Manual Training
The old method of education was to cram as many ideas as possible into the head. The memory nwas supposed to retain these ideas for further use. But this system has been superseded by one which places the emphasis upon development, rather upon memorizing. Development comes through expression.
Manual Training combines hand and head training and is an essential part of a good education whether that education is restricted to the work offered in the public schools or carried to the highest discipliner of technical schools. It enables the whole bodily organization to develop as a unit. It teaches accuracy, ambition, and self-reliance to the pupil.
Every boy in the high school should be required tom take some branch of vocational training. Every boy enjoys Manual Training, perhaps, because it offers a response to that which scientists call the "constructive Instinct." This year a number of fine pieces of furniture have gone out of the shop, and it is to be hoped that Storm Lake High will continue to have excellent work done in Manual Training.
[The students in this photo were not identified. If anyone knows any of their names, please contact me, the County Coordinator].