Cemeteries in Crawford County
- Astor Cemetery Located south of the county line in Shelby County
- Bethel Lutheran Cemetery List from Glenn Gustafson. Used with permission
- Bockelmann Family Cemetery in Hanover Township with family burials,
ca. 1871-1887. Updated June 1, 2023
- Buck Grove Cemetery
- Butler Cemetery Arion
- Charter Oak Cemetery List of burials from the IAGenWeb Gravestone Photo Project.
- County Poor Farm Cemetery
- Crawford Heights Cemetery List of burials from the IAGenWeb Gravestone Photo Project.
- Dow City Cemetery List of burials from the IAGenWeb Gravestone Photo Project.
- Iowa Township Cemetery
- King Cemetery Milford Township
- Lehfeldt Cemetery Otter Creek Township
- Milford Township Cemetery List from Glenn Gustafson. Used with permission
- Morgan Township Cemetery List of burials from the IAGenWeb Gravestone Photo Project.
- Mt. Olivet Cemetery Manilla.
- Nishnabota Cemetery Manilla, List of burials from the IAGenWeb Gravestone Photo Project.
- Oakland Cemetery Denison, List of burials from the IAGenWeb Gravestone Photo Project
- Old Catholic (Irish) Cemetery East Boyer Township
- Immanuel Lutheran Church Cemetery Soldier Township, Complete Listing.
- St. Ann's Cemetery Vail.
- St. Boniface Catholic Cemetery Charter Oak, list of burials from the IAGenWeb Gravestone Photo Project.
- St Johannis, St Petri Lutheran Cemetery Washington Township.
- St. John Lutheran Cemetery Charter Oak List of burials from the IAGenWeb Gravestone Photo Project.
- St. John Lutheran Cemetery Stockholm Township List from Glenn Gustafson. Used with permission
- St. Paul's Cemetery Charter Oak Township, Complete Listing.(2009)
According to Nancy RosburgāIt was once connected to the Swedish Lutheran
Church, but became non-denominational when the church dissolved and has been ever
since. St. Paul's Lutheran Cemetery is the one in Hanover Township. -
- St. Paul Lutheran Cemetery Ricketts, Hanover Township, List of burials from the IAGenWeb Gravestone Photo Project.
- St. Rose of Lima Catholic Cemetery Denison
- Vail Cemetery
- Valley View Cemetery Boyer Township
Washington Township Cemetery Formerly known as St. Johannis and St. Petri Lutheran Cemetery
- Westside Cemetery Westside Burial List (No Dates Given) and
List of 143 burials from the IAGenWeb Gravestone Photo Project with more information.
- Willow Township Cemetery List of Burials
- WPA Cemetery Records (ca. 1935) for Crawford County.
- Zion Lutheran Cemetery Denison.
Links to Cemeteries in Neighboring Counties
- Ida County
- Hayes Township
- Shelby County
- Galland's Grove (aka LDS) Cemetery Grove Township, near Earling.
- Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery Near Defiance
- Union Township Cemetery, Near Defiance
See Also:
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IAGenWeb Project and Contributors.