IAGenWeb Project

Hamilton County IAGenWeb

Druid's Siding

By Martin E. Nass

Transcribed for the IAGenWeb Project by Janelle Martin, with permission of Martin "Ed" Nass.

Druid's Siding was the name given to a railroad siding on the Illinois Central Railroad. It was located in NE/SE Sec 32-89-24 in Blairsburg Township, about a mile east of present day Stonega. This siding served as a loading area for area farmers and was located on land owned by George H. Reinicker.

In 1924, the name was changed to Reinicker, for the owner of the land. On some maps, the name is spelled Reinecker. Edmund Seiser of Webster City related to the author that when he came to the area on a train, he disembarked at Reinicker, the only stop between Blairsburg and Webster City.