Hans C. Christiansen
A beautiful farm of four hundred and forty acres in Hanover and Paradise townships belongs to Hans C. Christiansen, whose name stands at the head of this review. This farm he has acquired since 1898, his success in establishing a home for his family being a remarkable instance of the effect of industry when it is directed by wise judgment.
He was born in Brecklum, Germany, April I, 1855, a son of Ludwig and Elizabeth (Jensen) Christiansen. The mother died in Germany, but the father crossed the ocean to America in 1907 and died two days after arriving in New York. There were two children in their family: Hans C., the subject of this review; and Briggita, who died in Germany at the age of eighteen years.
Hans C. Christiansen was reared and educated in his native land and continued there until forty-three years of age, coming to the United States in 1898. He began his career in the new world by working by the day in Ida county, Iowa, and after two years commenced renting land in Crawford county, making such headway that four years later he purchased three hundred and twenty acres on section 28, Hanover township. He has since acquired more land and is the owner of one of the most valuable farms of its size in the county, one hundred and twenty acres of his place being located on sections 5 and 8, Paradise township. He carries on general farming and being thorough and systematic in his work secures substantial results from everything he undertakes.
On the 10th of November, 1878, Mr. Christiansen was. united in marriage to Miss Catharina C. Paulsen, who was also born at Brecklum, Germany, and is a daughter of Paul and Catharina (Kettelsen) Paulsen. The Paulsen family consisted of five children, namely: Anna, now living in Germany; Henry, deceased ; Christena, of Davenport, Iowa; Catharina C., now the wife of Hans C. Christiansen; and Johannes Paulsen, a half brother, who lives in Hamburg, Germany.
Twelve children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Christiansen, namely: Ludwig C., who was born January 15, 1880; Peter E., born April 11, 1881; Carl E., October 1, 1882; Emelie C., November 1, 1884; Herman C., June 11, 1886; Ida, who was born October 4, 1887, and is now deceased; Christina, born November 14, 1888; Paul C., December 4, 1890; Annie B:, October 14, 1893; Johannes C., March 7, 1895; Max c., February 17, 1897; and Rosie A., January 17, 1902.
Mr. Christiansen has been in the United States only thirteen years and during that period has accomplished as much in acquiring a competence for himself and family as generally requires two or three times as many years. He and his wife have reared a large family and by their energy and faithfulness to responsibility have earned the respect in which they are held by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. They give their allegiance and earnest support to the German Lutheran church. Politically Mr. Christiansen is affiliated with the democratic party, believing that its principles are best adapted to the support of free institutions.
Source: History of Crawford County, Iowa. Vol. II. Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1911.