Murray Lions Club

Murray Lions Club 1968


The Murray Lions Club was organized in June 1932. We received our Charter in October of that year, with 29 names signed on it. Only two of that number are still members. They are Clarence Arnold and Clarence Wetzel.

In October 1937 we purchased the building which is still our Den. One room is equipped and used for a public library. The rest of the downstairs is the club room and kitchen. It is available to any organization for a meeting place. The nearest to a community building that Murray has had. If the Lions hadn't bought the building, plans were underway to tear it down.

One of our main projects is aid to the blind. We have made large donations to organizations for the blind, have furnished white canes for several and bought many pairs of glasses for local folks who needed them, One member

Lions Club Meeting 1968

donated a dog to the trained as a seeing eye dog.

At Christmas, we fill baskets which we deliver personally to shut-ins and lonely folks. We have, for use in the community, hospital beds, wheel chairs and walkers for folks who need them.

To raise funds for these projects we have presented plays, played girls basketball, raised a crop of corn, and the Jamboree where we operate a refreshment stand. We operated for several years in a tent, then with help from the town we built the shelter which we now have.

During the years we have sponsored nine other clubs which, with one exception, are still going strong.

This year we are working in cooperation with all other organizations of the community, planning for a big CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION to be held this summer.



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Last revised September 27, 2013