Murray Public Library




The Murray Public Library was organized in April 1935 by Mrs. Leila Kane the P. T. A, and other organizations of the city to provide the community with good literature.

The project was undertaken by Mrs. Kane who set forth the plans and secured the necessary help to set up the library. Thirty five books were donated and members took turns donating their time in keeping the library open.

The library was first opened in the IOOF building. In August 1935 Mrs. Leila Tillotson was appointed librarian. Several teas and bake sales were held to raise money and Mrs. Kane and Mrs. Tillotson canvassed the town securing signatures to get tax money to help with the purchase of books.

The Lions Club staged a book drive and collected over 1000 books.

At this time the library was moved to a room above the Theatre on Maple Ave., and in 1946 the Lions Club donated a room in their building and the library was moved to its present location.

The first officers and Board Members were as follows: President, Mrs. J. J, Kane, Vice President-Mrs. B. B, Gaumer, Secretary-Ray Welker, Treasurer-A, B. Kluht, IOOF, Mrs. Brotherton-Christian Circle, Mrs. W, Jones-O. N. O., Mrs. Murray-Baptist Church, Mrs. Alexander-Priscilla, Mrs. Housh-M. E. Aid, Mrs. Kane-Farm Bureau, Mr. Welker-Lion's Club, Mrs. Gaumer-M. L. C.
As of January 1st, 1968, the library has 2781 books, and is open 2 days each week.

The circulation averages 100 books per week and has users from the Murray, Hopeville and Thayer areas,

The present Library Board consists of: President-Essie Schaffer, Secretary-Leila Tillotson, Treasurer-Bernard Allen, Members at Large-Meta Kleinbeck, Annis Jones, Librarian-Leila Tillotson, Assistant-Annis Jones.

Mrs. Tillotson has served as librarian continuously since her appointment in 1935.

We are now planning a new library on Maple Avenue in the new community building project.

Leila Tillotson, Librarian

City Council

Back row — L-R: Elvin Soll, Clifford Cochran, Dale O'Neal, Donald Wetzel. Front row — Bernard Allen (Clerk), Walter Hurt (Mayor), Dave Calley.






Carl Booth, street commissioner, has been an employee of the town for over 30 years.





Volunteer fire department. Standing — Melvin Stroud, Darrell Carson, Dale O'Neal, Bernard Allen, Leonard Wolfe, Delbert Davidson, Chuck Jeter, Walter Williams, Wilbur Vreeland. Front row Elvin Soll, Donald Wetzel, Ronald Maffett, (Fire Chief) Curtis Burgus.


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Last revised September 28, 2013