Of the Board of Supervisor 

Condensed for publication


Board of Supervisors of Humboldt County

September 7, 1885

Schleicher was chairman.

River Bridge near Glen farm was completed and has been accepted.

Auditor is to contract with D. G. Pinney to rebuild bridge across Bloody Run near farm of J. M. Schleicher.

September 8, 1885

Appropriation of $50 to purchase materials for the rebuilding of Dayton Bridge in Avery Township.

Petition for bridge across Prairie Creek on Figi Road was postponed.

Schleicher moved that the taxes of 1884 on lot 12 block 8, Livermore, belonging to Miss Stone, and part of lot 6 block 8, Dakota City belonging to Alac McNamara be cancelled.  Accepted.

Snook moved that part of the Knudt Nelson road be vacated.  Commencing at the quarter stake on east line section 15 in Norway Township, thence north 160 rods and terminating at last named point.  Accepted.

Auditor was directed to redeem from tax sale of 1882 and subsequent taxes, lot 8 block 29, Dakota City. 

It was approved that an appropriation of $35 be made to repair Collins’ bridge across Lott’s Creek.

September 9, 1885

Moved by Snook that the following change be made in the King and Godden road:  Commencing where section line between sections 5,6,92 and 30 intersects Adams and Dicky road, thence north 160 rods; road to be 3 rods wide, all to be on west side of said section line.  Accepted.

A road will be established commencing at quarter stake on south side of section 29-93-28, east to SE corner section 27, south 1.2 mile to intersect Danville and McCauley road.

The applications of E. D. Nickson, J. L. Anderson and Kirkham and Hubbard druggist for permits to handle intoxicating liquors was deferred till next meeting. Accepted.

September 10, 1885

Foster moved that the following levies be made for 1885 for Humboldt County:  For state revenue, 2 ½ m: count, 5m; county school, 1m; bridge, 1 1/2m; bond 1m; insane, 1/2m; 50 cents each male and $1 on each female dog assessed in the county.  Accepted.

September 11, 1885

George Welch presented his resignation as County Surveyor to take effect October 1, 1885.

Foster moved that Jones and Goetche roads be established as per field notes of Surveyor.  Accepted.

Schleicher moved that J. H. Prichard of Wacousta Township be appointed Surveyor to replace George Welch.  Accepted.