DAILY REPORTER.Mt. Pleasant, Henry County, Iowa |
Charley Eshelman sells clothing cheap. Charley Eshelman sells the best Hats in the city. ~~~ City Lunch Room and Restaurant. A. Hettich. Hot Coffee at all Hours. Fresh bread, cakes pies and creakers always on hand. Lemons, oranges, candies, &c. A full line of cigars and chewing and smoking tobacco. Also a choice line of staple and ?? groceries. No. 41 east side the Park. ~~~ NEW FALL GOODS Just arrived at R. M. MARTIN’S CHEAP FOR CASH! Newest Fall and Winter styles of LADIES DRESS GOODS. ~~~ J. L. Wingate, Dealer in Guns, Revolvers, Cutlery AMUNITION. All kinds of repairing on guns, revolvers and sewing machines, done in the most satisfactory manner and on the shortest notice. Give him a call, when wanting anything in his line, South side. ~~~ HARLAN HOUSE LIVERY, Feed & Sale Stable. Bus Line Connected. J. C. Whitford, Prop’r. Good horses, handsome buggies and liberal prices. Can furnish the best rigs in the city. Give me a call when wanting anything in my line. 1 bl’k north square. ~~~ NEW GROCERY! Money Saved! By buying of Jno. S. Ferguson, East side of park, near auction room; new FRESH GROCERIES at Bed Rock Prices. ~~~ For Sale, DIRT CHEAP! A house containing seven large rooms two large halls, has a good cellar, well and cistern, and good barn. Corner lot, two blocks west of the south west corner of the public square. For further particulars call at this office. ~~~ John G. Budde, Dealer in Confectionery, FANCY Groceries, &c. &c. &c. No. 10, Brazelton bl’k. Mt. Pleasant, - Iowa. ~~~ The WESTERN WHEEL Scraper Company, North main street, north of C. B. & Q. Railroad track, are now prepared to fill all orders. Address, Western Wheel Scraper Company, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. ~~~ The Celebrated IMPORTED SINGER Sewing Machine. For Sale for the next thirty days for TWENTY DOLLARS, Cash, at NEWBOLD & HOUSEMAN’s, South Side. ~~~ HARRISON & Son Dealers in all kinds of Fresh Meats! The highest market price paid IN CASH For Dry and Green Hides. Those having fat cattle will find it to their interest to call here before selling elsewhere. East side Park, next door north of Auction room. ~~~ Bowman & Kaufman Commission Merchants, Grain Buyers and Shippers And dealers in Hard and Soft COAL! Office, one block west of the depot. ~~~ J. F. Sargent, JEWELER, Watch & Clock Repairer. Also dealer in School Books, Stationery, Blank books of every description, and a thousand other articles. North side of the Park, Mt. Pleasant. ~~~ J. L. & W. H. VIRDEN, Dealers in GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FLOUR & FEED. Goods delivered to all parts of the city on short notice. No. 26 North Main street. ~~~ John F. LEECH, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Office over Sargent’s Jewelry Store. ~~~ JAMES MAYOR, Professor of Piano, Organ, Vocal Music, and Musical Composition. Mr. Mayor will wait upon any family who wish thorough and cheap music teaching if they will leave their address at Sargent’s or a postal at the post office. ~~~ A. O. PITCHER, Homoepathic Physician and Surgeon. Office hours 9 to 11 a.m., 12 to 2 p.m., 7 So 9 evening. Office and residence Jefferson street, west side, four doors south of the square. ~~~ FEHSE & ROBERTSON, Manufacturers of HAVANA CIGARS. And dealers in Chewing and Smoking tobacco, and pipes of every description, etc. Northeast corner park, Mt. Pleasant. ~~~ THE BURLINGTON ROUTE 3 - Trains Daily - 3 From Mt. Pleasant, To all points East West and South, Including Peoria, Indianapolis, Columbus, St. Louis, and Chicago. To DES MOINES. via Ottumwa and via Burlington, To Marshalltown, Eldora, Minneapolis and St. Paul. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON and QUINCY R. R. Pullman PALACE SLEEPING CARS. And PALACE DINING CARS. Information as to rates of fare, Sleeping car accommodations, furnished on application to C. W. SMITH, Traffic Manager, Chicago JAMES R. WOOD, Gen’l Pass Agt., Chicago A. ROPER, Agt., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. ~~~~~~~~~~~ H. Fuller keeps a full line of fresh canned goods. When you want choice fresh butter, go to H. Fuller’s. H. fuller will give as much sugar or coffee for one dollar as any other grocer in the city. ~~~ Thomas Carmichel announces to the public that he has re-opened the coopering business at his old stand, and is ready to furnish tubs, barrels, and kegs of every description on the shortest of notice, and at the most liberal prices. ~~~ MRS. T. W. FAGAN Invites the ladies of this city and surrounding country, that are wanting any work done in the DRESSMAKING or FITTING Line, to give her a call. All work warranted to give entire satisfaction. Charges liberal. Rooms west side the Park, over Thos. Lashe’s. ~~~ R. R. Opera House to-night. ~~~ Country roads were never better. ~~~ The city is blessed with six meat markets only. ~~~ Don’t miss hearing Rev. Dr. De Hass to-night. Rev. De Hass’ lecture is from actual observation. ~~~ These moonlight nights are beautiful to behold. ~~~ Fresh oysters at Clark Bros. south side Brazelton block. ~~~ The streets throughout the city are in splendid condition. ~~~ Andrews & Sullivan have a new supply of nice, fresh pretzells. ~~~ The Methodist people can boast of the finest parsonage in the country. ~~~ Mr. Howe’s printing material has arrived and he will be ready for business shortly. ~~~ What the average young men in this vicinity wants most, is more sand in his craw. ~~~ Boys, where and how did you get all those pigeons last Saturday. -- There’s a complaint. ~~~ From the handsome and cozy appearance of his residence, “Deacon” Roper lives at home. ~~~ Patronize home industry by calling on Royce & Hopping when wanting casting of any kind. ~~~ Mr. R. Lanning is an authorized agent in the city to solicit subscribers for the DAILY REPORTER. ~~~ Col. Greusel has put up a substantial new fence in front of his suburban residence, and its painted too. ~~~ Bowman & Kauffman lost three thousand five hundred dollars by the raise in price of clover seed last week. ~~~ Many places in the north part of the city has a severe attack of bad sidewalks. Don’t let it spread if you can help it. ~~~ The North & South and the Mt. Pleasant, Wapello & Muscatine railroads first and then water works, you say. All right. ~~~ At the White Ribbon social tomorrow night, Miss Eva Eicher, Miss Fannie Roseman and others, will make short addresses. ~~~ That long looked for car of headlight oil has at last arrived. It came to hand this morning and Mr. Satterthwait is now prepared to fill all orders. The delay was caused by the car having been sidetracked somewhere and forgotten. The half car load he ordered from Burlington last week on account of the delay of the other, found that dealer short and he did not fill the order until Saturday, consequently Mr. S. has now a car and a half of oil on hand. He was mad enough to swear about the oil not coming on time, but his Christianity kept him cooled down. ~~~ J. Elliott, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office over B. L. Cozier’s drug store, No 7, west side. All calls promptly attended to day or night. Chronic diseases treated on application. ~~~ McADAM BROS. Make The Carbon Photo’s. ~~~ W. P. Saunders, [Successor to John Dugdale.] LIVERY and FEED STABLE. All wishing anything in the livery line will be accommodated with good horses and first-class rigs. Those needing hearse services will find it to their interest to give me a call. ~~~ Kinkead & Whitford, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Notes and accounts collected promptly at reasonable rates, pensions and bounties obtained, abstracts of title examined, deeds, mortgages, and all kinds of contracts and agreements drawn promptly. Office in Union Block. ~~~ B. F. ROSS, Dealer in all kinds of pine LUMBER! North-west corner of the Park, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. DOORS, BLINDS and WINDOW SASH. ~~~ HAWKEYE Foundry and Machine Shop, ROYCE & HOPPING. Proprietors, One block west of depot on R. R. Track Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. All Kinds of Castings, From Both Iron and Brass. ~~~ J. W. POWELL, Auction & Commission Merchant, And dealer in all kinds of Merchandise. No. 42, East side of the Park. Auctions Thursday and Fridays. Remittances promptly made. Satisfaction guaranteed. ~~~ Dr. Pitcher and Joe Bangham started out the other morning at five o’clock, bagged seven wild turkeys and got back in time for an early dinner. Doc. says four of the turkeys were whoppers. They are reported more plentiful than for many seasons. ~~~ Miss Clara McLearn is opening up a ladies fancy goods store, North Main street, first door north of Marsh’s drug store. She has a splendid line of goods and the ladies will do well to give her a call. Also agent for the celebrated St. John sewing machine. ~~~ THE PLACE To Get: BARGAINS In TINWARE, WOODENWARE, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, &c. WINNING’s BAZAR, Hills Old Stand South Side the Square. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. ~~~ Dr. T. L. Beers, DENTIST! Particular attention paid to the preservation of natural teeth. Artificial teeth on gold, silver, rubber and celluloid plates, at prices to suit the times. Office on North side Park, over Parker’s dry goods store, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. ~~~ Retail Price List at EXCELSIOR MILLS, Corrected Daily by L. KETCHAM & BROS., Propr’s. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. ~~~~~ A stroll in the north part of the city showed more or less improving had been done during the summer in different locations. A few new buildings have been erected, but the greatest amount of work done has been in repairing and adding new additions to dwellings, painting, etc. The new school house makes a fine appearance, and will be quite an ornament to that part of the city when completed, and no doubt but those living north of the C. B. & Q. track will soon be turning up their noses at the other part of the city over having a brand new, nobby school building, the Iowa University and the German college. The handsomest grounds in the city limits are north of the colleges to the corporation limits, and any nicer locations for building upon are not to be found. The ground is high and rolling, and commands a view west, north and east as far as the eye can reach. -- The woodlands along the banks of Big Creek north and west gives a wild romantic scene to lovers of nature, while eastward is beautiful prairie, reaching away in the dim distance, dotted over with handsome farm houses, orchards and artificial groves. ~~~~~ H. TROUGHTON, Dealer in FRESH MEATS of all Kind The highest market price paid in cash for hides. First door north of A. Singer & Co’s Bakery, Mt. Pleasant. ~~~ E. DAWSON & Co. Dealers in FRESH MEATS North Jefferson Street. This firm having opened out a Meat Market in J. Keifer’s old stand, respectfully invite the public to give them a call. They will endeavor to have on hand each morning , choice fresh beef, veal and mutton. -- prices as liberal as elsewhere in the city. ~~~ George L. Talbot’s patent metallic shank will make boots or shoes wear a third longer. No boot or shoe should be made without having them. ~~~ Billy Wilson, one of the boss painters in the city, is now engaged putting the finishing touch on Leonard Farr’s new mansion on the corner of Clay and Marion streets. ~~~ GREAT RUSH! At the SQUARE DEALING STORE. For the latest style Dress Goods Our cashmers, silks and velvets are the best values ever offered in this state. A. S. HUNTER’S. Whose prices are always the lowest. All goods warranted and no shody either. No. 13 West Side. ~~~ A pigeon shooting took place Saturday afternoon, on the common west of the fair ground. As the wind was blowing quite strong, the party was of the opinion some pretty wild shooting would be done, as the birds would be very likely to dart downward the moment they were thrown from the trap, which a number of them did, especially the older birds. The following named gentlemen did the shooting, and their score out of fifteen birds each: J. F. Sargent - 10 Capt. Beckwith - 6 Joe. Bangham - 6 Evert Beckwith - 9 Frank Porter - 8 Dr. Pitcher - 10 J. F. Sargent and Dr. Pitcher having tied, took a shot each to decide the contest, which resulted in the Doctor’s favor, by him killing his bird, and Mr. Sargent missing. The last bird thrown from the trap for Mr. S. was the most difficult shot in the entire number, and not one expert in a thousand could have brought it ???. A number of ladies and gentlemen were on the ground to witness the shooting, and enjoyed the sport, but at the same time thought it rather cruel to shoot the innocent birds down in that manner for amusement. We must agree with the ladies that it did not look a very humane act on the part of the shootists, and are of the opinion that to use glass balls instead of innocent birds on such occasions as much or more skill can be shown, and would be altogether more pleasant to the feelings of spectators witnessing the contest. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Transcribed and contributed for Henry County IAGenWeb by Pat Ryan White, July, 2019. |
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