Parker, David K. (1844-1923)
Posted By: Karon Velau (email)
Date: 9/16/2019 at 13:17:29
David K. Parker
Oct 7, 1844 - Dec 30, 1923(From the 1891 Biographical History of the Pottawattamie County, Iowa, p.441)
D. K. PARKER is one of the prominent citizens and successful stockmen of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, where he has lived since 1869, and where he has been an important factor for good in the community. Mr. PARKER was born in Clark County, Ohio, October 7, 1844. His father, Emery PARKER, was born in New York state, the son of David PARKER; and his mother, whose maiden name was Delopha BAILEY, was born in New Hampshire. The Baileys were an old New England family. Mr. And Mrs. PARKER were married in Clark County, Ohio, and when D.K. was four years old, the family moved to Putnam County, Illinois. Some time later, they located in Henry County, same state, where the father died at the age of sixty-three years and the mother at the age of sixty-four. Mr. PARKER was in the boot and shoe business until the latter part of his life; then he was on the farm until death. His vote and influence were cast with the Democratic Party. Of the seven children born to this worthy couple, the subject of our sketch was the fourth. He was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools.Mr. PARKER was engaged in agricultural pursuits in Illinois until 1869. In that year, he came to Pottawattamie County, Iowa, and bought land in section 25, Waveland Township. After making some improvements on it, he sold the property and bought 160 acres where he now lives, in section 16. The soil had been broken, but there were no buildings on the land. Mr. PARKER has improved this farm, and has added to it by other purchases until he is now the owner of 400 acres of as rich land as can be found in Iowa. His first house was a small frame one, 16 X 20 feet. This with other additions was burned down in 1886 and the next year was replaced by a more modern home. This is one of the best farm residences in the eastern part of the county, is built on a rock foundation, has bay window and porches, and was erected at a cost of $2,000. It is beautifully located and the lawn which surrounds it is dotted over with flowering shrubs and ornamental trees. Mr. PARKER has a grove and orchard of four acres. His barn is 36 X 50 feet and his other improvements, windmill, sheds for stock, fences, etc. are all of a substantial character.
In Henry County, Illinois, May 4, 1869, Mr. PARKER married Miss Lucretia BOLLEN, who has since been the sharer of his joys and sorrows. She was born in Henry County, Illinois, April 20, 1849, daughter of John and Permelia BOLLEN. Mr. And Mrs. PARKER have four children: Alfred L., Ethel Pearl, Lewis Elmer, and Coral Evelyn. They lost one child, Effie Permelia, who died at the age of thirteen months. Mr. PARKER is a Republican, has served as Township Trustee and as Treasurer of the School Board for twelve years. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Cass Lodge, No. 412. He is well posted on the general topics of the day, is broad and progressive in his views, and is a friend to both education and religion. He is a member of the Church of Christ of Waveland Township, to which he gives his liberal and earnest support.
Pottawattamie Biographies maintained by Karyn Techau.
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