Mrs. William Tracy | Mrs. Eder B. Newton |
Mrs. Thomas Seely | Mrs. Charles Huxley |
Mrs. John Magart | Mrs. Dr. J. Y. Hopkins |
Mrs. Charles Ashton | Mrs. James McLuen Sr |
Mrs. Andrew Hazelet | Mrs. Samuel Reed |
Mrs. John E. Motz | Mrs. Culbertson Reed |
Mrs. James Mercer | Mrs. G. E. Price |
Mrs. W. H. Taylor | Mrs. . Decker |
Mrs. Elias Kostenbader | Mrs. Ed Dosh |
Mrs. E. Y. Thomas | Mrs. Eliza Bentley Huxley |
The memory of the men who projected and developed Guthrie Center, Iowa, is precious and very interesting, Their fearless self-reliance, their prophetic faith in things, their energy, their hospitality and friendships, their fixed unwavering purposes, their loyalty to convictions, and their love of country and God, are virtues that gave them high rank in the useful citizenship of our country, typical and worthy of emulation.
If these things can be said of the fathers of the primitive and formative days of our town, ought we fail to memorialize the wives and mothers of those days and allow their names and their connection with those times and events to be forgotten and buried in the great sea of oblivion? No measure can be put upon their burdens, their sacrifices, their toil and their influence.
Love for husband, family and home, developed ambitions, in their minds a zeal that made them brave and courageous, and they met the adventure of the untamed west with a challenge, and, ever at the elbows of their dear ones, they kept the skirmish line of pioneer warfare marching, fighting, advancing, overcoming, triumphant.
Some philosopher wrote the following pledges; our mothers perfornaed them:
"What can I do? I can talk out when others are silent. I can say man when ethers say money. I can stay up when others are asleep. I can keep working when others have stopped to play. I can give life big meanings when others give life little meanings. I can say love when others say hate. I can try events by a hard test when others try it by an easy test. What can I do? I can give myself to life when others refuse themselves to life."
Names of Women, Pioneers in the Settlement and Development of Guthrie Center, Co-workers at Planting Tim, Their Practical Services and Inspiring Ideals are here Acknowledged and Memorialized. | |
With Love and Honor we Enshrine Them. Elbert Wright Weeks. |
Ann McCann was born April 16, 1821, in Guernsey county, Ohio, and was married to William Tracy October 24, 1845; came to Guthrie county in 1855, settled and established a home upon the land that was afterwards (in 1856) platted as the town of Guthrie Center.
She was Captain Tracy's second wife. There were born to them eight children, three sons and five daughters. There were two children by the captain's first marriage.
She was one of those rugged, masterful characters who always kept her part of the domestic affairs of the family well in hand.
Whatever project or adventure "Pap" (as she called the Captain) undertook, she with unwavering confidence and no questions, was his help meet. She was practical, rather than sentimental. "Pap" chartered the course, she with indomitable will moved her world of domestic affairs, in the orbit thus indicated with perfect harmony and fidelity. Housing and feeding a dozen or more extra, or caring for the preacher and his family, or giving help and encouragement to some sick or homesick neighbor were opportunities for practical hospitality and ministration which she met with hearty good will, and with free and liberal offerings.
She was a member of the M. E. church. Her religion was practical and she lived it honest, loving, a true and real mother. She went to her final home February 16, 1891, and Brother Charles Ashton said of her in his "Memoriam"--'Her years were years of toil, her eternity will be a cycle of rest."
Louisa Bike was born at Aaronsburg, Penn., November 22, 1828, and was married to Eder Barnum Newton at Guthrie Center, Iowa, March 22, 1858. Mrs. Newton was one of the trio who projected and platted the Guthrie Center town-site in April, 1856. They established their home at the foot of what was called the Newton Hill, northwest from town one and half miles. Six children were born to them.
The Bikes were "Pennsylvania Dutch," intense Unionists, dependable and true to every good and praiseworthy movement.
The subject of this sketch, her sisters, Mrs. Alanson Hill and Mrs. Mann, the mother of Mrs. P. L. Sever, with Mrs. Farnsworth, mother of Mrs. Charley Hill and Mrs. Thomas Seely, procured the materials and made a flag for a company of Union volunteers, raised in the county, and as the company departed for the front, it was presented to the boys, with a great public demonstration of patriotism. The boys brought it back, with a record of glory and service, to become, as it is yet, a choice and highly prized souvenir and token of loyalty and devotion.
The Bikes were Lutherans, faithful and true to fundamentals. In their domestic life they were of the highest type. In all branches of house keeping they were very proficient. In all the ventures of her husband, in those primitive times of the early settlement of Guthrie county, and the building up of its county seat, she was his true supporter, co-partner, help mate. She passed away at the home of her daughter in California on May 25, 1919.
Her contribution to the world's values was a life of devotion, love and service.
Mary Parrish was born September 27, 1833, at Cambridge, Guernsey county, Ohio; her parents names were Isaac and Rachel (Haines) Parrish. From early colonial times the Parrish people could trace their affiliation with the Friends Church (Quakers). The family moved to McConnellsville, Ohio, and in 1854 emmigrated from there to Fort Des Moines, Iowa. Later the family moved upon a large tract of farm land near Guthrie Center; there she was married to Hon. Thomas Seely on January 4, 1857. Her honeymoon was accompanying her husband by stage to Iowa City and spending the winter there with him, while he attended the celebrated 1857 Constitutional Convention, to which he was a delegate from the 27th District, composed of Polk, Dallas and Guthrie counties.
The Seely home was established upon the farm now known as the "Billy Wilson farm", southeast of town a couple of miles. Being so near Guthrie Center their social life was closely connected therewith and its interests and the activities of its people were obligations and responsibilities assumed and participated in with zeal and patriotic pride. Seely was a statewide character, keen, shrewd, a deep thinker, very diplomatic and honorable in all his social relations. In 1859 he was a member of a committee composed of John A. Kasson and H. M. Hoxie and others to organize the Republican party in Iowa. At the beginning of the Civil War he raised and equipped Company C of the 4th Iowa Infantry and served as Captain of the company until stricken with typhoid fever and sent home on account of sickness. In 1864 he was appointed Register of the U. S. Land Office in Des Moines. He served as Commissioner of the Swamp Land fund for Central Iowa for a number of years and was a member of the 17th General Assembly.
At one time he was appointed by the Governor, with Hon. John A. Kasson and Col. I. M. Griffith, to check over the financial affairs of the state.
In all of the political activities of her versatile husband, this wife and mother took her place and part. She was the ruler of the domestic affairs of the family and with great care and love brought up and educated the six children, three boys and three girls, Clarence, Horace, Etta, Kate, Margaret and Ray.
Mrs. Seely was a cultured lady, gracious, polished, refined. The impress of her delightful personality was indelibly fixed upon all those whose privilege and pleasure it was to meet her.
Ann Ball was born in Tunstall, England, and grew to womanhood and married a tailor there by the name of Charles Huxley; migrated to America and came within the influence of William Tracy, and landed in November 1855, upon the wild prairie holdings of his, that afterwards became the town of Guthrie Center.
The family of seven existed in a shanty 12x12, with. no floor, during the winter of 1856. In the meantime Huxley built a log "mansion" 18xl6 on the north side of State street, a little east of the center of Block 27, in the newly platted town of Guthrie Center. It was the first one in the town.
Ann Huxley's world was her own family circle. She was a modest, retiring and loving soul, kind, patient and motherly.
The hardships and trials of the pioneer days were ever met with a smile of submission and fortitude. She was a typical home keeper. She had no business elsewhere. Society and community affairs were without interest to her. Her husband was true, faithful and trustworthy in all of his affairs, both official and personal. She likewise was devoted and consecrated unto her family.
Born at Burslem, Staffordshire, England, December 26th, 1831. Her parents were Eli and Maria Bentley. At the age of sixteen she came to America to live with an aunt in New York City. Was thirty days coming over in a sailing vessel. She was married to William Vernon Huxley, May 2nd, 1850, at Green Point, a suburb of New York City. The family lived there until 1857 when they migrated to Guthrie Center, accompanied by. a maiden sister Caroline, who stopped and taught a term of school at Marengo.
Guthrie Center was a very primitive place. They occupied the first log cabin built in the town. The husband worked at his trade as a carpenter and was county superintendent of schools. In 1862 he enlisted; was Second Lieutenant of the Company.
The subject of this sketch, with her family, three small children, away from neighbors, people, kin and home, the husband and father fighting the battles of his country, experienced hardships and privations not described by the word depression. It was a deep and sombre valley of tragedy and horror.
The husband was recommended for a Captaincy, and she managed to get the family to Washington, D. C., during the closing years of the war. The family finally settled at Jersey City, New Jersey. The husband died there, and the widow, with the family moved to Medford, Mass., where they resided for three years, then they came back to Iowa in November, 1877. The family consisted of five children: Charles, Annetta, Anna, Tommy, Henry and the mother. She possessed such great ability as a natural nurse that she was ever at the bedside of motherhood, easing pain and hushing the cry of the new born. Her throne among the children of earth would be the humble rocker, with a cooing babe upon her knees. She was the "motherest" mother the writer ever knew.
She died at Guthrie Center, Iowa, September 12th, 1912. Her loving motherly soul knew no barrier that would prevent her from ministering to the sick, and taking in her arms and caring for the dainty babe and miraculously building a spark of life into health and strength.
Let the wail of a new born babe be heard, and it will not require a trumpet sound to arouse Mother Huxley on Resurrection morning. She lived and had joy unto herself by unselfish service.
Esther Garoutte was of the sixth generation from King Louis, the 16th of France, whose descendant she was. She was born near Cincinnatti, Ohio, October 30, 1927, and was married in 1850 to Samuel Sloane, a medical student in the Cincinnatti College of Medicine. She joined her husband in his medical studies and became well versed in therapeutics. When the husband completed his medical studies they moved to Sioux City, Iowa, where she helped him in his practice. Was thrown among the Indians and became an expert in speaking their language and was used by the government as an official interpreter.
Dr. Sloane died in May, 1857, in Sioux City, Iowa, leaving his widow with three little children--Anna Sloane Tracy, now living in Los Angeles, California, Sam G. Sloane and Emma Sloane Foster, both deceased. Sam G. was a prominent editor in Iowa for thirty years, and was well known throughout the state. Emma Foster was a baby two months old at the time of her father's death. She bore the distinction of being the first white child born in Sioux City. Two years later Mrs. Sloane moved to Adel, Dallas county, where she raised her children.
In 1869 she married John W. Magart. After her marriage the Magart family moved to Guthrie Center and lived in a dwelling located back on the lot where the Alexander store is. The town well, called the "Magart Well" was on the east line of the First National Bank Building. Fighting pain and disease was Mrs. Magart's hobby. She had knowledge, having taken a course in Dr. Troll's famous water cure establishment in Florence Heights, New Jersey. She proved by fifteen years successful practice in Adel, Guthrie Center and vicinity, the efficacy of the application water as a curative agent. She had, in addition to knowledge, good judgment, and a prophetic grasp on things. She was, perhaps, not fully appreciated in her day, as water as a curative measure was in its infancy, yet she freely administered unto those who suffered. She was versatile, intelligent and an expert nurse, useful and willing. She was forceful, denouncing sham and deceit and always had the courage of her convictions, and. with all a good neighbor. She was a factor in the development of Guthrie Center. and left a lasting memory with those who knew her. There are those living who can testify to the energy, kindness and influence of this descendant of the Royalty of France.
Mary Ann Needham was born on October 26, 1826, in Guernsey county, Ohio, and was married to Dr. John Young Hopkins on August 4. 1852, in Ohio. In 1853 they emmigrated from Ohio to Oskaloosa, Iowa, where the doctor began the practice of his profession. During the Civil war he served as Regimental Surgeon for one of the volunteer regiments from Iowa. In 1869 the family moved to Guthrie Center. They occupied the brick house where Will Grandstaff now lives.
In the meantime the doctor had bought a tract of land a couple of miles northwest of town and began.the development of a fine farm, now known as the "Hess Holdings." In 1874 the family rented the brick dwelling in town and moved on the farm. The doctor practiced medicine, the wife supervised and reared five children, Frank M., Webster C., Harry L., Ed. W., and Cary N. Their home being so near town their interest and influence were continually manifest therein.
Mrs. Hopkins was a strong, forceful character, dominating the family, always having a firm grasp upon its interests and activities, practical, aggressive and leading in social life. She was largely responsible for the bringing up and educating the five boys of the family, who grew up to manhood and began their life work from different angles, each becoming pre-eminently successful.
Mrs. Hopkins was an active member of the M. E. church in Guthrie Center, and she, with the other members of the family, were faithful attendants at its services.
In times and places of sorrow, emergency and need, this good woman was ever present--doing, serving, sympathizing. She passed away November 11, 1903, and was buried beside the doctor in the old cemetery at Gnthrie Center.
May Haverfield was born November 6, 1823, upon the Haverfield farm in Richland county, Ohio. This family was a prominent one in that region; its founders and members had been active and useful in the development and settlement of that wild and Indian infested part of the state. They were a dependable people, taking part in the labor and conflicts incident to pioneer activities and the settlement of a new and wild country,--brave, unselfish and hospitable.
Their farm came to them by grant from a grateful government, and without transfer or impairment up to this day (April, 1931) has been kept in the family nearly a century.
Miss Haverfield was married to Mr. Charles Ashton on June 22, 1845. Soon after her husband was called to preach and began serving the Methodist Episcopal church as pastor in and about Richland county, Ohio.
The family moved from Lafayette, Ohio, to Iowa, where the Rev. Charles Ashton began his very useful ministry in the Des Moines, Iowa, conference, serving among other places at Dexter, Carlisle, Harlan and Guthrie Center, all places of importance and responsibility.
The home life of this family was not fixed or permanent during its first thirty-five years.
In 1880 the husband retired from the ministry, and the family took possession of a permanent home at Guthrie Center.
The Ashtons bought The Guthrian, and the father became its editor.
For nineteen years, plus the years of the pastorate in the early seventies, this super-mother was active with her family in the domestic, social and church life of Guthrie Center. Eleven children were born unto her; among them were editors, farmers, teachers, one veteran of the Civil war and one district court official. September 18, 1899, the subject of this sketch passed away, leaving memories of unstinted service and love.
Her life was not so demonstrative and prominent as others perhaps, but with modest and unobtrusive deportment she accomplished her tasks and purposes, imparting that motherly love, so characteristic of her, to her family and a sweet christian influence upon all, the sum of which cannot be estimated.
Bedelie Neary was born in Ireland. She was of Scotch and Irish descent. At the age of sixteen in the home of her girlhood she was married to James McLuen, their honeymoon trip was a six weeks over-seas voyage in a sailing vessel to America. They landed in Canada, and from there went to Ohio, migrating from there to Guthrie county, Iowa, in 1856. Here the McLuens developed a large farm of more than 620 acres on Brushy Fork, two and one half miles east from the projected town of Guthrie Center. Twelve children were born to these folks, including mechanics, auctioneers, milliners, housewives and preachers. Later in life the old folks left the farm and passed their declining days in Guthrie Center.
Mother McLuen was greatly loved by her neighbors and because she ministered unto them in their stress and sickness she became very dear to them.
She brought over from her Scotch and Irish ancestry a knowledge of the medical uses of certain teas, roots and herbs and she was never too busy with her large family and her domestic duties to keep her from golng to the beside of pain and suffering and there soothe and cure, a wide circle of beneficiaries of her skill grew up to call her blessed. She was a devout christian. Church privileges in those primitive days were scant. She, however, maintained the "family altar" from which radiated righteousness and truth.
In June, 1898, she passed from her earthly home to her celestial mansion, eternal in the heavens, leaving memories of an ideal mother and a serving, kind and loving neighbor.
Margaret Jane Johnson was born in Harrison county, Ohio March 18, 1828, at Cadiz, Ohio.
She was married to Andrew Hazelet, a saddle and harness maker. They lived at Senacaville, Ohio until 1868, when they moved to Guthrie Center. The Hazelets were members of the Wesleyan Methodist church. They were very active leaders and workers in that church at Guthrie Center. Mrs. Hazelet was the mother of seven children, four girls and three boys. She was a reigning queen in all domestic affairs, her house keeping was immaculate, her home made hominy, pickles and butter were much sought after by her neighbors, and they were glad to get these items of food from her in those primitive days. She had three brothers, all lawyers, one migrated to California in 1848, and was massacred by the Indians in Arizona in 1876, one practiced law in Floyd county, Iowa, until his death in 1879, the other, the youngest, studied law under the great Abraham Lincoln and stumped the state of Illinois in his behalf.
This mother did her own house keeping with no hired help--resourceful, self supporting. She, with the family, attended church, Sunday school and preaching regularly and faithfully during the years, without neglect or slight of any of her house keeping affairs.
She was well born, she ordered her life with wisdom, diligence and loving service. Surely the influence of her untiring usefulness and sweet personality overstepped the boundaries of her family horizon and left its impress upon a wide circle of social life. The Hazelet home was at the northwest corner of Ninth and State streets, now occupied by the modern dwelling of the late J. W. Lambert. She passed away October 26, 1906.
Anna Rose was born in Guernsey county, Ohio, December 15, 1813, and was married to Samuel Reed in said county April 5, 1832. Moved to Guthrie Center in October, 1856. The family was six weeks on the way. The Reeds built and opened for service the first hotel or tavern in Guthrie Center. It stood at the northeast corner of State and Fifth streets where the Standard Oil station is now located. The hotel stable faced on State street where the Rorick Brick Block and city hall now stand.
In those days a stable or barn was necessary to house the teams of the travelers.
This hostelry was called the Ohio Hotel. Mrs. Hannah McLuen now living in the northeast part of town cooked and served the first hotel breakfast in Guthrie Center. The fear that the meal would not be ready on time and suit the guests kept her awake nearly all of the night before. Mrs. Reed's sweet, motherly character and excellent cooking endeared her to the travelling public and the Ohio Hotel did a good business and had an attractive and extensive reputation. Buckwheat cakes, hot biscuits, honey and home made sausage and roast beef were the outstanding features of its menus.
Mrs. Reed was the mother of eleven children, who came and settled in and about Guthrie Center, becoming farmers, soldiers, housewives and one, a preacher. She and her husband left the hotel and improved a fine homestead out on Brushy in Victory township, now the beautiful home of L. H. Ervin.
November 20. 1890, Grandma Reed, much loved. and greatly respected, folded her hands and gave place in the ranks of the living to others, leaving rich and delightful memories with all those whose privilege it was to have known her.
Catherine Stover, "Cassie," as she was called in her girlhood days, was born at Millheim, Center county, Pennsylvania, November 11, 1827; grew up and was married there to John E. Motz in 1846. She was the twelfth child in a group of fourteen brothers and sisters. The Motz family migrated from their Millheim home in Ohio to Guthrie Center in 1859.
John E. Motz was the dry goods merchant of Guthrie Center in the early days and the Motz home was developed in the midst of its most active village life.
The street life of the town was always close to the doors and windows of the Motz home, a difficult environment for the family circle and sacredness of domestic activities; notwithstanding these things this home, under the guiding power of the mother, developed and grew along lines of substantial hospitality and orderly living and became ideal in its influence and a delight to those who enjoyed its privilege. Four children, two girls and two boys, came to bless it.
With true devotion and faithful spirit Sister Motz adhered to and gave practical expression in her daily life to that simple form of worship and fellowship with the Master, so characteristic in the rural life of central Pennsylvania.
Her domestic affairs were never so ordered as to prevent her from attending all the functions of her beloved M. E. church. Psalm 37, verse 23 may be applied to her:
She was naturally very modest and retiring in her disposition and daily life, but bold in inviting sinners to the "Mourners' Bench" in times of special services. Her Master's call and service were ever imperative.
November 11, 1928, she made her exit into that broader and "more abundant life," promised the faithful after having made her home over seventy years upon Block 27 of the original town plat of Guthrie Center.
Rebecca Buckley Rainey was born in Guernsey county, Ohio, December 24, 1837. She was married in the same county to Culbertson Fletcher Reed July 14, 1855 migrated to Guthrie county, Iowa, in 1857.
The young family moved onto and built up a fine farm home north of Guthrie Center, about four miles, on Brushy. Ten children came to bless this home, four boys and six girls. The family became actively identified with the Baptist church at Guthrie Center. For forty-one years these good people through sunshine and shadow, toiled and served, bearing their full share of the burdens of pioneer life, holding high the standards of christian living and church loyalty. They brought to the new, untamed and formative times of the early days that hospitality, fellowship, God fearing and God worshiping characteristics of the common folks of southeastern Ohio.
Culbertson F. Reed, the father and husband, under the inspiration and cheerful encouragement of his saintly wife, gradually and inevitably reached a period in his life when he must devote all his time to preaching. Thereupon the responsibilities of the domestic life of the family and management of the farm, fell upon the shoulders of "Sister Cul Reed" as she was familiarly called. Her cheery smile, happy, sunshiny disposition were the inspiration of a new hope and a new courage in many a weary soul, upon the life's highway.
The family moved to Palisade, Colorado, in 1898. Mr. Reed died in Palisade December 22, 1905, and Mrs. Reed died in Emmett, Idaho, ceptember 6, 1911. In a humble, modest way they lived, in a triumphant and victorious way they died, leaving influences and memories eternal.
Mrs. G. E. (Tave) Price, a dear sweet soul, loved and respected by all, was ever ready to canvass the congregations of the "protracted meetings" for repentant sinners. With her winsome and appealing smile, and motherly words she drew many a sinner to the "mourner's bench," and there kneeling by them imparted such lessons from the Holy Scriptures and prayed such prayers, that utlimately [sic ultimately] penitents would be started upon their happy ways Heavenward, with memories thrilling their souls of God Bless Mother Price.
She was a very dependable and useful saint during seasons of special evangelizing endeavor.
Julia A. Delano was born near the Canadian line in the state of Vermont, May 18, 1834. She was the daughter of Hibbard and Samantha Delano. This family migrated to Hancock county, Illinois, in 1848, and was composed of the parents and seven children, five boys and two girls. Three of the brothers were Union Volunteers in the Civil war, two of whom gave their lives in defense of the flag, two of the brothers were Baptist preachers, Rev. A. J. Delano was pastor of the church in Guthrie Center in 1878, and was the acting minister at the marriage of the writer to Lorena Bower in June, 1878. Miss Julia A. Delano was married to James E. Mercer in Hancock county, Illinois, October 21, 1856. The Mercers migrated to Guthrie county, Iowa; in April, 1879. For more than forty years this woman was an active and prominent character in this community, capable, prophetic -filled with and impelled by a passionate ardor for the right. and good, she was a leader in group activities.
She had a frank, winsome way, a cheerful optimistic personality that gave her power and influence. In church, Sunday school, social and fraternal activities she was foremost, dependable, useful, she was one of the most important and influential characters in the pioneer and developing group of Guthrie Center. Her domestic life was not neglected, it was ideal. Six children came to bless and honor her. With a remarkable demonstration of regard and affection the neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Mercer gathered about them October 21, 1916, and celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary. It was a joy and blessed privilege to know these folks.
January 26, 1918, Mrs. Mercer joined the celestial circle of her friends, and her life became a memory. She was the author of the following poem, which is a classic and shows a poetic mind and genius of high order:
"Weep not for me when I am dead,
I cannot leave out of this group, a quartet of dear souls about which biographical details are lacking, nevertheless they merit mention and remembrances. They were influential in shaping destinies, and building characters, each was especially strong in some particular phase of religious or domestic life, for which she was in some mysterious way peculiarly fitted.
Contemporaneous with Sister Price. was Sister W. H. Taylor, or "Ma Taylor." She was the mother of a large family of daughters and her ambition was to make of them queens in the realm of domestic life. The family circle, housekeeping and the home were degrees in her college "of the busy hands." Her motherly ways and domestic habits attracted the girlhood of the community. She was an ardent Baptist, and with her many church and domestic activities she would be faithfully and successfully teaching a class of girls in the Sunday school. The girls in her classes, under her influence and personality, who were old enough to have "homing instincts" canonized "Ma Taylor," her example and her inspiration gave form to ideals that raised to higher and better levels, motherhood and home life. May God multiply her race.
Mrs. Decker was the mother-in-law of F. A. Mann, an editor of Guthrie Center in the early days. She was related to Judge Gresham, Secretary of State in President Cleveland's cabinet.
Sister Kostenbader was the daughter of Ben Levan. Her husband was a local preacher in the M. E. church, and a very faithful worker therein.
These two women were the most powerful in prayer of all the writer has heard, during a life time among religious people. It must be borne in mind that formal worship was performed exclusively, or largely so, by the preacher in charge, so far as sermons were involved during our primitive days.
At prayer meetings, and at altar services, the laity were called upon to take part. Each of these women was often called upon and always responded. They had power with God.
Without sermons or songs one of their prayer meetings would be so filled with religion and "the spirit" congregations would be filled with a whole Sabbath day's worship, an atmosphere of righteousness and a holy personality were theirs, and a hush and expectancy thrilled their hearers, as they, from their knees, solemnly and with great reverence offered their gratitude, praise and petitions to a hearing and loving Jehovah. They did not do their services as co-partners, their peculiar powers were manifest by them individually.
Speaking of heart throbbing righteousness, piety and effective worship, there seemed to be a grip in and about the christianity of "pioneer days" that seems lacking in our modern church programs of vested choirs, pipe organs, special music, interludes, postludes, offertory, recitations of creeds and prayers.
In those early days of sparsely settled areas each had a personal interest in the other and close personal relations grew and developed. The griefs and joys of one were known and shared by all.
A young man breaking away from the old home and its family circle, battling for, and aspiring to the establishment of a home of his own, became hungry for the fellowship and encouragement of such dear motherly souls.
The writer personally knew those mentioned in the foregoing feeble memory lines, and from many words and acts of regard and interest he recalls with vivid distinctness the whispered prayer and invitation to become a christian by two of them as they canvassed the congregations during a protracted meeting.
January 13th, 1867, Elizabeth Jane Marshman and Richard F. McLuen were married at Old Carrollton, Iowa.
In 1872 they established a home at the northwest corner of Seventh and State street, Guthrie Center, Iowa. Here at a busy corner of the town, where happy jubilant children passed to and fro, church worshipers assembled, and neighbors were going back and forth; close to, and a part of the busy activities of the town, was for sixty years the fireside of Aunt Jane and Dick McLuen. Here the children John, Mayme and Edward grew up, went to school and started the voyage of living for themselves. Aunt Jane, as she was lovingly called, was first a mother and a good house wife. She always had her home and domestic affairs well in hand. The responsibilities and burdens of the family she assumed, met and solved with love and patience. Hospitality, good cheer were always manifest in this home.
The father (Dick) answered the final roll call in March, 1921, John, the eldest son, April 2nd, 1928, and the final summons to Aunt Jane, September 29th, 1932. Sixty years of active life, in the highest realm that comes to woman--home, mother.
Sister Jane loved her family and her neighbors, nature and the out of doors. She was always true and loyal to the good, the church and what it stood for. She was an active member of the Christian church. She enjoyed her fraternal ties, and the fellowship of her brothers and sisters was a source of mutual pleasure and delight.
She was active in O. E. S., W. R. C., Rebekah and W. C. T. U. She was ever present ministering and comforting those who mourned and were bearing heavy burdens. Her presence and good cheer was a benediction at many a bed side of this community.
Jane McLuen brought her offerings to the development and growth of Guthrie Center in the form of well doing the royal duties of a loving serving neighbor and mother. No earthly queen or potentate outranks her in the world of practical usefulness.
In the history of Guthrie Center two persons stand out as prominent and attractive characters, who gave to the community lives of service, that were of tremendous power and influence in shaping and developing the mental and spiritual drift of the young. The importance of their work, and its effect on society are incomparable, Mrs. Ed Dosh, the school-mam from Stuart, and Mrs. E. Y. Thomas each found contact for effective usefulness in Sunday school work.
Minta Anderson was born in Beaver, Pennsylvania, about seventy-five years ago. After her education she taught in the primary department of the Stuart schools. There she married Ed Dosh, and shortly thereafter they settled in Guthrie Center. During her active life of more than thirty years she taught continuously the primary class of the M. E. Sunday school. She organized, taught and sweetly lead the little ones into paths of righteousness and peace, helping their young minds to unfold and get a grasp in a simple and fundamental fashion upon the mighty truths of the Bible. She was greatly beloved by a myriad of children, her pupils, and rughly honored and appreciated by the parents and patrons of the school.
It can be truly said of her that she surely received a joyous welcome as she entered her Heavenly Home. She passed from earthly recitations of the elementary lessons of the scriptures to their reality June 11, 1929. The field of her endeavor was rich and broad, its fruitage limitless.
Contemporaneous with Minta Dosh, but occupying and serving in a different field of the same character of work, was Emma Hazelet Thomas. She was born in Senacaville Ohio, December 24, 1851, came to Guthrie Center with her parents, the Hazelets, in 1868. She was married to Edward Y. Thomas April 2, 1869. Never strong physically, but powerful and winning in her christian personality, shaping, inspiring, controlling by her loving smiles, modest and eloquent words and prayers. She was an organizer, a ruler or leader of groups. Her peculiar powers became manifest in W. C. T. U. work. Had she continued her work therein, she would have become a national figure, as an officer in that organization. She however, devoted her life to the more modest work of the county Sunday school organization, and for sixteen years she was the chief administrator of that organization. She made an effective and successful factor out of it, for good, projecting new schools, reorganizing old and weak ones, and maintaining Sunday school work upon a higher level than theretofore.
She closed her earthly records and books December 19, 1929, after practically sacrificing her physical powers to what she conceived to be vital and important work. Emma Thomas was bigger than she knew, and her rank in the Army of Christian Workers will be a surprise when finally revealed to her earthly friends and co-workers.
"It is in loving, not in being loved The heart is blest; It is in giving, not in seeking gifts, We find our quest; Whatever be thy longing, or thy need That do thou give; So shalt thy soul be fed and thou indeed Shall truly live." |
Believing that these dear souls, in a wonderful way and fashion fitted into their times and places, to the full limit of their powers for usefulness and service, and that their ideals for activity and toil, were high and noble, and that their lives have the approval of Him who hath the destiny of the nations in His hands, impelled me to record the foregoing feeble lines of memory about them.
I am sure it is worth while to lay hold of their activities, their characteristics and their faithfulness, and thus secure to ourselves and posterity the ultimate of their example.
I close with loving acknowledgement of the influence and inspiration for good that has come to me from these lives.
Man may the sterner virtues know, |
November, 1932
UPON the World's surface Guthrie County is located between 41 and 42 parallels of North latitude, and between 90 and 95 west longtitude. It is in the fourth tier of counties from the south and fourth tier of counties from the west in the State of Iowa, U. S. A. It has an aera [sic area] of about five-hundred and seventy-six square miles.
The first settler came in the spring of 1848 and settled on Section 1, Township 78, North, Range 30, West 5th P. M. The county was organized as a municipality July 8th, 1851. Its first officers were elected August 2nd, 1851.
The county, as one of the municipalities of the commonwealth, has an extensive and favorable reputation throughout the state and beyond, wider, broader more favorable and influential perhaps than that of the average county of its size in the state, due to the number, character and influence of her citizens.
It is the judgement of the writer that the following persons, who had their origin in Guthrie County, or spent a major part of their early years therein, or who were chosen to some exalted position therefrom, have performed such extraordinary and noteworthy service and demonstrated such ability and genius in achievement that they are worthy of being classified as celebrities. They certainly have given a wide, and in many instances national, emphasis to the place of their origin and domicile, thereby proving themselves to be attractive features in the history of the county.
The facts and material set forth relative to the persons named are meager, owing to the health of the writer, and his purpose to do the service as a free-will offering to the memory and record of deserving contemporaries, friends:
Hon. Thomas Seely, | Capt. James A Lyon, |
Rev. Charles Ashton, | Dr. John Bower, |
Judge J.H. Applegate, | Rev. W. S. Jacoby |
were distinguished citizens, preeminently deserving a place in this class. Hereinbefore will be found feeble mention of their history which affords ample warrant for such classification, however there should be added to the record of Dr. John Bower the fact that he discovered the medicinal virtues of the juice from sour kraut and was the first to administer the same.
The demise of James Harvey Applegate (judge) makes necessary additional data to what appears hereinbefore. He died unexpectedly at his home Sunday morning, March 13th, 1932; the fifty-first anniversary of his admission to the Iowa Bar, and while serving during the third month of his forty-second consecutive year as District Judge of the Fifth Judicial District of Iowa. The following counties compose the district--Adair, Dallas, Guthrie, Madison and Marion. Forty-one years of his professional life of the fifty-one years devoted to official service.
Judge Applegate, with great ability and knowledge of the law, coupled with good nature, patience and an intense desire to do justice, made his court a place wherein trials were not dreaded, and the judgments thereof had the respect and confidence of litigants and the Bar.
The per cent of reversals of appealed cases in the Supreme Court of Iowa during the year 1928 was 28 2-3, or 28 out of every 100. while the per cent of reversals of Judge Applegate's decisions was only 7 out of every 100; about a fourth as many as the average throughout the state. In one or two cases appealed from the Judge's court, the Supreme Court adopted and quoted the written findings and opinions of Judge Applegate, affirming his rulings and using his own reasoning and language in doing so, a most remarkable record, showing accuracy of judgement and great legal ability.
The Judge was born in the state of Indiana in the year 1852; his parents brought him to Iowa in 1856.
His parents were Philander and Mary Anne (Dixon) Applegate. He was reared on a farm in Marion county, Iowa, educated in the district schools of that county, and Central University of Pella, Iowa; studied law in the office of Stone & Ayres at Knoxville, Iowa; was admitted to the Bar in 1881, came to Stuart and began the practice of his profession the same year, and moved to Guthrie Center in 1885, forming a partnership with Hon. John W. Foster.
He was a distinguished and useful official of the commonwealth, a strong pillar, bearing aloft the true and the good, in social life. His record will inspire and lead to loyal service and righteous citizenship.
Lawyer, banker, author, state senator, member Iowa State Board of Assessment and Review; codified and annotated tax laws of the State; dependable authority upon taxable values and Law of Taxation.
The senator comes of that stock of rugged, fearless and independent people, who believed that homes, farms and social life could be had and developed, more to their liking and convenience, in the prairie country west of the Mississippi, This belief became a conviction with them and with their energy and practical characteristics they, with others from Ohio and Indiana, became, in the early fifties, the pioneers of the middle west. The father of the Senator was James W. Foster, who was of that class that tilled; humble, honest and ambitious. The mother was Louise A. (nee) Elliott, who removed from North Carolinia, her native state, away from the hated fields of slavery to the more congenial community in the free state of Indiana. In 1855 these home builders migrated to Iowa, and settled in Cass township, Guthrie county, where they developed an ideal farm home of that type that has done so much to make Iowa great. Here the subject of this sketch was born and reared, here he shared in the activities of the formative days of the community, getting his education at the District school, at the State Agricultural College, at Ames, teaching and finally graduating with the law class of 1879 at the State University.
He served six years as County Auditor of Guthrie county, beginning in 1880. He also served as State Senator from the Audubon, Dallas, Guthrie district in three regular sessions and one extra session of the Legislature, and was appointed to membership on the State Board of Assessment and Review in July, 1929, by Governor John Hammill.
Shortly before his term as County Auditor expired he formed a law partnership with the late Judge Applegate who was then young and unknown to fame. Afterwards he bought out a set of abstract books and in 1886 founded a law, loan and abstract business in Guthrie Center which proved very lucrative. In 1885 he established his first bank, there being at that time three banks in Guthrie Center to-wit:
Center Bank, a private institution, owned by Rogers & Dewey, First National Bank. managed and controlled by E. C. Lane, and Citizens National, owned and controlled by Mr. Foster.
These banks were all consolidated and came under the management of Mr. Foster in March, 1912, and were carried on by him for several years as the First National Bank of Guthrie Center. At one time and another he was very substantially interested in a number of out-of-town banks.
He got on well financially for many years acquiring a very substantial competency. Then came financial losses incidental to the great depression which wrecked more than a third of all the banks in the United States. He retired from the banking business in March, 1930, at which time he owned a controlling interest in the First National Bank of Stuart, the Monteith Savings Bank of Monteith as well as the First National Bank of Guthrie Center, and has to his credit full payment of all depositors in his banks on the day of his retirement.
The Foster home in Guthrie Center was a home of culture and hospitality, a joy and delight to all the neighbors, attractive and remembered, because it was the habitation of service, sympathy and love. John Wasson Foster has proven himself great in small things, and now in his more mature years he is proving himself great in great things, to the advantage of the State and Nation.
A prominent jurist and judge. In 1917 served a short time as District Judge in the 15th Judicial District. Has served as associate Justice and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Iowa since May, 1917.
Now (1932) serving his third term. A very proficient and popular judge. Was born in Tama county December 27th, 1867. Graduate of Law Department State University class of 1890. Married Cora Patterson on May 13th, 1893.
The Judge grew to manhood and acquired his education while living with his parents and helping develop a farm in Dodge township, Guthrie county.
The Stevens family moved thereon from Tama county in 1881. The three brothers, Charles (deceased), Ed and Truman, worked and co-operated together until the farm was paid for, then it was Truman finished his education, and began his professional life. Ed remained on the farm and now owns and occupies it as a beautiful and typical Iowa home.
An expert in the World's economic and. financial affairs. Born at Panora, Iowa, January 15th, 1865. His father was Elijah J. Reynolds, his mother was Mary Anderson. He received his education in the Guthrie County High School, and a commercial course elsewhere. Was married to Elizabeth Hay at Panora, October 15th, 1884. One son was born, Earl H.
He began his banking life in the Guthrie National Bank, was in business in Hastings, Nebr., for a short while, was called to the Des Moines National where he served that institution with great success and skill until called to Chicago to become cashier of the Continental and Commercial National Bank. Thereafter his rise in the officiary of that institution and its successors was rapid and phenominal. His administration and influence in its tremendous affairs was brilliant and displayed genius and great ability. George, as we knew him in the primitive days, was not the Beau Brummel of society, as was his brother Arthur. His wife was an expert pianist and a delightful social factor with her music and charming womanly graces. About their home was an atmosphere of domestic bliss and joy that made it a happy place in which to live. The slogan of George's life as it touched the great industrial and financial elements in the world's commerce was "Fidelity, Square dealing." His conception and judgment of economic affairs attracted the attention of the nation's leaders incorporate activities, and he became a part of the officiary of great corporations, thereby having a share in the responsibilities of the world's affairs. He was .the adviser of, and accompanied the American Monetary Commission to Europe in 1908, at the request of the President. He was offered, but declined, the great office of Secretary of the Treasury in President Taft's cabinet.
It can be said of Mr. Reynolds that he is a gentlemen of wide experience, extensive travel and a very interesting forceful public speaker; that he is now and has been through the years a very useful and dependable factor in national affairs.
Born at Herriottville, Allegheny county, Pa., October 20, 1844. Died in Des Moines September 24, 1918. Burial at Stuart. Served three years in 1st Pa. Cavalry. In 1866 came to Scott county, Iowa, lived on a farm until 1873, then removed to Stuart. Elected treasurer of Guthrie County in 1878 and served four years. In 1894 elected treasurer of state and twice re-elected, serving six years. In 1901 elected lieutenant governor and re-elected in 1903, serving from January 1902 to January 1907, getting one extra year because of biennial election amendment. A very efficient and trustworthy servant of the people.
A statistician, author, lecturer, teacher. Born in Scott county, Iowa, October 19th, 1868. His parents were of that stock and class that has kept the great state of Pennsylvania in the front rank of states, patriotic, loyal and true to all the purposes and principles of our government, a prudent, thrifty, dependable people.
The subject of this sketch grew up in Stuart and Guthrie Center, where he obtained his elementary and high school education. His advanced education was obtained at Grinnell College and John Hopkins University.
Married Mary Haines of Grinnell, Iowa, in 1896. Served as Deputy Treasurer of State under his father. He took up the study and teaching of political economy, did editorial and research work along urban and social lines, making wise suggestions and practical and advanced methods relative to administration procedure thereof, many of which were enacted into laws.
His articles and lectures upon political, historical and social topics are recognized as authority, and received with great interest and profit by those who aspire to keep up with the advanced thought and literature of the present.
In 1903 he became identified with the faculty of Drake University as Professor of Social Science. During the years he has devoted his powers to the development and maintenance of that great institution and has been a teahcer of learning, inspiration and clear thinking to its vast student body. The Professor's genius as a teacher, his careful and continuous study, his personality, put him in the front rank of the Nation's educational life.
Son of Dr. John Young Hopkins and Mary Ann Needham, born at Oskaloosa, Iowa, came to Guthrie county in 1869, lived in Guthrie Center and upon a farm near by until he migrated to California in the eighties. The Needhams have been prominent and influential in the affairs of Iowa for the last seventy-five years.
A national authority upon taxable values and income therefrom. He is now serving his 25th year as assessor of Los Angeles county, state of California, to which office he is elected term after term, by the popular vote of the citizens of said county. Six hundred employees are required to do the ordinary business of his department, there are periods however, in the administration of its affairs when 1,250 employees are necessary. For the last fiscal year his department has listed and put upon the tax rolls of Los Angeles county $4,515,261,968.00 nearly the sum of the assessed values of the two states of Nebraska and Iowa, or the whole state of Missouri. Approximately he receives annually $7,000,000.00 certain taxes, which under the law are made payable to his department.
His equitable instincts and genial personality together with a genius that reveals to him a comprehensive and prophetic conception of the execution of laws, ordinances and rules relative to taxation, and municipal economics, makes of him a very popular and useful official. The citizens of the county are to be congratulated for retaining him in office, and thus having the affairs of this responsible and vital department of government so successfully administered.
Lawyer, national authority and expert upon questions or urban rules, ordinances and economic administering of municipal officiary. He began his career at Stuart, Iowa, and his successful results in solving the intricate and complex affairs of that muncipality, during a tremendous change in its industrial affairs, determined his life specialty.
Born in Guthrie Center, Iowa, December 31st, 1874. His parents were Ohio people. His father William LeVan, his mother was Harriett Bates.
He was graduated from the Guthrie Center High School 1890, from the engineering college of the State University of Iowa 1907. He was engaged in bridge engineering until 1919, in the midle west.
He designed and built large bridges in Des Moines, Iowa, Rockford, Illinois, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, Rochtester, Minnesota, Sioux Falls, South Dakota and Yellowstone National park. From 1919 to 1923 he was engaged in structural work, designing the structural features for many offices, industrial and school buildings, also during.this time he served on the Iowa State Board of Engineering Examiners.
In 1923 he moved to California and at once became active in bridge construction. The following are some of the larger and important ones designed and built by him in California:
Ninth Street, Los Angles, across Los Angeles river; Linda Vista bridge across the chasm of the Arryo Seco in Pasadena; Third street bridge in Santa Monica, and many others for the Los Angeles Mountain Park Co.
He is now superintendent of Buildings for the city of Santa Monica.
He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Has become an expert in his profession with a national reputation.
He was married on October 8, 1914, to Josephine Barbara Van Hemert of Stuart, Iowa, has one daughter, Barbara Jean, born September 2, 1915.
Is domestic in characteristics, attached to his home and profession, enjoys movies, plays the cello and helps with the music at the First Methodist Church of Hollywood.
A Missionary teacher,under the auspices of the M. E. Church, also in Diplomatic service. Was born in Guthrie county, April 30th, 1891. Her father Thomas C. Masters, her mother, Nancy Ellen (Nee) Conner. Her education was from the district school, Guthrie Center High School, Drake University and at Simpson College, supplemented by extensive post graduate study and reading. She is a very interesting and dependable lecturer upon the social and political affairs of India.
Financial and Banking Expert and Author.
Born at Panora, Guthrie county, Iowa, March 10th, l868. His father was Elijah J. Reynolds, and his mother's maiden name was Mary Anderson. Was married to Bertha Goodrich, and to them were born two children, Arthur J. and Jeanette.
He was educated at the Guthrie County High School, and the Congregational College at Grinnell, Iowa. He was in the drug business for 15 years at Panora. In 1895 he became cashier of the Guthrie County National Bank at Panora. In 1897 he became cashier of the Des Moines National Bank and was soon recognized as a leader in the financial affairs of the state of Iowa.
In 1915 he joined his brother, George M., by accepting the Presidency of The Continential and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank of Chicago. Since said date he has occupied a high place in the officiary of that institution and its successors. He has also served as anofficer in many of the great financial and Industrial corporations of Chicago. He was honored with the office of President of the American Bankers Association. His genius and great ability in the field of finance and economics has received national recognition.
His friends appriciate and recognize his great success in life and the high place he has attained in the commercial world, yet, those who were privileged to know him during his younger days remember his leadership and his clean gentlemanly conduct in the social life of Panora. He occupied an active and wholesome place in the different forums of society of his home town. He was dependable and fraternal with his friends and comrades and they delight to greet and welcome him back to the old scenes of his early days. Truthfully it can be said of him he loves the domestic or home life, art, books, and the "out-of-doors" is his delight. The aesthetic is dominant and always dear to him.
Born April 17, 1857, Crawford county, Wis., son of Patrick and Ellen Cummins Mahoney; came to a farm in Victory Township, Guthrie County, 1874. Taught in. District schools of the county. Assistant in Guthrie County High School. Was elected County Superintendent served one term 1881. Attended Catholic College at Dubuque, Notre Dame University, South Bend, Ind. Graduated from the college of Law, Iowa University in 1885. Located in Omaha, Nebr., where he became the leading trial lawyer in Nebraska. Died there April, 1917.
Cashier in State Treasurer's Office, serving under Hon. John Herriott and Hon. G. S. Gilbertson. Banker in South Dakota. Came into Guthrie county with his parents in 1872. Married Nellie H. McConnell May 5th, 1887, in Highland township, Guthrie county.
Now retired on account of his health, living an agricultural life in Southern Missouri.
He was born August 31st, 1871, at Geneseo, Ill. His parents were Joseph A. and Sarah (Fouts) McConnell, who migrated from Morgan county, Ohio, to Geneseo, Illinois, in 1854, and from there to Guthrie county, Iowa, in 1876.
Farmer, Banker, Investments, Manager extensive life insurance in Southern California.
The McConnell family settled upon a large tract of uncultivated prairie land in Highland Township. Under their management and labor it became one of the show farms of the county, noted for its crops, fruits, and stock products. It was an ideal home, known far and wide for its hospitality and good cheer.
Art, as he was familiarly called, was managing a grain elevator at Manilla, Iowa, at the age of twenty. A few years later he organized the McLean State Bank in Nebraska; sold out and in 1905; moved to Wessington Springs, South Dakota, becoming Cashier of the First National Bank at that place.
During the following twenty years he was interested in the banking business in South Dakota. In 1922 disposed of his banking interests and migrated to San, Diego, California, where he became interested in life insurance work and has developed a steadily growing business covering the counties south of Los Angeles, which is the most interesting and prosperous territory in the United States. The business multiplied, the responsibilities thereof became great and important, and the company, recognizing McConnell's ability and success, clothed him with the powers of Manager for Southern California. It is a safe prediction that the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company will continue to receive a liberal profitable share of the life insurance business from that region as a result of the hard work and energy of McConnell.
Distinguished financier, and important military officer during World War. Born at Panora, Iowa. His father, Col. Samuel D., mother Esther Hanyan Nichols. The father was Colonel in the Union Army during the Civil War. Son educated in Panora, a graduate from the Guthrie County High School.
The five years following 1888 was engaged in clerical service at county seat. Became interested in investments and finance. Was Asst. Cashier, Guthrie National Bank, of Panora, prominent in the life insurance business In Des Moines and Chicago.
Migrated to Los Angeles in 1903 and became cashier and later Vice-Pres. of the California Savings Bank; was identified with important financial corporations of Los Angeles until the World War; took an active part in developing the aviation branch of the service in Southern California. At close of the war was elected President of the Continential National Bank; later was appointed by Gov. Stephens President of the California Veterans Welfare Board.
In 1926 resigned and retired from business for rest and travel. While living in Guthrie Center was married to Effie Dell Gillespie; has one daughter, Marie V., wife of Prof. John O. Moseley of Norman, Okla.
The Captain and his charming wife maintain and enjoy a palatial home where they receive and entertain their many friends, and from whence they from time to time, travel and visit the interesting places and countries of the world.
Lawyer, Publicist, Lecturer. Born in Michigan, March 27th, 1871, his parents Quinlan and Margaret (Green) O'Brien. Reared at Bayard, educated in the public school of Greene county, Iowa, Guthrie County High School, Highland Park College, Des Moines, Chicago University, and Chicago Kent College of Law. Married the late Eileen McCartney of Davenport, Iowa, to them were born four children.
For more than thirty years Mr. O'Brien has practiced his profession in Chicago, and in his private practice has tried many celebrated cases, meeting and successfully coping with the strongest members of the Bar. For a term he served as trial attorney for the City of Chicago. It is a great pleasure to record the great successes and extensive reputation Mr. O'Brien has made in his profession.
While we recognize his great ability and genius as a lawyer, his high rank at the Bar, we must not overlook the services Mr. O'Brien has rendered in movements for civic and social betterment, his public spirit, unselfish personality, his scholarship, culture and great genius as an orator classed him as second only to the great Bryan, among the platform speakers of United States and Canada. His work and influence in this field of the nation's activities cannot be measured or over estimated. He met and with success, debated social questions with the mighty Darrrow (the agnostic criminalogist.) He has long been a radio enthusiast.
With great honor and delight we give this distinguished citizen our humble tribute and mention in this collection of celebrities.
Was born in Guthrie county July 16, 1897. His father, T. L. and his mother, Marietta (Halley) Knapp, who have been for the last twenty-eight years the celebrated host of the Cottage Hotel in Guthrie Center. His grandfather was a Civil War veteran and the Knapp family, after the civil war, migrated to Valley township Guthrie county, Iowa, and developed a farm near Monteith. Orlo received his education in the Guthrie Center schools, graduating from the high school and later from Capital City Commercial College, Des Moines.
The ancestry of the subject of this sketch goes back into that true, loyal American Hoosier pioneer stock, whose rugged honesty, courage and will contributed so much to our beloved Iowa; faithful, efficient and courteous of official obligations would be expected from such a heritage and that is what the public has had in the services of Orlo D. Knapp.
The patriotic, militant spirit of Esquire Knapp manifested itself in this grandson before he reached his majority. In connection with the late war he was actively engaged in Red Cross work at Camp Dodge in 1917 and 1918. He was anxious to anticipate his services as they might come to him later. In the discharge of his duties as assistant field director in the Red Cross service his ability was recognized and he was given an assignment to the officers training school at Camp Freemont, California. On his way to report for duty in this line of service the Armistice was signed and he was released. Thereupon he returned to Camp Dodge and resumed service in the Red Cross as Associate Field Director in charge of Home Service and served during the period of the demobilization, thus building up a record of service and patriotism in connection with the world war of merit and loyalty.
In connection with the administration of his official duties he has made a study of tax income and questions affecting municipal economy and has been called upon to give expression of his opinions before legislative committees and elsewhere. He served as President of the Iowa Association of County Auditors for two terms and has been recognized throughout the commonwealth as an outstanding, efficient servant of the people.
He was married in 1921 to Harriet Hill.
A celebrated architect of South Dakota. Graduated from Guthrie Center High School in 1895. Took a course in architecture, graduating in 1903. Supplemented the study further, by practical work with M. H. Jeffers, a well known architect of Warsau, Wisconsin, opened an office at Aberdeen, South Dakota. He has designed and supervised the construction of a great many of the public buildings, residences, banks, church and school buildings in the middle northwest, perhaps more than any other architect in that area. He was married to Margaret M. McDaniels of Aberdeen in 1910. He is Vice Chairman of the Board of Engineering and Architectural Examiners of South Dokota. He has the confidence and friendship of all who know him.
Born at Menlo, Iowa, March 8th, 1880; father--Albert Henry Sayre; mother--Jennie Ellen (McCullough) Sayre. Both parents from good New York and Pennsylvania stock. Bert, as all know him, was educated in and graduated from the Menlo school. He entered the employ of A. B. Gillespie & Son and for eighteen years was the chief clerk in their large dry goods establishment at Guthrie Center.
Mr. Sayre's geniality, good fellowship and ability attracted the attention of the Board of Supervisors and he was appointed Clerk of the District Court to fill vacancy. January 1st, 1933, the end of his present term, he will have served in that office thirteen and one-half years. During his term of service he was chosen president of the District Court Clerks Association of Iowa, serving 1922 and 1923. He was secretary of the "Joint Association of County Officers of the State of Iowa during 1931-2."
Bert was married to Ethel Williamson in 1908. He is a musician of ability, serving as director of the Presbyterian church choir thirty years, director of Guthne Center Band, also prominent in Masonic Orders.
Dependable and aggressive in social and political activities, never occupying a back seat. A smile, laughter, good cheer and happiness is the atmosphere that surrounds Bert's personality and has made him welcome company and a lovable friend.
The following sentiments are suggested by those whose privilege it has been to have had fellowship and friendship with Bert Sayre:
"He has achieved success who has lived well,
Laughed often, and laughed much.
Who has gained the respect of intelligent men
And the love of little children;
Who has never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty,
Or failed to express it;
Who has always looked for the best in others, and
Given the best he had;
Whose life is an inspiration;
Whose memory a benediction."
Born at New Baltimore, New York, June 4th, 1860. He came to Guthrie Center, Iowa, April 1877, entered the employ of David P. Williams, his brother-in-law, who was conducting a meat market business. April 3, 1891 he married Lora Prior, whose father was Joshua Prior. Four children were born to them, Carl, Neal, Alice and Lorice. The daughters and mother are deceased.
August 1883, he migrated from Guthrie Center to Pasadena, California, and during his first three years there he operated a meat market, and dealt in real estate.
January 1st, 1888, he began a clothing business on Colorado Street in Pasadena. He soon became identified with several developing enterprises of the city and for many years served as an official of the First National Bank and the First Trust and Savings Bank, allied financial institutions, of tremendous importance and influence in Southern California, with a joint capital stock and surplus of two and one half millions, and nineteen million deposits. At present he is Vice President and Director of the above institutions. Mr. Hotaling is an active member of the officiary of these corporations; having much to do in shaping their policies, administering their affairs and bringing to them success.
His prudence, fairness and honesty, has contributed to the dependability and high standing of these institutions, whereby they have the confidence and patronage of a large number of patrons, and occupy a high and influential place in the commercial and financial activities of California.
Pasadena is the largest and most charming residential city of the Southwest, the municipal affairs thereof have been and are administered along broad and prophetic lines. Its community life is clean, wholesome, and peaceful, its muncipal affairs have been conducted with great economy and efficiency, its schools streets and utilities are skillfully supervised and function in a most excellent way for the common good.
The subject of this sketch has occupied high and responsible places in its officiary. serving as Treasurer, Commissioner and President of the Council. He and his contemporaries projected and put under way the Colorado Street Viaduct Bridge carrying the traffic of that street without grade across the 165 foot chasm of the Arroyo Seco, adding a great improvement to the city and a structure of magnificent grandeur, and architectural interest.
Thus Henry Hotaling has added to the assets of society the fruitage of his genius and the spirit of his services, and the inspiration of his character.
It was the good fortune of the writer to have formed the acquaintance of Mr. Hotaling in the primitive days of Guthrie Center his fellowship and friendship has always been reckoned a great privilege and delight. There is always an atmosphere of sincerity, honesty and nobility about his personality that leads to confidence and friendship. This busy Old World of ours sorely needs the leaven of such characters.
A premier banjo player, entertainer, a star upon the vaudeville stage, whose genius and great ability was used by the government in the World War in the entertainment of the soldiers, and at other times booked by the Orpheum Circuit of Theatres.
Born and educated in Guthrie Center.
Born at Panora, Iowa, October 8th, 1867. Parents John D. and Margaret (Long) Lenon. He grew up and was educated in the public schools at Panora. Was Deputy Auditor of Guthrie county under Hon. Carman Ferree, 1886-1887. Went to Little Rock, Ark., in January, 1888.
Was married at Guthrie Center, December 25th, 1889, to Clara M. Mercer, daughter of James E. and Julia (DeLano) Mercer; have three children--Julia M., Vivian M. and W. E. Jr. He has been identified with the development of Little Rock and the best interests of the community and state. Has filled many places of trust and responsibility. Was Mayor of Little Rock from 1903 to 1908. Resigned that office to organize and establish The Peoples Trust Company, a six million dollar banking concern. Was president of its Board of Directors for twenty-seven years, and he is now chairman of the Executive Council thereof.
He is honored and respected by his patrons and fellow citizens. His life has been and is praiseworthy and deserves the title "a distinguished gentleman." He merits classification herein.
A distinguished minister and re-presentative of the M. E. Church, Missionary, District Superintendent, Editor and Publisher in India.
Began his religious activities at Guthrie Center. Has devoted his life to foreign misisonary [sic missionary] evangelism. He is recognized as an important and useful factor of his church, throughout its foreign missionary activities. A World traveler, preaching, lecturing, has given his life in service, establishing the Gospel of Good News."
Born February 4th, 1890; parents William B. and Jane Ellis Moore. Attended District Schools, Guthrie County High, class 1907. B. A. Degree State University, 1913. Became a Lieutenant in World War service. Captain in National Guard, in which he served five years. Was on the staff of Brig. Ross as his personal aid. Was Deputy Secretary of State under Mr. Ramsey, 1919-1920. His service and contribution to the History of his country and state during the early years of his life merits notice.
Lawyer, Ex-Congressman, Born at Keota, March 27th, 1886. His parents. George G. and Teressa (Wright) Vincent. Educated in the common schools. A. B. Monmouth College, 1909. A. M. Monmouth College, 1913, L. L. B. University of Iowa, 1912. Located in Guthrie Center, 1912. Married to Madge Lee, June 8th, 1916. Was County Attorney of Guthrie county, 1919-1922.
Served in the 40th, and 40th extra and 41st General Assemblies. Member of the 70th Congress, Ninth District. Now serving as Ninth District Governor. International Lions Club, a very important and useful service organization.
The record of the youthful years of public service from this distinguished citizen. is a source of pleasure and pride to his friends and neighbors.
It is not too much to presume that from one whose ability and leadership is established, greater and higher offerings of official service will be appreciated and required by his fellow citizens.
Born in Guthrie county, May 22nd, 1889, his father was J. B., mother Matilda (Marlenee) Anderson. These people migrated from Noble county, Ohio, to Guthrie county in the seventies.
The subject of this sketch was educated in the common schools of the county, and at commercial college. Was married to Mary Wasson December 16th, 1914, and they have two children. He began his official career as Deputy Treasurer of Guthrie county, January 1st, 1915, serving as such to July 1st, 1917. He was auditor of said county from January 1st, 1921, to November 15th, 1925, resigning to enter the employ of the Iowa State Highway Commission, and is now serving as auditor of maintenance thereof. His ability, genial personality and faithful, conscientious discharge of his duties as an official attracted the attention of his brother officers and he was elected President of the State Association of County Auditors, serving during the year 1925. This distinguished citizen has become such by honesty and faithfully performing his official obligations and giving to the public his best. The time clock and salary check is not the ultimate of public service.
Born in Bear Grove township, Guthrie county, June 10th, 1879. His parents were Z. B. and Martha (Couts) Spangler of Williams county, Ohio, who migrated there from to Guthrie county in 1876, and promptly proceeded to improve and develop a typical Iowa farm home. He was educated at the county district school, Adair High and State University, graduating from the Liberal Arts Department, 1903, and Law, 1905.
He formed a connection with the law firm of Deacon & Good. The years following the firm was enlarged to Deacon, Good, Sargent & Spangler with an extensive clientele throughout the middle west. He was married to Miss Fay McIntyre of Ottumwa. Has one brother C. E., who lives in Oregon, one sister Mrs. Estella P, Cole of Springfield, Mass., with whom the aged mother lives.
He become interested in politics and managed Congressman Good's campaigns and became chairman of Republican State Committee of 1928 and served as such until 1932, when he was elected as Iowa's member of the National Committee. Had charge of the reception and program of President Hoover's recent visit to Iowa.
Thus the farmer boy from Bear Grove township was the official host of this commonwealth to the President of the United States.
Mr. Spangler has been very successful in his political activities. By his skill in organization, methods of presenting the ability and leadership of candidates, and the principles of his party he has brought victory to the Republicans of the 5th District of Iowa, and ultimately its member of Congress, Mr. Good, into the cabinet of Mr. Hoover as Secretary of War.
The old neighbors and friends of the Spangler family in the western part of the county take pride and great pleasure upon the high place reached and maintained by him at the Bar, and in state and national affairs, and we join his neighbors and friends of Cedar Rapids and elsewhere throughout the state and nation in wishing him continued opportunities for usefulness and service.
These brothers have attained high rank in their respective professions. The Doctor at Ely, Minnesota, A. E. at Duluth, Minnesota, and Addison M. at Des Moines, Iowa. Their parents are Charles S. and Frances (Owen) Parker, who were married in Wisconsin, January 29th, 1873, and migrated to Bear Grove township, Guthrie county, Iowa, in 1874.
The Doctor was born in Wisconsin, December 1st, 1873 and Addison M. December 30th, 1878; A. E. on April 6th, 1885, at the Bear Grove farm home. These boys, with two others, came to bless the pioneer home of the Parkers, and they did their part in the development of the prairie farm as they grew to manhood, acquiring their elementary education at the common schools of the community and Guthrie County High School. Alonzo E. graduating therefrom, Addison M. finished his high school education by graduating from East High, Des Moines. Owen W. graduated from the Beaver Dam, Wisconsin High School. Owen W. the doctor, and Alonzo E. the lawyer received their professional degrees at the University of Minnesota, Addison M. at Drake University, Des Moines.
The success and high standing of these brothers and their ambition to enter the professional field would be expected by those who knew the ability, culture and literary atmosphere that pervaded the Parker home. The mother and father down through the years have maintained a lovable home, with its cares and duties, making it attractive and loved by all whose privilege it has been to enter it.
The mother is a writer of ability, and amidst the busy activities of her domestic life has found time to give to the literary world many sweet and precious things, leaving the bloom of good impulses and a course of noble and holy inspirations along her pathway. Loads have been lightened, angles reduced to easy curves, joyous and happy fellowships established, by the loving and cherished thoughts set forth in "Notes by the wayside, by Matilda" (Mrs. Parker's pseudonym) as they appeared in the press during the passing years. Well may the county take unto itself just pride and credit because of the contributions of the Parker family.
The subject of this sketch was born near Polk City, Polk county, Iowa, December 13th, 1876. His father was Wentworth H., his mother Ellen (MacDonald) Bliss; he is of English and Scotch descent.
The Bliss migration was from New York into the west in the fifties. In the early seventies they entered Iowa via Minnesota, and there was established a home at Panora in 1878, which is still kept and maintained by Hiram Bliss, a brother of William L.
The father died in 1910, the mother in 1921.
William L. contributed his part to the support of the family, and in the meantime attended the schools of Panora, and graduated from the Guthrie County High School in 1896.
Collegiate and professional education was his ambition and determination. The family circumstances were such that to accomplish it would require frugality, manual labor, patient, close and continual application. With high resolve he determined to pay the price. His collegiate and professional degrees came to him from Drake University. By coaching, teaching and doing various kinds of labor he worked his way through school. Not only was he a graduate from a college of learning, he also was a graduate from the college of "calloused hands." He was active in athletics, and was a member of the University football team for four years. In 1904 he became associated with Hon. John A. Senneff, and the firm established a law office at Britt, Iowa.
In 1911 the firm removed to Mason City, Iowa. In 1914 the firm was enlarged to Senneff, Bliss, Witwer & Senneff. This firm has an extensive and successful practice throughout northern and eastern Iowa. In September 1932, he was nominated as a candidate on the Republican ticket for Justice of the Supreme Court of Iowa, to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Justice John M. Grimm. On September 26th, 1932, he was appointed to fill the vacancy by Governor Dan W. Turner and took his seat on the bench on September 27, 1932.
The subject of this sketch was married to Margaret A. McGruder on June 6, 1906, and they have the following children--Helen F. born at Britt, May 25, 1909, and now married to David V. Temple. They have a daughter Patricia Joanne. Ruth C. of Mason City born at Britt, December 9th, 1912, and Robert L. born at Mason City, July 31, 1920.
The record of this distinguished jurist will certainly inspire others and furnish convincing proof that the humble and poor have opportunity in this Government to rise from the bottom of our social life and attain the crest of the wave of success and victory, there to sparkle in the sun light of friendship, honor and the high regard of mankind.
A Civil War hero, conspicious for bravery in the battles of Pea Ridge and Missionary Ridge, in this latter battle he advanced and maintained the colors of his regiment far up the mountain side beyond the battle line until an Orderly came with a peremptory order for him to fall back. The state has erected a monument upon the ground, memorializing the event. He served four years with the 4th Iowa Infantry; and was discharged at the close of the war as its Colonel. Thereafter he served as District Prosecuting Attorney, and State Senator. He resided at Panora. In civil life he was a distinguished member of the Bar and a very useful legislator.
Born at Guthrie Center, March 16th, 1877, died at Washington, D. C., April 18th, 1932. His parents were Dr. John and Ella (Morris) Bower. His father was of that plodding, sturdy stock of Dutch, that made Pennsylvania one of the great, dependable commonwealth of the Union. His mother came from that fearless, vigorous, hardy stock that started civilization in Ohio, and formed the pioneer lines in other states and unsettled territories.
He was educated in Guthrie Center, Highland Park College, Des Moines, and West Point. graduating there from in the class of 1902. A graduate of the Army Signal School, Command and General Staff School. Married Maude Lillie Moore, September 6th, 1919, a lineal descendent of Major John Lillie, who was the personal Aide of General Knox during the Revolutionary War. He was in command of the Military Post at West Point in 1801, and was in command thereof in 1802 when it was set apart as a National Military Academy through the influence and, order of General Washington.
Col. Bower's pre-world war service was featured by active service in Cuba, Phillippine Islands, Alaska, Hawaiian Islands and the punitive Expedition into Mexico.
His World War record is replete with brilliant and efficient service. He was a pioneer leader in the development of Balloon aviation at Fort Omaha and Camp John Wise, Texas. Was Adjutant, Post Recruit Depot, at Camp Travis, Texas. Was constantly assigned difficult and important duties vital and necessary to his country's success in that great project. Of his subsequent assignments may be mentioned Command of Brooks Field, Texas; Camp John Wise, Texas; and Fort McKinley, Maine. His last, but very responsible assignment was as Acting Chief, of Staff G-4, Headquarters, Governors Island, New York. This assignment was at the special request of General C. P, Summerall, officer in command. He was a close personal friend of Honorable Patrick J. Hurley, Secretary of War.
It can truly be said of Colonel Bower, he lavishly repaid his country for its investment in his education. From numerous expressions of commendation from his superiors we quote the following:
Under date of December 18th, 1929, General C. P. Summerall wrote--
"My Dear Colonel Bower:
As your retirement from active service, upon your own request has now become effective, I desire to express to you the appreciation of the War Department for the long and faithful service you have rendered the Nation, which extended over a period of more than thirty-one years.
You can retire with the full consciousness that you have always been faithful in the performance of duty, and I feel that I voice the sentiment of the Army in wishing you many happy years following your release from active duty."
Under date of May 26th, 1932, we quote from General Douglas MacArthur, Chief of Staff:
"The records show that Colonel Bower was an able and painstaking officer, whose long and faithful service was characterized by efficiency and conscientious devotion to his chosen profession. Thoroughly reliable, hardworking, and of unassuming personality, he enjoyed the esteem and confidence of his associates. His death is deeply regretted."
We close this feeble memorial with gratitude and a feeling of pride that there came from our midst so distinguished and useful citizen.
Major General, Chief Signal Officer, U. S. A. Retired.
Born at Panora, October 17th, 1871. Parents, F. J. and Lovina Elizabeth (Lehman) Saltzman.
Educated in Panora schools and County High, U. S. Military Academy, 1896. Honor graduate Signal School, 1906. Cited for gallantry in action at Las Guasiuas, 1898, awarded distinguished service medal for exceptionally meritorious and conspicuous service, 1919; served his country with marked distinction and great ability in many foreign fields. He also represented the Government at many important conferences over seas. Patriotism, loyalty, ability and great efficiency are the dominant features of his record.
Born in Iowa, February 24th, 1877; grew to manhood at Stuart; enlisted in the U. S. Navy on December 7th, 1894; recognized for extraordinary heroism, serving as member of volunteer crew under Captain Hobson, who sank the U. S. S. Merrimac in an attempt to block Santiago Harbor during the Spanish American War. Died at Canon City, Colorado, April 16th, 1916.
Born at Guthrie Center, March 2nd, 1884. His parents E. W. and Lorena (Bower) Weeks. Educated in Guthrie Center, Ames, graduated with the class of 1908 U. S. Military Academy, West Point.
Served at home and abroad in various branches of his country's military activity. Twice to the Philippine Islands, overseas in France, in active service in November, 1918. Remained with the Army of Occupation until August, 1923, stationed at Coblenz, Germany; was one of three officers representing the government in the final adjustment and closing of its affairs relative to the army's participation in the World War. Was Commandant at Fort Reno, Okla., from June 4th, 1924, to date of his death, August 10th. 1931.
From letters and orders of commendation, the following are quoted:
"Sir: I am instructed by the Secretary of War to inform you that he takes pleasure in commending you for your services in connection with the relief work on behalf of the flood sufferers, Ohio and Mississippi Valleys, 1912, for your clear headed, strong efficient hard work while in charge of the rescue work in the flooded country behind the crevasses at Torras, Louisiana, and for moving to a place of safety between four and five thousand negroes who were in serious danger after a break in the levee.
Very respectfully,
F. J. Kernan,
Adjutant General.
Secretary of War
Hon. Henry L. Stimson,
"The records show that Lieutenant Colonel Weeks was an able and painstaking officer, whose commissioned service of more than twenty-three years was characterized by efficiency and conscientious devotion to his chosen profession. Competent, forceful and of impressive bearing, he enjoyed the respect and confidence of his associates.
Patrick J. Hurley,
Secretary of War.
Major Henry J. Weeks,
Fort Reno, Okla. June 11, 1828.
"My Dear Major Weeks:
Again I wish to assure you of my appreciation of your many courtesies and the marked hospitality upon the occasion of my visit to your command last Saturday.
It was a pleasure to see the development of your work and to witness the results of your administration. The excellent condition of the post and the evidences of close attention to administrative detail reflect credit upon your command.
Very sincerely yours,
C. P. Summerall, Chief of Staff.
As remarked concerning his record and ability, "a few more years of service and he would have been Adj. Gen. of the Army."
Was married February 28th, 1911, to Harriet B. Stafford, a daughter of Major John Stafford (retired) one of General Custer's Indian fighters. A daughter was born to them, Polly Marie on October 16th, 1916.
Born at Guthrie Center, July 20th, 1900. Enlisted, private in Old Third Iowa Infantry, afterwards the One Hundred Sixty Eighth Infantry, Rainbow Division. Joined the machine gun company of this regiment. Was killed at Chateau Thierry near Sergy, July 20, 1918. He was performing a volunteer service bringing up ammunition to the front under terrific barrage fire. A brave and heroic act. He was killed instantly by a high explosive shell.
Son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Lincoln Rutt, Casey, Graduate of Naval Academy, Annapolis, class of 1924. Upon graduation was commissioned Ensign and assigned to Battleship Colorado. Was in Chinese area two and one half years, was cited for exceptional meritorious service performed in connection with the burning of a chinese Merchant ship.
Accepted assignment. to the submarine division of the service; has taken the full course therein including a 12,000 mile cruise. Now in command U. S. S. Undaunted, with Headquarters Mare Island, Calif. Is an expert cornet player. Is married, has two children.
He lived and grew to manhood and acquired his high school education at Casey. His ability and conscientious fidelity to the performance of his duties will insure .hts rapid and sure promotion to nigher and more responsble fields of his country's service.
Born May 20th, 1878, on a farm about midway between Guthrie Center and Panora. His father was John and his mother, Anna Ross Caldwell King. Matt's schooling was received at the district school, the Guthrie County High and Iowa State College. Following his graduation in 1906 he remained at the college and took up research work in Agricultural Engineering.
He invented and developed the "Iowa Silo" a hollow tile silo, simple, practical, easy to construct and reasonable in cost. He was intensely interested in the brick and tile industries of the state and took up that work..
In 1917 he entered the army as Captain and was Chief Aeronautical Engineer at Post Field, Fort Sill, Okla. For his work here he was recommended for the Distinguished Service Medal. Later he served at Indianapolis and was then transferred to Washington, D. C. Here he became an All American Pathfinder, a military group locating flying fields all over the U. S. He died at Fort Sheridan, October 23rd, 1919, having the rank of Major.
He married Lucy Massure at Redfield, Iowa. January 1st, 1901. The widow and two daughters survived him.
His genius and powers were unselfishly given the state. Not fortune and capital were the harvest of his life, but rather the common good, the love and example of a noble, patriotic soul.
It may be said of fraternal preferment that it is bestowed upon those who possess attractive and lovable personalities. Those who are capable in some measure of sweetening life, overcoming discord with harmony, soothing and lightening the loads of the brethren, who leave in their passing an atmosphere of peace, good will and high resolve, lower the grades, round the corners and straighten the angles in the pathway of life.
Born at Eaton. Ohio, August 13th, 1865. His parents were Jacob E. and Mary E. Arrasmith, who migrated to Menlo in 1878. Here he graduated from the high school, taught a few terms in the district schools of Guthrie county and began his railroad work at Underwood, Iowa, in the employ of the C. M. & St. P. Was appointed Agent at Bayard, September 21st, 1887, and continuously served the Company at that place until his death, August 2nd, 1924. He was a member of divers [sic diverse] Masonic bodies, ranking very high therein.
In Odd Fellowship he attained high honors. He was installed Grand Patriarch at Waterloo, October 19th, 1915, and presided at its annual session at Clinton the following October. Was Grand Representative in June 1917 and Grand Representative to the Soverign Grand Lodge, 1918. The brother was faithful and true in his daily life, living and doing the spirit of his fraternal ties, in all, serving God. These things are greatness.
Born in Indiana on October 27th, 1861. Migrated to Stuart, 1875. Initiated into Stuart Lodge No. 214, I.O. O. F. January 28, 1892, admitted Stuart Encampment No. 81, April 15, 1892. Attended Grand Lodge and Grand Encampment, 1897. Became Patriarch 1907, presiding over its session at Marshalltown, October, 1908, its first representative session.
The Brethren appreciating his services and ability elected him one of the Grand Representatives from this jurisdiction to the Soverign Grand Lodge. He attended its sessions at Atlanta, Ga., October, 1910, Indianapolis, October 1911, and Chatanooga 1916; was active and rendred valuable and efficient service upon its various committees.
There can be no measure put upon the good and usefulness of Brother Montgomery in the field of Odd Fellowship in this Grand Jurisdiction. His ability, his earnest and altruistic personality, his humane and benevolent spirit exemplifying as it does in his life, true fraternity, qualifies him to be, as he is, a Banner Guard of Odd Fellowship.
A couple who became distinguished throughout the commonwealth for their altruistic service and example. Their genius and ability first found expression in the local fraternity groups in Stuart, where they maintained a home that was noted for culture and hospitality. The devotion, zeal and genial influence of P. L. the lawyer, and the sweet tempered, dignified and sisterly characteristics of Fanny M. the teacher, soon brought them into great favor with the Brethren.
This brother was called from the ranks to the highest offices the Knights Templar of Iowa could bestow. His administration of the duties of these several offices was efficient and successful. He was an enthusiastic supporter of Templar Park and to him must be ascribed in a large measure its success and favor with the Sir Knights.
Sister Fanny M. Sever received her favors and honors through the woman's branch of Masonary, the Order of the Eastern Star. Her fitness and usefulness has for many years been recognized, and she has responded to the call cheerfully and with great ability, guiding, developing and leading that Order to high levels of usefulness and influence. She has been, and is now, an untiring supporter of the Eastern Star Masonic Home at Boone, making the institution notable for hospitality, benevolence, surrounding it with a, "family circle atmosphere," of administration and love, greatly appreciated by its members and patrons. It can well be said of these two, they wrought the spirit of fraternity and revealed its true purpose and usefulness in our society.
P. L. answered the final roll call January 31, 1929. Sister Fanny is the greatly trusted and beloved secretary of the Eastern Star Masonic Home at Boone sharing the maintenance and responsibilities of that great institution with her sisters and brothers.
Wife of George C. Buckley, Stuart, Iowa. President Rebekah Assembly of Iowa 1921-1922. A very efficient officer, popular and influental in the various I. O. O. F. activities in which women have a part in the state of Iowa.
A prominent Past Worthy Grand Matron, Order Eastern Star, residing at Jamaica, Iowa.
She was born at Allerton, Iowa, educated in the Allerton schools, graduate nurse. Married Doctor Seidler of Jamaica in June 1916. Was initiated into the O. E. S. December, 1916, in the Jamaica Chapter. Her ability and fraternal spirit soon found recognition and appreciation in the Grand Chapter of the Order. She was chosen Worthy Grand Matron, 1928-1829, making a record of success and good for that Order that places and maintains it upon a high and stable level of usefullness in the social life of this commonwealth, Her home in Jamica [sic Jamaica] is noted for its culture, hospitality and domestic felicity.
Attained the highest offices in the order of Pythian Sisters, Domain of Iowa. Grand Chief 1896-97, Supreme Representative 1902-06. Born at Geneseo, Ill., 1861, died at Guthrie Center, 1910. Her parents were W. C. and Emma (Fouts) Biggs.
She was noted and beloved for her charming and attractive personality. Her culture and ability gave her preeminence and an endearing place in the hearts of her neighbors and friends. She was a ruling queen in her domestic life, giving herself upon the altar of devotion and service to the beauty, joy and hospitality of a home, wherein congenial spirits met, and enjoyed fellowship; wherein music, love and good cheer ever prevailed.
She was prominent in church work, and found opportunities for altruistic service in other fraternities, P. E. O., D. A. R., O. E. S., and .D. of R. It was no surprise to her brothers and sisters that she was called to service and honor in high places.
"Use well the moment; what the hour |
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