Harrison County Iowa Genealogy


Page 640

Nels PETERSON, located on section 20, of Allen Township, has been a resident of Harrison County for twenty-one years. It was in the autumn of 1860, when he located in Raglan Township, where he worked for his uncle the first year. He worked for various ones for ten years in Harrison County, and then went to California and worked at farming and mining for six years, and then returned to Iowa and bought the farm he now lives upon, consisting of a quarter section of well improved land. Among the improvements he has placed upon his farm may be mentioned a good granary, a fine grove of trees, whose towering braches doubtless, oft remind him of his native land beyond the sea. His place also is provided with an orchard of one hundred trees, which adds much to its value.

The man for whom this sketch is written, was born in Sweden, February 17, 1851, and is the son of Peter and Breta Christena LARSON, who reared a family of seven children, our subject being the eldest. They were named as follows: Nels, Carl, August, Gustave, Alfred, Elizabeth, deceased, and Emma. All of these children who are now living are residents of America, except Emma.

Our subject came to American when nineteen years of age, and from New York harbor came direct to Harrison County, Iowa. He was married November 26, 1885, to Sylvia STREETER, daughter of Ransom and Sarah STREETER, natives of Vermont and Iowa respectively.

Mr. and Mrs. PETERSON have been blessed in their home by the birth of three children--Julia, Eve and Alfred.

Politically, Mr. PETERSON votes with the Alliance party.

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