IAGenWeb Iowa in the Great War


Report of the Adjutant General of Iowa


Report of the Adjutant General of Iowa
For the Biennial Period Ended June 30, 1918
Published by the State of Iowa
Des Moines

    The office of the Adjutant General has been a very busy place during the past two years. The United States has been involved in two wars during this period. At the beginning of the year 1917 the Iowa National Guard, with the exception of the Field Artillery, which was mustered out in December, was in Federal service and was on duty on the Mexican Border guarding the border states from invasion. The organizations were returned to their homes early in the year and by March 23, 1917 were all out of active service.
      On March 25, 1917 the President again issued a proclamation calling into active service a part of the National Guard from each state, preparatory to entering the World War. In Iowa the First Regiment of Infantry was called into service and placed on duty guarding bridges and munitions plants. By July 15, 1917 all other organizations of National Guard had been called into service.
     On August 5, 1917 all men who had been mustered into National Guard service were drafted into U. S. service. This took the Guard entirely from under the control of the state. By the latter part of August all Iowa units had left the state.
     Iowa Guard units sent into the service were all efficient, but it so happened that only one of them, the Third Iowa Infantry (168th U.S. Infantry) experienced any battle field service. This regiment was a part of the 42nd or Rainbow, division, and was a composite organization, composed of the third and parts of the First and Second Infantry regiments. Three-fifths of the enlisted men of the Third, when it left Iowa, had been for some time in the ranks of this regiment. Two-fifths were Guardsmen, transferred from the First and Second Regiments. As a result it was truly a representative Iowa National Guard unit, and its brilliant achievements on the battle fields reflects credit upon the National Guard as a whole.


First Infantry

Colonel John E. Bartley, commanding Headquarters, Tipton

Company “H”, Delaware County, Iowa

Commissioned Officers

Last Name First Name Age Residence State Born Rank
Springer Jonathan D. 40 Eagle Grove Iowa Captain
Hoar George Wilber 27 Oskaloosa Iowa 1st Lieutenant
Drinkle Alonzo T., Jr. 37 Oskaloosa Iowa 2nd Lieutenant

Non-Commissioned Officers

Last Name First Name Age Residence State Born Rank
Mott Wesley Homer 21 Eddyville Iowa 1st Sgt.
Dean PearlE. 21 Oskaloosa Iowa Supply Sgt.
Bartow John W. 20 Oskaloosa Iowa Sgt.
Cory Frank M. 30 Oskaloosa Iowa Sgt.
Harrington Guy O. 25 Manchester Iowa Sgt.
Hewitt Joseph M. 23 Oskaloosa Iowa Sgt.
Howick Dewey J. 20 Manchester Iowa Sgt.
Kessler William 37 Oskaloosa Virginia Sgt.
Martin Albert F. 34 Oskaloosa Kansas Sgt.
Miller Charles A. 22 Ames Iowa Sgt.
Morris Sol 25 Oskaloosa Iowa Sgt.
Remmington Ross 21 Oskaloosa Iowa Sgt.
Ver Steeg Nicholas 21 Oskaloosa Iowa Sgt.
Welterlen Roy B. 20 Manchester Iowa Sgt.
West Arthur W. 26 Cedar Rapids Iowa Sgt.
Ballenger George 43 Oskaloosa Iowa Cpl.
Borum Samuel G. 24 Oskaloosa Iowa Cpl.
Callahan Arthur C. 32 Eagle Grove Iowa Cpl.
Cameron Glen F. 28 Oskaloosa Iowa Cpl.
Cook Harry S. 28 Sioux City Iowa Cpl.
Corell Fred A. 23 Greeley Iowa Cpl.
Dunwoody Carl G. 22 Oskaloosa Iowa Cpl.
Eastburn Dell 22 Oskaloosa Iowa Cpl.
Gibbson James 22 Oskaloosa Iowa Cpl.
Harp Loyd C. - Manchester Wisconsin Cpl.
Hart Harry 19 Oskaloosa Iowa Cpl.
Hatfield Roy E. 22 Manchester Iowa Cpl.
Herbert Harold 22 Sioux City Iowa Cpl.
Herbig Otis K. 20 Oskaloosa Iowa Cpl.
Hoover Paul H. 21 Oskaloosa Iowa Cpl.
Horsman Raymond R. 27 Knoxville Iowa Cpl.
Hughes Andrew B. 20 Strawberry Point Iowa Cpl.
Hyler Clarence A. 21 Manchester Missouri Cpl.
Jensen Andrew Christian 19 Sioux City Iowa Cpl.
Kelley Charles E. 28 Rose Hill Iowa Cpl.
Larson Lester - - - Cpl.
Maychlin Lee W. 21 Sioux City Iowa Cpl.
Morris Ben 25 Red Oak Iowa Cpl.
Nelson Earl 21 Sioux City Iowa Cpl.
Nichol James Paul 28 Manchester Iowa Cpl.
Papas Gust P. 21 Sioux City Greece Cpl.
Payne Floyd Norman 21 Manchester Iowa Cpl.
Pettit Jay D. 19 Sioux City South Dakota Cpl.
Postel George B. - Winthrop Iowa Cpl.
Trout Lester 21 Oskaloosa Missouri Cpl.
Van Voorhis Curtis W. 25 Oskaloosa Iowa Cpl.
Warrick Harry W. 26 Fort Des Moines Iowa Cpl.
Woods H. Gilbert 22 Oskaloosa Iowa Cpl.

Cooks, Buglers, etc.


Last Name First Name Age Residence State Born Rank
Whitmore Marion C. 18 Oskaloosa Iowa Mechanic
Boles Frank E. 21 Oskaloosa Iowa Mechanic
Grabosch Marshall M. 41 Oskaloosa Missouri Mechanic
Kiernan Michael 35 Oskaloosa Scotland Mechanic
Donnelly Charles 26 Oskaloosa Iowa Cook
Ward Walter E. 29 Oskaloosa Illinois Cook
Bauder Wilfred M. 20 Oskaloosa Iowa Bugler
Anderson Harry L. 18 Oskaloosa Iowa Bugler
Eisiminger Thomas E. 24 Oskaloosa Iowa Cook
Blake William J. 27 Oskaloosa Iowa Cook


Privates First Class


Last Name

First Name Age Residence State Born
Barron Ignatius V. 21 Sioux City Iowa
Bechelli Charlie J. 22 Manchester New York
Bell Fayett 19 Oskaloosa Iowa
Brewster Walter M 23 Manchester Illinois
Breyfogel Martin C. 19 Manchester Iowa
Bruner Norman K. 21 Oelwein Iowa
Burkee Elmer A. 25 Sioux City Iowa
Burns Muriel A. 21 Hopkinton Iowa
Carlsson Gottfried R. - Newell Iowa
Champlin Lee C. 26 Manchester Iowa
Choulouhas Thomas J. 22 Sioux City Greece
Cochran Andrew 31 Grinnell Iowa
Dalby Cecil G. 18 Oskaloosa Nebraska
De Guibert Milton 22 Sioux City Iowa
Douglas Frank P. 24 Rose Hill Iowa
Elliott Elvie B. 43 Grinnell Iowa
Ellsworth Philip J. 20 Oskaloosa Iowa
Freeman Harold O. 19 Oskaloosa Iowa
Gibson Ross 18 Oskaloosa Illinois
Graham Edward J. 31 Kenwood Ohio
Greenway Ray 20 Oskaloosa Iowa
Hardinger George G. 20 Garrison Iowa
Henderson Kenneth F. 19 Rose Hill Iowa
Johnstone Robert E. - Sioux City -
Kerr Wilfred W. 21 Dubuque Iowa
Klinkhammer Herman J. 20 Oskaloosa Iowa
Kubis William J. 22 Oskaloosa Greece
Lang Charles - Sioux City South Dakota
Malm Oliver M. 27 ioux City South Dakota
Midkiff Ivan V. 18 Manchester Iowa
Morgan Russell 19 Oskaloosa Iowa
Murphy John F. 25 Oskaloosa Iowa
Olson Edwin C. 31 Tracy Iowa
Parkinson Floyd E. 22 Tracy Iowa
Postel Elmer C. 17 Winthropr Iowa
Richards Ray 20 Oskaloosa Iowa
Schmitt Stacy O. 18 Oskaloosa Iowa
Schwartz Alfred E. 20 Sioux City Russia
Sharp Karl V. 21 Oskaloosa Iowa
Sheppard Arthur R. 26 Ryan Iowa
Stanley Earl 23 Des Moines Iowa
Stuewe Paul O. - Sioux City -
Tandy Ray R. 23 Oskaloosa Iowa
Tharp Clarence E. 22 Waterloo Iowa
Townsend Floyd A. 23 Oskaloosa Iowa
Wagner Denzal 20 Sioux City Iowa
Wilkins Harold F. 21 Manchester Iowa
Zorn Charlie 23 Montezuma Iowa



Last Name

First Name Age Residence State Born
Aldrich William 42 Manchester Iowa
Alliman William D. 22 Wayland Iowa
Angle Edward E. 28 Sioux City Iowa
Antonsem Albert 18 Sioux City Norway
Arbs Joe F. 21 Newton Iowa
Arkless Thomas 20 Oskaloosa Iowa
Atchison George 20 Oskaloosa Iowa
Atchison Ray V. 18 Oskaloosa Iowa
Bain Earl G. 18 Wayland Iowa
Barker Earl 26 Marengo Iowa
Bass James O. 21 Beacon Iowa
Bassett Elzie R. 19 Waterloo Illinois
Beadle Cecil C. 19 Oskaloosa Iowa
Bensley Helda 30 Delhi Iowa
Bensley Lincoln 25 Delhi Iowa
Benton Clifford F. 18 Montezuma Iowa
Betsworth Walter 18 Sioux City Iowa
Blakely Donald E. 18 Montezuma Iowa
Bowser Jesse L. 19 Oskaloosa Iowa
Brantner Chester A. 18 Oskaloosa Iowa
Breuklander Fred C. 18 Oskaloosa Iowa
Brissey Lee R. 19 Oskaloosa Iowa
Chantilas Christ 21 Sioux City Greece
Childs Linn W. 18 Manchester Iowa
Coffin Paul R. 18 Oskaloosa Iowa
Comar William 18 Sioux City Iowa
Cook Clarence C. 37 Oskaloosa Iowa
Coolidge Glen 19 Edgewood Iowa
Correll Maurice 21 Delaware Iowa
Critchlow Glenn A. 23 Oskaloosa Iowa
Crumrine Everett 26 Brandon Iowa
Dalbey Roy G. 22 Oskaloosa Iowa
Daniels Paul 18 Oskaloosa Iowa
Davidson William 18 Oskaloosa Iowa
Davis Albert W. 18 Colesburg Iowa
Dean James I. 20 Oskaloosa Iowa
DeJoode Arthur B. 20 Pella Iowa
Delano Arlie A. 27 Manchester Iowa
Dorman Robert J. 18 Oskaloosa Iowa
Dunwoody Eslie T. 20 Oskaloosa Iowa
Dykstra Sam 19 Sioux City Iowa
Edgar Stewart H. 19 Sioux City Iowa
Emerling Fred M. 20 Mingo Iowa
Evans Edwin J. 20 Oskaloosa -
Evans Hubert H. 19 Beacon -
Evans Walter D. 20 Oskaloosa Ohio
Fehd John D. 18 Oskaloosa Iowa
Ford Joe 23 Cordova Iowa
Fox Roy - Sioux City South Dakota
Fuller Raymond F. 31 Oskaloosa Ohio
Gibson Clarence E. 18 Oskaloosa Illinois
Gilbert Floyd L. 22 Oskaloosa Iowa
Gill Vernon 23 Sioux City Colorado
Goodrich D. Leroy 22 Manchester Illinois
Graham William L. 22 Knoxville Iowa
Griffiths Lyle E; 18 Beacon Iowa
Groves Lloyd 23 What Cheer Iowa
Hacker Glenn 19 Sioux City Kansas
Hall Reginald H. 21 Strawberry Point Scotland
Harding Archie 20 Eddyville Iowa
Harvey Earl S. 21 Des Moines Iowa
Herington William J. 19 Delhi Iowa
Hilgers Edward W. 24 Sioux City Iowa
Hocken Roy W. 20 Winthrop Iowa
Hoffa Lloyd L. - Sanborn Iowa
Homer Harry C. 20 Oskaloosa Iowa
Hopkins Harlan W. 19 Manchester Iowa
Hyde Charles E. - Ryan Iowa
Jackson William A. 32 Oskaloosa Iowa
Jamieson Walter J. 18 Brandon Missouri
Kelly Michael A. 24 Delhi Iowa
Kesterson Emil H. - Dunlap Iowa
Knutson John 20 Hawarden Norway
Krein Frank 20 Manchester Germany
Lahue Dewey R. 18 Garrison Iowa
Lash Russell B. 27 Oskaloosa Iowa
Lester Floyd A. 20 Oskaloosa Iowa
Lester Ralph B. 18 Oskaloosa Iowa
Lookaaugh Roy S. 23 Oskaloosa Iowa
Love Ralph E 29 Winthrop Kansas
Lowry William L. 18 New Sharon South Dakota
McCall John A. 18 Oskaloosa Iowa
McCarty Fred M. 30 Oskaloosa Iowa
McClain Ernest E. 19 Oskaloosa Iowa
McKamey John D. 19 Oskaloosa Iowa
McKelvey Walter L. 26 Cedar Indiana
McKenzie Myron 21 Sioux City Iowa
McMillian Miley J. 18 Oskaloosa Iowa
McNeil Roy R. 19 Oskaloosa Iowa
Mansfield Martin D. 18 Oskaloosa Iowa
Martin Howard C. 29 Oskaloosa Iowa
Martin Willa W. 20 Oskaloosa Kansas
Mason Carl V. 22 Oskaloosa Missouri
Milne William 28 Oskaloosa Scotland
Mores Thomas W. - Sioux City Iowa
Morgan Garret G. 31 Rose Hill Iowa
Morris Ralph E. 21 Montezuma Iowa
Morrow Glen A. 19 - -
Musgrove Grover L. 23 Evans Iowa
Newton Perry E. 19 Oskaloosa Iowa
Nichols Alven L. 20 Knoxville Iowa
Noel Paul F. 23 Oskaloosa Iowa
Noyes Floyd C. 21 Manchester Iowa
Nunan John M. 28 Oskaloosa Iowa
Nye Charles L. 22 University Park Iowa
Ollom Lotas R. 18 Fremont Iowa
Page Hollis T. 21 Oskaloosa Iowa
Palmer Hallis S. - Strawberry Point Iowa
Parr Donald J. 18 Oskaloosa Iowa
Parsley Walter C. 23 Sioux City Illinois
Petrow Pete 20 Sioux City Greece
Phelps Paul C. 25 Oskaloosa Iowa
Phillips Walter 29 Oskaloosa Iowa
Plaster Philip E. 18 Oskaloosa Iowa
Pope Joseph 21 Sioux City Italy
Postel John R. 19 Winthrop Iowa
Powell Glen D. 19 Oskaloosa Iowa
Priestly Ray V. 28 South Sioux City Iowa
Raaz Emmet W. 21 Jefferson Iowa
Randall George D. 20 Oskaloosa Iowa
Reed Nile S. 21 Oskaloosa Iowa
Reynolds Cato S. 18 Oskaloosa Iowa
Rhodes Glen E. 22 Sioux City Wisconsin
Richards Francis E. 26 Oskaloosa Iowa
Ringland Karl M. 22 Marshalltown Illinois
Ross John B. 20 Sioux City Iowa
Salisbury Roy 22 Sloan Iowa
Schneelock Felix O. 20 New Sharon Iowa
Selk Leonard G. 19 Oskaloosa -
Shoemaker George L. 21 Oskaloosa Iowa
Short William A. 24 Oskaloosa Missouri
Smith Rufus M. 19 Givin Iowa
Snider Reggie A. 19 Oskaloosa Iowa
Soffer Andrew R. 24 Oskaloosa Pennsylvania
Spates Fred 34 Rose Hill Iowa
Springer Spencer 33 Oskaloosa Iowa
Stearns William - Pierson Illinois
Stice Archie J. 18 Oskaloosa Iowa
Suiter Louis A., Jr. 22 Oskaloosa Iowa
Taylor Francis L. 20 Grinnell Iowa
Thomas Carl R. 19 Oskaloosa Iowa
Thompson Leonidas R. 18 Givin Iowa
Turner Curtis 19 Oskaloosa Iowa
Turner Louie J. 19 Oskaloosa Iowa
Van Den Berg Gerrit H. 22 Oskaloosa Iowa
VanFleet Ollie M. 21 Oskaloosa Missouri
Van Roekel Aart J. 32 Oskaloosa Holland
Van Veen John 22 Pella Iowa
Versteeg Bryan 20 Oskaloosa Iowa
Watkins Lorn 20 Oskaloosa Iowa
Weatherwax Harry 25 Oskaloosa Iowa
Weil Chris C. 27 Oskaloosa Iowa
Whalen John Edward 25 Sioux City Iowa
Wheeler Lonnie A. 19 Newton Iowa
Wise Harold A. 20 Oskaloosa Iowa


Men Who Refused to Take National Defense Oath


Last Name First Name Residence
Ballinger Frank Oskaloosa
Hawkins Thomas L. Oskaloosa
Nelson James M. Oskaloosa


~reference: State of Iowa 1918, Report of the Adjutant General of Iowa, for the Biennial Period Ended June 30, 1918. Louis G. Lasher, Adjutant General. Published by the State of Iowa, Des Moines

~ contributed by Cay Merriman for Iowa in the Great War Special Project

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