Fremont County, Iowa

John Todd Early Settlement

by Harry Wilkins

Underground Railroad References

  1. Jul 4, 1854. Six slaves, en route from Mississippi to Salt Lake, watered at Jesse West’s well near hotel. Five desired to be free. Met at night and taken to Nishnabotna. Conductors: S. Adams, John Hallam, James K. Gaston, Irish Henry. Eventually made their way to Quaker settlement near Des Moines. Pro-slavery group searched near the river but sympathetic participant steered them away from hiding place.

  2. Apr 1857. Slave woman arrives, sent by Pastor of church in Atchison Kansas (friend of Martha Todd from Oberlin days). Todd took the woman “cloaked, veiled, and gloved” to Lewis in the family buggy appearing as his wife. Handed to Hitchcock for movement to the next station.

  3. Dec 1858. Mr. Nuckolls of Nebraska City, two female slaves. Helped across the river by John Williamson, Dr. Ira Blanchard brought them to Tabor, placed at Mr. Ladd’s for the day. Covered wagon used during trip to Nishnabotna with Deacon O. Cumings leading the way with a lantern. Slaves never captured, went through Chicago. Nuckolls searched homes in Percival without authority. Reuben Williams struck down by Nuckolls.

  4. Mar 1860. Four slaves from the Indian Territory. Covered wagon conducted by Edward T. Sheldon and Newton Woodford. Slave catchers found the wagon, arrested the conductors and took the slaves to Glenwood (kept in private homes as Mills County jailer wouldn’t accept slaves). A company from Tabor searched for slaves. Trial of conductors, James Vincent and Pascal Mason counsel with many Tabor spectators. Conductors acquitted. The slaves were spirited away but Tabor men gave chase and caught them due east of town. The slaves were spirited to Lewis with Conductors O. Cumings, D.E. Woods, L. B. Hill, Pascal Mason and others. Three day journey (usually only one day required).

  5. No date. Two slaves escaped from Linden jail, became separated in snowstorm. One made it to Tabor and stayed at G.B. Gaston’s home. He worked at Gaston’s cutting wood for several weeks until companion arrived. Both sent to freedom.
Source: Contributed by Harry Wilkins


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