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1884 Biographies


Red Rose Divider Bar

Dr. F. Reber, the German physician and surgeon, of Atlantic, Iowa, was born in Berne, Switzerland, in 1850, his father being Werick Reber, a farmer and exporter of cheese, and his mother being Anna Neenenschwinder. They were the parents of nine children, eight of whom are still living. The doctor was partly educated in Berne. When twenty-two years of age, he went to France, where he received a collegiate education, thus having two diplomas, one from Berne and one from Paris. On the 10th day of June, 1881, he landed in New York City, where he read medicine a short time, and began practice in a town on the Hudson River. From there he went to Maryland, where he remained for several months practicing, and then going to Chicago. In 1883 he came to Atlantic, Iowa, and embarked in the drug business and practice of his profession, and has built up a large and extensive practice in Atlantic and all over the county. Although he has been in the county a comparatively short time, he has given over 3,500 prescriptions. He was married in Chicago, in November, 1882, to Miss Lillie Bugge.

Contributed by Lisa Varnes-Rex from "History of Cass County, Iowa. Together With Sketches of its Towns, Villages and Townships, Educational, Civil, Military and Political History: Portraits of Prominent Persons, and Biographies of Old Settlers and Representative Citizens." Springfield, Ill.: Continental Historical Company, 1884, pp. 402-403.

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