Buena Vista County, IA |
Look Up Volunteers
A group of lookup volunteers are listed on this page to help provide you with basic information about one of your ancestors. Help them by being very SPECIFIC in your request, and by limiting the request to one or two ancestors. Since they do lookups for many different books please be sure to GIVE THEM THE TITLE OF THE BOOK OR INDEX you would like searched. |
Attention: Buena Vista County Lookup Volunteers are Needed!
If you own or have access to genealogical material, please consider joining in our volunteer-driven project. Volunteers are not asked to do extensive research, but simply to provide basic information via e-mail about an individual ancestor query. If you are willing to do Reference Lookups, please Volunteer by sending a message to the County Coordinator. |
Reference Book/Database
Buena Vista's Part in WW I by Tom Eilers, Storm Lake, 1920. Contact Alice Longhorn
1860, 1870,1880, 1900, 1910 or 1920 Census of Buena Vista County. Contact Kathryn Hall Allahyari.
1895 Buena Vista County "State." Contact: Kristen Watts.
Cemetery Records Hayes Twp. (Storm Lake Cemetery). Contact Kristen Watts.
Nain Danish Lutheran Church in Newell
(1883-1968 funerals, marriage, baptism and confirmation records) Please, specify which reference!! Contact Kristen Watts.
Buena Vista Co., IA. Death Records 1880-1897 Contact New York.
Buena Vista Co., IA. Death Records 1887-1937. Contact Kristen Watts.
Newspaper Index: Birth, Death & Marriages 1870-1879 Contact New York.
Buena Vista Co., Birth Registry 1880-1917. Contact Kristen Watts.WPA Records of Early Marriages in BV County. Contact Kristen Watts.
GAR Records for E. D. Baker Post 80 of Storm Lake. Contact Kristen Watts.
Probate Packets. Contact Kristen Watts.
Directories or Books
Buena Vista County History 1858-1983 (Published in 1983). Contact Kristen Watts.
1963 Gazetteer of Buena Vista County (farm occupants and families). Contact Kristen Watts.
1909 "Past and Present of BV County" (Before contacting Kristen, please look at the index for your family member first). Contact Kristen Watts.Albert City Centennial Genealogy Book. This includes the history and genealogy of Albert City plus the Cemetery Records thru 1999 of the Fairfield and Old Buck Cemeteries. Contact Wendy Pearson.
Centennial Books: Alta, Linn Grove Story, Albert City, Sioux Rapids, Sioux Rapids 125th, Rembrandt 75th Contact Kristen Watts.
Newspaper Obits or Local Courts
I can also look for obits in the local newspapers, and can do research at the local courthouse for vital records. Contact Kristen Watts.
Page Last Updated 09/21/2017 00:19:05VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!!
If you own or have access to any Buena Vista County reference books (such as census, cemetery, marriage, newspaper abstracts, etc.) and would be willing to do lookups for other researchers, please contact the County Coordinator.