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Confirmations in Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
in Atlantic 1876-1934

A (Adult)
Transcribed from "120th Anniversary Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church - LCMS 1877-1997"
Statistical Summary of Official Acts of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Compiled by Zion History Book Committee, 1997

Heinrich Carl Ludwig Dittmann
Albert Ferdinand Theodor Knop
Fredrich Julius Ludwig Grulke
Hermine Caroline Theresa Knop
Mathilde Theresia Charlotte Knop
Bertha Caroline Louise Harder
Albertine Wilhelmine Henriette Baller
Bertha Louise Auguste Wappenschnur
Emma Ernstine Caroline Poch

Julius Heinrich Franz Knop
Friedrich Hermann Heinrich Harder
Hermann Porsch
Carl Joachim Heinrich Lewerenz
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Baller
Alwine Johanne Louise Nagel
Emilie Wilhelmine Caroline Baller
Meine Louise Emilie Poch

Amalia Maria Goeken

Franz Herman Schmeck
Friedrich Reinhard Ferdinand Muenchow
Friedrich Wilhelm Kraft
Johann Heinrich Franz Knop
Gustav Albert Jacob Knop
Adolf Friedrich Dreger
Sophie Christine Peters
Friedericke Wilhelmina Louisa Harder
Ada Wilhelmina Dorothea Bunge
Maria Wilhelmina Schmeck
Ida Carolina Franziska Baller

August Wilhelm Franz Kollatz
Franz Joseph Louis Grulke
Hermine Dorothea Bossen
Bertha Magdalena Elizabeth Strittmatter
Caroline Christine Mandelkow

Joachim Theodor Martens
Conrad Wilhelm Guttenfelder
Jens Claudius Lebeck
Bernhard Albert Wilhelm Knop
Wilhelm Christian Hoehnke
Wilhelm Heinrich August Guske
Carl Ludwig Otto Knop
Anna Margaretha Walter
Anna Knop
Emma Dorothea Peters
Maria Carolina Theresa Grulke
Hedwig Christina Louisa Knop

Maria Elizabeth Walter
Ida Francisca Pauline Collatz
Auguste Dorothea Walter
Pauline Pross

Names of Confirmands from
1889-1904 were not recorded.

Carl Robert Friedrich Hartkopf
Heinrich Wilhelm Franz Knop
Wilhelmine Anna Lydia Collatz
Grace Dolly Draeger
Wilhelmine Christine Draeger
Maria Bertha Knop
Wilhelmine Auguste Mathilde Knop
Louise Alwine Pross
Rosa Caroline Scurlock

Joseph Albert Baller
Lorenz Albert Hermann
Walther Frierich Wilhelm Knop
Paul Christian Otto
Harry Franz Scherdin
Clara Christine Draeger
Anna Henriette Hansen
Flora Auguste Hemann
Frieda Bertha Henriette Knop
Maria Jacobine Ortgies
Therese Adele Schoenbohm

Johann Franz Emil Knop
Anton Heinrich Ortgies
Alwine Emma Draeger
Elizabeth Ann Draeger
Mathilde Maria Hansen
Sophia Emma Ida Knop

Karl Johann Baller
Walther Wilhelm August Draeger
Georg Friedrich Hansen
Paul Christian Wiechmann
Franz Friedrich Friedrich Niles
Robert Draeger
Oscar Albert Heinrich Ratzlaff
Christine Johanna Henrietta Knop
Lydia Bertha Francisca Lutz
Sohia Martha Draeger
Amanda Amelia Claussen
Anna Ida Baller

Fritz Laartz

Oscar Albin Otto
Wilhelm Johann Pross
Wilhelm Christian Neils
Oscar Arthur Knop
Leo Friedrich Ferdinand Draeger
Edwin George Miller
Martha Maria Augusta Knop
Alice Della Scherdin Strittmatter
Mary Dora Sylphia Martin

Cecilia Peterson

Marie (Willms) Knop (A)
Dora (Walter) Zellmer (A)
Fred Peter Asmus
Clarence Wilhelm Baller
Paul Fred Dreager
Theodore August Dreager
John Louis Hansen
Mary Bertha Hapke
George Reinhardt Knop
Martin Richard Knop
Reinhard Ernst Knop
Oscar August Niles
Lillian Frances Pross
Thomas Hans Petersen
Rosa Mary Westphalen

Mrs. Cora Dineen (A)

Benjamin Oscar Baller
Emma Helene Dreager
Helena Bertha Marie Dreager
Otto Christian Bernhard Dreager
Sophia Augusta Collatz
Albert Francis Hapke
John Henry Knop
Paul Walther Lindemayer
Louise Henrietta Suhrbier

Leona (Remain) Otto (A)
Edith (Welton) Bannick (A)
Verna (Pierson) Hemann (A)
Marie (Swart) Ratzlaff (A)
Glen W. Moreland (A)

Mildred Bannick
Ben Collatz
George Collatz
Oscar Collatz
Carl Hansen
Paul V. Pross
Leo W. Pross
Mary Pross
Frances (Mrs. John) Pross (A)
Cordia (Mrs. Walter) Knop (A)
Martha M. Niles
Louise Niles
Lydia Knop
Henry Westphalen
Oscar Zellmer (from Walnut)
Theohil Borngraber
Louise Borngraber
Alwina Borngraber

Albert William Bees
Carl John Bees
Mabel Maria Broderius (A)
Ruby Henrietta Gerhardt
Mabel Emma Anna Hapke
Charley Oeter Henningsen
Louis Claus Henningsen
Louis Harold Kuehl
William Claus Kuehl (A)
Pauline Gertrude Pross
Agnes Irene Zellmer

Velma Augusta Bees
Edna Christine Gerhardt
Irene Aurelia Gerhardt
Arthur Frederic Muschall
Harry Robert Niles
Joseph Edward Pross
Harold Carl Zellmer

Lloyd Max Baller
Lydia Marie Baller
Blanche Cecilia Gerhardt
Raymond Hermann Hapke
Dorothy Emmaline Moreland
Mildred Evelyn Moreland
Lydia Lucille Niles
Leona Catherine Petersen
Esther Lydia Pieken
Minnie Mildred Pross
Glenn Byron Strittmatter
Gertrude Eveline Tibben
Alma Margaret Sieffken
Clarence Paul Zellmer
Mildred Marie Zellmer

Erma Paulsen (A)
Mrs. Albert Bees (A)
Mrs. George Knop (A)
Mrs. Henry Knop (A)
Mrs. Oscar Knop (A)
Fedor Petersen (A)
C.E. Erickson (A)
Cecil Breece (A)
Roy Bierbaum (A)
Henry Pieken (A)
John Pieken (A)
Arcine Nolte (A)
J.E. Jones (A)
Paul Gerhardt
Gerhardt Knop
Carl Muschall
Leona Knop
Nellie Kloppenburg
Ruth Tibben
Beatrice Pieken
Viola Knop

Fred Scheef (A)
Mrs. Harry Niles (A)
Raymond Lund (A)
Mrs. R.E. Knop (A)
Arthur Hoehne
John Hoehne
Maurice Strittmatter
Harold Hartkopf
John Hoepner

Florence Hapke
Earl Gerhardt
Margaret Pross
Mabel Niles
Maxine Knop
Esther Seltz
Ernest Christensen (A)
Gerald Scheumaker (A)
Earl Stephenson (A)
Mrs. Carl Hansen (A)
Frederick Possehl (A)
Mrs. F. Possehl (A)
Loyal Possehl (A)

Frederick Gayheart Kloppenburg
Eleanor Collier Knop
Mabel Marie Krause
James Matthew Pross
Wilbert Hubert Roeske
Paul Gerhard Sandhorst
Genevieve Lucille Walter
Velma Johanna Gesine Plautz

Helen Florence Krause
Lois Elfrieda Knop
Frank Arthur Pross
Dorothy Irene Kloppenburg
Beulah Esther Anna Petersen
Harry Kenneth Pieken
Dema Dulcine Berry
Ruby Marie Kloppenburg
Irene Minnie Lund
Ivan Walter Brix
Wilbur Herman Knop
Robert Edward Alff
Elfieda Mae Skaggs
Ruth Eleanor Seltz
Alice Katherine Walter
Ross Ackermann (A)
Emil Greve (A)
John Gunderson (A)
Mrs. John Gunderson (A)
Boyd Phillips (A)
Mrs. Lena Anderson (A)
Mrs. Olive Wohlhutter (A)
Mrs. Myrtle Evelyn Pross (A)

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