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Express Co, W H Burns agt. Amos Henry H, physician. Anderson Ice Cream Co, B F Anderson propr. Atherton E B, city assessor. Bailey Charles W, auto repairer. Bailey Edgar, dentist. Bailey Harold, physician. Bailey Major H, shoemaker. Beardmore & Sheehan (Thos Beardmore, Daniel H Sheehan), lawyers. Beatrice Creamery Co, Wm Walsh mngr. Beckwith Orvie R, ice. Bird Roy K, restaurant. Blumenstiel Wm, photographer. Blumenstiel & Co (Fred E and Lewis Blumenstiel), jewelers. Blunt Walter, chief fire department. Bowen, Emmett L, tailor. Brackett Anson R, physician. Bradley John S, lawyer and referee in bankruptcy. Braend Frank, tin work and plumbing. brand Clarence E, poultry. Brennecke Ernest S, meats. Brenner & Heddens (Fred J Brenner, John H Heddens), dry goods and shoes. Brouillard Edward, drugs. Brouillard Wm M, lawyer. Brown Edson G, real estate. Brown & Raymond (Ray Brown, Robert W Raymond), restaurant and billiards. Bunn & Riley (Benj Bunn, Wm C Riley), auto garage. Burnett Arthur C, bus and dray. Burnham lfred F, tank mnfr. Burns Bros (James M and George H), grocers and crockery. Burns-Brouillard Co (Myrtle Burns, Agnes Brouillard), miliners. Burns Wm H, agt Am Express Co. Butz Wm, horseshoer and wagonmkr. Caldwell Belle, librarian Public Library. Campbell Joseph C, lawyer. Carbiener Wm, bicycles. Cedar Rapids Business College (Cedar Rapids), G E King Principal, A N Palmer Pres. Cedar Rapids Oil Co (Cedar Rapids), O Beckwith Mngr. Charles City Band, E A Sheldon leader. Charles City Bottling Works, W C Schulze propr. Charles City Buggy & Auto Co, Emil F Theno pres, Emer Theno sec. Charles City College, Frederick Schaub pres, Wm F Finke dean, Laura C Fischer sec. Charles City Creamery (H N Nelson, Emil Weiss). Charles City Daily Press, L H Henry propr. Charles City Gas Co, Robert K Runner sec and mngr. Charles City Green Houses, Mark H Wetherbee propr. Charles City Intelligencer (daily and weekly), Intelligencer Printing Co publishers. Charles City Laundry and Cleaning Co, L C Walker sec and treas. Charles City Lightig & Heating Co, E S Marrener pres, A C Dodd sec and mngr. Charles City Lumber Co (W F Crary). Charles City Public Library, Belle Caldwell, librarian. Charles City Water Power Co, E S Marrener pres, C B Marrener sec, power and feed mill. Charles City Water Works, Frank J Herber supt. Charles City Western Ry, C W Hart pres and genl mngr, E M Sherman vice-pres, C H Parr sec-treas. H F Bennett asst genl mngr and traffic mngr. Cheney Olive O, millinery. Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Ry, Robt J Taylor agt. Citizens National Bank (capital $50,000), H C Baldwin pres, F B Miner cashier. Clark Adelbert D, dentist. Clark Joseph J, judge district court. Clark S A, propr Hotel Norlin. Clay Henry W, cattle breeder, 10 miles n. Clemens J & Co (Agnes Clemens), coal. Clemens & Harding (Joseph Clemens Jr, Charles E Harding), dry goods. Cole Oliver, veterinary surgeon. Commercial National Bank (capital $50,000), George E May pres, J N Snyder cashier. Coolidge James, physician. Corn Belt Land & Invt Co, George H Jackson pres, E H Castle sec. Crawford Horace G, agt Standard Oil Co. Cromer & Co (F J and C C Cromer), notions. Crosby Edward, live stock. Daley Michael H, foundry. David & Hart (Bert R David, John B Hart), restaurant. Debes John C, marble works. Dennis A W, pres Iowa Title & Realty Co Inc and notary. Dennison Ralph D, restaurant. Dinkel Charles F, agrl implements. Dodd Arthur L, sec and mngr Charles City Lighting & Heating Co. Dodd A Brice C, drug. Dorum Louis M, tailor. Doyle & Pittenger (John H Doyle, Berton E Pittenger), livery. Eggert & Eggert (Robert and A R), lawyers, 106 Main. Ehlers Bernard W, meats. Elliott G H, county surveyor. Ellis & Ellis (A E and Charles D), lawyers. Eshleman Charles D, dentist. Fairbanks W H, sec and treas George P Smith Co. Families Freund, W F Niedorf Publr (German weekly). Ferguson John, real estate. First National Bank (capital $100,000), C D Elis pres, H M Walleser cashr. Fischer Ludwig K, tailor. Fisher-Stevens Co, F W Fisher pres, George R Morris sec, store fixtures. Fitzgerald H J, lawyer. Fitzgerald Thomas M, mayor. Flood Creek Creamery, M A Hirsch sec, 8 miles s w. Floyd County Advocate-Herald, L M Henry propr. Floyd County Farmers Mutual Ins Co, F L Lambert pres, E B Atherton sec. Fluent Walter J, insurance. Fowler Wm R, meats. Freiholtz Wm, mngr J A Smith Lumber Co. Floyd Creek Creamery, M A Hirsch sec, 8 miles s. w. Frudden Lumber Co, Nat Frudden mngr. Gilbert Hotel, S Maxfield propr. Gildner Bros Co (W F, J H and E E Gildner, George H Buckmann), clothing. Goddard Samuel C, insurance. Gokeen Wm, baker. Golly Wm H, poultry. Graham F M, clerk district court. Gray Charles G, gro and auctioneer. Greenlees Daniel S, livery. Greenees & Lawrence (Wm Greenlees, John Lawrence), livery. Griffin Dennis, feed yard. Grossman Joseph W, house furngs. Gruetzmacher Charles, hardware. Guiwits Peter R, abstractor. Harnack Franz P, cigar mnfr. Harnack Herman E, upholsterer. Hart C W, pres Hart-Parr Co, pres and genl mngr Charles City Western Ry. Hart-Parr Co, C W Hart pres, C H Parr sec, mnfrs gasoline and kerosene tractors. Hausberg Ernest, lawyer. Hauser Furniture Co (Christ Hauser). Hawkeye Vulcanizing Co (I C Hines, C C Hicks). Henry Lyman H, propr Charles City Daily Press. Herber Charles F, ice dealer. Herber Frank, supt Charles City Water Works. Herbrecht Wm C, grocer. Herman Henry J, dry goods and shoes. Herring Irving C, electrician. Herring W C & Co (Wm C Herring, W D Lindeman), furn and undertakers. Higley E B Co, Thomas D Byrne agt, butter and eggs. Hildreth Hotel, O C Hunter propr. Hildreth Hotel & Opera House Co (J A Hildreth, owners The Hildreth Hotel and Hildreth Opera House. Hummel Edward P, physician. Hunter Orlando C, propr Hildreth Hotel. Illinois Central Ry, Frank Korinke agt. Immaculate Conception Academy, in charge of Sisters of Mercy. Intelligencer Printing Co, C W Rhinesmith pres, W E Dodge sec publrs, Charles City Daily and Weekly Intelligencer. Iowa Grain and Fuel Co, A E Ellis sec-treas. Iowa Title and Realty Co (Inc), A W Dennis pres, Frank K Nies vice-pres and counsel, H r Rosenkrans sec-treas. Jansick Frank, merchant tailor and draper. Kelley C H, hudge district court. Kellogg C H, dist agt Royal Union Mut Life Ins Co. Kellogg Edwin, pumps and windmills. Kelly Thomas J, cigar mnfr. Kitcherer David, gardener. Klinetop Warren B, physician. Kober Augustus, physician. Kober Louis H, meats. Koelrich John A, harness. Kokinos & Co (George Kokinos, John Demos), fruits. Korinke Frank, agt I C Ry. Kritz Edward D, automobiles. Kritzer August, meats. Krueger Mrs F C, poultry. Kuck John, harness. Lackey Albert J, laundry. Lawrence Jackson, live stock. Legel John G, drugs and grocer. Leonard Hotel, John Neu propr. Lingenfelder Frank, lawyer. Lloyd James H, lawyer. Lockwood Harry L, lawyer. Lynch John P, live stock. McCray Walter R, physician. McGann Edward W, observer U S Weather Bureau. McLeod John, veterinary surgeon. McTigue Francis B, osteopath. Malone Wm W, notions. Marsh & Winslow (L M Marsh, L B Winslow), insurance. Martin & Collins (Wm L Martin, Chas H Collins), restaurant and billiards. Mashek Edward L, piano tuner. Maxfield A S, propr Gilbert Hotel. May Drug Co, B Wood May pres, A J Rabb sec. May George E, insurance. Meister Novelty Co (Herman Meister, Glen Willetts), novelty mnfrs. Meyer George, hats and caps. Michaelis F A, marble works. Miklovich Nicholas, grocer. Miller C & Son (Charles, Edward and Herman), hardware. Miner John B, physician. Morris George B, agt Wells, Fargo & Co. Moss Wm E, machinist. Nehls Fred C, poultry. Neu John, propr Leonard Hotel. Newton Porter S, real estate. Niedorf Wm F, publisher Familien Freund and printer. Niemack Julius, physician. Niemack School of Music, Stella Niemack prin. Niemen Bros (Carl F and Wm H), pumps. Nies Frank H, vice-pres Iowa Title & Realty Co (Inc), and lawyer. Nies George B, dentist. Olds Arthur L, insurance. Palmer Charles M, dentist. Palmer Clarence L, restaurant and barbr. Palmer Irving, grocery. Parr C H, sec Hart-Parr Co, sec-treas Charles City Western Ry. Patton C G & Son (Charles G and Ernest C), nurseryman. Perkins Edward S, confr. Peterson Alfred E, drugs. Peterson Theodore , creamery. Pfeiffer Bros (Frederick and Charles), grocers. Pomeroy Oakley, cigars. Reed & Jacobs (Lorenzo & Reed, Royal Jacobs), auos and supplies. Refsnider George F, livery. Refsnider Winfield S, cement blocks. Regal August G (est), A E Regal mngr, shoes. Robinson Charles E, drugs. Rosenkrans H R, sec and treas Iowa Title & Realty Co (Inc), and county auditor. Royal Union Mut Life Ins Co, C H Kellogg, dist agent. Ruste Co, A O Ruste pres, A R Tracy sec, genl store. Ryon John A, optician. Samson Shoe Co, F S Gibson pres, F W Samson sec-treas. Sanders Leo E, confectioner. Schermerhorn C W Land & Loan Co (C W Schermerhorn, Irving Sheehan). Schlick's Music Store, Henry A Schlick propr, everything in music. Schulze Wm C, grocer. Scott J C, boat livery. Security Trust & Savings Bank (capital $100,000), A E Ellis pres, Morton Wilbur cashier. Seymour Wm H, physician. Sheldon E L, supt county schools. Shepard W H & A B, poultry. Sherman Nursery Co, E M Sherman pres, A G Page sec. Simmonds Vane, sign painter, 800 Clark. Simpson Bros (Robert W and Charles), grocers. Skondras James, confectioner. Slack Lyman E, second hand goods. Smith Bros (Frank L and Herman A), grocers. Smith George P Co (capital $20,000), Nathaniel Frudden pres, A E Ellis vice-pres, W H Fairbanks sec and treas, sash, doors and blinds. Smith James A Lumber Co, Wm Freiholtz mngr. Smith Wm T, picture frames. Snyder Charles, hardware. Standard Oil Co, H G Crawford, agt. Stanton Jewelry Co, Frank W Stanton mngr. Steinhauer Albert F, grocer. Stoecker Henry J, horse breeder. Sylvester Charles A, carriagemaker. Taylor Ethel R, agt W U Tel Co. Taylor Robert J, agt C M & St P Ry. Theno Music House, I J Theno sec-treas. Thompson Bert S, plumber. Thompson John T, baker. Toepfer George, grocer. Toepfer & Guthart (Henry Toepfer, H Guthart), grocers. Torrence Printing Co (Chas D Torrence). Townsend Edwin F, art goods. Townsend Loren J, real estate. Townsend & Shipley (Edwin F Townsend, Florence F Shipley), photogrs. Troutner, Bartlett & Milner (Martin L Troutner, Jesse E Bartlett, Hubert W Milner), real estate. Van Amberg John B, veterinary surgeon. Von Berg, Petry & Miller (George W Von Berg, John Petry, A L Miller), dentists. Waller Bros (Joseph W and Warren E), live stock. Waller & Waller (Ralph P, Wayne F), poultry and eggs. Walsh Wm, mngr Beatric Creamery Co. Waterbury E N & Co (Edgar N Waterbury, M Despres), clothing. Watterston David W, jeweler. Wetsman Benjamin, junk. Wells Fargo & Co Express, G P Morris agent. Wentland Frank A, grocer. Werder Edward, jeweler. Western Union Telegraph Co, Ethel R Taylor agent. Wetherbee Mark H, propr Charles City Green Houses, florist and seedsman. White H D, sheriff. Williams Frank, grocer. Williams Harley, grocer. Winterink Chester A, horse breeder. Wolf Sam Clothing Co, L S Wolf sec. Wollstein Emma, milliner. Wood Rupert V, drugs. Worthington Harry C, pysician. Wright Ruth M. osteopath. Wright, Smith & Sons, Clayton J Wright mngr, poultry. |