Independent Patriot
Lamoni, Decatur County, Iowa, February 17, 1898


T. J. SMITH shipped a car of hogs Tuesday.

The "Q" depot has a new floor in the waiting room and office, which became a necessity, and is by no means a luxury.

On Thursday last, Dr. HANSEN assisted by Drs. DERWENT and GREER, operated on Elder J. R. LAMBERT. He bore the operation well, and is recovering nicely.

Mr. Wm. BROLLIAR and wife are to be congratulated on the birth of a boy February 11, and Mr. Frank HAMMER and wife on the birth of a girl February 18.

Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases may secure instant relief by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is the great Pile remedy. C. H. BARROWS.

Nearly a score of the pedagogical profession of Lamoni and immediate vicinity were in attendance at the meeting of the Teacher's Association of Decatur county at Leon Friday and Saturday.

The creamery company has voted upon the articles of incorporation the second time, and adopted them. They are not filed yet, however. Ice is being put up for use next summer by the company.

The Sunday School organized at the Green school house gave an oyster super (sic) Friday night at the school house, and took in the neat sum of $19. They furnished a good meal of oysters, pie, cake, etc., for 25 cents.

J. A. and J. T. HARRIS will sell at their farm known as the Wm. SMITH place, 8 miles northwest of Leon, Wednesday February 23, 1898, commencing at 10 a.m., 47 head of cattle, 13 horses, 74 hogs, farm implements, vehicles and grain.

Mr. S. D. SHIPPY lost a valuable Jersey cow, for which he had been offered forty dollars, Thursday night. An examination of the body disclosed the fact that she died of the disease known as dry murrain. This may serve as a hint to other stock owners to be on the watch tower.

We are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of no pleasanter or better way to do it than by recommending One Minute Cough Care as a preventative of pneumonia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. C. H. BARROWS.

Mr. Joseph HARDMAN of Lineville, Iowa, called Thursday and informed us that he had made a trip all the way from his home to Mr. D. BOWEN's near here, only to find on arrival that Mr. BOWEN's place, which he sought, was rented. Mr. HARDMAN is an old nurseryman, having worked at that business most of his life.

Copied by Stacey McDowell Dietiker, February 28, 2004
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