Buena Vista County, IA
IAGenWeb Project

Births 1880 & 1881
Storm Lake Pilot, Storm Lake, Iowa

Transcribed and contributed by Sheryl Ferrell


John James and wife, son, October 10, 1880.

Henry A. Vogel and wife, son, October 11, 1880.

Daniel Stroll and wife, son, October 5, 1880.

James McKenna and wife, daughter, July 3, 1880.

William B. Phillips and wife, daughter, September 29, 1880.

Julius Jones and wife, son, September 12, 1880.

E. C. Hill and wife, son, July 18, 1880.

J. W. Gilbert and wife, son, September 24, 1880.

Mr. and Mrs. Applebee, daughter, Aug. 25, 1880.

Thomas H. Bate and wife, son, October 16, 1880.

Ole Dahl and wife, son, August 19, 1880.

M. M. Robinson and wife, son, October 22, 1880.

M.D. Boyce and wife, son, October 13, 1880.

J. A. P. Harlan and wife, daughter, Oct. 6, 1880.

F. E. Springer and wife, son, July 13, 1880.

John Hodson and wife, daughter, Aug. 1, 1880.

George Rawson and wife, daughter, July 24, 1880.

Sever E. Horde and wife, daughter, Oct. 13, 1880.

J. F. Maw and wife, daughter, October 28, 1880.

Sever A. Knudtson and wife, daughter, October 19, 1880.

Tollok Tollakson and wife, twin girls, October 30, 1880.

Chas. E. Neil and wife, son, August 10, 1880.

Scott T. Porter and wife, daughter, April 3, 1880.

Stephen Clark and wife, daughter, November 9, 1880.

E.C. Cowles and wife, daughter, November 15, 1880.

G.W. Brown and wife, daughter, November 17, 1880.

W. H. Greenleaf and wife, daughter, October 17, 1880.

J.C. Robison and wife, daughter, August 1, 1880.

Rufus A. Nelson, daughter, November 24, 1880.

W.F. Van Cleaves and wife, son, November 12, 1880.

H. D. Barber and wife, son, December 15, 1880.

H. T. Saberson and wife, daughter, Dec. 22, 1880.

John Bramer and wife, daughter, Dec 16, 1880.

C. Johnson and wife, daughter, March 26, 1880.

S. D. Driver and wife, twin girls, April 9, 1880.

E.W. Stetson and wife, son, April 25, 1880.

Oscar Harris and wife, son, April 24, 1880.

W. Carter and wife, daughter, April 29, 1880.

John T. Newton and wife, daughter,, May 22, 1880.

Chas. Carney and wife, son, May 14, 1880.

S. B. Miller and wife, son, September 6, 1880.

James McKenzie and wife, daughter, September 17, 1880.

Edwin Galusha and wife, daughter, October 14, 1880.

E. T. W. Porath and wife, son, November 8, 1880.

W.F. Okey and wife, son, December 4, 1880.

F. M. Williams and wife, daughter, December 31, 1880.

John Skeels and wife, son, December 21, 1880.

Samuel R. Haines and wife, daughter, September 11, 1880.

W. A. Wilson and wife, daughter, December 24, 1880.

John Berger and wife, daughter, November 30, 1880.

James Williams and wife, son, November 29, 1880.

William Miller and wife, daughter, Nov. 24, 1880.

Aug. Weise and wife, son, November 28, 1880.


W. H. Bastedo and wife, son, January 6, 1881.

Alfred Tone and wife, daughter, January 10, 1881.

Contributed By: S. Ferrall ferrall@mtaonline.net

© 2000, S. L. Ferrall

This file has been transcribed from the Storm Lake Pilot, Wednesday, January 26, 1881; Vol. 11, No. 16.

The following births were reported at the office of the Clerk during the month of January, A.D. 1881:

Page Last Updated 09/02/2017 03:33:29