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pg. 40

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IN all receipts [?sic recipes] in this book calling for baking powder use "Royal." Better and finer food will be the result, and you will safeguard it against alum.

In receipts [?sic recipes] calling for one teaspoonful of soda and two of cream of tartar, use two spoonfuls of Royal, and leave the cream of tartar and soda out. You get the better food and save much trouble and guess work.

Look out for alum baking powders. Do not permit them to come into your house under any consideration. They add an injurious substance to your food, destroying in part its digestibility. All doctors will tell you this, and it is unquestionable. The use of alum in whiskey is absolutely prohibited; why not equally protect the food of our women and children?

Alum baking powders may be known by their price. Baking powders at a cent an ounce or ten or twenty-five cents a pound are made from alum. Avoid them. Use no baking powder unless the label shows it is made from cream of tartar.

Transcribed by Cheryl Siebrass, November, 2017 from The Browning Club Cook Book, pp. 40.


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