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Aug 1908 Miner Dead
 The Wabash Kills Deaf Man, Hicks, a Laddsdale Miner, run down by
freight train near Bloomfield. The Wabash south bound train due in
Bloomfield Saturday afternoon, about 3 o'clock rand down a man named
Hicks just south of the Fox River Bridge. The engineer did not slow up
believing that he would step aside in time. Repeated blasts of the
whistle, failed to arouse Hicks to his danger, until the engine was
within a few feet of him. He was struck by the point and knocked 25
feet from the track. His head was badly cut and his back and side were
terribly crushed.
He was picked up by the train crew and brought to the depot. He died
shortly after. Mr Hicks was hard of hearing. He had started to
Bloomfield to see a physician about his wife who has been sick at the
home of relatives in Belknap. The body was taken to Laddsdale.


table 1908


April 1908

Appointments made. The new city Officers assumed their duties Monday
evening and the following appointments were made by Mayor Berry:
Street Commissioner< Frank Hull
Marshall<  T C Cree
Night Watch<  Johnathan Blott
Health Officer< Dr C D Shelton
Street Committee< Wray, Barrickman, Rowe
Side Walk<  Black, Williams
Water< Barrickman, Williams, Rowe
Light< Williams, Black, Kline
Sewer< Williams, Barrickman, Wray
Fire< Wray, Kline, Black
Health< Rowe, Kline, Wray
Cemetery< Williams, Black, Kline


BD 1908

BD Apr 3, 1947


BD Feb 20, 1947

Hollis Wilkinson advertise 90 Acres, with 3 foot coal vein.

BD Feb 27, 1954

BD Aug 16, 1951


BD Jan 6 1955

Allen Perry Jones, 68, of Floris died Wednesday afternoon of injuries sustained while working at a strip mine northwest of Floris. The accident occured about 3 PM, at a mine on the Roy Fisk farm near the Hale school and approximately 3 miles from Floris. The mine is operated by the South Iowa Coal Co., which also maintains operations on Hwy 63 near Soap Creek. Jones who had been employed by the company for approximately 3 years, was oiling a drag line operated by his son, Paul, when he became entangled in the mechanism. His arm was severed. Jones died approximately 15 minutes following. Survivors include his wife, Hildred. Two sons, Paul of Floris, and John M of Marshalltown; three daughters, Mrs Fred McMillin, Mrs Lewis Pool, Mrs Mildred Carlisle. Four brothers, Ross, Charles,, one of Drakesville, (unreadable), and Donald. Two sisters, Mrs Tom Higbee of Bloomfield and Mrs Eph Heckert of Unionville, Ia. 17 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren.

Jones was born October 18, 1996 near Belknap, the son of Mr and Mrs Isaac Jones. Services at Floris Christian,  and Burial in Floris Cemeter, Curl Funeral home in charge of arrangements.

BD Jan 13 1955

The Floris community was saddened by the accidental death of

Mr. Allen Jones who was fatally injured in an accident at the  strip coal mine northwest of

Floris, Wednesday afternoon. A large crowd attended the funeral services Sunday at 1:30 at the

Floris Christian church conducted by Rev. Raymond Neff. Pallbearers

were fellow workers at the mine. Merle Rouu, Wm, Davis, Larry Reiner, Watty Strickland,

Reed Inman Jr., and Paul Wilkinson, Burial was made In the Floris cemetery.





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Bloomfield Democrat

The Granger Advocate

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