Clark, James H. E. (1850-1893)
Posted By: Karon Velau (email)
Date: 9/16/2019 at 15:57:08
James H. E. Clark
Dec 9, 1850 - Jan 22, 1893(From the 1891 Biographical History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, p.391)
J.H.E. CLARK, general manager of the Caroon Coal Company of Council Bluffs, has had his present situation since the organization of the company in 1889. The senior member of the firm is George W. Wright. The office is at 10 Pearl Street. They do jobbing both in wholesale and retail, in both wood and coal and have an annual business of $35,000. Mr. CLARK is a native of Erie County, Pennsylvania, born in December, 1850, the son of Joel and Lucinda B. (BLISS) CLARK, of Puritan origin, he being the representative of the family in this part of the country. He was brought up as a tanner and currier, his father being the same; was educated in public schools and commenced to do for himself while in his youth, and has been doing the same ever since his twelfth year. Being a natural trader, he was usually successful. He remained in his native State until the fall of 1880, engaged in the fruit business, handling a vast amount of fruits and vegetables. His first venture in the line was instigated by being in Philadelphia and, seeing the vast amount of vegetables, especially cucumbers, that were being shipped at such cheap prices, he concluded at once that he could make a profitable investment by taking some of the articles to Erie, where he resided. Accordingly he had three barrels shipped to Erie, which he disposed of at retail, clearing $18.00 per barrel. This encouraged him to go on and he therefore gradually increased his stock in various articles until he did a thriving business. He was the first to sip the Jersey watermelon into Erie. He remained in that town until he came west.In 1880 he went to Kansas, where he remained some time, thence to Southern California, and traveled about for six or seven years, when he returned to Kansas; and in the fall of 1888 he came to Council Bluffs, where he engaged in various speculations. In May, 1889, he entered his present business, which he now conducts, and devotes his entire attention to the same. He has always took an active part in the political work while in Erie; was chairman of Third Ward Republican Committee for some time, and was very active in the cause of his party. He still zealously adheres to Republican principles. He is a member of Tyrian Lodge No. 740, I.O.O.F. And also a charter member of Erie Lodge NO. 44 A.O.E.W., having passed the chairs o the same. He was married June 28, 1877 to Miss Adda W. WOODWORTH, daughter of William and Caroline (JEWELL) WOODWORTH, of Rushford, Allegany County, New York, of Puritan origin. The father was captain in the War of the Rebellion and was wounded at the battle of Fair Oaks, which resulted in his death. They have only one child, Gracie, and are associated with the Methodist Episcopal Church.
After having removed with his parent to Erie, Mr. Clark learned the machinists' trade, at which business worked some eight years. He is a self-made man, having taken care of himself from early childhood. His parents are both living in the city of Erie, father aged eighty years and mother aged seventy-eight. He followed the tanning and currier's business for thirty-five years and the latter part of his life he has retired form active pursuits. They had seven sons and two daughters, viz.: Charles, a resident of Detroit; George, a resident of River Forest, a suburb of Chicago; Richard, a resident of Chicago; James H.E. our subject; Morris, deceased; Joel, a resident of Cleveland, Ohio; Joseph, a resident of Maywood, a suburb of Chicago; Marania, widow of S. L. GILLSON, a resident of Erie, Pennsylvania, and Emma, wife of A. L. BACKUS, a resident of Erie, Pennsylvania. The family are associated with the Methodist Episcopal Church. On the 20th of last August, 1890, the parents had been married fifty years.
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