Copyright 1950
The Athens Press, Iowa City, Iowa
Expert from the volume which contains a story of the medical profession in Iowa during the Century of the greatest medical progress of all times. Includes the story of the service of this profession to the citizens of Iowa, taking the doctor through the saddle bag stage, the horse and buggy stage, to the present time of writing.
The history of Medicine in Iowa is closely interwoven with the settlement and development of social, economical and professional life in the prairie state. Deep gratitude is expressed to all those who have assisted in the preparation of this volume, and had given so much to reflect the remarkable progress of medical education, development of hospitals, public health, and other allied agencies.
The Davis County Medical Society was organized in April of 1870. Known as "Bloomfield (Davis County) Academy of Medicine and Science:
First Officers: President, Wm McK Findley of Bloomfield; vice president, John Dunshee of Bloomfield; secretary, J W Young of Bloomfield; executive committee, E J Shelton, and D C Greenleaf of Bloomfield.
Members: J W Caldwell, John Dunshee, F W Eichelberg (Lawyer), Wm McK Findley, D C Greenleaf, F W Moore (Attorney), T J Selman, J J Selman, E K Shelton, E J Shelton, H C Traverse (Attorney), and J W Young, all of Bloomfield; D W Dooley and TJ Halstead of Savannah; and T B Herrold of Stilesville. --Medical and Surgical Directory, Iowa Report, 1880-1.
Reorganized on September 17, 1903.
Officers: President C C Heady of Bloomfield; Secretary J C Young of Bloomfield.
-- Iowa Medical Journal, 1903 p. 404.
February 1950 sees the Davis County Hospital, 81% completed, with a total cost of $399,941.94 for 34 beds/or $14700 per bed.
First year registrant at Iowa Wesleyan College (University) was Stephen Greenleaf of Bloomfield, IA. The course listed for the first time in 1872, with tuition for the term at $10. Incidentals were an additional $5, and the course covered Chemistry, Professional Physiology, and Theoretical and Practical Anatomy, with a provision for medical reading.