Nixon, William
Posted By: Karon Velau (email)
Date: 9/16/2019 at 11:29:34
William Nixon
(From the 1891 Biographical History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, p.289)
WILLIAM NIXON, deceased, late proprietor of the Nixon farm of Pottawattamie Co, was born in Fayette Co, Pennsylvania, October 20, 1802, and died in Pottawattamie Co at the residence of his son David, in Hazel Dell Township, February 3, 1885. He was the son of Moses and Jane (WINN) NIXON, who were among the old families of Pennsylvania. He was reared to the vocation of a miller, which business he followed for a number of years, but previous to leaving Pennsylvania he engaged in farming, which he followed the remainder of his days. He was married March 8, 1824, to Eliza COLLINS, who was born in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, March 2, 1807, and died May 20, 1878. She was the daughter of Joseph and Margaret (ALLEN) COLLNS, the former of Irish and the latter of English extraction; the mother was the daughter of Colonel Ethan ALLEN. Mr. and Mrs. NIXON were the parents of nine children, viz.: Margaret, who died July 1, 1828; Joseph, who died October 2, 1828; Mary, wife of Joseph MEGINESS residing in Nebraska; John, who died in prison during the War of the Rebellion; he was in Company A, 29th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and died April 29, 1864; Hannah, widow of Benjamin MEGINESS residing in Hazel Dell Township, he also was in Company A, 29th Iowa Volunteer Infantry and served two years; Moses, deceased, who served in the same Company and lost an arm at the battle of Helena, Arkansas, he served about one year and died November 25, 1883; Frances who died August 23, 1883, wife of Caleb KIMBALL; Sarah, wife of W.H. MEGINESS, residing in California, he served in Company A, 29th Iowa Volunteer Infantry for three years and was discharged as Orderly Sargeant; and David, the subject of this sketch and the youngest child.In 1853, William NIXON removed with his family to Pottawattamie Co locating for a few days near Council Bluffs, at what was then known as Kanesville. They had started for California but concluded to remain in this county. His first permanent location in the county was on sections 33 and 34, of what is now Hazel Dell Township, where he secured 120 acres which was a claim purchased of a MR. SCOTT. This land contained a log cabin and a few acres broken, but naturally was an unimproved farm. Here he lived and reared his family until 1878, when he removed to his son David's, and where the mother died, and where the father spent his remaining days. He improved some 240 acres of land in the county, and assisted largely in its development, encountering the many hardships of pioneer life. He was a stanch Republican. David NIXON, the youngest child, was born in Pennsylvania, June 22, 1848, and came to Pottawattamie Co with his parents where he has since made his home. He was reared to the life of a farmer and received his education in the subscription schools. He remained at home until he was 18 years of age, and was then married June 24, 1866, to Margaret J. WILLIAMS, who was born in South Wales, December 25, 1849. She was the daughter of Daniel and Margaret (EVANS) WILLIAMS, natives of South Wales, who came to Pennsylvania, where they spent a few years and then moved to Utah, remaining one winter, and then came to Pottawattamie Co, Iowa. MRS. NIXON was reared in Wales until she was six years of age, and then came to this country with her parents. They are the parents of four children, viz.: John, who was born June 4, 1867 and died August 3, 1867; Eliza J., born June 29, 1869 and was married February 6, 1887, to Alexander VALLIER and now resides in Hazel Dell Township; William, born October 3, 1871, is a graduate of book-keeping at the Pottawattamie Normal College; Ira, born March 29, 1874, is at home. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. NIXON located on their present farm, a tract of 80 acres of raw prairie. He first erected a stable in which they lived until they had completed their home, a neat frame residence 16 X 28 and 12 X 28 feet. Here they commenced life for themselves, after having spent some two years at the home of Mr. Nixon's parents. They have a beautiful home, surrounded by shade and ornamental trees and with good barns for stock and grain. He also has three acres of orchard. He now has in Pottawattamie Co 280 acres of well improved land, which he has brought to its present state of perfection through his own efforts mainly. He affiliates with the Republican party and takes a great interest in the welfare of his county, State and nation.
Pottawattamie Biographies maintained by Karyn Techau.
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