Charles John Tellgren of Sweden

Charles Johan Tellgren (1862-1939)

The following biography was published in the 1912 "History of Crawford County Volume II":

 C. J. Tellgren, who was formerly engaged in agricultural pursuits in Crawford county but is now living in Kiron, where he has a wagon and repair shop, is a native of Sweden.  He is a son of G. F. and Elizabeth Katherine Tellgren, also natives of Scandinavia, his birth having occurred on the 30th of January 1862.  The parents emigrated to the United States in 1885, and in February of which year they settled on a farm in Crawford county, Iowa.  The father passed away on the 21st of March 1908, but the mother is still living, although she has passed her seventy-fifth anniversary.  They were the parents of five children, who were as follows: C. J., our subject; Andrew, deceased; O. F., living in Crawford county; Enoch, who resides in Ida county; and Alfred, also of this county.

 C. J. Tellgren received his education in the common schools of his native land, remaining a member of his father's household until he had attained his fifteenth year, at which time he started out in life for himself.  He worked as a farm hand for two years and then entered the army.  After two years' service, he decided to become a citizen of the United States and after receiving his discharge he took passage for America.  Upon his arrival he made his way westward, locating in Crawford county, Iowa, where he obtained employment upon a farm, continuing to work for others for three years.  At the end of that period he had accumulated sufficient means to enable him to farm as a renter and for sixteen years he cultivated leased land.  In 1900 he gave up agricultural pursuits and removed to Kiron, where he opened a wagon and repair shop, which he is still conducting.  Mr. Tellgren is an excellent mechanic, having been a high class engineer in Sweden when he was seventeen years of age.  He has met with moderate success in his various ventures and owns his residence and two lots, as well as his shop and a building and two acres of land within the village limits.

 Mr. Tellgren was married on the 30 of July 1889, to Miss Matilda Swanson, one of the five children born unto Mr. and Mrs. Swan Nelson, of Sweden, who spent their entire lives in their native land.  Three children have been born unto Mr. and Mrs. Tellgren, as follows: Maud T., Anna V. and Minnie M.  They are all graduates of the high school and the eldest and youngest are now at home, but the second daughter is attending college in Des Moines.

 They attend the services of the Baptist church, and Mr. Tellgren always supports the candidates and measures of the Republican party.  He takes an active interest in all municipal matters and at the present time is a member of the board of aldermen.  The family is highly regarded in Kiron, figuring prominently in all of the social activities.

Descendants of Charles Johan Tellgren and Matilda Svensdotter
1-Carl G. Tellgren (-)
sp: Stina Lisa MÃ¥nsdotter (1797-)
    2-Gustaf Fredrick Tellgren (24 Dec 1837-29 Mar 1907)
    sp: Elizabeth Katherine Monson (8 Jan 1835-31 Jan 1924)
        3-Charles John Tellgren (30 Jan 1862-11 Nov 1939)
        sp: Matilda Swanson (15 Sep 1862-27 Jan 1937)
            4-Maude T. Tellgren (1 Jun 1890-27 Apr 1982)
            sp: Alfred Olander Larson (9 Dec 1886-18 Sep 1931)
            4-Anna Victoria Tellgren (22 Aug 1891-13 Feb 1967)
            sp: Elmer B. Nordell (21 Aug 1891-18 May 1959)
                5-Janice Nordell
                sp: Cecil DeWitt
                    6-Katherine (Kathy) Anna DeWitt
                    sp: Art Handly
                    6-David Charles DeWitt
                    6-Victoria (Vicki) DeWitt
                    sp: Mike Ganoe
                        7-Michael Paul Ganoe
                        sp: Chris Packlaian
            4-Minnie Mathilda Tellgren (6 Feb 1893-3 Mar 1963)
            sp: Paul E. Hedstrom (11 Dec 1893-26 Mar 1971)
                5-Wilma Joan Hedstrom
                sp: Wilbur Anderson
        3-Andrew Tellgren (18 Apr 1864-11 May 1887)
        3-Oscar F. Tellgren (5 Jun 1867-19 Aug 1956)
        sp: Sophia Johanna Johnson (8 Sep 1869-9 Apr 1940)
            4-Reuben Emanuel Tellgren (28 Mar 1894-2 May 1980)
            sp: Agnes A. Johnson (16 Aug 1899-2 Jun 1961)
                5-Joyce Tellgren
                sp: David Conway
                5-Robert Tellgren
                sp: Joyce Osterlund
                    6-James Tellgren
                    sp: Michele Tellgren?
                        7-Robert Tellgren
                        7-Jeanine Tellgren
                    6-Susan Tellgren (28 Feb 1967-22 Nov 1994)
                5-Glenn Tellgren
                sp: ? Tellgren?
                    6-Taralee Tellgren
                    6-Timothy Tellgren
                    sp: Mary Ellen Tellgren?
                        7-Jeffery Michael Tellgren
                    6-Traci Ann Tellgren
                    sp: David Vollmer
                        7-Kali Jean Vollmer
                5-Laurence (Larry) Tellgren
            4-Florence Cecelia Tellgren (15 Mar 1903-7 Apr 1968)
            sp: Walter Herrig
                5-Earl Herrig
                5-Maydelle Herrig
                5-Myrna Herrig
                5-Merlin Herrig
                5-Delbert Herrig
                5-Ruth Ann Herrig
        3-Enoch Tellgren (13 Nov 1870-18 Sep 1952)
        sp: Annette Tuveson (12 Jun 1875-23 Dec 1954)
            4-Myrtle Tellgren (1 Oct 1895-1988)
            sp: John Williams
                5-Ellen Williams (-1989)
                sp: Creighton Mann
                5-Rowena Williams
                sp: Daniel Anderson
            4-Harold Tellgren (30 May 1897-)
            sp: Frances Lindgren
                5-Marlin Tellgren
                sp: Bonnie Tellgren?
                    6-? Tellgren
                    6-?? Tellgren
                5-Lois Tellgren
                sp: Ronald Johnson
                    6-? Johnson
                    6-?? Johnson
                    6-??? Johnson
                    6-???? Johnson
            4-Vincent Tellgren
            sp: Rebecca Tellgren?
            4-Clarence Tellgren (22 Apr-)
            sp: Ruth Wessmar
                5-Virginia Tellgren
                5-Clarine Tellgren
                5-Pauline Tellgren
                5-Paul Tellgren
                5-George Tellgren
                5-Geraldine Tellgren
                5-Arlene Tellgren
                5-Sherril Tellgren
                5-Kathy Tellgren
                5-Rika Tellgren
        3-Alfred Tellgren (6 Jan 1874-17 Aug 1912)
        sp: Anna Beata (Beatrice) Johnson (Oct 1870-1 Jun 1950)
            4-Walter Fredrick Tellgren (17 Oct 1895-17 Aug 1912)
            4-Clarence Tellgren (5 Dec 1897-5 Dec 1897)
            4-Elden Tellgren (22 Nov 1898-15 Mar 1899)
            4-Alvin L. W. Tellgren (3 Jun 1901-Dec 1970)
            4-Ester Caroline Tellgren (26 Nov 1907-7 Jul 1919)
            4-Alfred Russell Tellgren (4 Jan 1908-)
            4-Ruth Tellgren (-Oct 1942)
            sp: Jack Sears (-)

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