler                     m 1906 1999 93  x      Dena                     Cronbaugh                 1934 Jacob                        Denzler          Kate                        Stephan
Gertrude                      Denzler                     f 1889 1971 82  x                                                         0    Jacob B                      Denzler          Katie                       Stephans
Helen                         Denzler                     f 1913 1984 70  x      Harold B                 Craig                     1940 Charles I                    Denzler          Nelsa
Jacob                         Denzler                     m 1817 1889 72  x                                                                                                                                                          born in Switzerland
Lauren Wayne                  Denzler                     m 1937 2006 68  x                                                              Everette Wayne               Denzler          Dena Jeannette              Cronbaugh
Lola Edith                    Denzler                     f 1907 2001 94  x      Herman, Jr               Meyer/Meyers              ??   William                      Denzler          Kate                        Shew
Lola Edith                    Denzler                     f 1907 2001 94  x      William                  Poulson                   ??   William                      Denzler          Kate                        Shew
Lorimer E                     Denzler                     m 1908 1981 73  x      Lorene Elizabeth         Gunzenhauser              1936 Jacob                        Denzler          Kate                        Stephan
Mildred Tena                  Denzler                     f 1894 1978 84  x      George Gordon            McBride                   1921 Jacob B                      Denzler          Kate                        Stephan
Milford J                     Denzler                     m 1898 1989 90  x      Elta                     Wilson                    1922 Jacob                        Denzler          Kate                        Stephan
Myrtle M                      Denzler                     f 1902 1977 74  x      Harold                   Davidson                  1927 Jacob                        Denzler          Kate                        Stephan
Olle B                        Denzler                     f 1885 1976     x                                                         0    Henry                        Denzler          Elizabeth
Richard D                     Denzler                     m      1998 72  x      Joan                                                    Milford                      Denzler          Elta
Roy                           Denzler                     m 1892 1966 74  x      Adelaide                 Bright                    1913 Jacob                        Denzler          Kate                        Stephan
Roy A Jr                      Denzler                     m 1918 2008 90  x      Margaret A               Reece                     1941 Roy                          Denzler          Adelaide                    Bright
Shirley Joyce                 Denzler                     f 1927 2010 82  jt     Gerald                   Heath                     1947 Milford                      Denzler          Elta                        Wilson
Clara                         Depoorter                   f 1927 1983 56  x      Bernard                  Roach                     1947 Joseph                       Depoorter        Julia Martha                VanDenBussche
Clara                         Depoorter                   f 1927 1983 56  x      Robert                   Jackson                   1973 Joseph                       Depoorter        Julia Martha                VanDenBussche
Margaret                      Depoorter                   f 1923 2013 89  x      Albert                   Kochuyt                   1946 Joseph                       Depoorter        Julia Martha                VanDenBussche
Cyrus G                       DeQuasie                    m 1850 1919 69  x      Melvina Jane 'Jennie'    Cashman                   1877
Edna                          DeQuasie                    f 1882 1973 90  x      John                     Davies                         Cyrus G                      DeQuasie         Melvina J                   Cashman
Edna                          DeQuasie                    f 1882 1973 90  x      William                  Wyman                          Cyrus G                      DeQuasie         Melvina J                   Cashman
Orin                          DeQuasie                    m 1878 1959 81  x      Alice                    McKinley                  1906 C G                          DeQuasie         Jane                        Cashman
Betty Ruth                    DeRaat                      f 1922 1975 53  x      Newell                   Gibbens                   1944 David                        DeRaat           Rebecca
Ashley                        Derby                       f 1983 1996 13  x                                                         0    Stuart                       Derby            Doris                       Morrison
Charles B                     Derbyshire                  m      1945            Etha                     Hadley                    1901
Arthur C                      Dermody                     m 1885 1975 90  x      Mary J                   Duffy                     1914 Michael                      Dermody          Bridget                     Monoghan
Catherine Bernice             Dermody                     f 1922 2013 91  x      Herbert C                Skarbek                   1945 Arthur C                     Dermody          Mary Jane                   Duffy
Clement                       Dermody                     m 1916 2014 98  x      Blanche Marie            O'Rourke                  1947 Arthur C                     Dermody          Mary Jane                   Duffy
Margaret D                    Dermody                     f 1924 2004 80  x      Reinhold G               Eichhorst                 1948 Arthur                       Dermody          Mary Jane                   Duffy
Mary Bridget                  Dermody                     f 1915 2011 96  JT     Ralph                    Anderlik                  1939 Arthur                       Dermody          Mary Jane                   Duffy
Michael                       Dermody                     m      1907 86         Bridget                  Monahan                   1861
Fred                          Derry                       m      1958 83  x
Elizabeth Jane                Dersch                      f 1858 1913 54  x      Charles Benjamin         Grimm                     1879
Emil                          DeRycke                     m 1893 1987 93  x      Grace                    Martens                   1920 Seraphin                     DeRycke          Honorine                    Tack
Louis                         DeRycke                     m 1902 2000 97  x      Rachel                   Saelens                   1924 Seralien                     DeRycke          Honorine                    Tack
Ruth                          DeShepper                   f 1908 1996 88  x      Louis                    DeCoster                  1927 Harry                        DeShepper        Ida                         VanDersnick
Merle                         Deskin                      m 1928 1970 42  x                                                         1952 Harry                        Deskin           Ethel                       Hadden
Elsie L                       DeSmet                      f 1925 2003 78  x      Jule R                   Green                     1946 Julian                       DeSmet           Helen                       Bloomstrand
Emil                          DeSmet                      m 1893 1954     x      Louise A                 DeDecker                  1917 Leo                          DeSmet           Celine
John H                        DeSmet                      m 1917 1996 78  x      Mary Helen               McGarry                   1946 Emil                         DeSmet           Louise                      DeDecker
Pauline                       DeSmet                      f 1919 2015 95  x                                                         0    Emil                         DeSmet           Louise                      DeDecker
Robert                        DeSmet                      m 1953 1955 2   x                                                              John                         DeSmet
James Lynn Jr                 DeSpain                     m 1912 1985 73  x      Barbara                  VanMelle                  1941 James                        DeSpain          Alice                       Armstrong
Jane                          Despain                     f 1917 1997 80  x                                                         0    James Lynn                   Despain          Alice                       Armstrong
Clement                       DeSutter                    m 1870 1941 70  x      Emma                     Styeart                   1893

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
John                          DeSutter                    m 1902 1981 78  x      Helen                    Cahill                    1941 Clement                      DeSutter         Emma                        Staeyert
H W Dr                        Detschon                    m      1945
Richard                       Dettweiler                  m 1923 1937 13  x                                                              George
Esther                        Dettwiler                   f 1922 1944 21  x                                                         0    Walter                       Dettwiler        Martha
Clarence R                    Detweiler                   m 1903 1992 89  x      Sarah E                  Slaubaugh                 1923 Ed                           Detweiler        Elizabeth                   Henning
Edward Franklin               Detweiler                   m 1878 1964 85  x      Elizabeth                Haning                    1901 John                         Detweiler        Barbara                     Plank
Edward James                  Detweiler                   m 1949 1957 7   x                                                              Marion                       Detweiler
Marion Edward                 Detweiler                   m 1925 2014 89  x      Rosemary                 Grusnick                  1947 Clarence                     Detweiler        Sarah                       Slabaugh
Marjorie Lucille              Detweiler                   f 1933 2012 78  x      Floyd, Jr                Miller                    1958 Clarence                     Detweiler        Sarah                       Slabaugh
Trula                         Detweiler                   f 1929 1997 67  x      John                     Zimmerly                       Clarence                     Detweiler        Sarah                       Slabaugh
Mary "Ann"                    Detzell                     f 1816 1890 75  x      Isaac C                  Brown                     ??
Joseph Francis                Deutsch                     m 1951 2013 64  x      Margaret                 Hochstatter               1972 Francis                      Deutsch          Marie                       Friedhof          divorced
Joseph Francis                Deutsch                     m 1951 2013 64  x      Linda                    Tippie                    2013 Francis                      Deutsch          Marie                       Friedhof
Dane E                        Devine                      m               x      Delphia                  Brady                     1930
Hannah Charlotte 'Lottie'     DeVoe                       f 1869 1955 85  x      Francis Marion           Carter                    1891 Sullivan                     Deuse            Margaret                    Haskins
Betty Mae                     DeVore                      f 1926 2014 88  x      Lester L                 Klein                     1945 George                       DeVore           Mary                        Balvin
Ellen Jane                    DeVries                     f 1949 1998 49  x      R James Jr               Coulter                        Charlie                      DeVries          Arlene                      Berry             divorced
Ellen Jane                    DeVries                     f 1949 1998 49  x      Mark                     Smith                          Charlie                      DeVries          Arlene                      Berry
(infant son)                  Dewey                       m 1884 1884 0   x                                                              L Charles Dr                 Dewey            Lillian                     Couch
Charles                       DeWispelaere                m 1883 1949 66  x
Dennis                        DeWitt                      m 1951 2001 50  x                                                              Paul                         DeWitt           Mildred                     Riley
Kendall Duane                 DeWitt                      m 1930 2012 82  CR     Jerry                    Lee                       1950 George Agustus               DeWitt           Mary Elizabeth              Baker             div
Kendall Duane                 DeWitt                      m 1930 2012 82  CR     Joan                     Charlson                  1993 George Agustus               DeWitt           Mary Elizabeth              Baker
Elizabeth 'Betty'             DeWitte                     f 1934 1975 41  x      Ray                      Bornholdt                 ??   Oscar                        DeWitte          Mary                        Himschoot
Oscar                         DeWitte                     m      1962 73         Mary Leona               Himschoot
Robert Lee                    DeWitte                     m 1932 1998 65  x      Martha L                 Claypool                  1957 Oscar                        DeWitte          Mary                        Himschoot
Harold James                  DeYoung                     m      1943            Mary Mildred             Beall                     1932                              DeYoung                                      unknown
Casimir C                     Dhondt                      m 1885 1973 87  x      Matilda                  Koehn                     1922 Vezere                       Dhondt           Emile                       Vandwoorde
Frank                         Dhondt / Dont               m 1876 1946 70  x      Mary                     DeBates                   1899
Gertrude M                    Dhondt / Dont               f 1904 1997 93         Cledith O                Grimm                     1924 Frank                        Dont             Mary                        DeBates
Melvin                        Dhondt / Dont               m 1900          x                                                              Frank                        Dont             Mary                        DeBates
Jennie Louise                 Dhondt / Dont               f 1911 2003 92  x      Louis B                  Carney                    1935 Frank                        Dhondt           Mary                        DeBates
Laurene E                     Dhondt                      f 1930 2013 83  x      Lornie E                 Gorsch                    1948 Casimer                      Dhondt           Mathilda                    Koen
Matthew J                     Dhondt                      m 1968 2013 44  x                                                         ??   Ricky Lee 'Rick'             Dhondt           Sally                       Claypool          divorced?
Rickey Lee                    Dhondt                      m 1948 2013 64  x      Sally                    Claypool                  ??   Marvin James                 Dhondt           Nedra                       Claypool          divorced?
Johanna                       Dichau                      f 1874 1938 63  x      Theodor                  Milder                    1908 Wilhelm                      Dichau
Johanna                       Dichau                      f 1874 1938 63  x      John Jakob               Lorenz                    1920 Wilhelm                      Dichau
Elise                         Dickel                      f 1899 1984 85  x      Edward                   Ehrman                    1916 Christian                    Dickel           Louisa                      Meyer
Elizabeth Louise 'Betty'      Dickel                      f 1914 2013 99  x      Fred A 'Joe'             Blechschmidt              1944 Jacob                        Dickel           Louise                      Schmieder
Henry                         Dickel                      m 1905 1962 57                                                                 Phillip                                       Milda                       Heidel
Magdalena                     Dickel                      f      1918     0      Frank                    Baumgartner
Marie A                       Dickel                      f 1911 2013 101 x      Henry R                  Schaefer                  1930 Jacob                        Dickel           Louisa                      Schmieder
Martin V                      Dickel                      m 1910 1975 65  x      Esther                   Payerleitner              1932
Norman Fred                   Dickel                      m 1927 1993 66         Julana                   Johnson                   1954 Philip Henry                 Dickel           Elisabeth C                 Schaedlich
Philip                        Dickel                      m 1899 1981 81  x      Elizabeth                Schaedlich                1925 Philip                       Dickel           Milda                       Heidel
Wilma                         Dickel                      f 1916 2005 89  x      Karl F                   Schaefer                  1942 Jacob                        Dickel           Louise                      Schmieder
Lona E.                       Dickens                     f 1912 1983 71  NER    Roy Moffit               Hall                      1930 William Henry                Dickens          Mittie Belle                Shafer
Margaret                      Dickens                     f 1894 1965 70  x      Leonard J                Hogan                     1920 Milton                       Dickens          Margaret                    Wilson
William J                     Dickhaus                    m 1960 1993 33  x      Marita C                 Lower                     1987 Richard                      Dickhaus         Edith
Helen Deloris                 Dickinson                   f 1901 2003 102 x      Clarence                 Lenton                    ??   George                       Dickinson        Maude                       Strohpaul

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
William C                     Dicks                       m               x      Gladys Mary              Chapman
H. Marie                      Dickson                     f 1933 2014 80  x      Gordon R                 Hurlbert                  1954 J. C.                        Dickson          Helen                       Sandy
Nora Ellen                    Diehl                       f 1872 1958 58  x      Mike                     Jacobs                    1893 A. O.                        Diehl
Catherine                     Diehn                       f 1851 1931 79  x      Henry Sr                 Freundt                   1876
Pauline                       Dierick                     f 1869 1963 94         Peter B                  Dierick                   1888
Frederick William             Dierks                      m 1899 1983 83         Loretta M                Schultz                   1923 Louis                        Dierks           Sophia                      Smith
Henry L                       Dierks                      m 1902 1990 88  x      Minnie                   Rathjen                   1929
Louis                         Dierks                      m 1874 1966 92  x      Sophie M                 Schmidt                   1898 Fred                         Dierks           Sophie                      Knickborthal
Artur                         Dieter                      m 1929 2013 84  x      Frieda                                             ??                                                                                               born in East Prussia
Anna Frances                  Dieterich                   f 1862 1918 55  x      Frank P                  Boss                      1887 George                       Dieterich        Anna
Anna J                        Dieterich                   f 1902 1990 88         Fred Louis               Brandt                    1924 George Joseph                Dieterich        Julia M                     Horton
Archie S H Private            Dieterich                   m 1894 1918 23  x                                                         0    George J                                      Julia M
Charles W                     Dieterich                   m 1882 1966 83  x                                                         0    George                       Dieterich        Anna                        Michalek
Edward Lucius                 Dieterich                   m 1864 1952 87  x      Kate                     Hoffman                        George                       Dieterich        Anna                        Michalek
Effie M                       Dieterich                   f 1902 1994 91  x                                                         0
Flora 'Fod'                   Dieterich                   f 1886 1974 88  x      Frederick William Rev    Dieterich
Frederick William Rev         Dieterich                   m 1884 1960 76  x      Flora 'Fod'              Dieterich
George Joseph                 Dieterich                   m 1869 1955 86  x      Julia M                  Horton                    1894 George                       Dieterich        Anna
Henry Laurel                  Dieterich                   m 1895 1986 90  x                                                              Edward L                                      Kate                        Hoffman
Joseph J                      Dieterich                   m 1904 1988 83  x
Joseph P                      Dieterich                   m 1875 1948 72  x      Maude Lenore             Palmer                    1921 George                       Dieterich        Anna
Lewis Samuel Dr               Dieterich                   m 1871          x
Anna Jeannette                Dietrich                    f 1902 1990 88  x      Fred Louis               Brandt                    1924 George Joseph                Dietrich         Julia M                     Horton
Augusta Paulina               Dietrich                    f 1851 1938 87  x      Carl                     Schmidt                   1874                                                                                             born in Germany
Barbara Ann                   Dietrich                    f 1937 1937     x                                                         0    Elmer August                 Dietrich         Vera Alice                  Pierce
Charles F                     Dietrich                    m 1890 1970 80  x      Ella H                   Steffen                   1911 Ferdinand                    Dietrich         Caroline                    Jacobs
Charles Vernon                Dietrich                    m 1919 1989 70  x      Florence M               Peirce                    1941 Charles F                    Dietrich         Ella V                      Steffen
Clayton F                     Dietrich                    m 1921 2005 83  x                                                              Ferdinand                    Dietrich         Etta Pearl                  Fuller
David John                    Dietrich                    m 1950 1984 33  x                                                         0    Clayton                      Dietrich         Lois                        McKusker
Delmar Ferdinand              Dietrich                    m 1911 1995 84  x      Freda                    Hocker                    1934 Will                         Dietrich         Mary                        Schwertfeger
Edward August                 Dietrich                    m 1892 1975 83  x      Mary Orpha               Calvert                   1920 Ferdinand                    Dietrich         Caroline
Elmer August                  Dietrich                    m 1913 1970 57  x      Vera Alice               Peirce                    1936 Charles F                    Dietrich         Ella                        Steffen
Emaline Louise                Dietrich                    f 1937 2012 74  jt     Thomas J. 'Jim'          Bryson                    1953 Raymond                      Dietrich         Lina                        Geyer
Emaline Louise                Dietrich                    f 1937 2012 74  jt     Henry                    Ruff                      1983 Raymond                      Dietrich         Lina                        Geyer
Emma                          Dietrich                    f 1896 1974 78  x      Ralph W                  Davis                     1926 Ferdinand                    Dietrich         Caroline
Ferdinand H Jr                Dietrich                    m 1898 1974 75  x      Pearl                    Fuller                    1920 Ferdinand                    Dietrich         Caroline
Ferdinand Sr                  Dietrich                    m 1858 1940 81         Caroline                 Jacobs                    1886 Adolph                       Dietrich         Karoline Sophie             Knebusch
Frieda S                      Dietrich                    f 1919 2014 95  x      Richard L                Kofron                    1941 John, Jr                     Dietrich         Caroline                    Fels
George R                      Dietrich                    m 1920 1976 55  x      Jane                                               1945 William                      Dietrich         Johanna                     Murbach
Harold                        Dietrich                    m 1925 2013 88  x                                                         0    Ferdinand H                  Dietrich         Etta Pearl                  Fuller
Helen Marie                   Dietrich                    f 1925 2009 84  x      William                  Young                     1947 Henry                        Dietrich         Marie                       Franke
Henry                         Dietrich                    m 1899 1962 63  x      Marie                    Franke                    1923 John Dietrich                Philippine
Ida                           Dietrich                    f 1888 1974 86  x                                                         0    Ferdinand                    Dietrich         Caroline                    Jacob
Jane Barbara                  Dietrich                    f 1922 2014 92  x      George                   Dietrich                  1945 John                         Dietrich         Caroline                    Fels
John G                        Dietrich                    m 1894 1973 79  x      Edna L                   Tanner                    1922 Ferdinand                    Dietrich         Caroline                    Jacobs
Julie Ann                     Dietrich                    f 1963 1963     x                                                         0    F Gary                       Dietrich         M Lucille                   Wandling
Leonard Kenneth               Dietrich                    m 1925 2015 89  x      Thelma Marie             Punke                     1946 Edward August Albert         Dietrich         Mary Orpha                  Calvert
Leroy Edward                  Dietrich                    m 1918 1989 70  x      Eleanor                  Tompkins                  1947 Charles F                    Dietrich         Ella                        Steffen
Mildred                       Dietrich                    f 1912 2002 90  x      Alfred                   Carder                    1938 William                      Dietrich         Mary                        Schwertferger
Raymond C                     Dietrich                    m 1909 1974 65  x      Lina                     Geyer                     1941 William                      Dietrich         Johanna                     Murbach

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Richard G                     Dietrich                    m 1929 2002 73  x      Shirley                  Possehl                   1952 Edward                       Dietrich         Mary                        Calvert
Shirley Jean                  Dietrich                    f 1947 2002 55  x      Larry Lee                DeLancey                  1970 Charles V                    Dietrich         Florence                    Peirce
Virginia                      Dietrich                    f 1935 1987 52  x      Dawson Gilbert           Janssen                   1957 William                      Dietrich         Elise                       Haas
Will                          Dietrich                    m               x      Mary Sophia Fredericka   Schwertfeger              1907
William Jacob                 Dietrich                    m 1908 1971 62  x      Elsie                    Haas                      1931 William                      Dietrich         Johanna                     Murbach
Anna Lena                     Dietz                       f 1887 1981 93  x      Harry E                  Calvert                   1917 William                      Dietz            Louisa                      Bartels
Arlene Lois                   Dietze                      f 1913 1985 71  x      Elmer                    Kutcher                   1935 Clem                         Dietze           Hazel                       Seaton
Brenda Lee                    Dietze                      f 1962 2014 52  x      Michael                  McCammant                 1979 Paul                         Dietze           Gladys                      Lutz
Carroll L 'Bud'               Dietze                      m 1931 2014 82  x                                                         0    Louis C                      Dietze           Beatrice M                  Goodman
Chad Allen                    Dietze                      m 1969 1992 23  x                                                         0    Ronald Dean                  Dietze           Sherry                      Klein
Clement F                     Dietze                      m 1884 1950 65  x      Hazel                    Seaton                    1907 Frank                        Dietze
Dean W                        Dietze                      m 1919 1980 62  x      Louine R                 Schwab                    1938 Clement                      Dietze           Hazel                       Seaton
Emma Charlette                Dietze                      f 1884 1981 96  x                                                         0    William                      Dietze           Louise                      Bartels
Gustave Frederick             Dietze                      m 1878 1973 91                                                            0    William                      Dietze           Louise                      Bartels
Harry William                 Dietze                      m 1877 1907 30  x                                                         0
Helena Wilhemena              Dietze                      f 1901 1965 64  x                                                         0    Ferdinand                    Dietze           Caroline                    Jacob
Junella Rae                   Dietze                      f               x                                                         0                                                  Sarah
Leroy                         Dietze                      m 1942 2012 70  x      Cheryl Mae               Holeton                   1966 Dean                         Dietze           Louine                      Schwab
Leslie Paul  'Red'            Dietze                      m 1947 2012 65  jt     Linda                    Stephens                  1970 Paul L.                      Dietze           Gladys E.                   Lutz
Marguerite Anne               Dietze                      f 1917 2013 96  x      Charles E                Allen                     ??   Alvin                        Dietze           Leita                       Lanning
Marguerite Anne               Dietze                      f 1917 2013 96  x      Charles E                King                      ??   Alvin                        Dietze           Leita                       Lanning           divorced
Marguerite Anne               Dietze                      f 1917 2013 96  x      Paul                     Wendt                     ??   Alvin                        Dietze           Leita                       Lanning
Otto Adolph                   Dietze                      m 1889 1987 97  x      Margaret L'Ella'         Wagner                    1911 William                      Dietze           Louise                      Bartels
Paul Leland                   Dietze                      m 1922 1993 71         Gladys Ellen             Lutz                      1946 Clement                      Dietze           Hazel                       Seaton
Tracy D                       Dietze                      m 1972 1995 22  x                                                         0    Ron                          Dietze           Sherry                      Klein
Vaughn Roland                 Dietze                      m 1925 1979 54  x      Marietta                 Freeman                   1944 Alvin                        Dietze           Leita                       Shaw
Virginia D.                   Dietze                      f 1915 1984 69  x      Leland C.                Geiger                    1937 Alvin                        Dietze           Leita                       Lanning
Virla M.                      Dietze                      f 1908 1974 65  x      Ernest W.                Hunzelman                 1929
William                       Dietze                      m 1847 1927 80  x      Louise                   Bartels                   1874
William Paul 'Bill'           Dietze                      m 1974 2014 40  x      Connie                   Reynolds                  2003 Leslie P 'Red'               Dietz            Linda                       Stephens
Elmer C                       Diggs                       m      1935            Sylvia Okel              Durr                      1919
Korbyn Aaron                  Digmann                     m 2009 2009 0   JT                                                             Chad                         Digmann          Kellie                      Spratt
Cora Louise                   Dill                        f 1870 1943 73  x      P. F.                    Arney                     1903 Edwin                        Dill             Lucy
Edwin R                       Dill                        m 1909 1974 65  x                                                              Earl                         Dill             Ada                         Cheney
Edwin R.                      Dill                        m 1837 1906 69  jt     Lucy A.                  Roberts                   1861
Auradella 'Dellie'            Dillin                      f 1854 1888 33  x                                                         0    William                      Dillin           Hannah
Cecil Rolland                 Dillin                      m 1889 1972 83  x      Dolly Mary               Stucker                   1912 Charles R                    Dillin           Amy Belle                   Payne
Charles R 'Bob'               Dillin                      m 1918 1998 79  x      Iola Jean                Farland                   1950 Cecil R                      Dillin           Dolly M                     Stucker
Cheribel                      Dillin                      f 1928 2009 81  x      Harold                   Schmidt                   1950 Cecil R                      Dillin           Dolly M                     Stucker
Clare                         Dillin                      f 1883 1962 78  x      Chris                    Berg                      1924 T R                          Dillin
Columbus Delano 'Cull'        Dillin                      m 1842 1939 96  x      Clara                    Sherman Ball              1928 Israel                       Dillin           Mary                        Hall
Columbus Delano 'Cull'        Dillin                      m 1842 1939 96  x      Lucinda                  Crenshaw                       Israel                       Dillin           Mary                        Hall
Donald J                      Dillin                      m 1923 1973 50         Neola                    Smith                          John                         Dillin           Mable                       Hogan
Francis 'Skip'                Dillin                      m 1927 1989 61  x      Elaine                   Bruns                     1954 John                         Dillin           Mabel                       Hogan
George Raymond                Dillin                      m 1923 2005 81  x      Kathleen                 McKay                     1956 Cecil                        Dillin           Dolly                       Stucker
Hugo                          Dillin                      m      1883 3   x                                                         0    C D                          Dillin           Lucinda
J Ward                        Dillin                      m 1925 2000 74  x                                                         0    John                         Dillin           Mabel                       Hogan
James Leonard                 Dillin                      m 1917 1977 59  x                                                         0    John                         Dillin           Mabel                       Hogan
Janet Odena                   Dillin                      f 1920 2013 93  x      Frank                    Hladky                    1942 Cecil                        Dillin           Dolly                       Stucker
John A                        Dillin                      m 1890 1959 68  x      Mabel Rita               Hogan                     1916 Tilicus                      Dillin           Amy

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
John Bruce                    Dillin                      m 1918 2010 93  x                                                         0    Cecil R                      Dillin           Dolly                       Stucker
Leonard T                     Dillin                      m 1921 1961 39  x                                                              William                      Dillin
Mollie                        Dillin                      f 1886 1971 85  x      F. Edward                Berry                     1909
Nelle Ruth                    Dillin                      f 1884 1956 72  x                                                         0    Columbus                     Dillin
Patricia Lee                  Dillin                      f 1946 1946 13d x                                                         0    Donald                       Dillin           Leola                       Smith
Robert C                      Dillin                      m 1913 2000 86  x                                                              William C                    Dillin           Elsie M                     Seaton
William C                     Dillin                      m 1888 1965 77  x      Elsie Mable              Seaton                    1910 T R                          Dillin           Amy                         Murrin
Ada Blanche                   Dillon                      f 1893 1990 97  x                                                         0    William H                    Dillon           Cavados Delphene            Yauger
Charles Curtis                Dillon                      m 1883 1975 78  x      Olive May                Shipman                   1909 William                      Dillon           Delphine                    Yauger
Corrie Allen                  Dillon                      m 1980 1980 0   x                                                              Robert                       Dillon
David                         Dillon                      m 1944 1990 46  x      Louise                   Smith                     1968 Harold S                     Dillon           Dorothy                     Chute
Dora Emma                     Dillon                      f 1918 2008 90  x      Howard                   Gritsch                   1934 George                       Dillon           Lelah                       Wineinger
Doris Eileen                  Dillon                      f 1912 2008 96  x      Harry                    Foubert                   1933 John                         Dillon           Etta                        Fattig
Doris Eileen                  Dillon                      f 1912 2008 96  x      Donald                   Finch                     1986 John                         Dillon           Etta                        Fattig
Earl Wayne                    Dillon                      m 1930 1993 62  x      Barbara Z                Lucas                     1957 Ernest                       Dillon           Marie                       Robinson
Edgar Joseph                  Dillon                      m 1890 1973 83  x      Pearl                    Pickett                   1916 Billy                        Dillon
Edward                        Dillon                      m      1873     x
Elsie Jane                    Dillon                      f 1875 1964 88  x      Joseph D                 Miller                    1895 Charles                      Dillon           Mary                        Bair
Everette                      Dillon                      m 1890 1918 28  x
Flora E.                      Dillon                      f 1881 1970 88         William C.               Axmear                    1924 William H.                   Dillon           Calaios                     Yauger
Iva Jean                      Dillon                      f 1926 1991 65  x      Jerrold O                Fowler                    1944
Ivor H Jr                     Dillon                      m 1920 1976 55  x                                                                                                            Adele
John Captain                  Dillon                      m 1827 1917 90  x      Susanna                  Baker                     1850 Henry                        Dillon           Jane
John Vernon                   Dillon                      m 1888 1976 87  x      Etta M                   Fattig                    1911 William H                    Dillon           Calvados D                  Yauger
Kerry Lee                     Dillon                      m 1980 1980 0   x                                                              Robert                       Dillon
Libbie D                      Dillon                      f 1863 1957 94  x      Oliver F                 Mason                     1893 John, Captain                Dillon           Susanna 'Susan'             Baker
Marvin 'Worth'                Dillon                      m 1898 1926 28  x      Babe                     Engelke                   1919
Mary Ellen                    Dillon                      f 1858 1956 97  x      Isaac                    Bair                      1876 John, Captain                Dillon           Susanna 'Susan'             Baker
Perry Watt                    Dillon                      m 1859 1940 70  x                                                         ??   John, Captain                Dillon           Susanna 'Susan'             Baker
Wayne                         Dillon                      m 1915 1962 46  x                                                              Charles C                    Dillon           Olive May                   Shipman
Wilmer Miles                  Dillon                      m 1910 1992 82  x      Mary                     Sadowski                  1946 Charles                      Dillon           Olive May                   Shipman
Charles                       Dimick                      m      1977 76         Ila                      Collingwood
Eldon J                       Dimmer                      m 1922 1988 66  x      Erma                     Harding                   1942 Michael                      Dimmer           Henrietta                   Pickery
Linda Lou                     Dimmer                      f 1949 1994 44  JT                              Bair                      1888 Eldon                        Dimmer           Erma                        Harding
Robert Paul                   Dimmer                      m 1944 1998 53  x      Janna                    Towle                     1991 Eldon                        Dimmer           Erma                        Harding
Charles                       Dimmick                     m      1978 76  0      Ilah Mae                 Kearney                   1971
David                         Dinwiddie                   m      1880 59  x
Amanda C                      Dirks                       f 1916 2013 96  x      F Burdette               Fankhauser                ??   Carl                         Dirks            Sophie                      Harmann
Max J                         Dirks                       m 1937 2014 76  x      Karen                    Zuber                     1965 Henry                        Dirks            Anna                        Lieneman
Mary Barbara, Rev             Dirnberger                  f 1940 2001 61  x      Donald G                 Eggerling                 1963 John B                       Dirnberger       Erna                        Rust
Gino                          Distefano                   m               x      Neva                     Yearian
Cecil                         Disterhoft                  m 1919 1986 66  x                                                              Clarence                     Disterhoft       Estelle                     Driscoll
Clarence DeSales              Disterhoft                  m 1923 1995 71  x      Evelyn                   Jeter                          Clarence                     Disterhoft       Stella                      Driscoll
Clarence J                    Disterhoft                  m 1891 1965 50  x      Stella J                 Driscoll                  1915 Andrew                       Disterhoft       Constance                   Bucuki
Clarence M                    Disterhoft                  m 1901 1980 79  x      Mary Louise              Keenan                    1929 George Adam                  Disterhoft       Mary Theresa                Wegienek
Francis Wayne                 Disterhoft                  m 1917 1993 76  x      Elizabeth JeanVercande                             1942 Clarence                     Disterhoft       Stella                      Driscoll
Frank A                       Disterhoft                  m 1882 1926 44  x      Lena                     Olson                     1907
Franklin Gustav               Disterhoft                  m 1935 2004 69  x      Charlene                 Randolph                  1955 Kenneth                      Disterhoft       Augusta                     Schultz
Keith                         Disterhoft                  m               x      Rebecca Ann 'Becky'      Haas                      1962
Kenneth O                     Disterhoft                  m 1912 1992 80  x      Augusta Eleanor          Schultz                   1935 Francis                      Alexander        Lena                        Olson

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Paul Warren                   Disterhoft                  m 1925 1983 58  x      Mary Catherine           Frimml                    1956 Clarence                     Disterhoft       Stella                      Driscoll
Frances A                     Dite                        f 1904 4990 85  x      Claire K 'Speed'         Homan                     1923
Francis Martin 'Doc'          Dittert                     m 1921 2002 80  x      Ruth Amy                 Wetterling                1948 Frank                        Dittert          Bridget                     Harkins
John Michael                  Dittert                     m 1950 1981 30  x      Linda                    Barnett                   1971 Francis 'Doc'                Dittert          Ruth                        Wetterling
Floyd                         Dittmer                     m               x      Catherine                Downey
Fredricka                     Dittmer                     f 1869 1941 70  x      Paul                     Kraus                     ??                                                                                               born in Germany
August F                      Dittrich                    m 1886 1952 65  x      Lizzie                   Seifert                   1911 August                       Dittrich         Henriette                   Heinze
Elmer John                    Dittrich                    m 1919 2009 89  x      Emma Kathryn             Leichsenring              1940 August                       Dittrich         Louise 'Lizzie'             unknown
Johanna                       Dittrich                    f 1861 1921 59  jt     Fred                     Hoppe                     1883                              Dittrich                                                       born in Leibnitz, Saxony
William August 'Willie'       Dittrich                    m 1915 1983 68  x      Helen Dorothy            Marz                      1949 August F                     Dittrich         Lizzie                      Seifert
Richard F                     Divis                       m 1929 1992 62  x      Mary Louise              Hatter                    1955 Fred                         Divis            Julia                       Yanko
Donald                        Dixon                       m 1912 1987 75  x      Helen Alleane            Thomas                    1931 Harrison                     Dixon            Gail                        Thomas
Effie Luella                  Dixon                       f 1889 1981 92  x      Howard Dale              Lown                      1911 Daniel Casper 'Cass'         Dixon            Margaret                    Blair
Ernest                        Dixon                       m 1879 1958 78  x                                                              Daniel                       Dixon            Margaret                    Blair
Frank                         Dixon                       m 1893 1956 63  x
Guy Selby                     Dixon                       m 1898 1989 90  x      Emma                     Fetter                    1957 William                      Dixon            Jennie                      Ostrum
Harrison 'Jack'               Dixon                       m 1887 1958 71  x      Gail B                   Thomas                    1911 Daniel Casper 'Cass'         Dixon            Margaret                    Blair
Mary Elizabeth 'Maymie'       Dixon                       f 1884 1961 77  x      Charles 'Burl'           McArtor                   ??   Daniel Casper 'Cass'         Dixon            Margaret                    Blair
Merlyn 'Joe'                  Dixon                       m 1915 1969 54  x                                                              Jesse                        Dixon            Bessie                      Bell
Zona Gayle                    Dixon                       f      1976            Roy Edwin 'Abie'         Grove                     1943                              Dixon                                        unknown
John L.                       Dobbie                      m 1907 1991 84  x                                                              John                         Dobbie           Anna                        Larson            divorce
Gary Hall, Rev. Dr.           Dobbins                     m 1944 2013 69  x      Adrienne                 Hornbeck                  1964 Verne                        Dobbins          Eva                         Hall
Ronald V                      Dobbins                     m 1940 2001 60  x      Patricia                 Beorkrem                  1960 Verne                        Dobbins          Eva                         Hall
Ronald V                      Dobbins                     m 1940 2001 60  x      Vonda                    Huff                      1976 Verne                        Dobbins          Eva                         Hall
Frank                         Dobbs                       m      1935     x      Dell                     Septer
Johnnie                       Dobbs                       m 1888 1890 1   x                                                              John                         Dobbs
Max                           Dobrinski                   m 1885 1973 87  x      Pearl                    Headley                   1917 Herman                       Dobrinski
Anna 'Ann' Frances            Dobrovsky                   f 1913 2012 98  jt     Darrell Jacobs           Hynds                     1934 Frank                        Dobrovsky        Anna                        Pohorsky
Anna 'Ann' Frances            Dobrovsky                   f 1913 2012 98  jt     Paul                     Hallberg                  1970 Frank                        Dobrovsky        Anna                        Pohorsky
Gloria Lucille                Dobson                      f 1929 2011 82  JT     Donald                   Dack                      1951 Leo Franklin                 Dobson           Olive Lucille               Orfield
Gloria Lucille                Dobson                      f 1929 2011 82  JT     Glenn Dr                 Garton                    1975 Leo Franklin                 Dobson           Olive Lucille               Orfield
Harold J                      Docter                      m               x      Lynne Rae                Houtsma
Cora Edith                    Dodd                        f 1907 2001 93  x      Glenn Milton             Collum                    1929 James                        Dodd             Sidney                      Ross
Cranston Hiram                Dodd                        m 1849 1909 60  x      Judith A                 Lytton                    1867                                                                                             Judith died in 1873
Cranston Hiram                Dodd                        m 1849 1909 60  x      Sarah Isabel             Lytton                    1873
Edith                         Dodd                        f      1972            Alex B                   Patterson                 1910
Eugene                        Dodd                        m 1889 1977 88  x      Jenny                    Gould                     1926 Wiley                        Dodd             Rosie                       Schuchert
Grover                        Dodd                        m 1884 1976 91  x      Mary Ann                 Gould                     1926 Wiley                        Dodd             Rosie                       Schuchert
Marvin L                      Dodd                        m 1930 2015 84  x                                                         0    Grover                       Dodd             Mary Ann                    Gould
Theone G                      Dodd                        f 1920 1989 69  x      Omer                     Dumont                    1938 Elmer                        Dodd             Anna                        Shafranek
Theone G                      Dodd                        f 1920 1989 69  x      Cyril                    Kelly                     1970 Elmer                        Dodd             Anna                        Shafranek
Wiley K                       Dodd                        m 1861 1949 87  x      Rosie                    Schuchert                      Thomas                       Dodd             Mary
Mary E                        Dodds                       f 1871 1963 92  x      L J                      Benda                     1892 W.C., Dr                     Dodds
Jane (infant)                 Doe                         f               x                                                         0
Arnold M J                    Doehrmann                   m 1907 1960 52  x      Lilly                    Glandorf                  1935 Herman                       Doehrmann        Amalia
Clarence H E                  Doehrmann                   m 1921 1999 77  x      Helene Frieda            Madoerin                  1944 Henry                        Glandorf         Hermina 'Minnie'            Newkirk
Cynthia Lynn                  Doehrmann                   f 1981 1984 2   x                                                         0    Steven                       Doehrmann        Terrie                      Fountain
Dale                          Doehrmann                   m 1947 2014 66  x      Sharon                   Folkmann                  ??   Rudolph                      Doehrmann        Loretta Anna                Glandorf          divorced
Dale                          Doehrmann                   m 1947 2014 66  x      Bonnie Lou               Boyles                    1993 Rudolph                      Doehrmann        Loretta Anna                Glandorf
Dean H                        Doehrmann                   m 1942 1995 52  x      Sherlyn                  Smith                     1976 Rudolph                      Doehrmann        Loretta                     Glandorf

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Earl Rudolph                  Doehrmann                   m 1931 2007 75  x      Dorothy                  Spenler                   1956 Rudolph                      Doehrmann        Loretta                     Glandorf
Egon Otto                     Doehrmann                   m 1912 1997 84  x      Leona Helen              Nagel                     1935 Herman                       Doehrmann        Amelia                      Moennich
Emma Amalia                   Doehrmann                   f 1902 1996 93  x      Ernest H.                Glandorf                  1926 Herman                       Doehrmann        Amalia                      Moennich
Ethel Marie                   Doehrmann                   f 1936 1993 56  x      Floyd W                  Neitzel                   1963 Rudolph                      Doehrmann        Loretta                     Glandorf
Ethel Marie                   Doehrmann                   f 1936 1993 56  x      Robert                   Hull                      1967 Rudolph                      Doehrmann        Loretta                     Glandorf
Freida A.W.                   Doehrmann                   f 1894 1977 83  nic    Anton                    Heitshusen                1914 Herman                       Doehrmann        Amelia                      Moennich
Gene Allan                    Doehrmann                   m 1951 2002 51  x      Janice L                 VanSteenhuyse             1974 Arnold                       Doehrmann        Lillie                      Glandorf
Helmar                        Doehrmann                   m 1928 1955 27  x      Ruth                     Slaymaker                 1950 Henry                        Doehrmann
Henry Helmar                  Doehrmann                   m 1896 1983 87  x      Hermine                  Newkirk                   1919 Herman                       Doehrmann        Amelia                      Moennich
Herbert Herman George         Doehrmann                   m 1922 2006 83         Anne E                   Vileta                    1972 Otto                         Doehrmann        Anna                        Glandorf
Inez Anna Amalle              Doehrmann                   f 1926 2011 84  JT     Myron Richard            Bohrn                     1951 Henry                        Helmer           Hermine Sophie              Newkirk
Lora Dorothea Amalia          Doehrmann                   f 1925 2011 85  x      Orlen Carl               Imhoff                    1948 Martin                       Doehrmann        Ida                         Glandorf
Loren                         Doehrmann                   m      2002 73  x      Janet                    Burkhardt                 1956 Martin                       Doehrmann        Ida
Lydia Helena Gesina           Doehrmann                   f 1900 1982 81  x      Rudolf Herman            Glandorf                  1920 Herman                       Doehrmann        Amelia                      Moennich
Martin Herman Christian       Doehrmann                   m 1897 1981 83  x      Ida M                    Glandorf                  1925 Herman                       Doehrmann        Amelia                      Moennich
Marven                        Doehrmann                   m               x      Susan A                  Dornsife
Norman John                   Doehrmann                   m 1936 2012 76  jt                                                             Egon Otto                    Doehrmann        Leona Helen                 Nagel
Otto Adolf D                  Doehrmann                   m 1892 1955 62         Anna L                   Glandorf                  1920 Hermann                      Doehrmann        Amalia                      Moennich
Rudolph Theodore              Doehrmann                   m 1906 1986 80  x      Loretta                  Glandorf                  1929 Herman                       Doehrmann        Amelia                      Moennich
Selma                         Doehrmann                   f 1927 1983 55  x      Merlin Adolph            Hagen                     1950 Martin                       Doehrmann        Ida                         Glandorg
Victor Alan                   Doehrmann                   m 1968 1969 4m  x                                                         0    Raymond Gilbert              Doehrmann        Dolores                     Collingwood
Anna                          Doerzman                    f 1872 1928 55  x      Andrew                   Kuch                      1893
Eleanora                      Doerzman                    f 1883 1958 75  x      Otto William             Griewatz                  1905 Michael                      Doerzman         Friederika                  Possehl
Henry C                       Doerzman                    m 1870 1953 82  x      Mary E                   Meyer                     1894 Michael                      Doerzman         Fredericka                  Possehl
J Michael                     Doerzman                    m 1839 1914 74  x      Friederike               Possehl
Kathrine Christina            Doerzman                    f 1848 1930 81  x      William                  Dahnke                         Christian                    Doerzman         Kathrine                    Beyer
Helen H                       Doherty                     f 1895 1969 74  x                                                         0    John                         Doherty
John Newman                   Doherty                     m 1909 1991 81  x      Margaret
Edward                        Dohnal                      m 1907 1987 80  x      Marie                    Radtke                    1932 Edward                       Dohnal           Amelia                      Cherney
Henrietta                     Dohrn                       f      1997            Wilfrid H                Feldaverd                 1940
Robert H                      Dolan                       m 1921 1981 60  x      Benita                   Conners                   1947 John F                       Dolan            Elizabeth                   Brinkman
George                        Doll                        m 1870 1952 81  x      Emma Mary                Reinert                   1901
Leo R                         Doll                        m 1903 1903 3m  x                                                         0    George                       Doll
Loren                         Dolley                      m      1966            Emma                     Buhrmann                  1939
Adam                          Dolmage                     m 1855 1923 68  x      Margaret                 Wilson                    1876 John                         Dolmage          Mary
Adam                          Dolmage                     m 1855 1923 68  x      Florence                 Harwood                   1923 John                         Dolmage          Mary
Anna Elizabeth                Dolmage                     f 1884 1955 70  x      Frank Joseph             McDonough                 1923 John                         Dolmage          Mary                        Shay
Austin                        Dolmage                     m           60  x      Lois                     Smith                     1915
Colleen Mae                   Dolmage                     f 1932 1943 11  x                                                         0    Wayne                        Dolmage          Hazel
Earl R                        Dolmage                     m 1906 1964 57  x                                                              Frank                        Dolmage          Mabel                       Price
Eunice                        Dolmage                     f 1919 1989 70  x                                                         0    Frank                        Dolmage          Mabel                       Price
Flora                         Dolmage                     f      1941     x                                                         0
Frank                         Dolmage                     m 1878          x      Mabel                    Price                     1903 Adam                         Dolmage          Margaret
Max N.                        Dolmage                     m      2002 93  x      Wilma                    Cronbaugh                 1935
Valerie June                  Dolmage                     f 1929 1976 47  x                               Cope                           Wayne                        Dolmage          Hazel                       Lyman
Wayne P                       Dolmage                     m 1905 1963 58  x      Hazel Mae                Lyman                     1926 Frank                        Dolmage          Mabel                       Price
Mary                          Dolphin                     f 1854 1933 79  x                                                         0
Michael P                     Dolphin                     m 1893 1977 84  x                                                              William P                    Dolphin          Catherine                   Carroll
Catherine W                   Donahoe                     f 1903 2001 97  x                                                         0    John                         Donahoe          Roseann                     Cash
Clement J                     Donahoe                     m 1918 1978 60  x      Kathleen C               McCabe                    1950 Thomas                       Donahoe          Julie                       Griffin

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Frank                         Donahoe                     m 1894 1980 85  x      Edith                    Hartsock                  1919 John                         Donahoe          Rose                        Cash
John                          Donahoe                     m 1871 1959 88  x                                                         0
John                          Donahoe                     m 1897 1957 60  x      Vera E                   Wilhite                   1925 Patrick                      Donahoe          Mary
John Timothy                  Donahoe                     m 1901 1963 62  x      Helen Gertrude           Wright                    1928 Timothy                      Donahoe          Catherine                   Kelly
Joseph M.                     Donahoe                     m 1898 1961 63  x                                                         0    Patrick                      Donahoe          Mary
Thomas J.                     Donahoe                     m               x      Amelia M                 Griffin                   1912
Agnes                         Donahue                     f 1867 1921 54  x      William                  McGuire                   1889
Alfred 'Doc'                  Donahue                     m 1902 1971 68         Goldie                   Darling                        Daniel                       Donahue          Helen                       Burkett
Alice Mary                    Donahue                     f 1888 1977 89         Henry                    Hanson                    1917 Peter J                      Donahue          Winifred J                  Hanson
Beatrice                      Donahue                     f 1913 1967 54         Leo T                    Donahue
Catherine                     Donahue                     f 1856 1942 86  x                                                         0    John                         Donahue
Fulton 'Doc"                  Donahue                     m 1902 1971 68  x      Verletta                 Conklin                   1921 Daniel                       Donahue          Helen                       Burkett
Helen Emma                    Donahue                     f      1994 69  x      Walter                   Bracha                    ??
John C.                       Donahue                     m 1869 1954 85  x      Alice                    Welsh                     1925 John                         Donahue
John Joseph Sr                Donahue                     m 1927 2007 79  x      Dorothy Ann              Kucera                    1956 J C                          Donahue          Alice                       Welsh
Lawrence J.                   Donahue                     m 1919 1980 60  x      Marie E.                 Lentes                    1957 Joseph                       Donahue          Marcella                    Duffy
Leo T                         Donahue                     m               x      Beatrice                 Donahue
Mary Laurene                  Donahue                     f 1900 1981 80  x      Frank                    Leeney                    1917 John                         Donahue          Rose                        Cash
Michael                       Donahue                     m 1857 1941 84  x                                                         0
Randy Lynn                    Donahue                     m 1956 1994 37  x      Kathy
Rita Eileen                   Donahue                     f 1921 2008 86  x      Clair Joseph             Kalb                      1944 Thomas                       Donahue          Anna                        Loeser
Sarah J                       Donahue                     f 1860 1952 91  x      James A                  McGarry                   1879 Timothy                      Donahue
Thomas                        Donahue                     m 1872 1948 71  x      Nellie                   King                      1904
Maxine Rose                   Donald                      f 1923 2013 90  x      Donald                   Kithcart                  ??
Samuel F                      Donaldson                   m               x      Elizabeth                Brant                     1874
Sibbie Gay                    Donaldson                   f 1887 1889 1   x                                                         0    J M                          Donaldson        Mary
Catherine                     Donohoe                     f 1894 1973 79  x      Elmer                    Donohoe                   0    Bernard                      Donaldson        Ellen                       Kinney
Catherine                     Donohoe                     f 1852 1927 75  x      John                     Griffin                   1852                              Donohoe                                      unknown
Dolores Mary                  Donohoe                     f 1924 1980 56  x      Gerald J                 Malloy                    1945 T. M.                        Donohoe          Teresa                      Weldon
Dora                          Donohoe                     f 1830 1917 86  JT     Charles Sr               Ragan                     1849                              Donohoe                                      unknown           born in Ireland
Elmer                         Donohoe                     m 1900 1928 27  x      Catherine                Donohoe                   0    John                         Donohoe
Francis 'Frank'               Donohoe                     m 1923 1976 52  x      Mary Josephine           McCune                    1945 James G.                     Donohoe          Laura                       Griffin
Francis 'Patsy'               Donohoe                     m 1905 1945 39         Helen                    Gaffey                    1932
Gerald T.                     Donohoe                     m 1925 1978 52  x      Kathleen                 Ferrie                    1953 Thomas                       Donohoe          Teresa                      Weldon
Gilbert T                     Donohoe                     m 1913 1990 77  x                                                         0    T J                          Donohoe          Amelia                      Griffin
Hannah                        Donohoe                     f 1876 1938 62  x                                                              Timothy                      Donohoe          Marie
J Francis                     Donohoe                     m      1996 82  x      Rachel                   Langlas
James E                       Donohoe                     m 1876 1906 29
James G.                      Donohoe                     m 1893 1971 77  x      Laura                    Griffin                   1916
James M.                      Donohoe                     m 1897 1976 78  x      Mary                     Kelly                     1927 Michael                      Donohoe          Mary                        Peters
John                          Donohoe                     m 1866 1942 74  x      Rose Ann                 Cashman                   1890 Thomas                       Donohoe          Margaret                    McCabe
John Charles                  Donohoe                     m 1958 1958 3w  x                                                              John                         Donohoe          Dorothy                     Kucera
John W.                       Donohoe                     m 1888 1977 89  x      Teresa                   McCabe                    1910 Michael                      Donohoe          Mary                        Peters
Joseph J.                     Donohoe                     m      1967 89  x      Ella (Ellen)             McEachran                 1911
Joseph M.                     Donohoe                     m 1892 1954 62  x      Marcella Susan           Duffy                     1918 Peter                        Donohoe
Joseph P                      Donohoe                     m 1887 1952 65  x                                                         0    Bernard                      Donohoe
Josephine                     Donohoe                     f 1899 1986 86  x      Jacob Ellsworth 'Ez'     Cox                       1927 Peter                        Donohoe          Winifred                    Hannon
Kathryn Theresa 'Kate'        Donohoe                     f 1889 1984 95  PR     Daniel F                 Hanson                    1914 Bernard                      Donohoe          Mary                        Mahan
Kenneth E                     Donohoe                     m 1927 2004 76  x      Lavona Mary 'Vonie'      Kleinmeyer                1976 T M                          Donohoe          Teresa                      Weldon
Leo                           Donohoe                     m 1898 1980 82  x      Mae Veronica             Flanagan Schmitz               Peter                        Donohoe          Winifred                    Hannon

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Leo M 'Lee'                   Donohoe                     m 1901 1966 59  x                                                         0    Bernard                      Donohoe          Mary                        Mahan
Loretta Cecilia               Donohoe                     f 1900 1992 93  x      Joseph                   Gaffey                    1918 H. H.                        Donohoe          Mary                        Spratt
Lyle G                        Donohoe                     m 1922 2006 86  x      Dorothy                  Bergmeier                 1947 Thomas                       Donohoe          Julie                       Griffin
M. H.                         Donohoe                     m 1871 1937 66  x      Mary                     Spratt                    1894 Thomas                       Donohoe          Margaret                    McCabe            Sr Mary Rosaria
Madonna 'Marvine'             Donohoe                     f 1936 2015 79  x                                                         0    James                        Donohoe          Laura                       Griffin
Margaret                      Donohoe                     f 1894 1968 73  x                                                         0    Bernard                      Donohoe          Mary                        Mahan
Margaret                      Donohoe                     f 1898 1969 71  jt     James                    Kinney
Martina A. 'Tina'             Donohoe                     f 1865 1896 32  x      James                    Keirns                         John                         Donohoe          Catherine                   Leahy
Michael Robert                Donohoe                     m 1945 1961 16  x                                                         0    T M                          Donohoe
Mina Frances                  Donohoe                     f 1904 1997 93  x      Francis J.               Gaffey                    1923 T. F.                        Donohoe          Julia                       Griffin
Mollie B                      Donohoe                     f 1885 1968 82  x                                                         0    Bernard                      Donohoe          Mary                        Mahon
Patrick                       Donohoe                     m 1866 1938 71  x      Mary                     Gannon                    1896
Patrick J                     Donohoe                     m 1867 1938 70  x      Catherine                Cooney                    1891 James                                         Ellen                       Donohoe
Patrick Louis 'Lou'           Donohoe                     m 1926 2009 83  x      Eileen                   Henry                     1956 Thomas                       Donohoe          Amelia                      Griffin
Paul                          Donohoe                     m               x      Neva                     Yearian                   0
Peter                         Donohoe                     m      1914 58  x      Winnie                   Hannon                    1886
Robert (Monsignor)            Donohoe                     m      1999 86  x                                                         0    Joe                          Donohoe          Ella                        McEachran
Rose                          Donohoe                     f 1881 1966 85  x      Thomas J.                Hanson                    1908 Bernard                      Donohoe          Mary                        Mahan
Thomas                        Donohoe                     m               x      Margaret                 McCabe                    1835
Thomas                        Donohoe                     m 1892 1977 85  x                                                              John                         Donohoe          Rose Ann                    Cash
Thomas A                      Donohoe                     m 1923 1957 84  x
Thomas C, Rev                 Donohoe                     m 1890 1951 60  x                                                         0    Peter                        Donohoe          Winifred A                  Hannon
Thomas Francis                Donohoe                     m 1869 1941 72  x      Julia                    Griffin                   1900 Thomas                       Donohoe          Catherine                   McCabe
Thomas Gerald                 Donohoe                     m 1956 2003 47  x                                                         0    Gerald                       Donohoe          Kathleen 'Ferrie'
Thomas J                      Donohoe                     m 1890 1962 72  x      Amelia                   Griffin                   1912 Bernard                      Donohoe          Ellen
Thomas J                      Donohoe                     m 1902 1932 29  x
Thomas James                  Donohoe                     m 1912 1988 76  x      Iola Mae                 Wagner                    1935 Thomas                       Donohoe          Julie                       Griffin
Thomas M                      Donohoe                     m 1901 1969 67  x      Teresa Agnes             Weldon                    1922 M H                          Donohoe          Mary                        Spratt
William Francis               Donohoe                     m 1892 1969 77  x      Carrie Ellen             Coover                    1921
Francis 'Frank' Joseph        Donohue                     m 1923 1976 52  x      Mary Josephine           McCune                    1945 James G                      Donohoe          Laura                       Griffin
Frank                         Donohue                     m 1894 1980 85  x      Edith                    Hartsock                  1919 John                         Donohoe          Rose                        Cash
James G                       Donohue                     m 1893 1971 77  x      Laura P                  Griffin                   1916
John                          Donohue                     m 1866 1942 74  x      Rose Anna                Cash                      1890 Thomas                       Donohoe          Margaret                    McCabe
Madonna Ann                   Donohue                     f 1922 1980 57  x                               Michalek                  ??   William                      Donohoe          Carolyn                     Coover            divorced??
Maurice W                     Donohue                     m 1924 1979 55  x                                                              Michael Joseph               Donohue          Marcella                    Duffy
Veeona Julia                  Donohue                     f 1949 2008 59  x      Francisco                Mesa                      ??   Thomas                       Donohue          Iola                        Wagner            divorced
Niel                          Donovan                     m      1915 70  x
Frank                         Dont                        m 1876 1946 70  x      Mary                     DeBates                   1899
Gertrude M                    Dont                        f 1904 1997 93         Cledith O                Grimm                     1924 Frank                        Dont             Mary                        DeBates
Melvin                        Dont                        m 1900          x                                                              Frank                        Dont             Mary                        DeBates
Alta Fern                     Doolin                      f 1908 1974 66  x      Willard                  Marner                    1926 John                         Doolin           Ester                       Yoder
Nora Darlene                  Doolin                      f 1920 2013 92  x      Maynard                  Kinsinger                 1940 John                         Doolin           Ester                       Yoder
Ruth                          Doolin                      f 1918 1978 60  x      Rollie W                 Yoder                     1937 John                         Doolin           Ester                       Yoder
Thomas J                      Doolin                      m           88  x      Mary                     Higgins
Tommy                         Doolin                      m 1902 1980 77  x      Alice                    Ewald                     1953 K Joseph                     Doolin           Della                       Wasson
Tommy                         Doolin                      m 1902 1980 77  x      Fern C                   Cellman                        K Joseph                     Doolin           Della                       Wasson
Sylvanus 'Slim'               Doonan                      m 1913 2001 88  x      Farrell Allene           Keeney                         John James                   Doonan           Anna                        Baustian
Claus                         Doose                       m 1854 1907 53  x
Catherine 'Katie'             Doran                       f 1928 2014 86  x      John William             Cooney                    1949 John                         Doran            Catherine                   Brougham
Donald Patrick                Doran                       m 1934 2007 73  x      Mary T                   Luce                      1957 John E                       Doran            Catherine                   Brougham

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Douglas Edward                Doran                       m 1967 1993 26  x                                                              Edward                       Doran            Joan                        Thys
James                         Doran                       m               x      Mrs
James J                       Doran                       m 1906 1959 53  x                                                              James                        Doran            Catherine
John David                    Doran                       m 1939 1964 25  x      Linda                                                   John                         Doran            Bonnie
John E.                       Doran                       m 1900 1966 66  x      Catherine "Bonnie"       Brougham                  1927 James                        Doran            Catherine
Madeline Louise               Dorman                      f 1927 2005 78  x      George                   Wisner                    ??   Ray                          Dorman           Clara
Nellie                        Dorman                      f 1877 1972 95  x      John W                   Goings                    1895 Ruben Allen                  Dorman           Sidney Ann                  Elder
Nellie                        Dorman                      f 1877 1972 95  x      James W                  Larmer                    1904 Ruben Allen                  Dorman           Sidney Ann                  Elder             James died in 1921
Nellie                        Dorman                      f 1877 1972 95  x      C. C.                    Myers                     1936 Ruben Allen                  Dorman           Sidney Ann                  Elder
Raymond C                     Dorman                      m 1904 1982 77  x      Leona                    Bolger                    1959 Allen                        Dorman           Laura                       Allen
Augusta Juliana               Dornblut                    f 1842 1936 93  x      Frank                    Knipfer                   1864 Carl                         Dornblat                                                       born in Germany
Augusta Juliana               Dornblut                    f 1842 1936 93  x      Bernard                  Knipfer                   1885 Carl                         Dornblat                                                       born in Germany
Susan A                       Dornsife                    f 1935 2005 70  x      Marven                   Doehrmann                      Edward                       Dornsife         Marion                      Grupe
Ella Marie                    Dorrance                    f 1907 1993 86  x                                                         0    George F                     Dorrance         Sadie Alice                 Walton Dane
William H.                    Dorrance                    m      1963 91  x      Jennie E.                Rowe                      1947                                                                                             born in Germany
Marvin W                      Doschadis                   m 1918 2011 92  JT     Cecilia 'Cec'            Mulneaux                  1947 Ryan                         Doschadis        Olga                        unknown
Allan Richard                 Dose                        m 1946 2003 56  x      Sally Lou                Mulikin Pursley           1993 Donald Allan                 Dose             Lucille                     Wilson
Abel Francis                  Doty                        m 1925 2004 78  x      Lois                     Miller                    1948 Glenn Ross                   Doty             Cora Mae                    Dayton
Cloris 'Dickie'               Doty                        f 1911 1993 82  x      Paul C                   Kries                     1936 Bill                         Doty             Lulah May                   McCague
Forrest                       Doty                        m 1912 2004 91  x      Frances E                Richman                   1937 Forrest                      Doty             Nola                        Tinker
Frances Lorene                Doty                        f 1902 1966 63  x      Loren                    Oldaker                   1920 George Washington            Doty             Mary Leota                  Taylor
Frank                         Doty                        m 1913 1992 79  x      Neola Elna               Ranfeld                   1933 William James                Doty             Ida                         Spoon
L Fred                        Doty                        m 1905 1964 59  x      Melva May                Fuller                    1932 James                        Doty             Ida                         Spoon
Lacey Virgil                  Doty                        m 1897 1979 82  x      Emma J                   Timm                      1923 James                        Doty             Ida                         Spoon
Lois Mae                      Doty                        f 1924 2015 90  x      Bruno                    Van Ersvelde              1946 Forrest                      Doty             Nola Mae                    Tinker
Marlyn A.                     Doty                        m 1941 1965 24  x      Maxine Karen             Collingwood                    Frank                        Doty             Neola                       Ranfeld
Roy S                         Doty                        m               x      Wilma T                  Ehrmann
Ron C                         Doubek                      m 1950 2002 51  x      Linda                    Davidson                  1968 Carl 'Pete'                  Doubek           Erma                        Sherrif
(infant)                      Doud                        f 1939 1939     x                                                         0    Lawrence                     Doud
Agnes                         Doud                        f 1890 1962 72  x      William Henderson        Grabin                    1932 Patrick                      Doud             Mary                        Unknown
Dallas Aaron                  Doud                        m 1903 1904 1   x                                                              John                         Doud             Anne
Helen Marie                   Doud                        f 1924 2015 90  x      Jerry                    Ferguson                  1978
John J.                       Doud                        m 1874 1966 92  x      Anna                     Nowotony                  1899 Patrick                      Doud             Mary
Lawrence J                    Doud                        m 1900 1987 87  x      Velma Mae                Border                    1924 John J                       Doud             Anna                        Nowotny
Margaret Catherine            Doud                        f 1877 1958 80  x      Eugene Patrick           Conley                    1903 Patrick                      Doud             Mary
Patricia Anne                 Doud                        f 1928 2011 83  JT     John E Sr                Montgomery                1948 Lawrence                     Doud             Velma                       Border
Virgil L                      Doud                        m      1989            Doris A                  Rhoads                    1940
WR 'Pat'                      Doud                        m      1959     x                                                         0    Patrick                      Doud             Mary
Charles C                     Dougherty                   m 1925 1981 56  x      Virginia                 Grant                     1946
Francis Naglee                Dougherty                   m 1872 1952 79  x                                                         0    John A                       Dougherty        Mary L
George                        Dougherty                   m 1925 2005 80  x      Clara 'Peg'              Wasser                    1947 George                       Dougherty        Flora Effie                 Walton
George James                  Dougherty                   m 1901 1992 78  x      Flora Effie              Walton                    1925 Lee                          Dougherty        Esther                      Sanders
Harry S Dr                    Dougherty                   m 1898 1970 72  x      Doris                    Addleman                  1920
Helen                         Dougherty                   f 1895 1969 74  x                                                         0    John                         Dougherty        Catherine                   Ward
Horace "Harry"                Dougherty                   m 1891 1969 78  x      Daisy Isabel             Simmons                   1926 Shelby                       Dougherty        Lodeska                     Cavendar
James Ford                    Dougherty                   m      1977 65  x      Edna Mae                 Calvin                    1939
John Andrew                   Dougherty                   m      1906            Mary Lynn                Dougherty                 1855
Keith E.  Dr                  Dougherty                   m 1924 2012 91  jt     Virginia                 Durr-Finnegan                  Harry S                      Dougherty        Doris L.                    Addleman
Keith E. Dr                   Dougherty                   m 1924 2012 91  jt     Naomi                    Hatchell                       Harry S                      Dougherty        Doris L.                    Addleman
Kimberly Ann                  Dougherty                   f 1970 2007 36  PR     Tad                      Hamilton                  1989 Larry                        Dougherty        Janice                      Husmann

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Leona A                       Dougherty                   f 1880 1977 97         Robert                   Shedenhelm                1917 John A                       Dougherty        Mary L                      Reynolds
Lew                           Dougherty                   m      1879 12  x                                                              John                         Dougherty        Mary
Margaret                      Dougherty                   f 1871 1963 91  x      Conrad                   Gabriel                   1895 John A                       Dougherty        Mary                        Reynolds
Mary Ellen                    Dougherty                   f 1900 2003 103 x      Robert James             McClune                   1921 Lee R                        Dougherty        Esther                      Sanders
Mary Lynn                     Dougherty                   f 1834 1929 95  x      John Andrew              Dougherty                 1855 James W                      Dougherty        Mary Lynn                   Reynolds
Robert                        Dougherty                   m      1955 18  x
Valeda Irene                  Dougherty                   f 1885 1978 92  x      Robert                   Meldrem                   1909 John                         Dougherty        Emma                        Farrell
Eugene                        Doughty                     m               x      Ella Jane                Calvin                    1880
Marion                        Doughty                     m      1931     x                                                              M W Reverend                 Doughty
Wilmer M Reverend             Doughty                     m      1968     x
Billie L                      Douglas                     f 1925 2014 88  x      Richard H                Wright                    ??   Frank                        Douglas          Lucia                       Zabilka
Charles E Sr                  Douglas                     m      2008 72  x      Ruby Lee                 Criswell                  1956 Maurice                      Douglas          June                        Andes
Etta V                        Douglas                     f 1883 1964 80  x      Fred                     Harrington                1909 George                       Douglas          Jennie                      Foster
Faith Mena                    Douglas                     f 2002 2002 0   x                                                         0    Jaremy                       Douglas          Jennette
Jeanne Lee                    Douglas                     f 1970 1986 16  x                                                         0    Pat                          Douglas          Beverly                     Dvorak
Maurice C                     Douglas                     m 1905 1992 87  x      June                     Andes                     1926 Jonie Orr                    Douglas          Grace Mae                   Brewer
Sarah Ann                     Douglas                     f 1895 1942 47  x      Harrison W               Furman                    1911 Isaac                        Douglas          Ida
Sarah Ann                     Douglas                     f 1895 1942 47  x      Henry                    Halverson                 1940 Isaac                        Douglas          Ida
Sarah Elizabeth               Douglas                     f 1987 1987 0   x                                                         0    Michael                      Douglas          Rita                        Garringer
Chester Thomas                Doupnik                     m 1896 1918 21  x                                                              H A                          Doupnik
Betty M.                      Dove                        f 1882 1971 88  x      Jake B.                  Hill                      1911 B. Frank                     Dove             Sarah Katherine             Rolson
Ellen 'Ella'                  Dower                       f 1861 1893 32  x      John Thomas              Bond                      1884 John M                       Dower            Elizabeth                   Ward
James M                       Dower                       m 1868 1942 74  x      Mary                     Foley                     1896 John                         Dower            Elizabeth                   Ward
James M.                      Dower                       m 1868 1942 74  x      Idella B.                Kane                      1909 John                         Dower            Elizabeth                   Ward
James R                       Dower                       m      1972 54  x      Mary K                   Hurn                      1942 James                        Dower            Idella
John                          Dower                       m 1826 1904 79  x      Elizabeth                Ward
Ed                            Downard                     m 1888          x
Helen Marie 'Aileen'          Downes                      f 1919 2004 84  x      Harold V                 Cole                      1938 Christy                      Downes           Nellie                      Delaney
Catherine                     Downey                      f      1981            Floyd                    Dittmer
Eugene E                      Downey                      m      1976            Marguerite               McClary
John                          Downey                      m 1820 1918 97  x      Mary                     Eckenrode                 1880
Cassandra Ann                 Downing                     f      1998 7   x                                                         0                                 Downing          Ruth Ann                    Schmidt
Evelyn                        Downing                     f 1912 1992 79  x      Bruce W                  Bair                      1932 Roy                          Downing          Mabel                       Graham
Evelyn                        Downing                     f 1912 1992 79  x      Clifford Meredith        Bair                      1969 Roy                          Downing          Mabel                       Graham
Gertrude                      Downing                     f 1882 1911 29  x      Harry J                  Jones                     ??
Hugh Graham                   Downing                     m 1908 1991 82  x      Velma                    Messenger                 1931 Roy                          Downing          Mabel                       Graham
Jessie Ruth                   Downing                     f 1920 2004 83  NE     Kenneth N                Ballard                   1939 Roy                          Downing          Mabel Edna                  Graham
Jessie Ruth                   Downing                     f 1920 2004 83  x      John Henry               Finch                     1980 Roy                          Downing          Mabel Edna                  Graham
Juanita H                     Downing                     f 1914 1994 80  x      Maynard V                McKay                     1937 Roy                          Downing          Mabel Edna                  Graham
William W 'Packey'            Downs                       m 1875 1933 58  x      Stella E                 Hibbs                     1904
Anita                         Doyle                       f 1910 1984 73  x      Gale                     Denton                    1937 William                      Doyle            Margaret                    O'Brien
Catherine Alice               Doyle                       f 1901 1983 82  x      Edward H                 McDonald                  1946 John                         Doyle            Catherine                   Ward
Clair                         Doyle                       m 1924 1994 69  x                                                         0    John A                       Doyle            Catherine                   McMahon
Helen Ethel                   Doyle                       f 1907 2000 92  x                                                         0    John                         Doyle            Catherine                   Ward
J L Dr                        Doyle                       m 1904 1957 53  x      Ellen                    Brady                     1930 William                      Doyle            Margaret
Jas                           Doyle                       m      1893     x                                                         0
Mary Rosalie                  Doyle                       f           59  x                                                         0
Mary T                        Doyle                       f 1888 1987 99         James                    Belger                    1908 James                        Doyle            Catherine                   Ward
Michael Sr                    Doyle                       m      1901 72  x
Thomas J.                     Doyle                       m 1896 1948 51  jt

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
William                       Doyle                       m 1868 1888 19  x                                                         0    Patrick                      Doyle
William                       Doyle                       m 1887 1960 73  x      Mary Veva                McCann                    1920 John                         Doyle            Catherine                   Ward
William Nicholas              Doyle                       m 1870          x      Margaret                 O'Brien                   1891
Darlene M                     Dozark                      f 1931 2013 81  x      Willis                   Stineford                 1954 William                      Dozark           Marjorie                    Lawless
Sallie Elizabeth 'Lisa' Dr    Drabinowicz                 f           40  x      Richard                  Biagioni
C E                           Drake                       m 1887 1962 75  x      Esther A                 Buchanan                  1906 Coleman                      Drake            Mary
Charles B                     Drake                       m               x      Sylvia M                 Jackson                   1984
Coleman                       Drake                       m      1937 82  x                                                         ??
Dorothy                       Drake                       f 1901 1988 87  x      Fred Edward              Maschmann                 1921 Steven                       Drake            Anna                        Paladieux
Ida Annettie                  Drake                       f 1878 1960 81  x      Samuel Elisha, Rev       Cole                      1897
Marvin D                      Drake                       m 1911 2006 94  x      Maedene                  McCormick                 1943 James Franklin               Drake            Elizabeth Ellen             Webb
William A.                    Drake                       m 1888 1965 76  jt     Blanche                  Conklin
Lester E                      Drefke                      m      1992     x      Loretta
Jack L                        Drennan                     m 1921 1951 29  x      Shirley L                Yoder                     1949 Ollin                        Drennan
Edmund J.                     Dressler                    m 1905 1974 68  x      Laverne                  Wombacher                 1954
Agnes M                       Driscoll                    f 1895 1953 58  x                                                         0    Timothy                      Driscoll         Margaret
Anna Marie                    Driscoll                    f 1885 1945 60  x                                                         0    Daniel M                     Driscoll         Mary                        Leahy
Arnold                        Driscoll                    m 1912 1978 66  x      Agnes                    Crock                     1937 Dennis                       Driscoll         Mary                        Malone
Bertilla                      Driscoll                    f 1912 1980 67  x      Carl L.                  Hogendorn                 1936 Daniel M.                    Driscoll         Josephine                   Kelly
Bridget                       Driscoll                    f 1823 1910 87  x      John                     Collins                   1849
Catharine Eleanor             Driscoll                    f      1911 3   x                                                         0    John                         Driscoll
Catherine Susan               Driscoll                    f 1919 2010 80  x      Robert                   Markee                    1952 Daniel L                     Driscoll         Mary Ellen                  Dalton
Clarence                      Driscoll                    m 1901 1918 17  x                                                         0    Tim                          Driscoll
Clement                       Driscoll                    m 1897 1991 94  x      Esther                   Lenoch                    1920 Daniel                       Driscoll         Katherine                   Flanagan
Cletus                        Driscoll                    m 1901 1969 68  x      Isabelle                 Kratz                          Dan E                        Driscoll
Daniel 'Dan' E                Driscoll                    m 1869 1956 87  x      Katherine                Flanagan                  1892
Daniel Leo                    Driscoll                    m 1890 1956 66  x      Mary Ellen               Dalton                    1915 Daniel M.                    Driscoll         Mary
Daniel Martin                 Driscoll                    m 1860 1944 83  x      Mary                     Leahy                     1882 John                         Driscoll                                                       Mary died in 1901
Daniel Martin                 Driscoll                    m 1860 1944 83  x      Josephine                Kelly                     1903 John                         Driscoll
Donald Joseph                 Driscoll                    m 1919 2001 81  x                                                              Daniel Martin                Driscoll         Josephine Agness            Kelly
Edward                        Driscoll                    m      1977 78  x
Edwin                         Driscoll                    m 1900 1963 63  x      Lucille                  Schutterle                1937 Tim                          Driscoll         Martha
Francis                       Driscoll                    m 1891 1973 81  x      Bridgie                  Balton                    1921 Timothy                      Driscoll         Margaret                    Dunn
Francis Edward 'Frank'        Driscoll                    m 1894 1965 71  x      Agnes                    Kelly                     1919
Helen Mae                     Driscoll                    f 1921 1994 73  x      Glenn A.                 Hanson                    1942 Clement J.                   Driscoll         Esther Irene                Lenoch
James A                       Driscoll                    m 1897 1983 85  x      Olive                    McDonnell                 1931 John T                       Driscoll         Annie                       Boyle
James C                       Driscoll                    m 1907 1992 84  x      Dorothy                  Morgan                    1933 Daniel                       Driscoll         Josephine                   Kelly
John                          Driscoll                    m      1861            Mary                                               1852
John H                        Driscoll                    m 1887 1970 83  x      Mae                      Sederburg                 1947 Daniel M                     Driscoll         Mary                        Leahy
John V                        Driscoll                    m 1892 1956 64  x      Pearl                    Rush                      1922 John                         Driscoll         Anna                        Boyle
John V 'Jack'                 Driscoll                    m 1923 2010 86  JT     Kathleen V               Clear                     1945 John Vincent                 Driscoll         Rosiina Pearl               Rush
Joseph W                      Driscoll                    m 1897 1967 70  x      Rita                     Naughton                       Timothy                      Driscoll         Margaret                    Dunn
Joseph W Sr                   Driscoll                    m 1922 2001 79  x      Patricia W               Fuhrmeister               1945 Daniel                       Driscoll         Mary Ellen                  Dalton
Leo E 'Curly'                 Driscoll                    m 1899 1996 96  x                                                         0    John T                       Driscoll         Annie                       Boyle
LeRoy S                       Driscoll                    m 1917 1952 34  x                                                         0    Daniel M.                    Driscoll         Josephine                   Kelly             Sister Mary Aquin
Loretta Mary                  Driscoll                    f 1900 1973 72  x                                                         0    John T                       Driscoll         Anne                        Boyle
Mae E                         Driscoll                    f 1888 1978 90  x      John F                   McCune                    1919 John T                       Driscoll         Ann                         Boyle
Mae E                         Driscoll                    f 1888 1978 90  x      John F                   McCune                    1919 John T                       Driscoll         Anne                        Boyle
Marie                         Driscoll                    f 1895 1891 86  x      Walter                   Buck                           Daniel                       Driscoll
Mary 'Dorothy'                Driscoll                    f 1918 2001 82         Thomas L                 Lynch                     1944 Timothy                      Driscoll         Hannah                      Duffy

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Mary 'Dorothy'                Driscoll                    f 1918 2001 82  x      Thomas L                 Lynch                     1944 Timothy                      Driscoll         Hannah                      Duffy
Mary Ethelreda Sister         Driscoll                    f 1895 1982 86  x                                                         0    John T                       Driscoll         Anne                        Boyle
Nell                          Driscoll                    f 1879 1959 80  x      Richard B                McSwiggin                 1908 Lawrence                     Driscoll
Patrick Leo                   Driscoll                    m 1930 1971 41  x      Maxine                   Goodman                   1951 Daniel L                     Driscoll         Mary Ellen                  Dalton
Paul A                        Driscoll                    m 1910 1995 85  x      Fay                      Crivaro Shaffer                Daniel M.                    Driscoll         Josephine                   Kelly
Paul A                        Driscoll                    m 1910 1995 85  x      Edna                                                    Daniel M.                    Driscoll         Josephine                   Kelly
Ralph Robert                  Driscoll                    m 1924 2002 78  x                                                              Clement J                    Driscoll         Esther Irene                Lenoch
Raymond Joseph                Driscoll                    m 1921 2007 86  x      Helen                                                   Francis                      Driscoll         Agnes                       Kelly
Robert J                      Driscoll                    m 1922 2002 79  x      Evelyn Mae               Poula                     1944 Francis                      Driscoll         Agnes                       Kelly
Stella J                      Driscoll                    f 1891 1965 76  x      Clarence J               Disterhoft                1915 Daniel                       Driscoll         Mary                        Leahy
Stephen V                     Driscoll                    m 1929 2007 78  x                                                         0    Vernard Joseph               Driscoll         Grace Loretta               Moynihan
Terrance Patrick 'Kink'       Driscoll                    m 1954 2013 59  x      Julie                    Schaefer                  1978 Patrick                      Driscoll         Maxine                      Goodman
Thomas                        Driscoll                    m 1897 1969 71  x      Margaret                 Murray                    1922 Daniel                       Driscoll         Mary                        Leahy
Thomas A                      Driscoll                    m 1931 1983 51  x      Bernice                  Brown                     1958 James A                      Driscoll         Olilve                      McDonnell
Thomas E                      Driscoll                    m 1894 1964 70  x                                                         0    John T                       Driscoll         Ann                         Boyle
Timothy F                     Driscoll                    m 1893 1974 81  x      Hannah                   Duffy                     1917 Daniel                       Driscoll         Mary                        Leahy
Vincent E 'Vinnie'            Driscoll                    m 1914 1987 72  x      Hilda Gertrude           Schmidt                   1943 Daniel M                     Driscoll         Josephine                   Kelly
William 'Billy'               Driscoll                    m      1974     x
Bethany West                  Drollinger                  f 1970 1996 26  x      Vernon                   Jetty                     1986 Frederick                    Drollinger       Rosanna                     Walker
Albert                        Druecker                    m 1910 1985 74  x      Gertrude                 Wille                     1939 John                         Druecker         Lazetta                     Zimmerman
Allan Albert                  Druecker                    m 1943 1943 3m  x                                                         0    Albert John                  Druecker         Gertrude Ella Elizabeth     Wille
Alma R                        Druecker                    f 1908 1993 84  x      Paul M.                  Frantz                    1931 John                         Druecker         Lazetta                     Zimmerman
Evan                          Drumm                       m      1954 65  x      Pearl Inez               Gross                     1911
Isaiah                        Drumm                       m      1890            Emma M                   Stewart                   1885
Joy                           Drumm                       f 1891 1966 75  x                                                         0    Isaac                        Drumm            Emma                        Stewart
Albert Newton                 Drummond                    m 1850 1936 86  x      Elizabeth                Johnson                   1904
Samuel                        Drummond                    m 1809 1891 82  x      Lucy A.                  Rosecrans                 1848
William G                     Drummond                    m      1967 72  x      Charlotte                Johnson
Mary                          Drummund                    f 1850 1921 71  x      Michael                  Ford                      1875
H C Reverend                  Druse                       m               x      Mrs
Sean Michael                  Dryden                      m 1988 1988 5d  x                                                         0    Michael                      Dryden           Jerilyn                     Hall
Albie                         Dubishar                    f 1890 1971 80  x      Earl W                   Yearian                   1913 Joseph                       Dubishar         Catherine                   Smejkal
Ben W                         Dubishar                    m 1898 1981 82  x      Blanche                  Hala                      1922
Blanche                       Dubishar                    f 1883 1981 98  x      Claude S                 Carey                     1912 Joseph                       Dubishar         Katherine                   Smakel
Edward                        Dubishar                    m 1894 1963 88  x      Anna                     Thomas                    1916 Joseph                       Dubishar         Catherine                   Smakel
Edward                        Dubishar                    m 1894 1963 88  x      Nina                     Green                     1950 Joseph                       Dubishar         Catherine                   Smakel
Joseph                        Dubishar                    m 1874 1957 82  x      Viola May                McCallister               1902 Joseph                       Dubishar         Catherine                   Smakel
Joseph Arnold                 Dubishar                    m 1911 1999 87  x      Mary Alice               Davis                     1943 Joseph                       Dubishar         May                         McCallister       funeral card; no obit
Mary Ann                      Dubishar                    f 1879 1967 87  x      Evan W                   Jones                     1903 Joseph                       Dubishar         Catherine                   Smaker
Ottie                         Dubishar                    f 1887 1977 89         Charles F                Hahn
Viola                         Dubishar                    f 1915 1982 67  x                                                         0    Joseph                       Dubishar         Viola May                   McCallister
William G                     Dubishar                    m 1885 1976 91  x      Mary                     Roggentien                1906 Joseph                       Dubishar         Catherine                   Smakel
William Roland                Dubishar                    m 1922 2001 79  x      Marilyn Dawn             Dane                      1953 Joseph A                     Dubishar         Viola May                   McCallister       "Frannie" Lt Col
Francis E                     Dubisher                    m 1917 2000 82  x      Marilyn                                                 Joseph A                     Dubishar         Viola May                   McCallister
Joseph Sr                     Dubisher                    m 1845 1913 68  x      Catherine                Smakel                    1868
Louis                         Dubisher                    m 1880 1956 76  x      Mary Jane                Carney                    1906 Joseph Sr                    Dubisher         Catherine                   Smakel
Thelma Blanche                Dubisher                    f 1922 2014 91  x      Henry                    Reynolds                  1945 Louis                        Dubisher         Mayme                       Carney
Winston E 'Dubie'             Dubisher                    m 1918 2011 92  x      Anita                    Madoerin                       Edward                       Dubisher         Anna                        Thomas
John                          DuBurg                      m      1959            Lela V.                  Smith                     1935
Lawrence                      DuBurg                      m      1977     x      Lela V.                  Smith                     1962

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Adaline Valentine             Duda                        f 1918 2010 92  x      Herbert                  Zuber                     1941 Thomas                       Duda             Elsie                       Kokesh
Thomas Frank                  Duda                        m 1888 1988 99  x      Elsie Alice              Kokesh                    1917 John                         Duda             Elizabeth                   Zak
Charles                       Duer                        m               x      Heidi Karen              Ruff                      1981
Paul Joseph                   Duello                      m 1967 2014 47  x                                                         ??   Robert Paul                  Duello           Leita Fern                  Cook
George Leonhard               Duerr                       m 1848 1919 71  x      Maria Magdalena          Eckert                    1872 John Martin                  Duerr            Anna                        Sabina
Adele Louise                  Duesing                     f 1912 2005 92  x      Alfred G                 Maas                      1933 Herman                       Duesing          Beke                        Witte (Schwarting)
Alfred M                      Duesler                     m               x      Mary E                   Carper
Mary Marie                    Duffey                      f 1849          x      Patrick                  Cooney                    1876
Fred B                        Duffus                      m 1888 1969 89  x      Myrtle                   Ferneau                   1916 William                      Duffus           Sarah Margaret              Andes
Fred B                        Duffus                      m 1888 1969 89  x      Helen                    Hornbeck                  1948 William                      Duffus           Sarah Margaret              Andes
Harry F                       Duffus                      m               x      Dorothy                  Schafer                   1945
Lester                        Duffus                      m      1973            Elsie                    Seigel                    1931
Brenda Lynn                   Duffy                       f 1964 1985 21  x                                                         0    Francis James                Duffy            June Ruby                   Walton
Catherine Ann                 Duffy                       f 1886 1978 91  x      William J                Kelly                     1910 Richard                      Duffy            Mary Jane                   Cooney
Clarence William              Duffy                       m 1916 1971 55  x      Dorothy                  Bryant                    1941 Ben                          Duffy            Bessie                      Clemons
Craig 'Pete'                  Duffy                       m               x      Dorene                   McCaw                                                                                                                      divorce
Donald P                      Duffy                       m 1932 1996 63  x      Jackie Mae               Cronbaugh                 1955 Milo Francis                 Duffy            Lucille                     Harrington
Edward C                      Duffy                       m 1913 1974 60  x                                                              Michael                      Duffy            Mary                        Lekin
Elmer J                       Duffy                       m 1898 1973 75  x      Clara                    Schulte                   1919 Michael                      Duffy            Anna                        Regan
Emmett C                      Duffy                       m           72  x
Eugene P 'Gene'               Duffy                       m 1921 2000 78  x      Velma C                  Rotenburger               1944 Peter J                      Duffy            Theresa B                   Driscoll
Hannah                        Duffy                       f      1985 89  x      Timothy F                Driscoll                  1917
Harold                        Duffy                       m 1918 1928 10  x                                                              Peter                        Duffy
Helen                         Duffy                       f 1902 1902 11m x                                                         0    Lawrence                     Duffy
Honora                        Duffy                       f 1881 1961 80  x      Nicholas P               Delaney                        Joseph                       Duffy            Margaret                    Mungovan
James                         Duffy                       m      1967     x      Sarah Catherine          Reynolds                  1918
John J.                       Duffy                       m 1851 1908 57  x      Bridget                  Murphy                    1894
Joseph M                      Duffy                       m 1843 1916 73  x      Margaret                 Mungovan                  1869 Michael                      Duffy
L Earl                        Duffy                       m 1904 1957 53  x      Margaret                 Raher                     1927 Lawrence                     Duffy            Catherine                   Murray
Leo E                         Duffy                       m 1922 1987 65  x      Mary Ann                                                Leo                          Duffy            Regina                      Gaffey
Leo P                         Duffy                       m 1896 1967 70  x      Regina Loretta           Gaffey                    1921 Lawrence                     Duffy            Catherine                   Murray
Leonard 'Briggs'              Duffy                       m 1911 1978 67  x      Ruth                     Poulson                   1949 Lawrence                     Duffy            Catherine                   Murray
M H                           Duffy                       m 1885 1957 72  x
Marcella Susan                Duffy                       f 1899 1960 60  x      Joseph M.                Donohoe                   1918 Lawrence                     Duffy            Kate                        Murray
Margaret Jane                 Duffy                       f 1862 1934 72  x      Robert                   Cooney                    1882
Mary Elizabeth                Duffy                       f 1899 1963 63  x      Pete                     Kelly                     1924 Richard                      Duffy            Mary Jane                   Cooney
Mary J                        Duffy                       f 1888 1981 93  x      Arthur C                 Dermody                   1914 Richard                      Duffy            Mary                        Cooney
Michael J                     Duffy                       m               x      Margaret                 Burns
Milo Francis Jr 'Frank'       Duffy                       m 1928 1991 62  x                                                              Milo Francis Sr              Duffy            Lucille                     Harrington
Milo Francis Sr               Duffy                       m 1907 1971 64  x      Lucille                  Harrington                1927 L S                          Duffy            Catherine
Nelle                         Duffy                       f      1985     x      Harold                   Cooperider                     Joseph                       Duffy            Margaret                    Mungoban
Ralph Joseph                  Duffy                       m 1925 1996 71  x                                                              Leo P                        Duffy            Regina                      Gaffey
Richard                       Duffy                       m               x      Mary Jane                Cooney                    1879
Richard Lee 'Dick'            Duffy                       m 1943 2010 67  x      Jeanne Ellen             Coffland                  1966 Clarence William             Duffy            Dorothy                     Bryant
Robert D                      Duffy                       m 1940 2001 61  x                                                              Leroy                        Duffy            Alberta                     Blair
Rosemary Kaye                 Duffy                       f 1952 2013 60  x      Jerry                    Dhondt                    ??                                                 Shirley 'Inky'              Duffy             divorced
Rosemary Kaye                 Duffy                       f 1952 2013 60  x      Lars                     Lavender                  1997                                               Shirley 'Inky'              Duffy             adopted & raised by grandparents
Susan Mary                    Duffy                       f 1892 1978 76  x                                                         0
Vera                          Duffy                       f 1903 1903 4m  x                                                         0    J F                          Duffy
David R Reverend              Dugan                       m 1938 2002 63  x      Charlotte                                               Earl Hutchman                Dugan            Maida Lucille               Mason

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Hannorah                      Dugan                       f      1913 80  x      William                  Murphy
Katherine                     Dugan                       f 1844 1920 76  x      John N                   May                       ??                                                                                               born in Ireland
Margaret                      Dugan                       f               x      Chauncey J               Neal                      1866
Thomas                        Dugan                       m      1890 85
Patrick V Reverend            Duggan                      m 1908 1985 77  x                                                         0
Nicole Lavone 'Nikki'         Dugger                      f 1972 2014 41  x      Jeremy                   Foubert                   ??   Dean                         Dugger           Doris                       Woodsmall
Nicole Lavone 'Nikki'         Dugger                      f 1972 2014 41  x                               Little ?                  ??   Dean                         Dugger           Doris                       Woodsmall
Kimberly Ann                  Dughman                     f 1969 1995 26  x      Greg                     Isaacs                         Wyman D                      Dughman          Marylu                      Ahlschwede
Emma                          Duhme                       f 1902 1994 92  x      Edward S                 Oldis                     1921 Herman                       Duhme            Annie                       Minning           Edward died in 1949
Emma                          Duhme                       f 1902 1994 92  x      Harold                   Mann                      1956 Herman                       Duhme            Annie                       Minning
Clara                         Dukewits                    f 1909 2007 79  x      Arthur T                 Boedeker                  1932 John W Reverend              Dukewits         Clara
Harry C Jr                    Dullard                     m 1934 1995 61  x      Carma                    Davis                          Harry                        Dullard          Lela Grace                  McIntosh
Francis Leo                   Dumont                      m 1974 1974     x                                                              Gary                         Dumont
Omer                          Dumont                      m      1959            Theone G                 Dodd                      1938
Ann                           Dunban                      f 1932 1903 71  x      Frank                    Cain                      1856                                                                                             born in Ireland
Clara L                       Dunbar                      f 1922 1978 56  x      Eugene                   Bennett                   1940 Harold E                     Dunbar           Gladys Louise               Lacher
Floyd H                       Dunbar                      m 1920 2007 86  x      Edith 'Edna'             Fabb                      1945 Harold E                     Dunbar           Gladys                      Lacher
Evelyn Catherine              Duncalf                     f 1905 2004 99  x      John C                   Meyer                     1926 William                      Duncalf          Sarah                       Cummins
Budd Lee                      Duncan                      m 1882 1932 50  x      Anna                     Wilder                    1903
Neil Donovan                  Duncan                      m 1970 2010 40  JT                                                             Daniel                       Duncan           Loretta                     Marriott
Milly                         Dungar                      f 1851 1931 79  x      Phillip                  Schauff                   1870                              Dungar
Robert W                      Dunham                      m 1921 2006 85  x      Phyllis
Margaret E                    Dunkel                      f 1897 1998 101 x      Edwin                    Hawkins                   1918 Ernest                       Dunkel           Angeline                    Wheeler
Clyde Howard                  Dunlap                      m 1920 1940 20  x                                                         0    Harold F                     Dunlap           Belle                       Cooperider
George W                      Dunlap                      m               x      Susan P                  Beatley                   1829
Harry A                       Dunlap                      m 1877 1962 85  x      Estella                  Mitchell
Harry A                       Dunlap                      m 1877 1962 85  x      Elsie                    Oldaker
J M Dr                        Dunlap                      m 1834 1924 93  x      Emily                    Inman                     1856 George W Dr                  Dunlap           Susan
Mae                           Dunlap                      f 1876 1938 62  x                                                         0    J M Dr                       Dunlap           Emily
W F                           Dunlap                      m               x      Julia E                  Toovey
D. S.    Rev.                 Dunlavey                    m      1902     md
Anna P                        Dunn                        f 1905 1971 66  x      Carl F                   Burck                          William                      Dunn             Lucy                        Butler
Donald J.                     Dunn                        m 1912 1973 60  x      Annie Laurie                                            Thomas Jefferson             Dunn             Frances                     McDonald
Elizabeth Helen               Dunn                        f 1880 1957 77         George                   Flanagan                  1902 William                      Dunn             Mary                        Warren
Elmer E                       Dunn                        m 1901 1969 67  x      Theresa                  Bender                    1928
Geraldine 'Jerry'             Dunn                        f 1924 1978 54  x      William                  Danskin                        Clark                        Dunn             Edna                        Hocker
Honore Gertrude               Dunn                        f 1886 1967 81  x      Osborne Edward           Jones                     1908 Richard H                    Dunn             Margaret A                  Kelly
James Arthur                  Dunn                        m 1873 1899 26  x      Mae                      Gale                      1898
James H                       Dunn                        m 1802 1872 70  x                                                                                           Dunn                                         unknown
James P                       Dunn                        m      1880     x
John                          Dunn                        m 1874 1894 19  x
John W                        Dunn                        m 1867 1938 71  x      Mary                     Muldoon                   ??
Laurine                       Dunn                        f      1981 71         Thomas                   Kelly                          William                      Dunn             Lucy
Lydia C                       Dunn                        f 1833 1898 65  x      John                     Raben                     1852                                                                                             born in Toronto, Canada
Lydia C                       Dunn                        f 1833 1898 65  x      James                    Kenney                    1860                                                                                             born in Toronto, Canada
Mae                           Dunn                        f 1884 1959 75  x      T J                      Hannon                    1909                              Dunn                                         unknown
Maggie                        Dunn                        f      1873     0      Stephen                  Hanson                    1851
Margaret 'Peg'                Dunn                        f 1913 1986 73  x      Clarence                 Belger                    1933 William                      Dunn             Lucie                       Butler
Mary Laurine                  Dunn                        f 1910 1981 71  x      Thomas                   Kelly                     ??   William                      Dunn             Lucie                       Butler
Mary M.                       Dunn                        f 1896 1969 73  x                                                         0    Richard H                    Dunn             Margaret                    Kelly

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Philip                        Dunn                        m 1872 1952 80  x      Margaret                 Carroll                   1900 William                      Dunn             Mary                        Morrin
R H                           Dunn                        m 1853 1926 73  x      Margaret A               Kelly                     1885 John H                       Dunn
Ramona E                      Dunn                        f 1928 1983 54  x      John                     Messerli                  ??   Clark                        Dunn             Edna                        Hocker
T Winton                      Dunn                        m 1910 1995 84  x      Helen Elaine             Healey                    1937 Theodore Winton              Dunn             Ruth                        Anderson
Thomas Francis                Dunn                        m 1915 1918 3   x                                                         0    Thomas                       Dunn
William E                     Dunn                        m 1870 1932 62  x      Lucy A.                  Butler                    1897
William T                     Dunn                        m 1841 1907 66  x      Mary Elizabeth           Morrin                    1865
Winton                        Dunn                        m 1910 1995 84  x      Helen                    Healey                    1937 Theodore                     Dunn             Ruth                        Anderson
Rex Paul                      Dunning                     m 1902 1991 88  x      Frances                                            1920 Day                          Dunning          Paroda Ann                  Keller
Rex Paul                      Dunning                     m 1902 1991 88  x      Emma Iva                 Umbenhower                1925 Day                          Dunning          Paroda Ann                  Keller
Rex Paul                      Dunning                     m 1902 1991 88  x      Mary Ann                 Black                     1946 Day                          Dunning          Paroda Ann                  Keller
Lloyd Eugene Jr               Dunton                      m 1951 1990 39  x      Kristine                 Simmons                   1970 Lloyd Eugene Sr              Dunton           Virginia Phyllis            Wagamon
Lloyd Eugene Sr               Dunton                      m 1928 1993 64  x      Virginia                 Wagamon                   1946 Virgil A                     Dunton           Edna Grace                  Shaw
Janice Sue                    Durham                      f 1945 1991 46  x      Terry L                  Bush                      1967 Omar S                       Durham           Este                        Campbell
Harold Dean, Pvt              Durian                      m 1915 1945 29  x      Gladys Kathryn           Perkins                   ??   Charles Deney                Durian           Phoebe                      Gardner
Dorothy Elizabeth             Durling                     f 1919 2006 86  x      Robert Pershing          Day                       1953 John                         Durling          Emma                        Obermuller
Richard                       Durling                     m 1918 1986 67  x      Florine                  Groff                     1942 John                         Durling          Emma                        Obermueller
Ada B.                        Durr                        f 1892 1981 88  x      Frank W.                 Holden                    1912 Leonard                      Durr             Mary Magdalene              Eckert
Addie Belle                   Durr                        f 1886 1971 85  x      Russel Ross              Mahannah                  1909 John C                       Durr             Elizabeth                   Lortz
Carl M                        Durr                        m 1888 1966 77  x      Jane A                   Pierce                    1913 Leonard                      Durr             Mary                        Eckert
Caroline Barbara              Durr                        f 1859 1931 72  x      Diedrich                 Gode                      1878 Martin                       Durr             Sabine
Charlotte                     Durr                        f 1877 1943 65         Henry George             Weiss                     1898 Leonard                      Durr             Mary                        Eckert
Clarence                      Durr                        m 1888 1973 84  x      Amanda                   Long                      1911 Charles G                    Durr             Phoebe J                    Chapell
David E                       Durr                        m 1917 1991 73  x      Doris A                  Langlas                   1929 Ira                          Durr             Ella                        Jones
Evelena                       Durr                        f 1896 1982 85  x      James C.                 Keegan                    1914 Leonard                      Durr             Mary M.                     Eckert
Harold Walter                 Durr                        m 1923 2010 86  x      Colleen E                Houghkirk                 1951 Walter                       Durr             Lottie                      Lyons
Ira Elvin                     Durr                        m 1890 1979 89  x      Ella                     Jones                     1913 Charles G                    Durr             Phoebe J                    Chappell
Isola Naomi                   Durr                        f 1905 2003 98  x      Clarence F 'Bun'         Halverson                 1930 Charles G                    Durr             Phoebe J                    Chappell
John Frederick                Durr                        m 1886 1922 36  x      Ida                      Kepping                   1908 George Leonard               Durr             Mary Magdalent              Eckert
Leighton E                    Durr                        m 1925 1993 68  x      Catherine                Evans
Leo E.                        Durr                        m 1891 1970 78  x      Glenna Mae               Newell                    1913 Charles G                    Durr             Phoebe J                    Chappell
Lucile Emma                   Durr                        f      1920 2m  x                                                         0    Walter                       Durr
Margaret Alvira               Durr                        f 1910 1910 4m  x                                                         0    Charles G                    Durr             Phoebe J                    Chappell
Margaret Elizabeth            Durr                        f 1919 1934 14  x                                                         0    Clarence                     Durr             Amanda
Martha L                      Durr                        f 1883 1966 83  x      Louis 'L J'              Meyer                     1902 George Leonard               Durr             Mary Magdalena              Eckherd
Merlin William                Durr                        m 1907 1907 2m  x                                                              Charles G                    Durr             Phoebe J                    Chappell
Mollie D                      Durr                        f 1888 1957 69  x      Ralph W                  Jones                     ??   Chris                        Durr
Neva Marie                    Durr                        f 1897 1983 86  x      Truman Jennings          Lortz                     1917 Charles                      Durr             Phoebe                      Chappel
Otto Christian, Rev           Durr                        m 1889 1965 76  x      Clara Maria Katharine    Hahn                      1913
Reta Fyrn                     Durr                        f 1908 1999 90  x      Floyd Calvin             Faas                      1944 Charles G                    Durr             Phoebe J                    Chappell
Robert C                      Durr                        m 1920 1996 76  x      Lois                     Austin                    1945 Carl                         Durr             Jane                        Pierce
Sylvia Okel                   Durr                        f 1895 1988 93  x      Elmer C                  Diggs                     1919 Charles G                    Durr             Phoebe J                    Chappel
Sylvia Okel                   Durr                        f 1895 1988 93  x      John Earl                Fuller                    1952 Charles G                    Durr             Phoebe J                    Chappel
Truman                        Durr                        m 1898 1971 73  jt                                                             Charles                      Durr             Phoebe J.                   Chappel
Margaret                      Dursky                      f 1913 2003 89  x      Frank                    Dursky
Spencer F                     Dursky                      m 1939 2015 76  x      Rosalie R                Krusemark                 1958 Frank W                      Dursky           Margaret E                  Brown
Emma                          Dusil                       f 1891 1989 97  PR     Lloyd W                  Heller                    1914 John                         Dusil            Mary                        Trojovsky
Frank                         Dusil                       m 1897 1968 68         Alice C                  Stineford
John J.                       Dusil                       m 1863 1950 87         Mary                     Trojovsky                 1888 John                         Dusil            Frances
Joseph J                      Dusil                       m 1923 2004 81  x      Bernice                  Cook                      1942 William                      Dusil            Ruth                        Dvorak

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Marvin L                      Dusil                       m 1928 2005 77  x                                                         0    William G                    Dusil            Marie                       Vostrel
Mary Kathryn                  Dusil                       f 1903 1984 81  x      Ralph                    Mathes                    1926 John                         Dusil            Mary                        Trosky
Albert L                      Dusterhoft                  m 1888 1969 80  x      Theresa                  Gannon                    1917 Julius                       Dusterhoft       Caroline
Anna                          Dusterhoft                  f 1883 1966 83  x      James P                  Lawlor                    1902 Julius                       Dusterhoft       Caroline                    Voelkel
Anna                          Dusterhoft                  f 1903 1997 94  x      Michael William          Lawlor                    1935 George                       Dusterhoft       Mary                        Wegienek
Blanche E.                    Dusterhoft                  f 1886 1982 95  x      John                     Geis                      1918 Julius                       Dusterhoft       Caroline                    Voelkel
Clarence Martin               Dusterhoft                  m 1901 1980 79  x      Mary Louise              Keenan                    1929 George Adam                  Dusterhoft       Mary Theresa                Wegienek
George A                      Dusterhoft                  m 1868 1936 67  x      Mary                     Wegienek                  1897 Martin                       Dusterhoft       Rosa 'Rosie'                Siblitz
Golda Mary                    Dusterhoft                  f 1880 1947 66  x      Jacob Lester             Gwin                      1904 Martin                       Dusterhost       Rosa 'Rosie'                Siblitz
John Martin                   Dusterhoft                  m 1894 1970 75  x      Grace Elizabeth          DeDecker                  1931 Julius                       Dusterhoft       Caroline
Marie Alma                    Dusterhoft                  f 1910 1995 84  x      Romuald 'Jerry'          Cavanaugh                 1939 George                       Dusterhoft       Mary
Martin J                      Dusterhoft                  m 1876 1956 79  x                                                         0    Martin                       Dusterhoft       Rosie                       Siblitz
Paul 'Dusty' Keenan           Dusterhoft                  m 1942 1999 57  x      Sue                      Castle                    1981 Clarence Martin              Dusterhoft       Mary Louise                 Keenan
Rosa                          Dusterhoft                  f 1878 1944 70  x      Leon                     Maulik                    1896 Martin                       Dusterhoft       Rosa 'Rosie'                Siblitz
Wayne E 'Dutch'               Dutcher                     m 1927 1998 71  x      Dorla                    Montross                  1955 Lloyd                        Dusterhoft       Alma Hill                   Dutcher
Idella Christena              Dutoit                      f 1925 2000 74  x      Edward Amiel             Cleppe                    1950 Charles Howard               Dutoit           Christena Dorothea          Jessen
Louis                         Dvorak                      m 1906 1975 68  x      Agnes                    Severin                   1950 Mike                         Dvorak           Mary                        Koutny
Mary C                        Dvorsky                     f 1902 1990 87  x      Daniel Patrick           Donohue                   1922 Frank                        Dvorsky          Mary B
(infant son)                  Dwyer                       m 1902 1902 6w  x                                                              M J                          Dwyer
Bridget                       Dwyer                       f 1851 1921 70  x      Wallace                  Dansdill                  1870                                                                                             born in Ireland
Dan                           Dwyer                       m      1935 67
Dennis                        Dwyer                       m 1831 1909 78         Margaret                 O'Conner                  1852
Dennis                        Dwyer                       m 1831 1909 78         Sarah                    Vermylea                  1893
Dennis W                      Dwyer                       m 1876 1994 65         Lucy                     Woods
Edward                        Dwyer                       m 1850 1916 64  x                                                         0
Hazel Agnes                   Dwyer                       f      1907 9   jt                                                             Dennis                       Dwyer            Margaret                    O'Connor
Helen D                       Dwyer                       f 1913 2000 87  x      Willard                  Jones                     1937 Joseph                       Dwyer            Nellie                      O'Leary
Josephine                     Dwyer                       f 1880 1947 67  x      Thomas                   Kelly                     1906 Dan                          Dwyer
Margaret 'Maggie'             Dwyer                       f 1858 1911 53  x      James                    Hoyt                      1882 Dennis                       Dwyer            Margaret                    O'Connor
Mary Ellen                    Dwyer                       f 1855 1936 81  x      Michael                  Dwyer                     1874 Dennis                       Dwyer            Margaret
Michael                       Dwyer                       m 1852 1917 65  x      Mary Ellen               Dwyer                     1874 Michael                      Dwyer            Bridget                     Ryan
Michael J                     Dwyer                       m 1873 1911 38  x                                                              Michael                      Dwyer
Ralph J                       Dwyer                       m 1896 1974 78  x      Annis                    McDonough                 1922 Michael                      Dwyer            Agnes                       Brennan
Wilfred                       Dwyer                       m 1906 1964 58  x      Edythe M                                                Lal                          Dwyer            Lucy                        Woods
Alex P                        Dye                         m               x      Clara E                  Brown
Alfred                        Dye                         m               x      Ella M                   Myers                     1908
Danny James                   Dye                         m 1955 1984 28  x      Judy                     Kaalberg                  1977 James                        Dye              Betty                       Bell
Debra Jo 'Debbie'             Dye                         f      2006 46  x                                                         0    Max                          Dye              Jean                        Lear
Ernest D                      Dye                         m 1926 2005 79  x      Shirley                  Schindler                 1957 James Irving                 Dye              Esther Elizabeth            Van Ausdall
Lloyd W                       Dye                         m 1912 1988 76  x      Rachel                   Royal                     1933 Leonard                      Dye              Alice N                     Haughenbury
Lula m                        Dye                         f 1908 1982 73  x      Roy N                    Williams                  1926 William Leonard              Dye              Alice N                     Haughenbury
Lyle R                        Dye                         m 1915 1988 72  x      Shirley Nadine           Hediger                   1948 Alfred                       Dye              Ella                        Myers
Mary Ethel                    Dye                         f 1889 1958 68  x      Walter                   Bladen                    1916 William Minor                Dye              Mary Angeline               Patterson
Mildred Leone                 Dye                         f 1910 1995 85  x      Harold                   Stockton                  1944 Alfred L                     Dye              Ella                        Myers
Mildred Leone                 Dye                         f 1910 1995 85  x      Leonard S                Kruse                     1966 Alfred L                     Dye              Ella                        Myers
Oscar Lee                     Dye                         m 1853 1900 16  x                                                         0    William Minor                Dye              Mary Angeline               Patterson
Phoebe B                      Dye                         f 1886 1971 85  x      Arthur Albert            Misel                     1914 William Minor                Dye              Mary Angeline               Patterson
Ronald Bruce                  Dye                         m 1947 1986 39  x      Kathy                    Geiger                    1966 Lloyd                        Dye              Lois                        Royal
William Leonard               Dye                         m 1878 1955 77  x      Alice                    Haughenbury               1907 William                      Dye              Mary Angelina               Patterson
Belle                         Dyer                        f 1861 1883 22  x                                                              Hugh                         Dyer                                                           born in Scotland

The Netha Meyer Obituary Collection Index.  Williamsburg Historical Commission, Williamsburg, Iowa
                                                                                 SPOUSE                                             MAR  FATHER                                        MOTHER
FIRST NAME                    LAST NAME                  SX BORN DIED AGE PUB    FIRST NAME               LAST NAME                 DATE FIRST NAME                   LAST NAME        FIRST NAME                  LAST NAME         REMARKS
Isabelle                      Dyre                        f 1938 1901 62  x      I M Dr                   Huston                    1866                              Dyre                                         unknown
Elizabeth Johanna             Dystra                      f 1913 1988 74  x      Paul Peter, Sr           Kruse                     1939 Charles                      Dykstra          Elizabeth                   Moses