Crawford County, Iowa, IAGenWeb


William Clauson

For sixteen years William Clauson has been engaged in the cultivation of a farm in Stockholm township.

A native of Crawford county, his birth occurred on the 14th of July, 1869, a son of C. F. and Catherina Clauson, who emigrated to the United States from Sweden in 1868, and located upon a farm in Stockholm township, where the father continues to live at the venerable age of seventy years. The mother, however, passed away on the roth of April, 1892.

Fourteen children were born to them, five of whom still survive: Alfred J., a resident of Crawford county; William, our subject; Edward E., living in Kiron; Otto E., also of this county; and Eda C, now Mrs. Edward Anderson. of Crawford county.

The education of William Clauson was acquired in the district schools of Crawford county. He has always been engaged in agricultural pursuits first assisting his father in the management of the homestead, following which he rented eighty acres in 1895 which he has farmed continuously since. He has met with reasonable success in his undertakings and has invested in a forty acre tract on section 21, Stockholm township. Although he is engaged in gen­eral farming he devotes considerable energy to stock-raising, in which he is meeting with gratifying returns.

On the 19th of January, 1895, Mr. Clauson was united in marriage to Miss Annie Naslund. a daughter of John and Sarah M. (Hanson) Naslund. Two children were born unto Mr. and Mrs. Naslund: Annie, and Peter, a resident of Crawford county.

Mr. and Mrs. Clauson have become the parents of five children, two of whom, Edward and Myrtle, the second and third in the order of birth, have passed away. The others are: Clarence, Eldon and Mabel, all of whom are at home.

The religious views of the family are indicated by their membership in the Baptist church of Kiron. Mr. Clauson votes in accordance with the dictates of the republican party and always takes a prominent part in local politics, having held various offices in his township and is now serving as constable. He is well regarded in the community where he has spent his entire life and has many friends who esteem him for his worthy qualities as a citizen and neighbor.

Source: History of Crawford County, Iowa. Vol. II. Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1911.