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Guy and Leota (Black) Towne

Guy and Leota (Black) Towne, Guthrie County, IA

Mr. & Mrs. Guy Towne observed their seventieth wedding anniversary Friday, March 2, in their home in Jamaica.

Their daughter, Mrs. Esther Bohner of Grand Junction, spent Friday with them. Their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Moriarty of Omaha, came Sunday and remained until Monday morning. The Townes have two sons, Tom of Dawson, and Ralph of Des Moines, who were unable to be with them.

The bride of seventy years was Mrs. Leota Black before becoming the bride of Guy Towne March 2, 1892. The ceremony was performed in the George Heater home in Jamaica. It was a double wedding. The other couple was Martha Smith and Ernest Towne, brother of Guy.

Mr. and Mrs. Towne have lived all of the 70 years in the Jamaica community and have many friends. They received flowers, telephone calls and many cards to help remember this happy day.

The News Gazette joins in extending best wishes and congratulations to this venerable couple.