Lacelle News Articles


OSCEOLA SENTINEL excerpts of Lacelle news .

December 6, 1894

Mr. Joseph Gigray of Colorado, was in Lacelle Sunday...Mrs. Nellie Twombly is sick. Dr. Foxworthy is attending...Mrs. Hattie McClintic of Murray is visitng friends and relatives here... Rev. Warrington was called home on the account of the illness of his child. Rev. Smith is continuing the meeting...Miss Flora Keeran is teaching at the Center school.


December 20, 1894

(Please give your items to Mrs. Ida Calkins, correspondent)

William Ford has returned from his visit with his daughter in Missouri...Mr. Walker has returned from Creston. He has been with his sister, who was quite ill... Mr. Williams' little daughter has been ill, but is better now... Bert Siefkas will have a sale December 18th, and James Hunt will make one December 20th, 'tis reported... Mr. and Mrs. John Hendrix have a little son about a week old. A literary has been organized in district No. 1 that meets every two weeks on Tuesday evenings. This, if well conducted, is what every neighborhood should have.


December 27, 1894

Archie Luce's little boy is quite sick... J. E. Knotts was seen in our vicinity lately... We hear Jas. May is sick...Ambrose Snook, who has had a severe illness, is slowly recovering... Robert Hedrick, of Wick, is visiting relatives here... A merry crowd, composed of the four cousins, Earl, Charlie, Minnie and Ida Twombly, started for Warren county early Saturday morning, where they will spend Christmas with friends and relatives.


January 17, 1895

Mrs. Florence Rogers, of Butte City, Montana, is visiting friends and relatives here... The children who have kicked out the toes of their shoes should go to our young shoe repairer, Willie Hutsinpiller. They say he does first-class work...Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wilson have begun housekeeping on Mr. Wilson's farm about a mile east of Lacelle... A quiet wedding took place at the residence of Mr. Thomas Denly, Sunday January 13th. Mr. Riley Banker and Miss Mattie Denly were married at 1 o'clock. Only members of the family were present to witness the ceremony. Another marriage occurring the same day was that of Mr. Louis Leeps and Miss Kimball. We have no particulrs of the wedding. May happiness be theirs..


February 21, 1895

A number of our people are having their wood sawed...Earl Trombly has gone to Woodhull, expecting to stay some time...Mr. Walker's school at No. 4 closed last Saturday. We hear that Miss Louie Davis took the honors of the spelling school held that evening...Some repairs have been made in the M. E. church...Mrs. Dutton is visiting her son and daughter in Woodhull, Illinois...A little boy has come to the of Mr. and Mrs. Kirkman...a protracted meeting began at the M.E. church, Monday evening.


February 28, 1895

Mr. Page's youngest child is very sick...Hattie and Caltie Harless, of Osceola spent Sunday with us...Will Dutton has moved on the farm he recently purchased from John Crawford...Mr. Kepler has moved near Cedar Rapids. Mrs. Kepler's school closed Friday and she will join her husband in a few days...Mrs. Roberts, of Osceola attended church services here Saturday evening...


March 7, 1895

Mrs. Judson Linder has very poor health at present...Miss Ramsey, of Decatur county, is visitng her relatives Mr. Dunley and family...Mr. John Young was called to Illinois a short time ago to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law...Mr. Will Roberts and Miss Hattie Davis were married at the home of the bride's parents, Thursday afternoon, February 28th. Rev. G. W. McCracken performed the ceremony...Mrs. Isaac Perry is staying in Osceola with her son Eddie who is sick.


March 14, 1895

John Hendricks is moving to Murray...Mr. F. B. Davis and family, of Union county, are visitng Mrs. Davis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Young...Mrs. Dutton has returned from a four weeks' visit with her son Frank, and her daugher Mrs. Crawford, of Woodhull, Illinoois...We hear of two accidents this week. T. Sanders had his hand badly hurt while working with a woodsaw. Jap Lee while unloading some sawlogs, was struck under the chin with a hand spike. His tongue swelled nearly filling his mouth, and he was unconscious a few hours.


March 21, 1895

Jack Bartlett is here visiting...Mrs. Denly is sick with the grip...Rev. Warrington preached at the Baptist church Sunday morning and evening...Ed. Perry was able to come home from Osceola Thursday. He has been sick with pneumonia...Mr. Walker and family have moved to Osceola...We hear Dr. Whistler will move in Mr. Walker's house...


April 11, 1895

Joseph Dutton has sold his farm to...Mr. Walker teaches No. 3; Miss Eleanor Wadsworth, No. 5 and Mrs. Alice Dutton No 8...The well diggers are still kept busy and all the water isn't found so low, either. Will Dutton struck a splendid vein at thirty-two feet...The young man who was working for Rem Siefkas was taken home very sick last Thursday...Mrs. Smith of Osceola, is staying with her daughter, Mrs. Hutsinpiller. She is in very feeble health...Miss Lillie and Hal Kennedy of Osceola are visiting Mr. Wadsworth's...


May 25, 1895

Miss Lyons, of Union county, is visiting Miss Whistler...Mr. and Mrs. John Young were Murray visitors this week...Mrs. Davidson, from Long Creek, visited here, Sunday...Mrs. Smith has so far improved in health as to be able to attend church, Sunday...Mr. Thos. Perry, of Galesburg, Ill. came Friday to spend some time with his son and daughter. He was accompanied by his grandson, Will Fisher, who returned, Saturday...Mr. and Mrs. Dutton and Roy, of Murray, visited here Sunday...W. S. Hedrick was down from Osceola, too...By the way that new fence of Mr. Stiver's is going to improve our city...Mrs. Charlotta May, from Belmont, Missouri, is visitng her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Prance.


May 30, 1895

Clayton Williams has a badly sprained ankle...Little Grover May has been quite sick this week...Clarence Otis, of Osceola, visited relatives here this week...The Epworth League will give an ice cream social at the home of Mr. James Wadsworth. Monday evening. June 3rd. All invited...Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rarick, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. George Kane, attended quarterly meeting at Beaconfield, Saturday and Sunday.


August 29, 1895

Dr. Whistler was in Creston one day last week...Mr. Snooks attended the reunion of his regiment at Newton, Iowa, last week, returning home friday... Rev. Shenton, of Osceola, preached at the Simms school hosue Sunday afternoon...Mrs. Walker and Miss Grace, of Osceola, are visiting friends here...Mr. Joseph Morris, of Liberty, and Mr. Derby, of Weldon, have been visiting their niece, Mrs. Plymate...Miss Ida Catkins visited Miss Mable Grant in Osceola last week...A little child of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hedrick was buried in the Lacelle cemetry Tuesday, August 20th. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Burr, of Osceola. He was a bright little boy about a year old, and his parents have much sympathy in their loss.


September 12, 1895

Mrs. Eck, of Pleasant Plain, Iowa, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Groves...Little Miss Smith, of Osceola, is visiting Miss Jennie Hutsinpillar...Little Ethel Davis of Liberty, is staying with her aunt, Miss Eva Perry, while her parents and grandparents are attending the state fair...Messrs. John and Jake May are away on a trip to Louisville, Kentucky, to attend the national encampment, and on their way home they will visit relatives in Bloomington, Indiana...Mr. and Mrs. George Smith are at the state fair.


October 3, 1895

Norville Whistler, of Union county, is home again...Mr. James, of Cass county is visiting relatives here...Mrs. Grant and Miss Mable, of Osceola have been spending a few days at Mr. Calkins'...Miss Hathaway, of Tingley, is visiting Dr. Whistler's...Mrs. John Hedrick, of Warren county, is visiting her mother Mrs. Jake Linder and other relatives...Messrs. John and Jacob May have returned from a pleasant trip to their old home in Indiana. They also attended the G.A.R. national encampment at Louisville, Kentucky...Charles Young and Miss Shields were married last week. We extend congratulations...Miss Minnie Twombly was in Des Moines Friday.


October 10, 1895

Till Jones is very sick with a fever...Ed Linder is attending college in Des Moines...Mr. and Mrs. Gowey have returned from a visit with relatives in Des Moines and in Woodbury county...Mrs. Kane, an aged lady, died at the home of her son, George Kane, a few days ago. We have no particulars...Mr. Will Sherrow and Miss Lulu Beaman were married in Osceola, Saturday, October 5th. Our best wishes go with them...Grant Twombly's little child is very sick...Mr. Calvin Calkins and daughter Ida, started Tuesday morning for Illinois where Mr. Calkins will attend the reunion of his regiment, the 42nd Illinois infantry, and visit his boyhood home...George Stout died at his home a few miles south of Lacelle, Monday, September 30th, aged nineteen years. He had been sick some time with consumption. In the early part of the summer he was converted. Prayer meetings were often held at his home as he was not able to attend the public services, and at one of these he was received as a member of theNew Light church. Just before he died he requested that a hymn should be sung. His death was a happy, triumphant one. He leaves a mother, several brothers and sisters and many friends.


October 24, 1895

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hutsinpiller, of Osceola, attended services in Lacelle, Sunday morning...The little child of Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders is quite sick...Mrs. Isaac Sanders, of Osceola is staying a short time with her son...Rev. G. W. McCracken preached a farewell sermon at the M.E. church last Thursday evening. He will be missed at this place...Mr. and Mrs. Hammer arrived from Kansas one day last week, at Mrs. Hammar's fathers, Mr. Alonzo Luce...Mr. Will Bechtel and sisters, Misses Susie and Effie, attended church services in Woodburn, Sunday morning and in Osceola, Sunday evening...Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Watkins have returned from a visit in southern Kansas. They report a very pleasant trip.

(Received too late for last week)

Mr. Wm. Luce is building a large barn on his farm near Lacelle...Mr. and Mrs. William Morrow of Osceola, were in this vicinity Sunday...Miss Cora McCracken, of Grand River, is visiting friends here...Messrs. Prance & Walker are buying applies to ship...Misses Eva and Ed. Perry, of Osceola, spent Sunday with their parents...Rev. G. W. McCracken and wife passed through Lacelle last Friday on their way to their new home in Lacona...Some extra good cane was raised in Knox township this season. Mr. Isaac Perry says three loads of his cane made forty-seven gallons of molasses.


November 7, 1895

Claude Walker, of Osceola, was in Lacelle, Sunday...Charles Sherrow and wife have moved into Ward township...Mrs. Weathers, of Osceola, recently visited her daughter, Mrs. Plymate...Ed Linder is home from Des Moines for a few days. He has been attending Drake university...Ed Perry was home from Osceola Saturday and Sunday...Charley Luce was near Murray this week to see his sister and brother, Elva and Elgie Luce, who are quite sick with typhoid fever. They have been attending school in Murray. Miss Elva is now with her sister, Mrs. Tompkins.
