Biographies | 1896 Bios

Henry Culbertson

HENRY CULBERTSON, Panora, Iowa, has maintained his residence in Guthrie county since the year 1861, and by virtue of his long residence here is entitled to representation among its pioneer settlers and representative citizens.

Henry Culbertson is a native of Cleveland, Ohio, born December 9, 1825. Alexander Culbertson, his father, was born in the north of Ireland, of Scotch-Irish parentage, and was a worthy representative of the race from which he sprang. His father, Alexander Culbertson, Sr., also was a native of the Emerald Isle. The father of our subject came to the United States when a boy and was reared in Pennsylvania and Ohio. He married Miss Mary Longabaugh, a native of Pennsylvania and a member of a Pennsylvania-Dutch family noted for their frugality. Some time after their marriage they moved to Cleveland, Ohio, and subsequently to Huron county, that State, where the father died at the age of eighty-four years. Early in life he learned the trade of millwright, which he followed for some years, but later gave his attention to agricultural pursuits and developed a good farm in Huron county. His wife died at the age of forty-two years. Both were members of the Christian Church. In their family were the following named children: William, Henry, Jacob, Julia and Mary.

Near Massillon, in Stark county, Ohio, Henry Culbertson was reared, receiving a common- school education only. When he was sixteen he began to learn the trade of harness-maker, served an apprenticeship of four years under a Mr. McLaughlin, and in that time became an expert workman. Afterward he traveled throughout Ohio, and as a journeyman was employed at different times in a number of cities and towns, among which were Cincinnati, Columbus, Marietta and New Cumberland. Also for a time he was employed at Fort Wayne, Indiana. At New Cumberland, Ohio, he engaged in business for himself, and while there, at the age of twenty-seven, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary McGregor, of Scotch descent, born near Richmond, Ohio, and a daughter of Willson McGregor, late of Tuscarawas county.

Mr. Culbertson continued his residence in New Cumberland, Ohio, until 1861, when he removed to Iowa, making the journey from that State to this by wagon, and on his arrival here settling in Guthrie county, where he engaged in general merchandising at Panora. Subsequently he was appointed Postmaster by President Lincoln and served as such three years. Then for several years he lived on his farm near Panora, and since 1891 has made his home in town. In 1894, wishing to have his time occupied, he purchased a harness shop which he is now running, and, although well along in years, his hands have not forgotten the cunning of their younger days. He keeps a well-selected stock of harness and saddlery and does a general repair business. Mr. Culbertson still owns his farm, a valuable one comprising 160 acres, well improved with good buildings, etc., and located a mile and a half from Panora.

Mr. and Mrs. Culbertson have three sons, namely: Leroy, who lives on and conducts the operations of his father's farm; Sherman, a Iumber dealer and one of the successful business men of Jefferson, Iowa; and Frank, also engaged in the lumber business at that place. They lost two daughters, Marietta, who died in early childhood, and Nettie at the age of twelve years. Leroy married Miss Mary Brown, and they have three children--Max, Rex and Verne.

Besides the position of Postmaster Mr. Culbertson has filled a number of local offices in the township, his service always being performed in a manner creditable alike to himself and his constituents. He is a Republican. Both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he has served as Steward.

A Memorial and Biographical Record of Iowa, Chicago, The Lewis Publishing Company 1896, pg. 243.

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