Carley, Ernest B. (1855-1933)
Posted By: Karon Velau (email)
Date: 9/16/2019 at 15:37:54
Ernest Brown Carley
Nov 4, 1855 - Jan 9, 1933(From the 1891 Biographical History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, p.591)
E. B. CARLEY, section 14, Silver Creek Township, is another one of the enterprising and well known citizens, who is worthy of mention in this work. He came here in February 1882, and has since been identified with the best interests of this community. He was born near Plymouth, Ohio, November 4, 1855. His father, Albert A. CARLEY, a native of Vermont, was a son of James CARLEY, who was of English ancestry. Albert A. CARLEY, one of the brave soldiers of the late war, served as Captain of the 73rd Indiana Regiment, and, after four years service, died February 22, 1865. He had been captured and confined as a prisoner in the Andersonville and Libby prisons for eighteen months and died while trying to escape. He was married in Sandusky, Ohio, to Miss Rosanna BROWN. She died, leaving three children, when the subject of this sketch was four years old.
Mr. CARLEY, having been left an orphan before he was ten years of age, was reared by Harry KIMBALL, his great uncle, of Indiana. He was educated in the common schools and lived on a farm in Porter County, Indiana, until he reached his majority. At that time, he came to Mills County, Iowa. In 1882, as already stated at the beginning of this article, he came to Pottawattamie County and bought wild land upon which he now resides. He erected a good frame house on a desirable building site, planted a grove and orchard of three acres, build a barn 30 X 40 X 14 feet, put up a windmill and made many other improvements.
October 23, 1881, in Mills County, Iowa, Mr. CARLEY was married to Miss Olive A. SMITH, who was born in La Porte County, Indiana, daughter of James F. and Sarah J. SMITH, a sketch of whom appears on another page of this book. Mr. And Mrs. CARLEY have five children, viz.: James Harry, Fred S., Arthur L., Carrie J. and Flora C. Mr. CARLEY is a leading Democrat in Silver Creek Township. He is the present Justice of the Peace and dispenses justice in an impartial manner to all who are called before his court. Although but a young man, he has gained a position of responsibility among his fellow citizens.
Pottawattamie Biographies maintained by Karyn Techau.
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