Martindale - Ward

Mason & Mary Martindale came here from Lawerence County, New York in 1868 with four of seven sons, William, Henry, Horton & Linden. Horton came ahead and built a home where the Methodist Church now stands. He also built the house where Larry Lamb now resides in north Marray, for he and his wife, Jane Clarke. To this union were born six children; Ella Dewey, Hershey Kadle, Eb, May Lee Valentine, Ralph and Gertrude. Linden taking stock back to New York is thought to have met with foul play and was never heard of again. Henry was first teacher with school held in warehouse at Depot location and later in Baptist Church.

July 4th, 1870, William married Eliza Anne Ward, daughter of Martha and Riley Rensaler Ward who came here from Cataragus County, New York to Kellog, Iowa, and later to a farm northeast of Murray. William worked on railroad and they resided at Winterset for a short time. He then established a grocery store in time. He then established a grocery store on 5th street facing the railroad approximately where Maffetts Cafe now stands, and had living quarters overhead. Here two daughters, Martha Ella (known as Mattie) and Flo Bell were born. Later in 1880, he moved into the store where Wiley Clavers pump shop used to be and is now Kluhts Garage, and built living quarters behind. Here a third daughter, Arda Izelle, was born. She was united in marriage to Aaron Miller March 17, 1914. To this union six children

were born. William and family resided for a short time with their Grandmother Mason (Methodist Church location) and the now Jerry Kleinbeck residence until the living quarters from the store could be moved and built on making them a home on McClelland St. the present Davies residence which later became Arda and Aaron's home and was remodeled. Here William passed away and the family home became the present Harold Hindes property principally as now stands. The family will be remembered for a life of unselfish devotion as members of the Baptist Church throughout their lives and were instrumental in raising funds for a new building. Mattie, after graduating in 1892, went to work in the Murray Bank of Simmons & Co. located west of the lumber yard. She and Flo retained the same position in the Murray State Bank later located in the building occupied by the Post Office. Mattie was compelled to retire on account of illness in 1923, and was later employed in the Post Office. Her life and that of her sister is unique in that they were never separated, having shared the same home life until Mattie's death March 24, 1961. Flo at present time has become nearly blind with glocoma and resides in her home on 4th St. in East Murray. Arda and Aaron's present residence is at the parental Miller home at 130 McClelland in southeast Murray.





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Last revised October 9, 2013