Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, April 24, l924

MISS HELEN LILLIE spent Wednesday night with FLORENCE EVANS.

JESSE MAYNARD and family visited Easter at JOHN MCDANIEL's.

MR. and MRS. ED CAMPBELL visited Sunday at SHARP ROBISON'S.

MRS. ELIZABETH SHARP visited last week at the GEO. and ELIJAH EVANS homes.

MRS. JANE LILLIE and family spent Easter at WILLARD LILLIE's.

MR. and MRS. F.E. WEBSTER and baby were Thursday evening callers at VIRGIL ROBISON's.

MRS. SUSAN HUBBARD called at S. ROBISON's Sunday morning.

ELIZA LILLIE called on M. GRIFFIN and E.J. EVANS, Friday.

ROY and ORA MCDANIEL, JOHN HAMPTON and HELEN LILLIE attended a weinie roast at White Hall Friday night.

MRS. ELIZABETH SHARP and MAY, FLORENCE and ROY EVANS were callers at W.Z. MCDANIEL's Thursday evening.

MARY WALTON closed her term of school at Brush College Friday. The teachers and pupils enjoyed a picnic and weinie roast.


MRS. FRED POTTER and children spent Thursday afternoon at EUGENE GAMMON's.

ROY and ORA MCDANIEL and HELEN LILLIE, spent Easter at E.J. EVANS'.

MRS. GEORGIA STILL, of Leon, spent last week with MRS. JANE LILLIE.

MRS. CASSIE HAMPTON and children were Leon callers Monday morning.

MRS. BERTHA EVANS called at C.C. BELL's Monday afternoon.

FLOYD WEBSTER, wife and baby, spent Saturday evening at E.J. Evans'.

MR. and MRS. EUGENE GAMMON entertained relatives Sunday.

JOHN HAMPTON and sister, MARJORIE, called at E.J. EVANS' Sunday afternoon.

ETHEL and FLORENCE EVANS went to Leon for a few weeks, Sunday evening.

Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, April 24, l924

The weather is some cold yet.

JOHN WARNER is still in very poor health, his daughter, MRS. IDA BENDER, is taking care of him.

GEO. P. CAMPBELL, who had the misfortune to have his car turn over while coming home from St. Joe last week, is some better at this writing.

Quite a time was had out in the county one night last week at a good old fashioned dance instead of a fight, by men folks as is usually the case at such places. A woman was the cause of quite a serious time. Perhaps she was a Woman Rights believer.

MISS MARGERY FRAZIER is on the sick list this week. She has not been absent or tardy at school for six years; we think this is going some.

The 7th grade spelling contest comes off this week on Saturday and will be held at Lamoni.

MARSHALL SMITH has moved his family here from Albany, Mo. They are now living in the Burrell house.

There are some cases of measles as yet, but none very serious.

The Easter program given at the M.E. Church, Sunday evening, was largely attended and all that took part in it did exceedingly well. Several of the teachers deserve much credit for the work of it.

A bunch of boys and girls took their lunch and spent an afternoon in the woods near the home of CLARENCE COWLES, all report a good time.

The most of the people were pleasantly surprised last week when it became known that MISS CLARA MAXWELL and PAUL SWOPE, of Leon, were married. Both parties being very popular. We all extend hearty congratulations.

Copied by Nancee (McMurtrey) Seifert
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