Harrison County Iowa Genealogy


Page 478

George MUSGRAVE, editor of the Nucleus, at Logan, Iowa, is a native of England, and has been connected with the newspaper press longer than almost any other man in Western Iowa, and has lived in Harrison County since 1851, two years before the organization of the county. He was born in Westmoreland County, in the North of England, June 2, 1838, and is the son of Richard and Margaret (BAILEY) MUSGRAVE. His grandfather was Thomas Musgrave, and on the mother's side the grandfather was John BAILEY. Our subject was one of a family of seven children, three of whom are now living. The early days of his childhood were spent in his native land, but his early education was received in the schools of St. Louis, and Harrison County, Iowa. His father's family came to America in 1847, locating in St. Louis, his father being a machinist. Four years later they came to Harrison County, locating near where Woodbine now stands, at which place the parents died. Our subject was engaged as a printer on the Harrison County Republican, at Magnolia, and after one year purchased a half interest n the same and continued to operate it for twelve years in Magnolia, but in 1872, after the building of the Northwestern Railway, he moved the plant to Logan, the name of the paper having been changed to the Western Star. Four years later he sold the plant, which was removed, to Harlan. In 1870, he established the Reporter at Dunlap. He also published the Tekamah Herald, of Nebraska one year. He started the Woodbine Twiner in 1879 and operated it until 1885, when he sold it to J. D. DeTAR and then leased the Courier, at Logan, for one year. At the expiration of this time started the Logan Observer, which he conducted five years and then sold to J. C. McCABE. May 24, 1890, appeared the first number of his present journal, the Nucleus.

In 1863, Mr. MUSGRAVE was appointed Sheriff of the county by the Board of Supervisors to fill a vacancy. He is a member of Lodge No. 355, I. O. O. F., at Logan.

Mr. MUSGRAVE was married in January, 1861, at Magnolia, Iowa, to Miss Amanda HETHERINGTON, the daughter of Townsend and Nancy HETHERINGTON, natives of New York. After Mr. HETHERINGTON'S death the widow and her family came to Harrison County in 1855. Mr. and Mrs. MUSGRAVE are the parents of six children, now living and named as follows; Edgar W., Marie L., Maggie May, George R., Maude A. and Aggie J.

Mr. MUSGRAVE is a keen forcible writer, as is evinced from a glance at the various newspaper files on the Missouri slope, with which he has been connected during the last quarter of a century. More than can be said of this man's journalistic ability in this connection will be found in the various village and town histories in which he has published papers, but suffice to say that he is a thorough-going, practical newspaper man.

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