Ladehoff Family History

The following was sent to us by Sharon, email:

Every original entry is followed by a translation.

Sterberegister Selent
(37/1877) S. 485

† May 25th, 1877
? May 29th, 1877 linker Rand: Ang. Christracke [?] 26 Mai 77 Plambeck Stdsb.

Schroeder, Jochim Heinrich, Altentheiler in Bellin, ehel. Sohn des weil. 
Insten Claus Jochim Schroeder in Seelent u. der weil. Marg. Hedwig geb. Schuett
geb. 9 Octbr. 1799.
Er war verheirathet mit der am 16. Maerz 1862 verstb. Sophia Dorothea geb. Paustian,
verwittweten Bornholdt. Zwei Toechter aus dieser Ehe
1 Cath. Christine Ladehoff und
Wilh. Sophie Paustian sind vor ihm gestorben.
Mit Grabrede u Glocken.

Record of Deaths Selent
(37/1877) p. 485

† May 25th, 1877
? May 29th, 1877 left edge: Reported Christracke [?] 26 Mai 77 Plambeck Civil registrar
Schroeder, Jochim Heinrich, retired man in Bellin, legitimate son of the late "Inste" 
Claus Jochim Schroeder in Selent and the late Margaretha Hedwig née Schuett,
born 9th of Octbr. 1799.
He was married with Sophia Dorothea née Paustian, widowed Bornholdt, 
who died the 16th of March 1862.
Two daughters of this marriage
1 Catharina Christine Ladehoff and
Wilhelmine Sophie Paustian died before him.
[Buried] With a speech by the grave and bells ringing.

Comment: "Inste" see sheet "Explanation of terms", attached.

Taufregister Selent
(68/1799) S. 324

* Oct. 9th, 1799
~ Oct. 13th, 1799

Jochim Heinrich Schroeder aus Seelent.
Der Vater: Clas Jochim Schroeder, ein Inste.
Die Mutter: Margareta Hedewig geborene Schuett.
Taufzeugen: Timm Juergen Paustian aus Bauerstorf [?],
Heinrich Schroeder ebenda u.
Magdalena Hoek aus Seelent.

Record of Baptisms Selent
(68/1799) p. 324

* Oct. 9th, 1799
~ Oct. 13th, 1799

Jochim Heinrich Schroeder from Selent.
The father: Clas Jochim Schroeder, an "Inste".
The mother: Margareta Hedewig née Schuett.
Witnesses: Timm Juergen Paustian from Bauerstorf [?],
Heinrich Schroeder from right there and 
Magdalena Hoek from Selent.

Comment: the reading of "Bauerstorf" is not safe, but highly probably correct.

Heiratsregister Selent
(14/1827) S. 152

( Oct. 26th, 1827

Der Hufner Jochim Heinrich Schroeder aus Bellin, des Insten Klas Jochim Schroeder
in Seelent ehel. Sohn (conf.) u. Dorothea Sophie Bornholt aus Bellin des weil. Hufners Johann Heinrich Bornholt nachgl. Wittwe (Hoch)

Record of Marriages Selent
(14/1827) p. 152

( Oct. 26th, 1827

The farmer Jochim Heinrich Schroeder from Bellin, legitimate son of the "Inste" 
Klas Jochim Schroeder in Selent, (confirmation)
and Dorothea Sophie Bornholt from Bellin,widow left behind by the late farmer Hufners Johann Heinrich Bornholt (marriage)

Comment: (confirmation) and (marriage) refer to the point of time when evidence of vaccination against smallpox was first produced by the couple. Him: on the occasion of his confirmation, her: on the occasion of her first marriage.

weil. = weiland = late
nachgl. = nachgelassen = left behind, living, after the death of someone

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