Biographies | 1896 Bios

John H. Driscoll

JOHN H. DRISCOLL, Stuart, Iowa.-Of this gentleman it may be said that he belongs to a family of railroaders, his father and grandfather before him having spent many years in railroading, and he himself having attained prominence in the same line. He is a Iocomotive engineer for the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, and is chairman of the general board of adjustment of the the Rock Island system, to which position he was elected in the spring of 1893. During his long experience·on the road, which covers a period of nearly thirty years, he· has made an extensive acquaintance, and by many will a sketch of his life be read with interest.

John H. Driscoll was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, December 2, 1851, son of John and Ellen (Delaney) Driscoll, natives of Ireland, who came to America in early life and were married in Springfield. John Driscoll, the grandfather of John H., left the Emerald Isle in 1883[sic] and came to America, being accompanied hither by his family, and settled in Massachusetts. For about forty years he was in the employ of the Hartford & New Haqen Railroad Company, Springfield being his headquarters. He died there at the advanced age of ninety-five years. He was twice married and had three children by each wife, the father of our subject being the youngest child of the first marriage, and nine years old at the time of their removal to America. As they were poor the youth had to begin work as soon as he was old enough, and for a number of years he was employed in the cotton factories of Massachusetts. He was married in Springfield, and about 1856 moved with his family to Iowa, locating first in Chickasaw county, where he purchased a farm and for two years was engaged in agricultural pursuits. Farming, however, was not his "forte." He was sixty miles from market and he soon became discouraged, and at the end of the second year sold out. Then he moved to Davenport, where he secured a position as stationary engineer for the Mississippi & Missouri Railroad, now a part of the Rock Island system, and in this capacity he served until 1892, when he resigned. He is still a resident of Davenport. For some years he has dealt to a considerable extent in real estate, has accumulated a competency, and in his old age is comfortably situated. His wife died in May, 1891. Their family was composed of four sons, namely: John H., who forms the subject of this review; Lawrence, a farmer of Iowa county, Iowa, died in 1882; Dennis, a lawyer, died in Chicago, in June, 1884; and Jerry, a druggist of Davenport, Iowa,

At the time the Driscoll family came to Iowa John H. was about five years old. He attended the public schools of Davenport and also took a commercial course in the Bryant & Stratton Business College of that place, and in 1867 entered upon his railroad career. In August of that year he secured a position as fireman on the Rock Island road and served as such until October, 1870, when he was promoted engineer. In March, 1872, he resigned his position on this road and accepted one on the Union Pacific line. Later he was with the Central Pacific, with which he continued until March 27, 1881, when he returned to the Rock Island, and has since been in the employ of this company, with headquarters at Stuart. He became connected with the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers in 1874, has ever since been an active member of the same, and during the past six years has represented division No. 184. When a strike or difficulty of any kind arises he gives his whole time and attention to its adjustment. He has at all times had the confidence of his employers, and his business relations with the officers of the road have always been pleasant.

Mr. Driscoll was married January 23, 1882, to Stella M. Agnew, a native of Marengo, and a daughter of John Agnew, a farmer of Iowa county. Mr. and Mrs. Driscoll have had six children,-Mary, Rena, Stella, John, Miriam and Clement. All are living except Mary, who died at the age of three years.

Mr. Driscoll gives only enough time to political matters to be an intelligent voter. He is a Democrat. Religiously, he and his family are identified with the Roman Catholic Church and are devout members of the same. He is in every sense of the word a self-made man. He has made every dollar he has. From year to year he has saved some of his earnings, has wisely invested the same, and now has valuable property and money to loan. He owns one farm in Iowa county and has two in Guthrie county.

Thus briefly is sketched the life of a man who has through his own persevering energy and good management won an enviable position among his fellow citizens.

A Memorial and Biographical Record of Iowa, Chicago, The Lewis Publishing Company 1896, pg. 792.

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