C. W. Hendrick Family

In the year of 1902 C. W. Hendrick moved his family from Union Co. Lorimor, Iowa, to Murray, a distance of 10 miles to work for the Clarinda Pro. Co.

The family consisted of his wife and 2 children: Leo Bryce, age 3, and Essie, age 1.

They were in this location on 6th St. just west of the City Hall until 1908 when a partnership was formed with W. H. Riggle and they bought the building from Mrs. Phil Shaefer on Maple Ave. between 6th and 7th St. on the east side of the street by the old school. This business was known for the next 38 years as the Murray Pro. Co. They bought and sold poultry, eggs, hides and seed. They made their own egg cases and shipped their poultry live by car loads to New York, They also had a poultry dressing business and packed their dressed poultry in barrels for the New York market. Having 7 employees at that time.

They sold out in 1946 to Edwin Allen and retired.

In April 1911. C. W. Hendrick bought the


lots on the corner of 8th and Maple from A. J. Ronk est. This place was laid out in 1868 by H. C. Sigler and S. H. Mallorey and sold in August of 1882 to C. E. Hermance who had a blacksmith shop or iron works in the back of the lot,

The present house was built in 1916 one of the first modern house in town.

C. W. Hendrick lived here until his death in 1959, his wife having died in 1939. His daughter still lives in the place as she and her family moved in with her father after the death of her mother.

Both children graduated from the Murray High School as well as 1 grandchild.

The son died in 1955 and his wife in 1966. They left 2 children, Kenneth of Overland Park, Kansas, and Alice Elaine Hartmann of Sacramento, California.

The daughter's husband, Vernon A. Shaffer, died in 1965 and one son, Rex, lives with his family in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Admin note: There were no pages 79-99

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Last revised September 30, 2013