New Community Building Planned

Plans are under way for construction of a new community building. The proposed site will partially cover the area that was destroyed by fire on New Years Day.

The building as planned will have space for a community library, an activity room with attached kitchen, public restrooms, and would also include a community meeting room which could seat 250 people and could be used as a theatre.

Cost of the building which is under consider­ation would be about $48,500. An application has been filed to seek federal aid that would pay 2/3 of the cost of the building. About $11,000 had to be raised by the community and their drive was successful and the goal has been reached.

The building committee is now awaiting word from the grant.



If you want to live in the kind of a town, Like the kind of a town you like,
You needn't slip your clothes in a grip
And start on a long long hike.

You'll only find what you left behind,
For there's nothing that's really new;
It's a knock at yourself when you know your town.
It isn't your town-- it's you.

Real towns are not made by men afraid Lest somebody else gets ahead;
When every one works. and nobody shirks,
You can raise any town from the dead.

And, if, while you make your personal stake
Your neighbor will make one, too;
Your town will be what you want to see, For it isn't your town it's YOU!

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Last revised September 29, 2013