IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.

1882 Biographies Index

Henry W. Wilke
Boardman Twp.

Henry W. Wilke was born in Prussia, Germany, on the 10th day of March, 1847. His parents, Stephen and Elsie Wilke, were married in Prussia, where a family of six children was born, four of whom are living-- John H., Katarina (now the wife of Herman Dieckbernd), Frederick W. and Henry William. Stephen Wilke by occupation was a farmer, and died in Germany in 1868. The mother died in 1864.

The subject of this memoir received a common-school education, and when fourteen years of age learned the trade of a tailor, which he followed a few years. In 1868 he left his home in Germany and came to the United States, landing in St. Louis, Mo.

From there he went to Lansing, Iowa, where he was employed at his trade until 1871, when he came to Elkader and embarked in his present business--dry-goods salesman.

In 1874 he married Annie M. Gossmann, of Read Township. She was born in Clayton County, June 9, 1853. By this union there are four children, viz.: Gustave, Ellen, Ina and Kate.

Mr. Wilke is a member of Elkader Lodge, No. 44 A.O.U.W., and is one of the enterprising business men of Elkader.

source: History of Clayton County, Iowa, 1882, p. 677
Transcribed by Sally Scarff and Marlene Chaney


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