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Bloomfield, Iowa |
Prior to the year 1843 the soil of Bloomfield & Davis County belonged to the Red Man. Over it he hunted, and fished in its streams; and by his camp fires his people danced and sang their songs, unmolested by the white man, save now and then an in vader within their wild domain as a trapper. But on March 23rd, 1843 this beautiful domain passed by treaty to the ownership of the Untied States, and by the terms of that treaty the aboriginal occupants were given 3 years to remove beyond the Missouri River.
About April 1st, 1843, John W Ellis, John W Allen and Dr Selman formed a party and determined in their survey that the present location of Bloomfield was the center of Davis County.
In the year of 1844 a petition was received in the courts, with a desire to be organized into a body corporation. Bloomfield was named by the county commissioners after Jefferson, Bloomfield, and Davis were proposed. The selection was drawn from a hat.
The first city officials elected in 1855 were Mayor, Wm L Oliver; Recorder, James B Weaver, councilmen; J P Ford, Calvin W Phelps, John Vanhook, Milton J French and George Duffield; Marshal was John Hendrick.
The first school in Bloomfield was a subscription school in 1866, taught by Mrs May Gibson at her home. The first schoolhouse was built in 1849 at a cost of $300. The first principal of the school was S T Ballard. The present school building (1914) was built at a cost of $44000.
The Normal & Scientific Institute was established in 1872 by enterprising and public spirited citizens of Bloomfield. During its 41 years of operation, thousand of students received their training and inspiration from here. The following comprise the Board of Regents: W H McAchran, President, H C Leach, Secretary, S S Standley, Treasurer, J R Scheafferm C W Ramseyer, H C Taylor, T P Pence, Dr H C Young, James Rouch.
The first public library was organized in 1869, and the Bloomfield Public (Carnegie) Library was completed in July, 1913, at a cost of $10000.
The Methodist Episcopal church was organized in 1844. The building erected in 1852, and the first pastor was J L Bennett.
The Church of Christ was organized January 1st, 1873. They erected their building in 1875. The first pastor was W D Swain, evangelist.
The First Presbyterian Church was organized in August of 1864 by Rev James C Shannon.
The First Baptist Church was organized in 1849, and erected in 1853.
The Nazarene church was organized in 1910.
The Hawkeye Cigar Co., was established in 1881 byDunn & Hellwig, and was succeeded in 1883 by James A Dunn & by Dunn & Randolph in 1885. In March of 1912 Mr Dunn took into partnership with J L Shelton & R B Murphy. Then to be known as Hawkeye Cigar Company. Making several known brands of cigars: El Competo, Cuban Perfecto, Yakima, Little Havana and 5c Hand made.
The Bloomfield Creamery, managed by Newton Richardson, opened June of 1912. This is an excellent market for cream, and occupied in a brick building, erected specifically for equipment and up to date machinery, manufacturing Buttercup Creamery Butter.
In 1913 Bloomfield had a population of 2500, with 2 hotels, 2 theatres and an airdome. Included were 4 banks, railroad facilities operated by the Wabash & Burlington. 14 trains take on and leave off passengers & freight day & night.
Trivia- There was 41 miles of sidewalks. 5 miles of paved streets. 350 houses were wired for electric, 165 street lights, 45 fire hydrants.
Newspaper circulation of 4800 is covered by 3 published papers. 2 telephone lines provide service to 950 homes.
The E B Townsend Post No 100, G A R reports 51 members.
Beautiful Bloomfield, Published in 1914, By Thomas P Barnes
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