VanVeldhuizen, Henry John (Mrs.), 1877-1922
Posted By: Lydia Lucas - Volunteer (email)
Date: 1/18/2017 at 20:47:41
From the Alton Democrat, January 14, 1922: Boyden news:
Mrs. Veldhuizen Passes On
Mrs. H. J. Veldhuizen passed away at her home north of Boyden on Monday. She had been in poor health for several years and had been gradually growing more helpless. Pneumonia was contracted and her condition was too weak to withstand the ordeal. She leaves a husband and several children to mourn her loss. Funeral services were held in the First Reformed church on Wednesday afternoon, with Rev. Lumkes in charge. Interment was made in the Boyden cemetery.
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From the Boyden Reporter, January 19, 1922:
Mrs. H. J. VeldhuizenMrs. H. J. Veldhuizen was born in the Netherlands, on March 28, 1877, and passed away at her home north of Boyden, on Monday morning Jan. 9th, at 10:30 o'clock. She was nearly 45 years of age. The cause of her death was a severe attack of pneumonia. Funeral services were held on last Wednesday afternoon at the Dutch Reformed church at 1:00 p.m., J. M. Lumkes officiating. Interment was made in the Boyden cemetery.
Deceased came to this country with her parents when but 6 years of age. In the year of 1899, in Sioux county, she was united in marriage to Henry John Veldhuizen, and to this union seven children were born, two boys and five girls. They are Elizabeth, Jeanette, Jacob, Henrietta, Francis, Minnie and Henry. She is survived by her husband and the children, all of them being at home. Mrs. Veldhuizen was a member of the Dutch Reformed church at Boyden and was a woman of Christian character. She was a devoted wife and mother and will be greatly missed by the family.
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From the Boyden Reporter, January 19, 1922:
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Heemstra were at Boyden a few days last week to visit their sister, Mrs. H. Van Veldhuizen, who was seriously ill and died Monday morning. Mrs. Van Veldhuizen, nee Top, had been an invalid for several years and died following an illness with pneumonia. She was 44 years and 9 months old and leaves her husband with seven children and other relatives to mourn her death. The funeral was held Wednesday with services at the First Reformed church. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Heemstra and Mr. and Mrs. W. Van Veldhuizen from here attended the funeral.--Tribune. [Hospers Tribune?]
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The Sioux County Cemetery Index has Van Veldhuizen, H. J. Mrs., b. 1877 d. 1922, Sheridan Twp Cem Boyden IA.
The 1920 U.S. census for Sheridan Township, Sioux County, has what appears to be this family: Henry Veld Huizen (41), born Netherlands, immigrated 1893 and naturalized 1900, a farmer; wife Mary (38); children Elizabeth (16), Janett (14), Jake (14), Henrietta (12), Francis (son, 10), Anna (8), and Mildred (6). However, Henry John Van Veldhuizen's obituary (posted separately) gives his wife as Jennie Top.
A search through Sheridan Township and Boyden in the 1910 census did not locate the family.
Sioux Obituaries maintained by Linda Ziemann.
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